Gold Is On the Move!

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Gold Is On the Move!

01.10.04 20:48
Gold Is On the Move!

By David Vaughn     Printer Friendly Version
October 1, 2004

And how did gold do for the week?

Can you say the word "wow"?!!! Gold had been continuing to move at a snail's pace, but then it decided to surprise us this past week. Just a short while ago the "Master" (Bill Buckler) said the following about gold's slow, slow crawl:

"As you have probably noticed, almost everything on the financial markets has been "on hold" since the end of August…" "The attitude is that if they can't be scared out of Gold, we'll bore them to death." Bill Buckler, The Privateer, 9-17-2004

Well, are we bored with this past week's gold price action? Don't think so. And if you have not up to this point been taking gold seriously you better begin to do so now for the sake of your financial future & well being.

The ole' "trends" they are a' changin'!

"Crude oil rose above $50 a barrel to a record in New York…" Boomberg, 9-28-2004


Gold Is On the Move!

01.10.04 20:50
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