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05.09.00 21:23
ein kleiner Risikohinweis:

Universal Broadband Networks, Inc., formerly known as IJNT.net, Inc.,
                                  formerly known as IJNT.net Corporation and IJNT International, is engaged in the business of providing wireless Internet access through microwave technology.

UBNT provides wireless Internet access through microwave technology. The
Co. also offers dial-up Internet access, web site design and web hosting
services, as well as optical fiber connectivity and related products and services.
For the three months ended 6/00, revenues fell 26% to $683 thousand. Net
loss applicable to Common totalled $12.4 million, up from $2.6 million. Results reflect a decrease in revenues from the MRHM subsidiary and increased payroll and related expenses.

Marktkapitalisierung 87 Mio US$
Cash gerade noch 354 000 US$
Buchwert ist leider schon negativ.

Das Streichholz ist schon am verklimmen, wenn die nicht bald ein Produkt
haben, das Umsatz generiert.

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