nstrument Decision Notice: EBR Registry Number: 010-4672
Proponent: VG Gold Corp.
65 Queen Street West
Suite 520
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5H 2M5
Instrument Type: Approval for sewage works - OWRA s. 53(1)
Ministry Reference Number:
Ministry of the Environment
Date Proposal loaded to the Registry:
September 18, 2008
Date Decision loaded to the Registry:
July 15, 2009
Keyword(s): Mining
Decision on Instrument:
A Certificate of Approval (Industrial Sewage Works) was granted for the Davidson Tisdale mine situated 3 kilometres north west of Government Road in South Porcupine, within the boundaries of the City of Timmins, Ontario.
The attached Certificate document is intended for posting on the Environmental Registry in order to provide the reader with the substantive content of the issued instrument. Please note the official version may be differently formatted or otherwise contain minor variations from this version.
Comment(s) Received on the Proposal: 0
Public Consultation on the proposal for this decision was provided for 30 Days, from September 18, 2008 to October 18, 2008.
As a result of public consultation on the proposal, the Ministry received a total of 0 comments.
Leave to Appeal Provisions:
Any resident of Ontario may seek leave to appeal this decision, by serving written Notice, within 15 days of July 15, 2009 upon the following:
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario:
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
1075 Bay Street
Suite 605
Toronto Ontario
M5S 2B1
Phone: (800) 701-6454
Issuing Authority:
Mansoor Mahmood
Senior Water Engineer
Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch
2 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 12A
Toronto Ontario
M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 314-8178
Fax: (416) 314-8452
VG Gold Corp.
65 Queen Street West
Suite 520
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5H 2M5
Appellate Body:
Environmental Review Tribunal
655 Bay Street
Floor 15
M5G 1E5
Phone: (416) 314-4600
Fax: (416) 314-4506
The Notice must be signed and dated and include all of the following information:
1. The EBR Registry Number, the Ministry Reference Number, the Proponent's name and address to whom the instrument was issued and the location of Activity. (All available from this Registry posting)
2. A copy of any comments that were submitted on the original proposal, if comments were not submitted, an explanation of your interest in seeking leave to appeal the decision is required.
3. A description of the grounds for the application for leave to appeal including information that demonstrates that:
(a) there is a good reason to believe that no reasonable person, having regard to the relevant law and any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind, could have made the decision; and
(b) the decision in respect of which an appeal is sought could result in significant harm to the environment.
4. The portion of the instrument or each term or condition in the instrument in respect of which the leave to appeal is applied for.
5. The grounds on which you intend to reply at the hearing, in the event that the leave to appeal is granted, in relation to each portion that you are seeking leave to appeal.