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elissa res

02.04.11 12:40
hatte diese aktie schon seit jahren im depot bei 5000 st und abgeschrieben ,hatte nicht mehr gehandelt und war nur noch parr cent wert, plötzlich gestern waren schlappe 1500 euro wert bei der aktie und nun will ich mehr informationen einhole über diese, das war auf jeden fall eine sehr,sehr positive überraschung, finde ich mehr schreibe ich sofort


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02.04.11 12:48
Marketwire Nachrichten · Archiv <zurück <· Druckversion
30.03.2011 14:02
Elissa Resources plant Zusätzliche Geophysical Survey auf seiner Thor Rare Earth Project, Nevada
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (MARKET WIRE) - 03/30/11 - Elissa Resources ("Elissa" oder das "Unternehmen") (TSX VENTURE: ELI) Nach dem erfolgreichen Ergebnisse aus einer Kreis-Skala detaillierte hochauflösende luftgestützte magnetische geophysikalische Untersuchung im November 2010, Elissa Resources ("Elissa") abgeschlossen gab heute bekannt, plant eine geophysikalische Boden Verhalten (magnetisch) Umfrage auf bestimmte Abschnitte zu 100% unternehmenseigenen Thor Seltenen Erden (REE)-Projekt im südlichen Nevada. Das Projekt liegt 26 km (16 Meilen) östlich der Mountain Pass REE Mine und Verarbeitungsanlage, die derzeit wieder von Molycorp Minerals eröffnet. Am Thor kehrte mehrere Proben während der umfassenden Explorationsprogramms im Jahr 2010 gesammelt Rare Earth Elements Analysen von anomalen auf 10,6% REE. Mapping und Mineralogie Studien zeigen, dass die VEP Mineralisierung bei Thor in großen diskrete Scherzonen als Phosphatmineralien signifikanter Mengen sehr knappe und wertvolle Heavy Rare Earth Elements (REI) auftritt. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu den benachbarten Mountain Pass Mine, wo der VEP innerhalb eines großen magmatischen Carbonat Körper auftreten als Karbonate enthält erhebliche Mengen an Licht Rare Earth Elements (LREE), sondern ein Mangel an HREE.

Elissa hat bedeutende Mineralisierung bei REE Thor identifiziert in neun weit getrennten Orten Aussicht in drei verschiedene Zonen Entdeckung genannt Lopez Trend, die Black Butte und dem NED Bereich. Ein vierter Bereich von Interesse ist die Santos Trend. Durchgeführte Arbeiten bis heute umfasst ein hochauflösendes Ultraleicht luftgestützte magnetische Untersuchung, Oberflächen-Mapping, umfangreiche Boden radiometrischen Untersuchungen, Satellitenbilder Studien Kanalabtastraten historischer übertägige und andere begrenzte Fläche Forderungen und detaillierte petrographische Studien. Die luftgestützte magnetische Untersuchung war nützlich bei der Unterstützung Abgrenzung der Trend Lopez und die Black Butte Gebiet, aber aufgrund unwegsamen Gelände Schwierigkeiten war nicht so wirksam bei der Verbesserung oder der Festlegung der NED Zielbereich.

Der Trend Lopez, ein weitgehend abgedeckt, 2,4-km langen strukturellen Zone von 50 bis 150 m breit, ist ein zwingender bohrbereite Zielbereich. Die Zone ist durch anomale Radioaktivität zeitweise und / oder VEP-tragenden Proben entlang ihrer Länge markiert. Elissa's 2010 Explorationsprogramme vermuten, dass die Lopez Trend kann durch die verdeckten Gebiete kontinuierlich. Später in diesem Jahr plant Elissa auf einem flachen Bohrprogramm auf der Lopez Trend Test abgeschlossen. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass die sub-parallel Santos Trend liegend in einem abgedeckten alluvialen Tal im Westen, eine zweite ähnliche, flach begraben mineralisierten Zone darstellen kann.

Bis heute hat Elissa 127 Total Gesteinsproben aus dem Thor-Projekt gesammelt, meist kontinuierlichen Kanal Proben über Breiten von einem bis zu mehreren Metern aus begrenzten Rock Exposition während des Projektgebiets übernommen. Mehr als die Hälfte dieser Proben (70 insgesamt) zurückgegeben Untersuchungen, die anomale (größer als 0,1%) bis sehr signifikant (mehr als 0,5%) beträgt der VEP, die verschiedene Ziele in jedem der separaten Projekts Entdeckung Zonen. Von diesen Proben, 22 Proben von 1,3% auf 10,6% (Durchschnitt 2,6%) insgesamt VEP, kehrte mit umso wertvoller HREE mit einem signifikanten Anteil (3 bis mehr als 9 Prozent, durchschnittlich 5,3 Prozent) des gesamten REE in den Proben enthaltenen .

Die vorgeschlagene detaillierte bodenmagnetischen Umfrage wird in erster Linie auf die NED Zielgebiet, 1,6 km östlich der nördlichen Ende der Lopez Trend. Proben in der NED im Jahr 2010 ergriffen wurden, um eine einzelne Ausläufer des Biotit-reichen, dunklen Lavagestein, dass 1,50% im Durchschnitt insgesamt VEP umfasst begrenzt. Petrographische Studien zeigen die ungewöhnlichen Gestein magmatischen Ursprungs ist und dass die REE-Mineralen treten als Einschlüsse im Biotit verbreitet. Anzeichen dafür, dass die Aufschluss kann die Oberfläche Ausdruck eines viel größeren magmatischen Körper verdeckt werden. Die magnetische Untersuchung wird dazu beitragen, die Begrenzungslinie des VEP-Lagerkörper. Das VEP-Mineralisierung, wie in der Trend-und Lopez Black Butte Gebiet, in desto wertvoller HREE angereichert ist.

Im dritten Quartal 2010 wurde das Projekt Thor getrennt durch zwei unabhängige, geachtet REE-Spezialisten Dr. James Clark, einem geologischen Berater mit umfassender Expertise im Hintergrund und REE Einlagen, und Dr. David Jessey, Professor an der California Polytechnic besucht, Wer ist sehr vertraut mit der Geologie und Mineralisierung REE der Mojave-Wüste Region. Die Schlussfolgerungen sind, dass die scheinbare Größe und Inhalt der Lopez Trend Entdeckung Zone kann in der Regel ähnlich wie in anderen REE Adersysteme, die derzeit attraktive, praktikable Explorationsziele umfassen.

Elissa Resources möchte auch zu berichten, dass vom 28. März 2011 ihre Aktien-Handel an der TSX-V unter dem Börsenkürzel ELI begonnen. Elissa Resources wurde aus dem erfolgreiches Jahr 2010 Prophecy Resource Corp / Red Hill Energy Fusion gebildet, wobei die Aktionäre von Red Hill Energy Aktien von Elissa Ressourcen, die an einem 1 für 4 Basis. (Siehe Prophecy Resource Corp / Red Hill Energy 7. April 2010 Nachrichten)

Eine tiefer gehende Analyse des Standes der Explorationsprogramme bei Thor einschließlich Angaben sowohl HREE & LREE Testergebnisse können in einer kürzlich abgeschlossenen NI 43-101 Technical Report auf www.sedar.com eingesehen werden, und in Elissa's 16. November 2010 Nachrichten Freisetzung bei www.elissaresources.com Verfügung.

Die technischen Informationen in dieser Pressemitteilung dargelegten wurde geprüft und genehmigt von Mel Klohn, P. Geo, ein Direktor von Elissa Resources Ltd und eine qualifizierte Person gemäß National Instrument 43-101.


Paul McKenzie, Präsident und CEO

Über Elissa Resources Ltd

Elissa Resources treibt seine 100% ige Thor leichten und schweren seltenen Erden Mineralien Eigentum in Nevada, 20 Meilen (32km) östlich von Molycorp Minerals Mountain Pass hinterlegen, Kalifornien. Zusätzlich Elissa hat eine Option auf eine 100% ige Beteiligung sowohl auf der Sage Creek und St. Elmo Goldprojekte in Nevada auch verdienen. Die Gesellschaft besitzt auch 100% im Besitz einer prospektiven Lithium Liegenschaft in Nevada.

Die Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung, ausgenommen rein historische Informationen und einschließlich Aussagen bezüglich der aktuellen und zukünftigen Pläne, Ziele oder erwarteten Ergebnisse, stellen zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen. Zukunftsbezogene Aussagen basieren auf zahlreichen Annahmen und unterliegen Risiken und Ungewissheiten in den Geschäftsbereich der Gesellschaft, einschließlich der Risiken in der Mineralexploration und Entwicklung sowie Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit zu erwartenden Rohstoffpreise für Mineralien, Wachstum der weltweiten Nachfrage, Exploration Eigenkapitalanforderungen, die Länge des Asset Leben und Verfügbarkeit von qualifiziertem Personal, unter anderem. Als Ergebnis können die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von jenen in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beschriebenen abweichen.

"Weder die TSX Venture Exchange noch ihr Regulation Services Provider (ein Begriff, wie in den Richtlinien der TSX Venture Exchange definiert ist) übernehmen die Verantwortung für die Angemessenheit oder Genauigkeit dieser Pressemitteilung."

Elissa Resources Ltd
Scott Parsons
604 669 8368 (Durchwahl 106)

Elissa Resources Ltd
Paul McKenzie
604 669 8368 (Durchwahl 107)

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02.04.11 13:41
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VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (MARKET WIRE) - 11/16/10 - Elissa Resources ("Elissa" oder das "Unternehmen") (ein Emittent) berichtet, dass umfangreiche Oberfläche Exploration auf ihre 100% ige Thor REE-Projekt (" Thor "oder das" Projekt ") hat mehrere stark anomalen REE (Rare Earth Elements) Lager Entdeckung Zonen, von denen alle groß genug und reich genug, um Ziele der signifikanten Explorations Interesse darstellen definiert sind. Assays von Proben aus jeder Zone zeigen, dass die VEP Mineralisierung ungewöhnlich ist in REI (Heavy VEP), die typischerweise seltener und viel wertvoller als die LREE (Light VEP) angereichert werden.

