Also was man durch die Börse so alles lernt. Alleine dafür ist´s total geil.
Die Kooperation mit ARIBA und IBM ist sicherlich eine sichere Planung. Die Ariba Software ist schweinegeil. Offene Schittstellen, modularer Aufbau. Aber in BRD geht die Story erst richtig los. Auf der Cebit hat mir ein Mitarbeiter vom Europa-Aufbau berichtet. Das sieht mit der Software sehr gut aus. Aber beachte. Viele Unternehmen setzen SAP R3, die Anbindung halten Sie deshalb mit für besser. Da hat SAP die Nase vorn. ARIBA, Commerce One etc. bieten die SAP Schnittstelle zwar, aber die Entscheidung wegen der Vereinheitlichung fällt dann oft auf SAP.
Welcher Wert der beste ist ist schwer. Aber I2 ist stark herunter. Steht auf STRONG BUY und sicher eins der Schlüsselunternehmen in den nächsten Jahren bei der Errichtung von "digitalen Marktplätzen b2b".
Und digitale Marktplätze sind die Story in den nächsten Jahren.
War interessant, ich hoffe ich konnt dir ein bissel helfen. Ich bin ARIBA Fan und würde die Kaufen, weil ich die Software von der Anwenderseite aus kenne, aber die Kooperation ARIBA, I2 und IBM bringt nen ganz ganz DICKEN im Geschäft. Commerce One ist sehr stark auf ein paar grosse in den Staaten orientiert und könnte den Europazug verlieren.
Solution Based on i2's TradeMatrix(TM) Platform
i2 Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ITWO), the leading provider of intelligent eBusiness solutions, and Siemens IT Service, one of the leading companies providing managed services for IT infrastructure, have agreed on a strategic alliance to develop an open marketplace that offers procurement management services. Both partners will combine their strengths in e-business and managing technical infrastructures to provide an integrated business-to-business (B2B) e-marketplace service offering. The goal of the alliance is to automate order and fulfillment management for complex products and services through i2’s TradeMatrix(TM) platform. This solution addresses procurement activities including order placement and external supplier collaboration.
Paul A. Stodden, CEO of Siemens IT Service explains, “We are building on our strengths – customer intimacy, ability to manage large service projects, reliability, efficiency, and global service coverage – as we transform them into the world of e-business. This enables us to communicate better with our customers and to complete projects faster and more efficiently. A pure Web application is not enough. We aim to achieve competitive advantage by directly linking our service capabilities with the planning intelligence of i2’s solution in an e-business environment.”
Under the terms of the strategic partnership, Siemens IT Service and i2 will jointly provide electronic procurement management as an integrated service for customers. Based on Siemens IT Service’s global network, each procurement opportunity will be addressed with a full spectrum of professional management activities ranging from providing personal computers to implementing large and complex hardware and software architectures.
TradeMatrix is i2’s B2B e-marketplace platform that offers advanced optimization and hosted services for conducting business-to-business and business-to-consumer electronic commerce in real-time. TradeMatrix offers a comprehensive set of services including procurement, commerce, fulfillment, customer care, retail, planning and product development.
Internet-enabled procurement management is an activity that companies cannot afford to ignore due to the large savings potential in product costs and processes. Cost savings and efficiency improvements are driving business-to-business automation and optimization.
The strategic alliance between i2 and Siemens IT Service focuses on:
1. Customer-specific e-procurement services for companies that want to optimize their procurement processes using Siemens IT Service as a prime contractor.
2. Siemens IT Service is the hub customer of this private marketplace.
About Siemens IT Service:
Siemens IT Service GmbH & Co. OHG, part of the Siemens group, is the second largest IT service provider in Europe. The company has around 8,000 employees worldwide and more than 800 service centers. Its range of services covers planning, installation and support for IT systems. Siemens IT Service works together with virtually all leading hardware, software, network and database manufacturers. As part of its globalization strategy, this year will see Siemens IT Service raise its market presence in North America, thus offering transnational companies a worldwide service network.
About i2:
i2 is the leading global provider of intelligent eBusiness solutions. Founded in 1988, i2's vision is to add $50 billion of value for its customers by the year 2005. i2 is headquartered in Dallas, TX, has approximately 3,000 employees and maintains offices worldwide. For additional information, visit i2 on the Web at
TradeMatrix is a comprehensive electronic business solution that enables companies to deploy business-to-business and business-to-consumer portals. TradeMatrix offers the broadest spectrum of solutions and hosted services available including procurement, commerce, fulfillment, customer care, retail, planning and product development enabling customers, partners, suppliers and service providers to conduct business in real-time. TradeMatrix services and marketplaces are powered by i2’s advanced optimization and execution capabilities for improved decision-making.
i2 and the i2 logo design are registered trademarks of i2 Technologies, Inc. TradeMatrix is a trademark of i2 Technologies, Inc.
Cautionary Language:
This press release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding the expected delivery and benefits of use of the i2’s products. Among the important factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are competition, market demand, technological change, strategic relationships, recent acquisitions, international operations and general economic conditions. For additional discussion of factors, which could impact i2’s financial results, please refer to i2’s recent filings with the SEC, particularly the Form 8-K filed November 30, 1999 and Form 10-Q filed November 15, 1999.
Sue LaDow i2 Technologies, Inc. (469) 357-3027 E-mail:
Marion Weber i2 Technologies GmbH Tel: +49 89 462377 160 E-mail:
Siemens IT Service:
George Okrusch Siemens IT Service GmbH & Co. OHG Tel: +49 89 636 415290 E-mail: