Solar-Perle 2011?

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From Holland:

Solar-Perle 2011?

04.10.10 17:48


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Ich setze auf Ascent Solar

04.10.10 17:52
Fast gleiches Produkt und fast das gleiche Geschäftsmodell.
From Holland:


04.10.10 18:10
Oct. 3, 2010

Chinas beste Solaraktie: plus 200 %

07.10.10 10:47
Quelle: DAF
From Holland:

848kWp Solar Roof Installed in Paris

07.10.10 21:40
07 October 2010

Uni-Solar, a subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices and a global manufacturer of flexible thin-film photovoltaics (PV), announces the completion of one of the largest solar installations in Paris, France on the rooftop of Sisley, the global luxury cosmetic brand.

Uni-Solar secured this installation with its channel partner Soprema, a modified bitumen-roofing-material manufacturer in France. Soprema's modified roofing material, SopraSolar, is powered by Uni-Solar, integrating its photovoltaic (PV) laminates into the waterproofing function. Sisley headquarters includes six building rooftop sections totaling 45,000 square meters (485,000 square feet), 35,000 square meters (377,000 square feet) of which are covered by the bituminous PV membrane.

This combination is critical in France, where higher feed-in tariffs (FiT) apply for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). They require that the solar power system take over part of the building envelope's function. Once running, the 848 kilowatt-peak-unit (kWp) project will power the equivalent of 181 households annually, while significantly reducing Sisley's carbon footprint.
From Holland:

Neue Produktion

11.10.10 15:27
UNI-SOLAR Brand Debuts First Ever, UL-Approved, Standard-Production Residential Solar Module Roof Shingle

ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich., Oct. 11, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- United Solar announces the UNI-SOLAR ® brand Power Shingle™ – a breakthrough, industry-leading, aesthetically-pleasing solar product that removes the barriers which have kept many homeowners from installing solar on their roofs. For a close-up view, visit the UNI-SOLAR booth (3219) at Solar Power International in Los Angeles, California on October 12-14.  
PowerShingle by UNI-SOLAR

Power Shingle is the first ever, UL-approved, standard production residential solar module roof shingle available for the U.S. photovoltaic marketplace. The product replaces the need for heavy, bulky and unattractive frames on homeowners' roofs.
"A consistent message from homeowners is that until residential solar options became aesthetically pleasing and fit into their homes' current roofline, they simply weren't ready to take the solar plunge – or at best will limit solar to the backside of their home," said Mark Morelli, President and CEO of UNI-SOLAR's parent company, Energy Conversion Devices (Nasdaq:ENER). "Now with Power Shingle's seamless fit, low profile and added durability, we've solved homeowners' main visual objections and they can say, 'finally, solar for the front of the home'."
Power Shingle's design fits the low-profile, visually-aesthetic needs of homeowners, drastically improving the marketplace outlook for a wider scale acceptance of solar on residential roofs.

UNI-SOLAR's extremely lightweight and very flexible laminates allowed UNI-SOLAR engineers the ability to integrate solar into laminates that are designed to look like asphalt shingles. The Power Shingle product features laminates that are glass-free and encapsulated in UV-stabilized, weather-resistant polymers that hold up against Category 3 hurricane winds, hail and other heavy impacts – while continuing to provide excellent performance and protection for the inside of the home.
Power Shingle will be included as a part of a residential solar lease pilot program in New Jersey offered by New Jersey Resources Home Services, a leading home appliance, service and installation company. Through this program, New Jersey Resources Home Services is helping to make renewable energy affordable and accessible to customers by offering installation of solar panels with no upfront, installation or maintenance costs.
"We're excited about expanding our solar offerings in the residential market," said Morelli. "We believe Power Shingle's sweet spot will be the new roof and re-roofing market, which is estimated at more than four million homes per year in the U.S., a large potential market for a residential product ."
UNI-SOLAR has more than 25 years experience in the ever-growing worldwide industry of solar power generation, and is the largest manufacturer of lightweight flexible solar panels in the world.
From Holland:

Branche news

11.10.10 17:39
Bangalore - Ascent Solar Technologies Inc, a developer of thin-film photovoltaic modules, said it passed a key performance and long-term reliability test that would give it larger market opportunities, pushing its shares to a 26-week high.

The U.S. solar modules maker said it received full IEC 61646 certification after passing a battery of tests conducted by an independent laboratory. The IEC prepares standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

Thornton, Colorado-based Ascent said the certification "opens the door for an aggressive push into building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) and building applied photovoltaic applications for use in commercial, industrial and residential rooftop markets."

BIPVs, which companies like Ascent and Energy Conversion Devices Inc make, can be built into the structure of a building.

Given their unobtrusive nature, BIPVs were once touted as the next big thing in solar power, but have so far not taken off as expected.

The company's shares, which have been topsy turvy this year, were up 41 percent at $4.79 Monday morning on Nasdaq.
From Holland:

Produkt und meinung

12.10.10 11:41
10:59 Uhr 12/10/10

Solar-Neuheit startet heute: US-Spezialist Energy Conversion vor Durchbruch

Heute wird auf der US-Messe Solar Power International eine neuartige Solar-Dachschindel vorgestellt. Hersteller dieser Innovation ist Energy Conversion Devices. Dies könnte der ausgebombten Aktie neue Impulse geben.
Die Solartechnik nimmt immer neue Formen an. Eine spannende Alternative zu sperrigen, schweren Solarmodulen stellt auf der heute beginnenden Solarmesse Solar Power International die US-Firma Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) vor. Dabei handelt es sich um Solar-Dachschindel
Diese sind unkompliziert zu verlegen, völlig integrierbar und entlasten das Dach durch das geringe Gewicht.

ECD-Chef Mark Morelli freut sich auf die Markteinführung: "Die PowerShingles machen Solar endlich auch ästhetisch." Er will damit den Markt für private Solarinstallationen in den USA adressieren, welcher jährlich vier Millionen Dächer umfasst.

ECD bietet bereits seit Jahren großflächig verlegbare, flexible Solarpanele an. Das Potenzial für diese Marktnische dürfte sich bis 2013 von derzeit 1,5 Gigawatt auf über 3 Gigawatt mehr als verdoppeln. Insgesamt steigerte der Solarhersteller die Umsätze im zweiten Quartal 2010 um 70 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr auf 86 Millionen Dollar. Noch macht die Firma aber hohe Verluste. Doch es geht in die richtige Richtung. So sollen die Produktionskosten bis zum ersten Quartal von 2,21 Dollar auf 1,60 Dollar pro Watt fallen.

Heiße Wette

Der Tipp des Tages vom 4. Oktober bleibt eine spannende Wette auf den Turnaround. Mit dem gestrigen Kursanstieg hat sich das Chartbild wieder aufgehellt. Impulse durch das neue Produkt könnten der Aktie weiteren Rückenwind geben. Das Kursziel liegt bei 7,00 Euro. Da ECD noch defizitär ist, ist ein Stoppkurs bei 2,90 Euro jedoch Pflicht.
From Holland:

Plastikhaut für Solarzellen

17.10.10 13:30

Der Technologiekonzern 3M hat einen Polymerfilm entwickelt, der Dünnschicht-Solarzellen endlich zum Durchbruch verhelfen soll: Die Schutzschicht soll kaum Feuchtigkeit durchlassen und 20 Jahre halten.

Biegsam, leicht, hauchdünn, großflächig: Die nächste Generation von Solarzellen soll der Photovoltaik ganz neue Anwendungsfelder eröffnen. Bislang fehlt allerdings eine bezahlbare, robuste Kunststofffolie, die die Glasversiegelung herkömmlicher Solarzellen gleichwertig ersetzt. Der US-amerikanische Technologiekonzern 3M hat nun einen 23 Mikrometer dicken Plastikfilm aus Fluoropolymeren vorgestellt, der es mit Glas aufnehmen soll. Und das bei nur einem Hundertstel der Dicke von Glasversiegelungen, wie Derek DeScioli, Business Development Manager in der Abteilung erneuerbare Energien bei 3M, betont.