Der Thor REE-Projekt ist in der östlichen Region Mojave-Wüste, 119 km (74 Meilen) südlich von Las Vegas, Nevada und 32 km (20 Meilen) östlich von Molycorp's Mountain Pass REE Mine, Kalifornien. Das Projekt besteht von 198 nicht patentierten zusammenhängende Bergbau-Claims, in Höhe von rund 1.481 Hektar (3.660 Acres). Durchgeführte Arbeiten von Elissa bis heute zählt der Oberflächenschutz-Mapping, ein Stadtteil-Skala detaillierte hochauflösende luftgestützte magnetische geophysikalische Untersuchung, umfangreiche Boden radiometrischen Untersuchungen, Satellitenbilder Studien, petrographische Untersuchungen und Probenahmen Programme einschließlich Kanal Probenahme und die Entnahme von historischen übertägige dass sind Überreste eines 1950 Uran-Thorium-Prospektion eilen. Diese Arbeit identifiziert signifikante REE + / - Thorium-Mineralisierung in neun weit getrennten Orten Aussicht innerhalb von drei Zonen wie die Entdeckung Lopez Trend, die Black Butte und dem NED Bereich bekannt. Ein vierter Bereich von Interesse ist die Santos Trend.

Der Thor-Projekt tritt in präkambrischen Felsen etwas ähnlich denen im benachbarten Mountain Pass Mine, Standort der weltweit größten und reichsten REE Mine bis zum Abschluss in den 1990er Jahren. Der Eigentümer des Mountain Pass Mine, Molycorp (NYSE-MCP) ist in den Prozess der Wiedereröffnung der Mine durch das erneute Aufflammen der REE Preise. Elissa Arbeit zeigt, dass die VEP Mineralisierung bei Thor kann ganz anders sein als bei Mountain Pass, wo der VEP in einem magmatischen Carbonat Körper auftreten hauptsächlich als Carbonat-Mineral (bastnasite), die reich an LREE sondern enthält nur spärliche Mengen desto wertvoller REI. Bei Thor, der REE in strukturell kontrollierten Zonen bestehend aus Phosphat Mineralien (Monazit-Apatit-Xenotim), die ungewöhnlich in HREE angereichert auftreten.

Bis heute hat Elissa 127 Total Gesteinsproben aus dem Thor-Projekt gesammelt, meist kontinuierlichen Kanal Proben über Breiten von einem bis zu mehreren Metern aus begrenzten Rock Exposition während des Projektgebiets übernommen. Mehr als die Hälfte dieser Proben (70 insgesamt) zurückgegeben Untersuchungen, die anomale (größer als 0,1%) bis sehr signifikant (mehr als 0,5%) beträgt der VEP, mit mindestens 22 Proben Rückkehr Assays von 1,2% auf 10,6% (Durchschnitt 2,6% ) insgesamt VEP. Diese 22 höhergradigen Proben repräsentieren verschiedene Ziele in jedem der mehreren separaten Entdeckung Zonen. Bezeichnenderweise sind sie ungewöhnlich in HREE angereichert mit HREE mit 2,6% auf 9,3% des gesamten REE in den Proben vorhanden. Die folgende Tabelle (Tabelle A: media3.marketwire.com/docs/elis-tbl.pdf) fasst die REE-Assays dieser 22 Proben.

Hinweis: Die Testwerte in dieser Pressemitteilung erwähnt werden, sind von den VEP Metalle selbst, nicht REO (Seltenerdoxide). REO Werte sind 14 bis 27 Prozent größer als VEP (siehe Tabelle A: media3.marketwire.com/docs/elis-tbl.pdf). Die gesamte REE Werte hierin Yttrium (Y), die technisch gesehen kein VEP ist aber mit der REI, weil der chemischen und geochemischen Ähnlichkeiten eingestuft, aber da hat Yttrium-Wert und Fülle ähnlicher die LREE als der REI, wurde ausgeschlossen aus dem REI Inhalt hier berichteten.

Tabelle A (media3.marketwire.com/docs/elis-tbl.pdf) listet Einzelheiten der REE-Assays der 22 Thor Projekt Proben mit mehr als 1,0% Gesamt-VEP. Diese 22 Proben, die detaillierte Petrographie und Mineralogie Studien durchlaufen haben, stellen 17 Prozent der 127 gesammelten Gesteinsproben bis heute aus dem Projekt. Der Großteil der Proben aus der Lopez Trend. Nicht aufgeführt sind weitere 15 Proben, die mehr als 0,5% REE enthalten insgesamt und 22 andere, die mindestens 0,1% REE enthalten. Die Werte innerhalb des fetten Boxen in der Tabelle aufgeführt sind die Werte, wie aus dem Labor erhalten. Die REO (Rare Earth Oxide) Prozentangaben stellen Summen für die entsprechenden Oxide für jedes Element der Seltenen Erden berechnet.

Die Lopez Trend

Die wichtigste Entdeckung Zone identifiziert die bisher in der Thor-Projekt ist der Trend Lopez. Es besteht aus einem meist bedeckt, 2,5-km (1,2 Meile) lange strukturellen Zone, von 50 bis 150 m (230-500 m) breit, dass zeitweise durch anomale Radioaktivität und / oder REE + /-Th Lager Proben entlang ihrer Länge markiert. Ein Großteil der Trend wird durch alluviale Abdeckung verborgen, die effektiv Masken Grundgestein Radioaktivität von Thorium (Th), eine gemeinsame Mitarbeiter des VEP Mineralisierung. Probenahme bis heute wurde daher weitgehend auf Forderungen der alten Aussicht Gräben und Wirken weit verstreut entlang der Trend beschränkt. Elissa jüngsten hochauflösende luftgestützte magnetische Untersuchung, mit umfangreichen detaillierten Oberfläche radiometrischen kombiniert Traversen mit einem sensiblen, Mehrkanal-Spektral Szintillometer, zeigt der Trend kann durch die verdeckten Gebiete kontinuierlich, und diese Arbeit auch auf das Vorhandensein eines zweiten sub-parallel Trend (Santos Trend) in einem abgedeckten alluvialen Tal westlich des Lopez Trend.

Die Mineralisierung entlang der Trend tritt vor allem als REE + /-Th Lager Phosphatmineralien (Monazit-Apatit-Xenotim) in einem Netzwerk von geflochtenen Venen, Stringer und interstitiellen Massen von bis zu 3,0 m (10 Fuß) breit. Mindestens die Hälfte der 57 Proben insgesamt Kanal auf dem neuesten Stand von Forderungen in vier weit getrennten Standorten entlang der Lopez Trend haben insgesamt REE Inhalt von mindestens 0,5% zurück, wobei ein Drittel der 57 mit 1,0% auf 10,6% insgesamt VEP. Bezeichnenderweise HREE entfallen 2,6% auf 9,3% des gesamten REE-Werte.

Elissa glaubt, dass die scheinbare Größe des Lopez Trend zusammen mit REE Mineralisierung von erheblichen Grad plus Anreicherung in REI, machen dies zu einem sehr überzeugenden Ziel zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Aktuelle separate Besuche von zwei unabhängigen, angesehenen Spezialisten VEP, Dr. James Clark, einem geologischen Berater mit umfassender Expertise im Hintergrund und REE Einlagen, und Dr. David Jessey, ein Professor, der Cal Poly sehr vertraut mit der Geologie und Mineralisierung des VEP ist Mojave-Wüste Region bestätigen, dass die scheinbare Größe und Inhalt der Lopez Trend Entdeckung Zone in der Regel ähnlich wie in anderen wichtigen REE Monazit-Apatit Adersysteme der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung, wie Hoidas Lake in Saskatchewan und Steenkampskraal in Südafrika ist. Mit hohen REE-Typen und die Anreicherung in den wertvollen HREE, bieten diese Systeme attraktiver, lebensfähigen Explorationsziele.

Andere REE Zielgebiete

Andere ermutigend REE Bereiche identifiziert die bisher in der Thor-Projekt gehören die Black Butte und NED Bereiche, die beide weitere Exploration untersucht werden sollte.

Black Butte ist ein deutlicher Rundschreiben an aufdringlich-Komplex mit zwei Zonen strukturell kontrollierte REE Mineralisierung bogenförmigen. Die Mineralisierung ist in der Regel ähnlich wie die aufgetretenen entlang der Lopez Trend. Eine Zone erstreckt sich über mindestens 550 m (1.800 ft) entlang des Streichens, bevor er verschwand unter Schwemmland zu decken. Diese Zone ist vielleicht ein Fehler ausgleichen Teil der Lopez Trend. Werte von Proben in der Black Butte Entdeckung Bereich reichen von Anomalien auf 1,3% getroffen insgesamt VEP, die Proben zeigen Anreicherung in HREE ähnlich denen aus dem Lopez Trend.

REE-Mineralisierung in der NED Bereich tritt in einer meist verborgen, kleine Ausläufer (16 mx 5 m) befindet sich ca. 1,6 km (1 Meile) östlich der nördlichen Ende der Lopez Trend. Der Aufschluss besteht aus einem dunkel gefärbten (Biotit-reiche) radioaktive Eruptivgestein, dass im Durchschnitt etwa 1,50% insgesamt VEP. Petrographische Studien zeigen, dass dies ein ungewöhnliches magmatischen Gestein mit REE-Lager Monazit auftretende verbreitet Einschlüsse in Biotit ist. Die Mineralisierung ist wahrscheinlich der magmatischen Ursprungs, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Aufschluss könnte nur den kleinen Teil eines viel größeren, aber verborgen magmatischen Körper. Das VEP-Mineralisierung, wie in der Trend-und Lopez Black Butte Gebiet, in HREE angereichert ist.

