Worldcom to choose turnaround specialist in 3 weeks-WSJ
WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2002 4:54 AM
- Reuters U.S. Company News
NEW YORK, July 24 (Reuters) - WorldCom Inc. (WCOEQ) is expected to choose a restructuring firm from a list provided by the three financial institutions providing bankruptcy financing within three weeks, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Mississippi-based WorldCom filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in New York on Sunday and has since arranged financing of up to $2 billion to keep operating.
Two potential hires as restructuring specialists are Joe Bondi, a senior managing director at Alvarez & Marsal, New York, and John Dubel, a principal at AlixPartners LLC, Southfield, Mich., according to the Journal.
A candidate from restructuring firm Zolfo Cooper LLC, New York, might also be considered, the paper said
...das gibt neuen auftrieb heute !!! keep cool !