der markt der zukunft ? /

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der markt der zukunft ? /

31.05.01 11:38
Studie über US-Markt für Internet Content Delivery

Dem US-amerikanischen Markt für Internet-Content-Delivery-Dienstleistungen und -Infrastruktur steht laut einer neuen Analyse der Unternehmensberatung Frost und Sullivan ein kräftiges Wachstum ins Haus. Im letzten Jahr auf nicht einmal eine Milliarde US-Dollar bewertet, soll das Marktvolumen im Jahr 2007 auf mehr als zwölf Milliarden US-Dollar anwachsen. Je stärker die Internetnutzer im Stau stehen, umso wichtiger sollen kreative Hardware- und Softwarelösungen sein, die die zuverlässige Verteilung von Inhalten über das Netz ermöglichen.

hier sollte doch einen kleinen vorteil haben, die kennen sich in dem bereich doch blendend aus, oder?!



Aber selbstverständlich!

31.05.01 11:47
Ob die Technik von FFIV noch aktuell ist, bin ich mir allerdings nicht so sicher.

Gruß Hans-Udo

PS Der Autor dieses Beitrags hat beide Werte im Depot

Alles Gesülze !

31.05.01 13:19
Das glaubte ich schon vor 15 Monaten. Heute bekäme ich für eine Akamai von damals 20 (ZWANZIG) Stück.
Ich hab die Schnauze voll.
Aber besser als CMRC oder ARBA sind sie wohl doch.
Und wenn die Insider alle ihre Aktien verkauft haben, steigt der Kurs evtl. auch mal wieder 5 %.

Tut mir leid, Mädels, habe zwar heute Alcatel endlich (hatte eben ein entsprechendes Limit) bekommen, bin aber trozdem schlecht gelaunt.
Alles Gute!


Nicht nur Gesülze...

31.05.01 13:39
Die letzten Meldungen klangen ganz gut. Schwarze Zahlen wahrscheinlich ein Quartal früher als geplant und einige wichtige neue Kunden.

Tuesday May 29, 6:31 am Eastern Time

Press Release

Akamai Selected to Power Web Operations Of U.S.
Government Organizations

U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Government Printing Office, and the Voice of
America among government agencies to outsource Web infrastructure
to Akamai

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 29, 2001-- Akamai Technologies, Inc.
(Nasdaq: AKAM - news), the leading provider of distributed application and content
delivery services, today announced a series of significant customer wins among U.S. federal
government organizations who have selected Akamai for their mission-critical Web
infrastructure needs. Among the government agencies that are taking advantage of Akamai's
services are the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), and the
Voice of America.

Akamai has seen its customer base grow in the federal sector as more organizations, which
have migrated processes and services to the Internet, seek higher performing Web
operations while reducing complexities and infrastructure costs. Akamai's portfolio of
distributed application and content delivery services allow these organizations to
cost-effectively maximize Web performance on a global scale.

``Today's government agencies are taking full advantage of the Internet for timely,
cost-effective communications and interaction with citizens and businesses,'' said Mike
Campbell, vice president of sales, Akamai. ``There is a wealth of both information and
information exchange that government agencies are making available online, further

demonstrating the need for mission-critical infrastructure services that leverage the Internet's
edge for top performance. This sector represents a tremendous opportunity for Akamai, and
as a result, we have rapidly expanded our sales and support efforts in the Washington D.C.

U.S. Census Bureau (

The U.S. Census Bureau chose Akamai's next-generation EdgeSuite(SM) service to power
its immense online resource for timely data and information on U.S. demographics and the
economy. In addition to enhancing site performance, the EdgeSuite service has greatly reduced bandwidth and load on the
Census Bureau's systems, enabling the organization to focus on its core mission of providing quality data and services.

``With the release of Census Data and products on our Web site, the increase in the load on our systems was unknown,'' said
David Raszewski, senior Internet Technology Architect, U.S. Census Bureau. ``Implementing Akamai's EdgeSuite service
reduced the hits on our server by 70 percent, reducing the load on our systems and delivering better performance for customers
at the same time.''

U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)

Created primarily to satisfy the printing needs of Congress, GPO today is the focal point for printing, binding, and information
dissemination for the entire Federal community, including developing and managing many of the Web sites for U.S. Federal
agencies. GPO-developed Web sites, leveraging Akamai's content delivery capabilities, have experienced significant reduction
in page download times, while being able to scale to meet the demands of high volumes of end user traffic.

Voice of America (

One of the largest news-gathering organizations in the world, the Voice of America provides comprehensive information on
world, U.S., and regional news to an international audience. A radio and television broadcaster, the Voice of America is
leveraging the Internet in order to enhance communications to its global audience. Using Akamai's streaming services, the Voice
of America provides live and on-demand audio and video broadcasts of its news content in 53 languages to its audience,
reliably delivering close to 200 hours of content per day.

``The Internet provides a cost-effective method to distribute broadcast-quality content, and the addition of streaming media to
our web site has significantly increased our popularity with our online audience,'' said Connie Stephens, Internet development
director for the Voice of America.

Auch wenn sie sich nochmal verdoppeln sollten, wäre es sicher nur ein schwacher Trost für Dich, aber wie Du selber sagst, es gab größere Nieten im großen Topf des Internethype.

Gruß Hans-Udo

PS Einen unglücklicheren Einstiegszeitpunkt hättest Du auch kaum wählen können :-(((
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