Der Thor REE Projektbereich ist leicht zugänglich auf der Straße, mit Klima und Terrain Begünstigung Jahr rund Exploration. Elissa Pläne zur Exploration in diesem Winter fortsetzen, wobei der Schwerpunkt detaillierte Arbeit an den bekannten REE-tragenden Zonen. Das Unternehmen hat die erforderlichen Genehmigungen zu erhalten beginnen mit einer umfangreichen Grabungen Programm und erwartet in Kürze vorlegen Genehmigungsanträge für eine Reihe von flachen "Aufschluss Löcher" zu entlang des Streichens der REE-tragenden Zonen gebohrt werden. Weitere geplante Explorations-Programme beinhalten vorläufige Kartierung und Beprobung von zusätzlichen zukunftsträchtigen Bereichen in den letzten Aufklärung finden, testen die Lebensfähigkeit der biogeochemischen Probenahme zum Aufsuchen bedeckt Grundgestein Gebieten; Verhalten geophysikalische Schwerkraft und magnetische Untersuchungen zu helfen definieren Charakter und Tiefe der vielversprechenden Grundgestein Bereichen, und initiieren Umwelt Grundlinie Studien für die Genehmigung einer tieferen und umfassenderen Kernbohrungen Kampagne.

Listings Update

Elissa Resources ist gut im Gange, um zu einer börsennotierten Gesellschaft TSXV und beabsichtigt, weitere Ankündigungen zu diesem Zweck in der nahen Zukunft. Als Teil der TSXV Inserat Anforderungen wurde ein NI 43-101 Bericht über den Thor REE-Projekt eingereicht und nach seiner Zulassung wird auf www.sedar.com veröffentlicht.

Über Elissa Resources

Elissa Resources ist ein gut finanziertes, Multi Commodity Explorationsunternehmen Stärkung der fortgeschrittenen Projekte Verdienst in Nevada und Idaho. Alle Elissa Projekts sind bei jeder Phase zwei Bohr Betriebsbereitschaft oder nach Phase eins bohren Betriebsbereitschaft. Im Jahr 2011 rechnet Elissa Resources Unternehmen eine Reihe von Bohrprogramme in seinem Streben nach wirtschaftlich Entdeckungen der beiden Gold-und Mineralien-und Kraftstoffe der Zukunft, VEP und Lithium. Elissa ist derzeit in den fortgeschrittenen Stadien des Werdens einer börsennotierten Gesellschaft TSXV.

Assays berichtet in dieser Pressemitteilung wurden von Actlabs in Ontario, einem nach ISO 17025 zertifiziert und CAN-P-1579 akkreditierten Labor durchgeführt, unter Verwendung fusion-ICP/MS Methoden von den meisten REE Spezialisten, darunter Dr. James Clark, der Thor-Eigenschaft besucht und empfohlen untersuchten Stichproben Ergebnisse bei Elissa's Anfrage. Schritte unternommen werden, für die Probenvorbereitung, der Sicherheit und Analyse sind ansonsten die gleichen wie die Standard für die Industrie.

Die technischen Informationen in dieser Pressemitteilung dargelegten wurde geprüft und genehmigt von Mel Klohn, P. Geo, ein Direktor von Elissa Resources Ltd und eine qualifizierte Person gemäß National Instrument 43-101.


Paul McKenzie, Präsident und CEO

Elissa Resources Ltd
Scott Parsons
604 669


06.04.11 21:20
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06.04.2011 14:27  





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11.05.11 22:01
MarketWire · Mehr Nachrichten von MarketWire · Archiv
Elissa Resources Prepares to Drill Sage Creek Gold Project, Nevada
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 05/11/11 -- Elissa Resources Ltd. ("Elissa" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: ELI) reports that it is in final stages of preparations for a 600-metre drilling program at its Sage Creek Gold Project, in east-central Idaho, U.S.A. The program will commence as soon as snow cover at the project recedes to allow access by the drill crews.

Elissa believes the tabular gold-bearing unit at Sage Creek offers a straightforward target concept which can be readily tested by a program of shallow diamond core holes. Data generated by several previous exploration efforts - geophysical surveys, mapping, sampling, and only limited drilling - indicate the presence of widespread gold mineralization on the property. Gold-bearing rock float containing up to 30 g/t gold is found throughout the area, and up to 3.0 g/t gold was intersected over 10 m (not true thickness) in one of the old drill holes. The project area is part of the regionally extensive Belt Supergroup sedimentary rock sequence of Proterozoic age, which hosts many important metal mining districts throughout northern Idaho, western Montana and southern British Columbia. The gold-bearing target at Sage Creek appears to be a gently dipping unit of chert and banded iron formation. The unit shallowly underlies the area, sub-parallel to the hill slopes, and for this reason several of the historical gold mines on the property and nearby areas were developed as open-pit operations.

Elissa also plans to carefully examine the Sage Creek prospect area for possible rare earth elements (REE) mineralization. The prospect is located along a broad regional NW-SE trending belt that is known to host many REE occurrences, some of potentially large size, such as the Lemhi Pass REE-Th district approximately 45 miles (70 km) to the southeast along the Idaho-Montana border. There are several REE deposits in the vicinity of the Sage Creek project, some of which are reported in published literature to be enriched in the heavy REE (HREE) minerals which are rarer and more valuable than the light REE (LREE) minerals.

The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Mel Klohn, PGeo, a Director of Elissa Resources Ltd. and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.


Paul McKenzie, President and CEO

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100% owned Thor light and heavy rare earth minerals property in Nevada, 16 miles (32km) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass deposit, California. Additionally Elissa has an option to earn a 100% interest on both the Sage Creek and St. Elmo gold projects also in Nevada. The Company also has 100% ownership of a prospective lithium property in Nevada.

Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans, objectives or expected results, constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in mineral exploration and development, and uncertainties in connection with anticipated commodity prices for minerals, growth of worldwide market demand, exploration capital requirements, length of asset life and availability of qualified personnel, among others. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

"Neither The TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release."

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Scott Parsons
604 669 8368 (ext 106)

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Paul McKenzie
President / CEO
604 669 8368 (ext 107)

will jemand deutsch

11.05.11 22:01
googleübersetzer ganz hilfreich nur so nebenbei


14.05.11 12:52
KORREKTUR VON QUELLE: Elissa Resources Bereitet zu Sage Creek-Goldprojekt, Idaho Drill

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - (MARKET WIRE) - 05/11/11 - Eine Korrektur von Quelle wird in Bezug auf die Freigabe erteilt haben, die heute um 08.01 Uhr ET. Die Lage der Sage Creek Projekt wurde irrtümlich als Nevada aufgeführt sind, ist das Projekt in Idaho.

Elissa Resources Ltd ("Elisabeth" oder das "Unternehmen") (TSX VENTURE: ELI) berichtet, dass es in der Endphase der Vorbereitungen für ein 600-Meter-Bohrprogramm auf seinem Sage Creek-Goldprojekt, im mittleren Osten von Idaho, USA Das Programm wird beginnen, sobald Schneedecke am Projekt zurückzieht, um den Zugang der Bohrmannschaften zu ermöglichen.

Elissa glaubt der tabellarischen goldhaltigen Einheit at Sage Creek bietet eine einfache Soll-Konzept, das leicht durch ein Programm der flachen Kernbohrungen getestet werden können. Daten, die von mehreren früheren Explorationsarbeiten - geophysikalische Untersuchungen, Kartierung, Probennahme und nur begrenzten Bohren - weisen auf das Vorhandensein der weit verbreiteten Goldmineralisierung auf dem Grundstück. Goldhaltigen Gestein Schwimmer mit bis zu 30 g / t Gold ist in der gesamten Region finden und bis zu 3,0 g / t Gold über 10 m (nicht wahre Mächtigkeit) in einem der alten Bohrlöcher. Das Projektgebiet ist Teil des regional ausgedehnten Gürtel Supergroup Sedimentgestein Folge von Proterozoikum Alter, das viele wichtige Metall Revieren Gastgeber in Nord-Idaho, Montana und westlichen südlichen British Columbia. Die goldhaltigen Ziel bei Sage Creek scheint eine flach geneigte Einheit Hornstein und gebänderte Eisenformation werden. Das Gerät flach liegt dem Bereich, sub-parallel zu der Berghänge, und aus diesem Grund bereits von den historischen Goldminen auf dem Grundstück und den nahe gelegenen Bereichen wurden als Tagebau-Betrieb entwickelt.

Elissa plant auch sorgfältig prüfen Sage Creek Aussicht Bereich für eine mögliche Elemente der Seltenen Erden (REE) Mineralisierung. Die Aussicht ist entlang einer breiten regionalen NW-SO verlaufenden Gürtels, die bekanntermaßen viele REE Vorkommen, einige potenziell große Größe, wie die Lemhi Pass REE-Bezirk etwa 45 Meilen (70 km) südöstlich entlang des Idaho-Host befindet -Montana Grenze. Es gibt mehrere REE Ablagerungen in der Nähe der Sage Creek-Projekt, von denen einige in der veröffentlichten Literatur finden sich in den schweren REE (REI) Mineralien, die seltener und wertvoller als das Licht VEP (LREE) Mineralien angereichert werden.

Die technischen Informationen in dieser Pressemitteilung dargelegten wurde geprüft und genehmigt von Mel Klohn, P. Geo, ein Direktor von Elissa Resources Ltd und eine qualifizierte Person gemäß National Instrument 43-101.


Paul McKenzie, Präsident und CEO

Über Elissa Resources Ltd

Elissa Resources treibt seine 100% ige Thor leichten und schweren seltenen Erden Mineralien Eigentum in Nevada, 16 Meilen (32km) östlich von Molycorp Minerals Mountain Pass hinterlegen, Kalifornien. Zusätzlich Elissa hat eine Option auf eine 100% ige Beteiligung sowohl auf der Sage Creek Gold Projekt in Idaho und die St. Elmo Gold-Projekt in Nevada zu verdienen. Die Gesellschaft besitzt auch 100% im Besitz einer prospektiven Lithium Liegenschaft in Nevada.

Die Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung, ausgenommen rein historische Informationen und einschließlich Aussagen bezüglich der aktuellen und zukünftigen Pläne, Ziele oder erwarteten Ergebnisse, stellen zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen. Zukunftsbezogene Aussagen basieren auf zahlreichen Annahmen und unterliegen Risiken und Ungewissheiten in den Geschäftsbereich der Gesellschaft, einschließlich der Risiken in der Mineralexploration und Entwicklung sowie Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit zu erwartenden Rohstoffpreise für Mineralien, Wachstum der weltweiten Nachfrage, Exploration Eigenkapitalanforderungen, die Länge des Asset Leben und Verfügbarkeit von qualifiziertem Personal, unter anderem. Als Ergebnis können die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von jenen in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beschriebenen abweichen.

"Weder die TSX Venture Exchange noch ihr Regulation Services Provider (ein Begriff, wie in den Richtlinien der TSX Venture Exchange definiert ist) übernehmen die Verantwortung für die Angemessenheit oder Genauigkeit dieser Pressemitteilung."

Elissa Resources Ltd
Scott Parsons
604 669 8368 (Durchwahl 106)

Elissa Resources Ltd
Paul McKenzie
Präsident / CEO
604 669 8368 (Durchwahl 107)

Elissa Resources (ELI.V)

17.06.11 00:12
verzeichnet significante Kursanstiege. Wir warten auf weitere Bohrergebnisse, die schon bald folgen sollten.


bitte runter scrollen

Elissa Resources (ELI.V)
Rare earth and gold company Elissa is rapidly advancing its 100%-owned Thor light and heavy rare earth property in Nevada.

“I don’t think too many people have been made aware of it yet,” says McKenzie. “We’re differentiated from that very important mine because our project has heavy rare earths associated with it.”

Hier schlummert m.E. nach noch viel Potential. Erfahrenes Management inbegriffen.

Kaufdruck in Toronto weiterhin vorhanden.



10.07.11 12:34
Elissa Resources Ltd (CVE:ELI) (PINK: ELSRF) stock price had a few more bumps on the blue skies breakout which occurred last Thursday, but the situation appears to be stable right now.
The multi-day ELI price rally continued with correction on Monday, laying doubt about the possible extent of this uptrend. Trading volume remained comparatively high, thus this activity causes concern, depicting the doubts among traders.

The price remains in the highest spot since ELI was enlisted on the Toronto venture exchange at the end of March.

The company stepped up on Friday to confirm that no recent material events are currently affecting the activity of the stock. In such cases it's best to apply technical analysis, which helps to describe the mass psychology and lay out expectations for the current situation.

The rallying stock saw some pullbacks before, thus it is not new and obviously it is less likely to cause a sudden price collapse. ELI has a psychologically strong support at the previous stock price highs ranging from 48 to 51 cents.

Naturally, some profit taking is occurring at this point when the price has been recently going up on blue skies breakout, but the price hasn't even dropped below the 60 cent level, which is the closest to resembling support.

The stock is rallying since May 11, 2011 when the company reported to have reached the last stages of the preparation for a 600 meter drilling program at the Sage Creek Gold Project in Idaho. Clearly, the traders are still hooked up on that


14.07.11 12:01
Elissa Expands Land Position at Thor Rare Earth Project, Prepares for Additional Geophysics, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 07/11/11 -- Elissa Resources ("Elissa" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: ELI) reports that it has increased its land holdings in the vicinity of its Thor heavy and light rare earth (REE) project. The Thor project is located in the eastern Mojave Desert region of Nevada, 47 miles (76 km) south of Las Vegas and 16 miles (28 km) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass REE mine and processing facility in the neighbouring state of California. The new ground in the Thor project area was selected for having potential to host REE mineralization similar to that already defined by Elissa on the current prospect block. The new lands increase Elissa's 100%-owned holdings in the Thor Project area by approximately 12% to a total of 1,805 hectares.

The Thor REE Project is represented at surface by both heavy and light rare earth elements. The ratio of heavy to light rare earths in assays of surface samples from the Thor Project is significant, averaging approximately 1 part heavy REE per 10 parts light REE. Included are significant amounts of the four rare earth elements deemed by the United States Department of Energy (December, 2010 report) to be in a critical state of supply shortage (neodymium, terbium, dysprosium and yttrium).

Substantial REE mineralization in the Thor Project has been discovered in at least nine widely separate prospect localities in three distinct discovery zones. The largest of these is the Lopez Trend, a 1.5 mile (2.6 km) long REE-bearing zone that is coincident with a prominent magnetic anomaly identified in Elissa's airborne geophysical survey carried out late last year (2010). Elissa intends to follow up results of the airborne geophysical survey with a more detailed, extensive ground magnetic survey set to begin later this month (July). Results of this geophysical survey will be incorporated into selecting and prioritizing targets for the Company's core drilling program set to begin later in the year. The Company is also reviewing and aggressively pursuing REE opportunities in other parts of Nevada and neighbouring states.

Additionally the Company wishes to clarify information attributed to a news release issued on June 29, 2011 by a similarly named European communication services company which was incorrectly picked up by at least one major news reporting agency as having been issued by Elissa Resources Ltd.; Elissa Resources therefore confirms that it currently has 28,845,517 shares outstanding.

The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Curt Hogge, MSc, a consultant to Elissa Resources, a member of the AIPG, and a Qualified Person as defined in the current National Instrument 43-101.


Paul McKenzie, President and CEO

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100% owned Thor heavy and light rare earth elements project in Nevada, 16 miles (28 km) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass deposit, California. Additionally Elissa has an option to earn a 100% interest on both the Sage Creek and St. Elmo gold projects also in Nevada. Elissa is also reviewing and aggressively pursuing REE opportunities in other parts of Nevada and neighbouring states.

Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans, objectives or expected results, constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in mineral exploration and development, and uncertainties in connection with anticipated commodity prices for minerals, growth of worldwide market demand, exploration capital requirements, length of asset life and availability of qualified personnel, among others. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

Neither The TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Paul McKenzie
President / CEO
604 669 8368 (ext 107)

interessiert es keinem

06.09.11 21:14
MarketWire · Mehr Nachrichten von MarketWire · Archiv

Elissa Resources Discovers Additional Broad Structural Trends At Thor Rare Earth Elements (REE) Project, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 09/01/11 --
--  A strong linear subsurface magnetic high corresponding to the multiple
   REE surface discoveries along the Thor Project's Lopez Trend has been
--  A second, similar magnetic high west of the Lopez Trend (Santos Trend)
   has been identified
--  Numerous other areas of interest have also identified including several
   locations corresponding to the Thor Project's "NED" Discovery Zone

Elissa Resources ("Elissa" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: ELI)(OTCQX: ELSRF)(PINK SHEETS: ELSRF) is pleased to report that a recently completed ground magnetic geophysical survey at its 100% owned Thor REE Project, Nevada, has identified several previously unrecognized broad structural trends of interest. Elissa's 100%-owned Thor project is located 47 miles (76 km) south of Las Vegas, Nevada, and 16 miles (28km) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass REE mine and processing facilities in the neighbouring state of California. Elissa's ground exploration at Thor has to date, discovered significant heavy and light REE mineralization at surface in at least nine widely separate prospect localities in three distinct discovery zones.

"The ground geophysical survey results significantly broaden the overall potential of our Thor REE Project; the comprehensive data is allowing us to finalize phase one drilling locations and has simultaneously opened up new areas of interest" stated Paul McKenzie President and CEO of Elissa Resources. "We intend to drill broad sections of the project's Lopez Trend later this year with other project locations to follow."

Within the surveyed area were potential drill targets discerned from previous extensive exploration mapping and sampling programs and from a district-scale airborne magnetic geophysical survey flown late last year. The new ground magnetic survey data identified two strong linear magnetic highs, one mirroring the project's Lopez Trend, (a 2.6 km (1.6 mile) long structural zone)and the second running parallel and just westward of the first (the Santos Trend). Previous sampling of rock outcrops exposed intermittently along the Lopez Trend returned strongly anomalous to locally high-grade heavy and light REE values (up to 10.6% REE) showing distinct enrichment in the valuable heavy REEs. Eight heavy REE's and five light REE's are present at Thor including dysprosium, yttrium, neodymium and terbium. The close correlation between the surface anomaly along the Lopez Trend and the strong linear magnetic high discovered by the ground survey is enabling Elissa's geological team to finalize their targets for a forthcoming phase one drill program, which will focus on targets extending the entire length of the Lopez Trend.

A second very similar linear magnetic high was revealed west of and parallel to the Lopez Trend in an area entirely covered by alluvium. This second zone, referred to as the Santos Trend, is similar in extent and magnetic intensity to the Lopez Trend. Weak surface radiometric anomalies have been encountered in this covered area, offering potential for possible future Lopez-like REE targets in bedrock at depth. Elissa expects to examine the Santos Trend in more detail on the ground and may test the zone with a secondary drill program early in 2012.

Another area of significance and interest to the Thor Project is the NED target, located 1 mile (1.6 km) northeast of the Lopez Trend. Previous ground work by Elissa geologists found a 52 ft. x 16 ft. (16 m x 5 m) exposure of an unusual dark mica-rich (biotite) igneous rock containing significant amounts of heavy and light REE disseminated in the mica (see Elissa News Release, November 16, 2010, www.elissaresources.com/_resources/nr_Nov16_2010.pdf). Petrographic studies indicate that the REE mineralization is possibly magmatic in origin, suggesting that the rock exposure could be merely the small part of a much larger, concealed igneous body. The ground geophysical survey revealed several circular to slightly elliptical mag highs in the immediate vicinity of the NED target. These magnetic anomalies will be carefully examined in Elissa's continuing ground exploration programs at Thor.

