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Marc Klößchen:

Interessante Analyse zur Evolution-Aktie

18.01.25 22:40
Die Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) ist ein in Schweden ansässiges Unternehmen, das im Bereich der Internetdienste tätig ist. Sie entwickelt, produziert, vermarktet und lizenziert integrierte Business-to-Business (B2B) Live-Casino-Lösungen für Spielanbieter. Seine Lösungen ermöglichen ein Live-Tischspiel durch Streaming von professionellen Croupier-Diensten an Endverbraucher über das Online-Casino und die Spieleplattformen. Das Unternehmen verfügt über Büros und Produktionsstudios in Großbritannien, Schweden, Malta, Italien, Spanien und Lettland.


Beeindruckende Zahlen:

Evolution Gaming: Year-end report 2019
Wed, Feb 12, 2020 07:30 CET

Fourth quarter of 2019 (Q4 2018)
Operating revenues increased by 51% to EUR 106.0 million (70.2)
EBITDA increased by 77% to EUR 55.8 million (31.6), corresponding to a margin of 52.7% (45.0)
Profit for the period amounted to EUR 46.8 million (25.5)
Earnings per share before dilution amounted to EUR 0.26 (0.14)
Full-year 2019 (2018)
Operating revenues increased by 49% to EUR 365.8 million (245.4)
EBITDA increased by 70% to EUR 182.9 million (107.7), corresponding to a margin of 50.0% (43.9)
Profit for the period amounted to EUR 149.7 million (83.5)
Earnings per share before dilution amounted to EUR 0.83 (0.46)
The Board proposes a dividend of EUR 0.42 per share (0.24)
Tamakoschy, 12.02.20 10:05
Marc Klößchen:

Interessante Analyse zur Evolution

18.01.25 22:41

aktie bricht ein nach Zahlen

30.01.25 16:27

   The Board proposes a dividend of EUR 2.80 per share (2.65)

   The Board intends to repurchase shares up to EUR 500 million

   Over 1,700 Live tables at the end of the period (1,600)

Fourth quarter of 2024 (Q4 2023)

   Total operating revenues increased 31.5% to EUR 625.3 million (475.3) whereof;
       Net revenues increased 12.3% to EUR 533.8 million (475.3)
       Other operating revenues of EUR 91.4 million (-), other operating revenues are related to reduced earn-out liability.
   EBITDA increased 35.0% to EUR 455.0 million (337.0), corresponding to a margin of 72.8% (70.9)
   Adjusted EBITDA (excluding other operating revenues) increased 7.9% to EUR 363.6 million (337.0), corresponding to a margin of 68.1% (70.9)
   Profit for the period amounted to EUR 377.1 million (282.9)
   Earnings per share amounted to EUR 1.83 (1.32)

January-December 2024 (2023)

   Total operating revenues increased 23.1% to EUR 2,214.1 million (1,798.6) whereof;
       Net revenues increased 14.7% to EUR 2,063.1 million (1,798.6)
       Other operating revenues of EUR 151.1 million (-), other operating revenues are related to reduced earn-out liability.
   EBITDA increased 23.2% to EUR 1,561.8 million (1,267.4), corresponding to a margin of 70.5% (70.5)
   Adjusted EBITDA (excluding other operating revenues) increased 11.3% to EUR 1,410.7 million (1,267.4), corresponding to a margin of 68.4% (70.5)
   Profit for the period amounted to EUR 1,244.0 million (1,070.9)
   Earnings per share amounted to EUR 5.94 (5.01)


Der deutsche Markt

30.01.25 20:52
ist durch die Regulierung  eben komplett weggebrochen.

Live Casino-Shows

30.01.25 20:55
Der deutsche Markt
ist durch die Regulierung  eben komplett weggebrochen.
cheffix, 30.01.25 20:52
dürfen in lizensierten Wettanbietern nicht mehr angeboten werden.

Chance / Risiko

07.02.25 14:45
ist es mir Wert hier mal klein mizuspielen, heute Einstieg zu 70,34Euro
Dividende liegt für dieses Jahr bei 2,80, nach 2,65 im Vorjahr.
Sind fast 4%...dazu sollte sich der Kurs doch trotz der Risiken wieder etwas berappeln denke ich.
Wir werden es sehen....