Glas zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass es billig, wasserdicht und vor allem lange haltbar ist. Leider ist es aber auch schwer, starr und zerbrechlich. Deshalb müssen herkömmliche Solarzellen besonders vorsichtig transportiert werden, was ebenfalls zu den Gesamtkosten beiträgt.

Die neue Schutzfolie von 3M würde nicht nur diese Probleme lösen. Auch die Gestelle, in denen Solarmodule heute montiert werden, könnten entfallen – ein Vorteil bei Dächern, die nur wenig Last aufnehmen können. Stattdessen ließen sich die Zellen auch direkt ins Dach einpassen.

„Biegsame Solarzellen haben viele Vorteile, die alle toll klingen. Aber wie verkapselt man sie? Dieser Aspekt ist in der Diskussion immer vernachlässigt worden“, sagt Steven Hegedus vom Institute of Energy Conversion an der University of Delaware.

Zwar gibt es bereits folienüberzogene Solarzellen, zum Beispiel als Camping-Zubehör oder neuerdings auch in Rucksäcke integriert. Die hierfür verwendeten Plastikfilme halten aber nicht 20 bis 25 Jahre ohne Unterbrechung der Witterung stand. Außerdem lassen sie zuviel zu viel Feuchtigkeit durch, was die neuen Dünnschicht-Halbleiter schädigt.

3M verwende nun ein Fluoropolymer, durch das Wassermoleküle nur sehr schwer diffundieren können, sagt Derek DeScioli. Pro Quadratmeter gelangten an einem Tag nur 0,5 Milligramm hindurch – ein Hundertstel dessen, was durch andere Kunststoffe gelangt. Weil das Material auch robuster gegenüber hohen Temperaturen und UV-Strahlung sei, erhöhe sich seine Lebensdauer. 3M habe das Material zudem so verfeinert, dass es kaum Sonnenlicht reflektiere.

Damit könnte 3M ein Trade-Off-Problem lösen, das neue Dünnschicht-Solarzellen bislang haben: Unempfindliche Halbleiter haben einen schlechten Wirkungsgrad, effizientere Halbleiter vertragen hingegen Feuchtigkeit nicht so gut.

Die Dünnschicht-Zellen von United Solar Ovonic aus Michigan etwa sind aus amorphem Silizium gefertigt, dem Feuchtigkeit relativ wenig anhaben kann. Als Abdichtung kann die Firma deshalb ein Kunstharz des Chemie-Herstellers DuPont einsetzen. Der Wirkunsgrad der Zellen liegt aber bei nur sieben Prozent.

Neue Dünnschichtzellen aus CIGS – einem Gemisch aus Kupfer, Indium, Gallium und Selen – wandeln hingegen doppelt so viel Licht in Strom um wie die United-Solar-Zellen. Dafür reagiert das Halbleitermaterial viel empfindlicher auf Feuchtigkeit als amorphes Silizium. Zwar lassen sich CIGS-Zellen mittels Rotationsdruckverfahren auf langen Metall- oder Kunststoffbändern fertigen. Mangels eines geeigneten Kunststoffes ist als Versiegelung jedoch weiterhin Glas nötig.

Der Polymerfilm von 3M lasse sich nun in das Rotationsdruckverfahren integrieren, sagt DeScioli.
Neben CIGS-Zellen wolle 3M auch Cadmium-Tellurid- und organische Solarzellen bedienen. „Der Hauptvorteil unseres Films ist, dass Hersteller mit Rotationsdruckverfahren größere Module produzieren können“, sagt DeScioli. Das Material selbst sei zwar nicht billiger als Glas. Die Gesamtproduktionskosten, die leichtere Installation mit eingerechnet, würden sich aber verringern.