Beyond the Lopez Trend, Santos Trend and the NED area, the ground magnetic survey has revealed several other areas warranting further examination. Elissa is very pleased with the resolution and encouraging results of the ground magnetic survey and is considering additional ground geophysical surveys to cover some of the remaining parts of the Thor property block and some of the ground covered by the Company's recent expansion staking program (see Elissa News Release July 11, 2011, www.elissaresources.com/_resources/news/...ThorExpansion.pdf). Included in this recent staking is an historical niobium prospect (with possible accessory REE minerals). Field investigations have already commenced at this location, from which assay results will be issued by Elissa Resources in a subsequent news release.

The ground magnetic survey, carried out by Zonge Geosciences Inc. of Reno, Nevada, consisted of 100 km (62 miles) of gridded line traverses covering a 5.7 sq. mile (9.2 sq. km) area within the Thor Project.

The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Mel Klohn, PGeo, Director of Elissa Resources, and a Qualified Person as defined in the current National Instrument 43-101.

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100% owned Thor heavy and light rare earth element (REE) project in Nevada, 28 km (16 miles) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass REE deposit and processing facility, California. Additionally, Elissa has an option to earn a 100% interest on both the Sage Creek (Idaho) and St. Elmo (Nevada) gold projects. The Company is also reviewing and aggressively pursuing REE opportunities in other parts of Nevada and neighbouring states.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I look forward to keeping you updated with our corporate developments.

Paul McKenzie, President & CEO

Disclaimer: Certain information regarding the Company including management's assessment of future plans and operations, may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws and necessarily involve risks associated with mining exploration and development, volatility of prices, currency fluctuations, imprecision of resource estimates, environmental and permitting risks, access to labour and services, competition from other companies and ability to access sufficient capital. As a consequence, actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. A feasibility study has not been completed and there is no certainty the disclosed targets will be reached nor that the proposed operations will be economically viable.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy accuracy of this release. We seek safe harbour.

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Paul McKenzie
President & CEO
           +1 604 662 3692      
           +1 604 642 2929       (FAX)


16.09.11 09:53
swire · Mehr Nachrichten von PR Newswire · Archiv

ICE Kevin Nurse Memorial Scholarship Awarded to Elissa Beerman

NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) is pleased to announce Elissa Beerman as the first-ever recipient of the Kevin Nurse Memorial Scholarship. The $10,000 scholarship was established to commemorate the life of Kevin Nurse, a triumphant individual whose boundless passion for food helped him prevail over remarkable medical odds and become a successful chef.

Kevin Nurse underwent a lifesaving heart transplant in 2006. After a year, Kevin contacted the donor''s family and discovered an amazing coincidence -- the donor was working as a chef when he died. Kevin felt that he was meant to carry on the donor''s dreams and graduated from ICE in 2008. After Kevin passed away in 2010, ICE established the Kevin Nurse Memorial Scholarship to honor his memory.

Given annually to a student entering ICE''s career training programs who has overcome medical hardship, the scholarship was established to change the life of someone fulfilling their culinary dreams. This year, it was awarded to Elissa Beerman of Queens, NY.

After recovering from two bouts of breast cancer, Elissa decided that it was time to give up her ten-year teaching career and take on another challenge -- the world of pastry. "Elissa is an extraordinary individual," said ICE President Rick Smilow. "The same fight in her will hopefully make her a force in the pastry and baking arts."

Elissa will begin Pastry & Baking Arts studies at ICE this September and will attend class three evenings a week. "I am so honored and blessed," Elissa said, "I hope to walk in his [Kevin''s] footsteps of success."

For more info about ICE, please visit www.iceculinary.com. For more info on the Kevin Nurse Memorial Scholarship, please visit www.iceculinary.com/career/scholarships. For more information, contact Stephanie Bourgeois at (212) 847-0775 or stephanie@iceculinary.com.

About ICE

The Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) is New York City''s award-winning center for culinary education. Founded in 1975, ICE offers highly regarded 8 to 13-month career training programs in Culinary Arts, Pastry & Baking Arts, Culinary Management and Hospitality Management. ICE also runs the largest program of hands-on recreational cooking classes in the nation, with more than 26,000 enthusiasts taking 1,500 classes. ICE also hosts over 500 special culinary and press events each year. More information can be found at www.iceculinary.com.

SOURCE The Institute of Culinary Education


27.09.11 17:47
Elissa Resources, Ltd. Joins OTCQX

NEW YORK, Sept. 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), the financial information and technology services company that provides the world''s largest electronic marketplace for broker-dealers to trade over-the-counter ("OTC") stocks, announced that Elissa Resources, Ltd. (OTCQX: ELSRF; TSX.V: ELI), a multi-commodity exploration company with projects in Nevada and Idaho, is now trading on the highest tier of the OTC market, OTCQX®.

(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110118/MM31963LOGO)

Elissa Resources began trading today on the OTC market''s prestigious tier, OTCQX International. Investors can find current financial disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the Company on www.otcqx.com and www.otcmarkets.com.

"Investors prefer the quality-controlled admission process on OTCQX which identifies the segment of OTC companies focused on valuation and transparency," said R. Cromwell Coulson, President and Chief Executive Officer of OTC Markets Group. "We are pleased to welcome Elissa Resources to OTCQX."

Berns & Berns, Counsellors at Law, will serve as Elissa Resources'' Principal American Liaison ("PAL") on OTCQX, responsible for providing guidance on OTCQX requirements and U.S. securities laws.

About Elissa Resources, Ltd.

Elissa Resources, Ltd. (OTCQX: ELSRF; TSX.V: ELI) trades in the United States on OTCQX under the symbol "ELSRF", and in Canada on TSX Venture under the symbol "ELI". Elissa Resources is a multi commodity exploration company enhancing projects of significant merit in Nevada and Idaho. Elissa''s Management Team has a long track record of exploration success, having made several major resource discoveries internationally. The company is named after the tall ship Elissa, an American icon symbolizing American ingenuity and its pioneering spirit. In addition to gold, Elissa Resources intends to provide additional domestic sources of the metals and fuels of the future, rare earth elements (REE) and lithium; which are deemed vital to America''s continued competitiveness, ingenuity and security.

About OTC Markets Group Inc.

OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates the world''s largest electronic marketplace for broker-dealers to trade unlisted stocks. Our OTC Link'' platform supports an open network of competing broker-dealers that provide investors with the best prices in over 10,000 OTC securities. We categorize the wide spectrum of OTC-traded companies into three tiers - OTCQX (the quality-controlled marketplace for investor friendly companies), OTCQB® (the U.S. reporting company marketplace for development stage companies), and OTC Pink'' (the speculative trading marketplace) - so investors can identify the level and quality of information companies provide. To learn more about how OTC Markets Group makes the unlisted markets more transparent, informed, and efficient, visit www.otcmarkets.com.

projekt news

27.10.11 15:22
Elissa Acquires Additional US Based Rare Earth Projects

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 10/25/11 -- Elissa Resources ("Elissa" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: ELI)(OTCQX: ELSRF)(PINK SHEETS: ELSRF) is pleased to report that it recently staked three blocks of claims totalling approximately 10,000 acres (4,000 hectares) covering significant parts of a large REE (rare earth elements) bearing mineral belt located in eastern Idaho and south-western Montana, U.S.A. Elissa staked its claim blocks following an extensive literature research and brief follow-up ground work. The region includes numerous historical REE occurrences and deposits which have been largely neglected or overlooked in recent times. Some of these occurrences were explored briefly in the 1950s and 1960s by a few large companies, including Molycorp and Union Carbide, but the area has since received little attention.

Available academic studies and reports on this area suggests that the overall geological setting (structure and lithology) is favorable for targets of interesting size. Available descriptions for some of the many widespread REE occurrences throughout the area suggest potential for mineralization of favourable grade and style. Elissa has initiated preliminary ground geophysical surveys in one of its three claim blocks in this area to define areas for follow-up soil sampling grids.

Further to the Company's March 7, 2011 news release, Elissa Resources also wishes to report that it will no longer be pursuing the acquisition of Regency Metals Corp. and its subsequent ownership of an exploration project in the Dominican Republic.

The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Mel Klohn, PGeo, Director of Elissa Resources, and a Qualified Person as defined in the current National Instrument 43-101.


Paul McKenzie, President & CEO

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100%-owned Thor heavy and light rare earth element project in Nevada, 16 miles (28 km) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass deposit and processing facility in California. Strongly represented at the Thor project are four rare earth elements that have been deemed as being in critical short supply by the U.S. Department of Energy: neodymium (Nd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), and yttrium (Y). Additionally, Elissa has an option to earn a 100% interest on both the Sage Creek (Idaho) and St. Elmo (Nevada) gold projects.

Disclaimer: Certain information regarding the Company including management's assessment of future plans and operations, may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws and necessarily involve risks associated with mining exploration and development, volatility of prices, currency fluctuations, imprecision of resource estimates, environmental and permitting risks, access to labour and services, competition from other companies and ability to access sufficient capital. As a consequence, actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. A feasibility study has not been completed and there is no certainty the disclosed targets will be reached nor that the proposed operations will be economically viable. We seek safe harbour.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Paul McKenzie
President & CEO
+1 604 662 3692 or Toll Free: 1 888 662 3692
+1 604 642 2929 (FAX)


31.10.11 01:03
weshalb gehts bei Elissa eigentlich trotzdem ständig weiter runter ?