10.02.25 17:16

The board of directors of Evolution AB (publ) has resolved on acquisitions of own shares
Mon, Feb 10, 2025 16:00 CET Report this content

Evolution AB (publ) (“Evolution”) has, based on the authorisation from the annual general meeting 2024, resolved that the company shall acquire own shares in accordance with its capital allocation framework. The purpose of the acquisition of own shares is to optimise and improve the capital structure of the company by reducing the capital, thereby creating added shareholder value.

Pursuant to Evolution’s capital allocation framework, excess capital can be distributed through the repurchase of own shares. On 18 July 2024, the company announced a repurchase programme of EUR 400 million which, as announced on 23 October 2024, has been completed.

Against this background, the board of directors of Evolution has, based on the authorisation from the annual general meeting 2024, resolved that the company shall acquire its own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm or another regulated market before the annual general meeting 2025. The maximum amount for which shares may be repurchased under this repurchase programme is EUR 500 million. The board of directors also intends to seek an authorisation from the annual general meeting 2025 to resolve on repurchases of own shares and, provided that the authorisation is approved by the annual general meeting, to utilise the authorisation to carry out any repurchases that could not be completed before the annual general meeting 2025.

The repurchase programme will be implemented in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation No 596/2014 (“MAR”) and the Commission Delegated Regulation No 2016/1052 (“Safe Harbour Regulation”). Acquisitions of shares shall be made by an investment firm or a credit institution which shall make its trading decisions concerning the timing of the purchases of shares independently of Evolution.

Terms and conditions for acquisitions of own shares

According to the board of directors’ resolution, any acquisition of own shares shall be made on Nasdaq Stockholm or another regulated market, in accordance with Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers, or otherwise applicable rules, and the following terms and conditions:

   Acquisitions may be made on one or more occasions before the annual general meeting 2025.
   The maximum amount for which shares may be acquired may not exceed EUR 500 million.
   Acquisitions shall be made at a price within the price interval registered for the share at any given time.
   Acquired shares shall be paid in cash.

Total number of shares in the company and the company’s holding of own shares

In accordance with the authorisation from the annual general meeting 2024 the company’s holding of own shares shall not at any given time exceed 10 per cent of all shares in the company. As of today, the total number of shares in the company is 211,833,204 shares. The company currently holds 5,270,961 treasury shares, which means that a maximum amount of 15,912,359 shares may be repurchased under the authorisation.

Reporting of completed acquisitions of own shares

Completed acquisitions of own shares will be reported in accordance with applicable laws and regulations as well as Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers.

For further information, please contact:
Jacob Kaplan, CFO, ir@evolution.com

Weitere Käufe von Großaktionären

13.02.25 13:21
Kenneth Dart hat seinen Anteil an dem Live-Casino-Entwickler Evolution deutlich erhöht und kontrolliert nun etwas mehr als 15 Prozent des Kapitals.

Die Beteiligung wurde von etwa 21,5 Millionen Aktien auf 31,8 Millionen Aktien aufgestockt, wie aus einer früheren Mitteilung hervorgeht.

Kenneth Dart war im vergangenen Herbst als neuer Großaktionär bei Evolution aufgetaucht und hatte seine Position kurz vor Jahresende auf knapp über 10 Prozent aufgestockt. Jetzt hat er weiter aufgestockt und ist nun der größte Aktionär von Evolution, nachdem die Capital Group kürzlich auf 14,6 Prozent zurückgegangen ist, wie es in einer früheren Meldung hieß.

seit meinem Einstieg

18.02.25 14:44
hier am 07.02. wie oben gepostet, ist der Kurs schon 6Euro auf 76Euro  angestiegen. Bisher alles richtig gemacht. Ich denke wenn es Richtung DIVI geht Anfang Mai, sehen wir wieder den Bereich von 85.
Mal sehen obs in etwa hinhaut.
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2 84 EVOLUTION GAM.GR.SK-003 (WKN: A2PK19) E3G1 Tamakoschy Lesanto 18.02.25 14:44