Derzeit wird der Film nur in einer Pilotanlage hergestellt, soll aber nächstes Jahr in die Massenfertigung gehen. Die potenziellen Kunden würden schon Schlange stehen, sagt DeScioli.
From Holland:

Profitability Through Impairments

20.10.10 18:42
From Holland:


21.10.10 15:45

Hab mal gestern Abend

22.10.10 13:04
eine kleine Position ENER ins Depot genommen.
From Holland:

Strong Rebound

23.10.10 09:12
Stock Prices of Energy Conversion Devices Inc, (NASDAQ:ENER), crossed its 50-day moving average of $4.6 and closed on $4.68. The stocks surged by 4% compared to its previous day close of $4.5 and a market capitalization of 218.4 Mil.
From Holland:

financial results first fiscal quarter of 2011

09.11.10 13:13
Solar Revenue Increases 77% Over Prior Year
Gross Margin Increases to 18%
Total Cash and Investments Position Improves to $206 Million
Technology Roadmap Updated to 14% Efficiency and $0.65 Cost per Watt

ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich., Nov. 9, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD) (Nasdaq:ENER), a leading global provider of thin-film flexible solar laminate products and systems to the building-integrated, commercial and residential rooftop markets, today announced financial results for its first fiscal quarter of 2011, ended September 30, 2010.

Total consolidated revenue for the quarter was $68.4 million, an increase of 59% over the first fiscal quarter of 2010, and a decrease of 21% from the previous quarter. Solar product and system sales were $65.0 million, an increase of 77% over the previous year, and a decrease of 20% from the previous quarter. Consolidated gross margin for the quarter was 18% or $12.5 million, as compared to 3% or $3.0 million in the prior quarter. During the quarter, ECD shipped 30.6 megawatts of its UNI-SOLAR® brand PV laminates, and produced 33.6 megawatts.

The company reported a net loss of $13.5 million, or $0.29 per share. This compares to a net loss of $12.0 million, or $0.28 per share, in the first fiscal quarter of 2010, and a net loss of $20.9 million, or $0.49 per share, in the prior quarter.

As of September 30, 2010 the Company had $206.5 million in cash, cash-equivalents, restricted cash and short-term investments, an increase of $1.8 million over the prior quarter's ending balance. Operating cash flow for the quarter was $19.2 million driven by strong working capital management.

Included in the company's first quarter results were $0.5 million of restructuring charges, and $1.0 million of costs including expenses associated with the company's facilities consolidation which are included in selling, general and administrative costs. The company also recognized a $1.2 million non-cash gain from the early retirement of long-term debt.

Mark Morelli, ECD's President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "We continue to make progress on our path to profitability. Our capacity utilization was higher and our net loss was lower as compared to our previous quarter; this was the third straight quarter of improvement on these two very important metrics. Our higher gross margin was driven primarily by a reduction in our cost per watt, but also continuing stability in pricing."

"We expect to realize further cost reductions due to high factory utilizations and the execution of the initial stages of our technology roadmap. First shipments of our new PowerBond product will begin in the first half of calendar year 2011 and our High Frequency 10% aperture-area efficiency products will begin production in the summer. We anticipate that once fully ramped, end of next year, we will achieve a $1.15 cost per watt for this technology," Morelli continued.

The Company also updated the future stages of its technology roadmap, which includes the introduction of its proprietary Nano-Crystalline cell structure in the fall of 2012. "The introduction of Nano-Crystalline technology allows us to provide outstanding energy density while maintaining our flexible, lightweight, non-penetrating core rooftop product attributes. We now believe that we can achieve 14% aperture-area efficiency at a production cost of $0.65 per watt by 2015," said Dr. Subhendu Guha, Chairman of United Solar, and Chief Technology Officer of ECD.