Versteh noch einer die TSX



17.11.11 18:38
Elissa Receives Permits to Drill Its Thor Rare Earth Project, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 11/17/11 -- Elissa Resources ("Elissa" or the "Company") (TSX: VENTURE:ELI)(OTCQX: ELSRF)(PINK SHEETS: ELSRF)(FRANKFURT: E30) has received the required permits to drill its 100%-owned Thor heavy and light rare earth project in Nevada. The program is scheduled to begin in December and preparations to commence drilling are currently being finalized. Thor contains substantial rare earth element (REE) mineralization discoveries in at least nine widely separate prospect localities within three distinct and sizeable discovery zones. The property is located in southern Nevada, about 47 miles (76 km) south of Las Vegan, and is 16 miles (28km) east of Molycorp Minerals' (NYSE: MCP) Mountain Pass REE mine and processing facilities in the neighbouring state of California.

"Drilling locations at Thor were selected following multiple successful ground exploration programs. We have also had favourable feedback to our project from several prominent and regional rare earth experts," said Paul McKenzie, President and CEO of Elissa Resources. "Additional drilling is planned immediately following our initial program if results warrant and we eagerly anticipate the drill results."

Elissa's Thor Project is represented at surface in nine heavy rare earth elements and five light rare earth elements including dysprosium, neodymium, yttrium and terbium in addition to lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium. These strong surface representations of both heavy and light rare earths correspond with prominent magnetic anomalies defined by both a district-scale airborne magnetic geophysical survey and a detailed followup ground magnetic geophysical survey.

Substantial REE mineralization has been discovered at Thor in at least nine widely separate prospect localities in three distinct discovery zones grading from anomalous to 10.6% (12.75% rare earth oxide). The largest zone defined to date is the Lopez Trend, a 1.5 mile (2.6 km) long REE-bearing monazite structure that is coincident with a prominent magnetic anomaly as defined by the aforementioned geophysical surveys. The ratio of heavy to light rare earths in assays of surface samples from the entire Thor Project is significant, averaging approximately one part heavy REE per 9 parts light REE.

In July, Elissa Resources increased its holdings in the Thor Project area by approximately 12% to a total of 2,366 hectares.

The Company also reports that it will also apply for additional drill permits to test a structure on the northeastern section of the project referred to as the NED Area. REE mineralization in the NED area occurs in a mostly concealed, small outcrop located approximately one mile (1.6 km) east of the northern end of the Lopez Trend. The outcrop consists of a dark-coloured (biotite-rich) igneous rock containing REE mineralization of probable magmatic origin. Elissa believes the outcrop could be merely the small part of a much larger, but concealed igneous body, as suggested byresults of the two geophysical surveys. The REE mineralization at NED, like that in the Lopez Trend, is enriched in HREE. Elissa is currently scheduling to drill a minimum of 5,000 feet (1,500m) along the Lopez Trend.

Elissa also reports that it completed four holes in the Sage Creek project to evaluate a stratiform gold target in a bedded rock sequence of Precambrian age. Drilling confirmed the presence of anomalous gold values associated with a stratiform horizon in this sequence, but the values were much lower than hoped and of sub-economic grade. These results combined with additional surface work suggests that the higher-grade mineralization found in surface rock float throughout the area is likely derived from local veins that cut the rock sequence or from small sulfide-bearing pods associated with ancient seafloor hot spring vents. Elissa will continue studying geological data from the project throughout the winter months to determine whether or not the project merits further work.

The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Mel Klohn, PGeo, Director of Elissa Resources, and a Qualified Person as defined in the current National Instrument 43-101.

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100%-owned Thor heavy and light rare earth element project in Nevada, 16 miles (28 km) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass deposit and processing facility in California. Strongly represented at the Thor project are four rare earth elements that have been deemed as being in critical short supply by the U.S. Department of Energy: neodymium (Nd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), and yttrium (Y). Additionally, Elissa has an option to earn a 100% interest on both the Sage Creek (Idaho) and St. Elmo (Nevada) gold projects.

On behalf of Elissa Resources Ltd.


12.01.12 15:30
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Elissa Resources Commences Drilling at Thor Rare Earth Project, Nevada

"The commencement of drilling at Thor is a significant milestone for the Company and the Lopez Trend is the largest zone defined at Thor to date,"



geht endlich los

31.03.12 20:52

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26.03.2012 | 14:04
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MarketWire · Mehr Nachrichten von MarketWire

Elissa Resources Expands Drill Program at Thor Heavy and Light REE Project, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 03/26/12 -- Elissa Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: ELI)(OTCQX: ELSRF)(PINKSHEETS: ELSRF) -
--  Phase One drilling at Thor REE project has been expanded, second drill
   rig mobilized
--  Expanded Thor drill area includes the Lopez Trend and the NED Area
--  Thor is located 28 kms (17 miles) east of Molycorp's Mountain Pass mine
   and processing facilities

Elissa Resources ("Elissa" or the "Company") reported today that further to its January 11th, 2012 (www.elissaresources.com/s/NewsReleases.asp?ReportID=501217) news release, the Company has elected to expand its current 1,500 m (5,000 feet) Phase One drill program at its 100% owned Thor heavy & light rare earth element Project. The Project is located in southern Nevada, approximately 28 kms (17 miles) east of Molycorp's Mountain Pass Mine and Processing facilities in nearby California. To date Phase One drilling has examined targets along the 2.5 km (1.6 miles) long Lopez Trend. New drilling permits for additional targets in the NED area have been obtained and a second drill rig is being mobilized to this area.

To view the "2012 Drill Program, Thor Project with Molycorp's Mountain Pass Mine in the background" photo accompanying this press release, please click on the following link: media3.marketwire.com/docs/eli.jpg

The Lopez Trend is a major structural zone with a distinct geophysical signature; it is the largest zone defined at Thor to date. The NED area is located approximately 1 km (0.6 miles) east of the northern end of the Lopez Trend. Both locations are coincident with strong surface showings of rare earth mineralization. These surface samples, assayed by Activation Labs of Ontario, Canada, contain nearly all of the strategic and potentially valuable rare earth elements including four that have been deemed as being in critical short supply by the US Department of Energy: neodymium (Nd), terbium Tb), dysprosium (Dy) and yttrium (Y). Planning for a Phase Two drill program at the Thor Project is now underway, pending further study, analysis and publication of Phase One drill results. The Company anticipates issuing a single news release summarizing results and conclusions of the Phase One drill program early in the 3rd quarter, 2012 or sooner.

In other news, Elissa wishes to also report that it has initiated a study using several consultants experienced in high-grade epithermal gold deposits to review data related to its 100% owned St. Elmo Gold Project located along the Midas Trough in northern Nevada. The Company also announces that it will no longer be continuing with its interest in the Sage Creek Gold Project in east-central Idaho.

The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Mel Klohn, P.Geo., Director of Elissa Resources, and a Qualified Person as defined in the current National Instrument 43-101.

On behalf of the board of directors of Elissa Resources Ltd.

Paul McKenzie, President and CEO

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100% owned Thor heavy and light rare earth element (REE) project in Nevada, 28 km (17 miles) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass REE deposit and processing facility, California. Elissa also owns a 100% interest in the Ulysses REE Project located in eastern Idaho and south-western Montana, and has an option to earn a 100% interest in the St. Elmo (Nevada) gold project.

Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans, objectives or expected results, constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in mineral exploration and development, and uncertainties in connection with anticipated commodity prices for minerals, growth of worldwide market demand, exploration capital requirements, length of asset life and availability of qualified personnel, among others. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

"Neither The TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release."

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Paul McKenzie
President and CEO
604-662-3691 (FAX)

Elissa Bohrprogramm

14.06.12 22:33
wird bald erwartet.

@tolksvar ,  habe aus dem Text das hier nochmal herauskopiert.

The Company anticipates issuing a single news release summarizing results and conclusions of the Phase One drill program early in the 3rd quarter, 2012 or sooner.


Die Umsätze auf der TSXV  haben auch bereits wieder angezogen.

hier nochmal zur Erinnerung


Ich hoffe ja inständig das da richtig was bei  heraus kommt.


Elissa übersicht

14.06.12 22:35
hier nochmal mit chart


Drill results are due at any time now.


eigentlich gute ergebnisse

20.06.12 15:16
Elissa Resources Reports Phase One Drill Results From Thor REE Project, Nevada

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 06/19/12 -- Elissa Resources Ltd. ("Elissa" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: ELI)(OTCQX: ELSRF) is pleased to report the preliminary results of its first-pass drilling program on its 100%-owned Thor REE (Rare Earth Element) Project in southern Nevada, located about 14 miles (23 km) east of Molycorp's Mountain Pass Rare Earth mine and processing facilities in nearby California. The program was designed to examine at depth the host rocks and mineralization associated with numerous, locally high-grade, REE surface showings from sporadic rock exposures scattered along a prominent 1.6 mile (2.5 km) NNE-trending linear zone known as the Lopez Trend. Highlights of the drilling program include:
--  Discovery of a possibly extensive REE-bearing alkali granite/syenite
   unit in the northern part of the Lopez Trend

--  Intersected lengthy intervals of REE mineralization, including 32 feet
   (9.8 m, not true width) of 1.05% total REO (rare earth oxides) with a 6
   foot (1.8 m, not true width) zone containing 3.28% total REO

--  Desirable and valuable Heavy REEs (HREE) comprise up to 18 percent of
   the REE mineralization encountered in this unit

Paul McKenzie, President and CEO of Elissa, states: "We are encouraged by these results on our Thor Project and are especially pleased that the drilling has confirmed REE mineralization that is strongly enriched in the valuable heavy-REEs. At least 90 percent of the Lopez Trend and a large number of outlying REE targets remain untested by drilling. We believe we are at the early stage of defining what could be a very large REE-bearing system and are planning a second-phase program to examine areas and test concepts discerned from our ongoing exploration."

In the recent drilling campaign, Elissa drilled 21 holes for 7,251 feet (2,210 m) of HQ-sized drill core. Collectively this drilling examined only about 10 percent (1000 feet; 305 m) of the known strike length of the Lopez Trend, which has been the main exploration target to date. The Lopez Trend was first identified by local bedrock exposures containing significant REE showings aligned in a NNE-SSW trending belt. The belt is from 200-300 feet (60-90 m) wide and extends for at least 1.6 miles (2.5 km) along strike, but airborne and detailed ground magnetic geophysical surveys in 2010 and 2011 suggest the bedrock host unit may actually be much more extensive, being largely concealed beneath alluvium.

Five sites in the northern part of the Lopez Trend were examined with 11 relatively short drill holes and one site in the southern part of the trend was examined with 6 holes. In addition, 4 short holes were drilled on the outlying NED target located one kilometer east of the Lopez Trend. Holes were drilled at various inclinations directed mostly to the east-southeast to intersect the west-dipping rock units of the Lopez Trend (see Table 1, appended to this news release for drill hole details and sampling statistics). To date, 196 samples of drill core totaling 590 feet (189 m) in length have been assayed, representing about 8 percent of all core returned in the program. Samples were selected using a combination of handheld detectors and downhole logging tools from 16 intervals in 11 of the 21 drill holes. Assays of drill core samples from the northern part of the Lopez Trend show relatively long intervals (21-53 feet; 6.4-6.2 m; not true width) containing strongly anomalous REE (greater than 0.10% total REO) and enclosing shorter intervals of higher grade material (greater than 1.0% total REO) (see Table 2, appended to this news release for assay results of interest).

The mineralized intervals encountered in the Thor drilling are hosted by an apparently widespread biotite-rich granite/syenite unit. Ongoing independent studies of core samples from the drilling program by outside consultants and university researchers suggest the REE mineralization may have formed as part of the rock body itself. Petrographic studies (by Dr. Virginia Gillerman, Economic Geologist with experience in REE-mineralization) indicate that the mineralization encountered in the drilling is associated with abundant biotite-rich zones (or layers) within the alkali granite/syenite host unit and occurs as small, indistinct "veins" of apatite-monazite (REE-bearing phosphate minerals) that follow grain boundaries. There is little or no evidence of open-space fracture filling, and it is suggested that the REE minerals may have been emplaced from within the rock itself while the rock was still in a plastic, slightly molten state.

A new host rock/mineralization model for the Thor REE Project is being prepared. This new model will assist in a second-pass drilling program planned to target a possible REE-bearing rock system of significant size. Surface and geophysical work to date indicate the Lopez Trend and other untested targets on the Thor property remain widely open on strike and to depth. Elissa is supporting ongoing petrographic work and university research in an effort to advance an understanding of the REE mineralization. Elissa's team of experienced consulting geologists now think that the known Lopez Trend represents part of the eastern limb of a very large, perhaps overturned, fold with the nose and similarly sized western limb of the fold, known as the Santos Trend, being concealed by shallow alluvial cover. If so, the total strike length of units equivalent to the REE-bearing host exposed along the Lopez Trend could be 20,000 feet (6 km) or more.

QA/QC procedures: Intervals of drill core selected for sampling were split in half by independent contract personnel using a rock saw. One split was bagged, labeled and sent by commercial carrier to Activation Laboratories ("Actlabs") in Ancaster, ON. Actlabs is an internationally renowned, ISO-accredited analytical laboratory with expertise in REE assays. To monitor laboratory QA/QC, Elissa geologists randomly inserted standard or blank samples into the sample sequence sent to the lab. Drill core, including splits of the core sent for assay, is currently stored in a secure warehouse in the town of Henderson, about 40 miles (60 km) from the project site.

Cautionary note: The sample or assay intervals reported in this news release are downhole core lengths. The actual width of any mineralization represented by these intervals is uncertain at this time but it is probably less than the lengths reported in this news release.

Note: The rare earth contents in this news release refer to the combined content of all the lanthanide elements + yttrium. Assay results from the laboratory report values in ppm (parts per million) for each of these 15 elements. Following common convention, Elissa has converted these values to oxide-equivalents and expressed as rare earth oxide (REO) values in percent (%). Please see specifics on the drill results in Table 1 and Table 2 below.
Table 1. Thor Project Core Holes

Drill Hole #            Area     Azimuth       Angle        feet      meters
TR-12-001                  T         110         -45         291          89
TR-12-002                  T         135         -45         352         107
TR-12-003                  T         135         -70         317          97
TR-12-004                  T          70         -45         362         110
TR-12-005                  T         110         -80         391         119
TR-12-006                  T         160         -70         452         138
TR-12-007                  O         110         -45         331         101
TR-12-008                  O         110         -70         400         122
TR-12-009                  O       vert.         -90         534         163
TR-12-10                   P         110         -45         332         101
TR-12-11                   P       vert.         -90         583         178
TR-12-12                   R          70         -45         384         117
TR-12-13                   R         110         -45         308          94
TR-12-14                   N         110         -45         291          89
TR-12-15                   N       vert.         -90         541         165
TR-12-16                   P         290         -70         601         183
TR-12-17                   O         110         -45         397         121
ND-12-01                 NED       vert.         -90         120          37
ND-12-02                 NED         340         -50         132          40
ND-12-03                 NED       vert.         -90          21           6
ND-12-04                 NED          60         -45         111          34
                                                          7,251       2,210

                   Coordinates (meters)    Intervals sample  Length sampled
Drill Hole #           east        north    from - to (feet)    feet  meters
TR-12-001           668,165    3,922,852        92.9 - 130.4      38    11.4
TR-12-002           668,165    3,922,852        92.9 - 162.0      69    21.1
TR-12-003           668,165    3,922,852       156.0 - 193.0      37    11.3
TR-12-004           668,165    3,922,852         Not Sampled
TR-12-005           668,165    3,922,852         Not Sampled
TR-12-006           668,165    3,922,852         Not Sampled
TR-12-007           668,739    3,923,883         44.7 - 66.4    21.7     6.6
                                              186.0 - 213.5    27.5     8.4
TR-12-008           668,739    3,923,883         66.6 - 93.4    26.8     8.2
TR-12-009           668,739    3,923,883         42.9 - 50.4     7.5     2.3
                                               76.3 - 111.8    35.5    10.8
TR-12-10            668,756    3,923,931         Not Sampled
TR-12-11            668,756    3,923,931        63.7 - 149.3    85.6    26.1
TR-12-12            668,813    3,924,069         Not Sampled
TR-12-13            668,813    3,924,069       170.5 - 192.3    21.8     6.6
TR-12-14            668,719    3,923,836         Not Sampled
TR-12-15            668,719    3,923,836         Not Sampled
TR-12-16            668,756    3,923,931       300.9 - 344.9      44    13.4
                                              573.5 - 599.3    25.8     7.9
                                              161.5 - 263.9   102.4    31.2
TR-12-17            668,676    3,923,900       294.2 - 313.7    19.5     5.9
                                              168.7 - 177.5     8.8     2.7
                                              187.0 - 196.1     9.1     2.8
ND-12-01            669,844    3,923,914         Not Sampled
ND-12-02            669,844    3,923,914         Not Sampled
ND-12-03            669,846    3,923,914            0 - 10.3    10.3     3.1
ND-12-04            669,829    3,923,916         Not Sampled
                                                                590     180

Table 2. Thor Drill Hole Assays = 0.10% Total REO
Note: Assay intervals are sample lengths; true widths of any mineralized
zones have yet to be determined
                        Mineralization greater than
                             or equal to 0.10% TREO   % of HREO
Drill       from       to  length  length          %          in
Hole #     (ft.)    (ft.)    (ft)     (m)       TREO        TREO    COMMENTS
TR-12-002  138.0    142.0     4.0     1.2       0.11       11.9%  South Zone
TR-12-003  181.0    182.5     1.5     0.5       0.32        5.9%  South Zone
           44.7     66.4    21.7     6.6       0.12       10.1%  Upper Zone
TR-12-007       includes:     2.0     0.6       0.38       10.3%
          186.0    213.5    27.5     8.4       0.17        4.3%  Lower Zone
               includes:     1.2     0.4       0.97        3.1%
           66.6     93.4    26.8     8.2       0.57       14.5%  Upper Zone
TR-12-008       includes:     2.4     0.7       0.57       10.6%
                             1.4     0.4       1.77       17.1%
           42.9     50.4     7.5     2.3       0.29       18.5%  Upper Zone
               includes:     1.7     0.5       0.83       18.5%
TR-12-009   79.8    111.8    32.0     9.8       1.05       14.9%  Upper Zone
               includes:    16.5     5.0       1.82       15.0%
                             6.0     1.8       3.28       15.1%
           63.7    117.0    53.3    16.2       0.21       17.1%  Upper Zone
               includes:     1.4     0.4       0.96       15.5%
TR-12-011                     2.0     0.6       0.48       18.3%
                             1.1     0.3       1.04       15.3%
          124.6    145.5    20.8     6.3       0.24       13.6%  Lower Zone
               includes:     2.8     0.9       0.95       13.0%
TR-12-16   300.9    307.8     6.9     2.1       0.10        6.1%  Upper Zone
          584.2    586.7     2.5     0.8       0.02        3.1%  Lower Zone
TR-12-17   298.2    303.7     5.5     1.7       0.19        4.1%  Upper Zone
ND-12-03     0.0      5.0     5.0     1.5       1.04       11.3%         NED

Qualified Person: The technical information outlined in this news release, has been reviewed and approved by Mel Klohn, PGeo, Director of Elissa Resources, and a Qualified Person as defined in the current National Instrument 43-101.

About Elissa Resources Ltd.

Elissa Resources is advancing its 100% owned Thor heavy and light rare earth element (REE) project in Nevada, 28 km (17 miles) east of Molycorp Minerals' Mountain Pass REE deposit and processing facility, California. Elissa also owns a 100% interest in the Ulysses REE Project located in eastern Idaho and south-western Montana, and has an option to earn a 100% interest in the St. Elmo (Nevada) gold project.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Elissa Resources Ltd.,

Paul McKenzie, President and CEO

Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans, objectives or expected results, constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in mineral exploration and development, and uncertainties in connection with anticipated commodity prices for minerals, growth of worldwide market demand, exploration capital requirements, length of asset life and availability of qualified personnel, among others. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

Neither The TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Elissa Resources Ltd.
Paul McKenzie
President and CEO
604-662-3691 (FAX)

letzte wasserstandsmeldungen ........