The company provided guidance for its second fiscal quarter of 2011 and adjusted its guidance for the full fiscal year as follows:

 Q2'11 FY 2011
Shipments (MW) 28-33 120-140
Production (MW) 30-33 120-140
Consolidated Revenue ($M) 68-78 290-330
Consolidated Gross Margin (%) 18-20% 16-20%
SG&A and R&D Expense ($M) ~20 75-80
Interest Expense ($M) ~7 ~28
Restructuring Charges ($M) ~0 1-2
Tax Expense ($M) ~0.5 1-2
Capital Expenditures ($M) ~10 ~40

Morelli concluded, "Our guidance reflects the continued traction that our business model is gaining around the world, but especially in our core markets of Italy, France and North America. We are adjusting our full year guidance with confidence in our expanding pipeline and market share growth going into calendar year 2011. We have increased the lower end of our full year revenue guidance to $290 million, and we have increased our gross margin guidance range to 16-20%. We have also increased our capital expenditures to reflect the acceleration of the upgrade of our next High Frequency line to improve our path to higher energy density and lower cost products. The strengthening of the markets where our products perform best, the continued adoption of our BAPV product offerings and the growth in the U.S. residential market represent significant opportunities for our company. Despite any quarterly unevenness, we believe the trend of our revenue is up, our costs are down, and we continue to expect a return to profitability in calendar year 2011."
From Holland:

Q1 loss/shr $0.29 vs Analysts $0,36

09.11.10 14:13
UPDATE 1-Energy Conversion loss widens slightly, sales surge

 Tue Nov 9, 2010 7:57am EST

* Q1 loss/shr $0.29 vs loss of $0.28/shr last year

* Revenue up nearly 60 pct, beats Street

* Q2 rev view, mid-point of FY rev view below Street

* Shares off slightly pre-market

Nov 9 (Reuters) - Energy Conversion Devices Inc's (ECD) (ENER.O) first-quarter loss widened slightly, but the solar company gave revenue outlook for the first time in a year, indicating better visibility.

The mid-point of the company's full-year revenue view was slightly below estimates, while its second-quarter revenue forecast came in below estimates. [ID:WNAB1155]

Sales of solar equipment have jumped this year as buyers rush to build projects ahead of declining subsidies in major European markets, including Germany -- the world's largest solar market -- Italy and France, as governments pare back spending to support renewable energy systems.

In August, ECD too had said it could return to profitability in 2011 on improving demand. [ID:nSGE67Q0HX]

On Tuesday, Solarfun Power Holdings (SOLF.O) reported strong third-quarter results, while JA Solar (JASO.O) raised its full-year outlook. U.S. giant SunPower (SPWRA.O) reports Thursday and Canadian Solar (CSIQ.O) reports Friday.

For the first quarter, ECD reported a net loss of $13.5 million, or 29 cents per share, compared with a net loss of $12 million, or 28 cents per share, last year.

Revenue rose 59 percent to $68.4 million.

Analysts were looking for a loss of 36 cents a share, on revenue of $67.4 million, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

The company's shares, which have shed over 60 percent of their value from a January year-high.
From Holland:

Energy Conversion Devices Beats Estimates

09.11.10 14:20
The consensus price target of analysts covering the company's stock is $5.10 per share

Empfehlung der Aktionär

11.03.11 17:57
Ick lach mir tod...ho ho ho und Tschö
wir warten unten auf euch

Taugt dieser schrott was ?

12.08.11 08:28
Wer ist schlechter .... ähhhh ..... besser: ECO oder Q-cells ?
Solar-Perle 2011? 429554
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  58 ECD: US-Solarfirma mit Riesen-Sprung nach vorn Vermeer Joschi307 23.02.12 08:43
  17 Solar-Perle 2011? From Holland Chalifmann3 12.08.11 08:28
    Übernahme geplant? Romka   18.09.09 13:56
    ECD Liefervertrag über 10 MW Module fabias   20.07.09 12:20