04.01.13 02:24
damit die noch mitlesenden auch die neuesten daten kennen :


Gold and Rare Earths in America

Elissa Resources: ELI.V/ELSRF
Current Price: $0.055
Target Price $1.60
Potential Gain: 2,809%
Shares Outstanding: 31,805,517
Market Capitalization: $1,749,303
Working Capital (as of September 30, 2012): $1,567,295
Click here to see Elissa's Investor Presentation

Jan 3, 2013 - With the fiscal cliff nonsense and the resulting increase in government debt from its temporary solution, it's no secret as to why some Americans and other investors are loading up on gold. The rare earths craze for lanthanum, neodymium, samarium along with over a dozen of other elements has also become apparent as they are needed for everything from high-tech gadgets like Smartphones to military equipment. Given the current political environment facing the United States, it is prudent for the country to secure its own domestic source of rare earth elements as China currently owns 95% of the world's supply.

In comes Molycorp (MCP). The company's stock price has been ravaged with high volatility thanks to balance sheet issues and the resulting dilution and issues with an SEC probe. Despite the struggles with their stock, increased awareness over the need for a domestic REE supply and announcement of the start up of heavy rare earth production on their Mountain Pass REE Mine in California a few months ago leaves the company in a very strong position for success going forward. The Mountain Pass project ensures that Molycorp is the largest domestic supplier of rare earths in the US. The stock shot up 10% to $10.39 on Wednesday after a Bloomberg article stating that Molycorp is a prime takeover target by a manufacturer such as Nissan, Siemens or someone else who would love to secure their supply of rare earths in their manufacturing process.

The rise in price to over $10 represents a complete 180 degree turn for the company from its $6 lows in mid-November after the SEC probe news. An indiscretion by management in no way devalues the highly sought after resources in the ground at Mountain Pass. Rather, the beat up stock price gives a larger company an incredible opportunity to buy up Molycorp assets cheaply. Molycorp's current market cap of $1.43 billion is just slightly over what they paid for Neo Material Technologies just a few months ago.

A possible takeover of Molycorp by a private firm would have huge implications for the REE industry. As mentioned above, the United States has a vested military interest in these rare earths and hundreds of US and multi-national corporations rely on them. Privatizing Molycorp, particularly into the hands of companies with no allegiance to the United States like Nissan or Siemens would not help alleviate their reliance on Chinese exports for REE.

Great Western Minerals (TSXV:GWG, OTCBB:GWMGF) was also up strongly on Wednesday, building on their reversal from the last trading day of 2012. A buyout of Molycorp has implications for them as they have a processing plant in Michigan, hold several large REE exploration assets throughout US-friendly Canada and hold operations in the relatively West-friendly country of South Africa.  If Molycorp was to fall into private hands, Great Western Minerals would themselves become a prime buyout target. It would be of great interest to American and Canadian political interests to see GWG's business succeed so that the processing of these rare earths takes place.

While a Molycorp takeover has a very positive effect for shareholders of GWG as well as similar companies to a lesser extent like Stans Energy (TSXV:HRE) and Orbite Aluminae (TSX:ORT), both of them also up 10% on Wednesday, there is no company that would benefit more from a takeover of Molycorp than Elissa Resources (TSXV:ELI, OTCBB:ELSRF). ELI was up 38% on Wednesday on reaction to the Molycorp buyout news and looking at the map below you can understand why. Sitting just 16 miles away from MCP's Mountain Pass project is Elissa's Thor REE Project. The project is across state lines so its close proximity is often overlooked.

ELI was born out of the same Red Hill Energy transaction that eventually led to Prophecy Coal (TSX:PCY) andProphecy Platinum (TSXV:NKL). ELI's shares raced over 60 cents in the summer of 2011 at the height of the rare earth craze and at the recommendation of Brien Lundin but now have dropped to 5.5 cents as their phase one drill results did not garner enough attention in a weak summer market for small cap commodity stocks and Molycorp. As a result ELI's market cap has dropped to just above their cash value, leaving very little downside left for investors who choose to get into the stock right now. In the face of this weak market, the company wisely decided to hold on to their cash resources and delay any further drilling until the market picked up.  

Elissa's closeness to Mountain Pass and Molycorp's recent purchases of AS Silmet and Neo Material Technologies makes them a prime buyout target for expansion of REE development in the area. MCP has taken the steps to secure the refining technology so that Mountain Pass will go from "Mine to Magnets" all under Molycorp's control when they bought NEM. The next step in evolving the company would be "More Mines to More Magnets" which means buying out adjacent lands to build an even larger site and benefit from economies of scale. Whether MCP is operating under their own name or ends up as a subsidiary of another company does not impact the attractiveness of ELI as a buyout target for their business. However, if a transaction on MCP were to take place, a speculative spike would be seen for all the rare earth plays - GWG, HRE, ORT etc - but the biggest spike would likely take place on the company with property just 16 miles down the road.

Why would Molycorp target Elissa? Other than the close proximity, reading Elissa's November 15th, 2012 MD&A commentary of their Thor property shows:

"The mineralized intervals encountered in the Thor drilling are hosted by an apparently widespread biotite-rich granite/syenite unit. Ongoing independent studies of core samples from the drilling program by outside consultants and university researchers suggest the REE mineralization may have formed as part of the rock body itself. Petrographic studies (by Dr. Virginia Gillerman, Economic Geologist with experience in REE mineralization) indicate that the mineralization encountered in the drilling is associated with abundant biotite-rich zones (or layers) within the alkali granite/syenite host unit and occurs as small, indistinct “veins” of apatite-monazite (REE bearing phosphate minerals) that follow grain boundaries. There is little or no evidence of open-space fracture filling, and it is suggested that the REE minerals may have been emplaced from within the rock itself while the rock was still in a plastic, slightly molten state.

A new host rock/mineralization model for the Thor REE Project is being prepared. This new model will assist in a second pass drilling program planned to target a possible REE bearing rock system of significant size. Surface and geophysical work to date indicate the Lopez Trend and other untested targets on the Thor property remain widely open on strike and to depth. Elissa is supporting ongoing petrographic work and university research in an effort to advance an understanding of the REE mineralization. Elissa’s team of experienced consulting geologists now think that the known Lopez Trend represents part of the eastern limb of a very large, perhaps overturned, fold with the nose and similarly sized western limb of the fold, known as the Santos Trend, being concealed by shallow alluvial cover. If so, the total strike length of units equivalent to the REE bearing host exposed along the Lopez Trend could be 20,000 feet (6 km) or more."

As the size of the Lopez trend on Elissa's property could be over 6 kilometers, it would greatly contribute to the economic scale of Mountain Pass and add to it's longevity. This is an important consideration since Project Phoenix - the expansion and modernization project at Mountain Pass - will approach $1 billion in capital expenditures in addition to the over $1 billion spent on NEM. Any viable mine that's close by will be looked at as a potential expansion target.

MCP currently has a $1.43 billion market cap which was as high as $6 billion in the Spring of 2011 when investor interest in rare earths was at its peak. As rare earths are moving back into focus it's reasonable to believe that MCP can return to a $6B market cap level in the near future if they are not purchased before then. Assuming Elissa's Thor Property is valued at just 2% of Molycorp that would make the company worth $120 million from their REE mine alone during bullish times for rare earths.

In addition to Thor, ELI has the St. Elmo Gold Project in Nevada. Located close to Newmont's Midas Mine, it has produced high-grade gold from the surface to a depth of at least 140 meters below surface in the past. From Elissa's MD&A:

"In 1990, Harrison Western Mining opened 70 m of new underground drift in the mine and extracted 1500 tons of material with an average reported gold grade of 11.3 g/t (0.33 oz/ton). A 360 kg bulk sample of this material sent to Hazen Research in Golden, Colorado, averaged 80.9 g/t (2.36 oz/ton) gold. Preliminary metallurgical test work returned 95% gold recoveries using standard gravity and flotation processing methods. The St. Elmo vein system was not examined by drilling until 1999, when 3 core holes were drilled under the St. Elmo workings, intersecting values of up to 16 g/t gold (0.466 oz/ton gold) over 2 m within a 16 m-wide zone of quartz breccia. In 2007, the property was further examined with 3 reverse circulation holes and in 2009 with 12 reverse circulation holes and 3 horizontal core holes, all of which were collared from only four separate permitted drill sites. Only selected sample intervals were chosen for assaying, a significant number of which returned anomalous to encouraging amounts of gold, including 3m of 16.8 g/t (0.49 oz/ton) gold."

Even when valuing the St. Elmo Gold property at zero, it is still reasonable to think that Elissa will capture the $120 million of value locked in Thor based on its close proximity to the now producing Molycorp mine. As Elissa further develops Thor they will receive capital for the project through exercise of the 30 cent warrants and through further private placements at prices much more favourable compared to today. It's reasonable to expect that the company will have about 75 million shares outstanding as they advance Thor. At a $120 million market cap that leads to a stock price of $1.60.

Many junior miners appear undervalued by as much as 10 times thanks to the current state of the market, but Elissa appears relatively undervalued even to them. In this investment climate it is prudent to put your money behind a company with a strong cash position that has a market cap close to that cash amount but also has very prospective properties that are in close proximity to a major player so there is the greatest potential upside with minimal downside. Add in the fact that Elissa is all about rare earth elements and gold in America and sits right beside one of the most ambitious companies in the REE mining sector and you are talking about a company that could explode in price as quickly as they did back in May 2011.

Read more at www.stockhouse.com/bullboards/...2&r=0#q1pUJs6xFY7jDJwP.99

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