eXcelon 902025 (exln)

Beiträge: 19
Zugriffe: 4.569 / Heute: 2
Oracle Corp 164,45 $ -0,97%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +224,04%
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eXcelon 902025 (exln)

08.09.00 13:58
Falls jemand was darüber weiss bitte posten. Das Unternehmen interessiert mich. Die Aktie hat in einer Woche von 7 $ auf über 11 $ angezogen.



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08.09.00 14:26


              CrossWorlds Software (CWLD) 1.20
              eXcelon (EXLN) 1.20
              Eprise (EPRS) 1.07
              iManage (IMAN) 1.07
              Vitria Technology (VITR) 1.07
              Vignette (VIGN) 1.03
              Click Commerce, Inc. (CKCM) 1.00
              Seranova (SERA) 1.00


              Inktomi (INKT) 0.96
              webMethods (WEBM) 0.96
              Sequoia Software (SQSW) 0.93
              BackWeb Technologies (BWEB) 0.90
              BroadVision (BVSN) 0.85
              Blaze Softwar (BLZE) 0.80
              Marimba (MRBA) 0.80
              eBT International (EBTI) 0.40
              Open Text (OTEX) 0.40




08.09.00 14:54
Ich kenne das Unternehmen nicht so sehr, dafür aber ihr Produkt eXcelon.
War ursprünglich eine reine Objektdatenbank, jetzt setzt man konsequent darauf XML direkt in der Datenbank abzulegen. Das Produkt macht keinen schlechten Eindruck. Sie stehen in direkter Konkurrenz zu  Tamino der Software AG und Poet. Fazit, vom Produkt her ist alles recht vielversprechend.

Na also...

08.09.00 16:13
Danke an Tatanka-Yotanka für das Interesse. Da sich anscheinend doch noch jemand für diese Aktie interessiert bin ich gewillt euch ein ausführlicheres Bild von dieser Firma zu schreiben. Voraussichtlich aber erst heute spät am Abend. Ich habe derzeit noch etwas zu tun.

Übrigens ist eXcelon immer noch äusserst tüchtig im klettern. Heute schon knapp 10%.



09.09.00 02:26
Leider nur in englisch.

   About eXcelon Corporation

eXcelon Corporation (www.exceloncorp.com) is a leading provider of products and services that enable companies to engage in business-to-business (B2B) commerce across the Internet. eXcelon's B2B infrastructure solutions are 100
percent standards-based, thus eliminating technical barriers-to-entry for doing business across the Internet. Companies use eXcelon's B2B solutions to establish high-value electronic partnerships that are built for change.
Based in Burlington, Mass., eXcelon Corporation was founded in 1988 and completed its initial public offering as ODIS in July 1996. The company's stock is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol EXLN. eXcelon
Corporation sells and supports its products through branch offices across the U.S. and international subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Germany, The Netherlands, Japan and Australia, as well as a worldwide network of distributors, value-added resellers, systems integrators and other indirect sales partners.

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this press release regarding eXcelon Corporation's business, including future market opportunities and prospects, which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report or Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year.

eXcelon bietet eine komplette Serie von B2B Allianzprogrammen. Das ist eine komplette Serie von B2B software-Produkten und Dienstleistungen, der sich bisher über 100 Mitglieder angeschlossen haben. Unter anderem Arthur Andersen, Cronos, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle, PeopleSoft, NEON, Sun Microsystems.


Letzte Meldung von heute, 8.9.2000
(auch in englisch)

eXcelon Joins BPMI.org to Aid in the Development of New Business Process Integration Standard; New XML Standard Will Speed the Adoption of B2B Partner Networks

    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 08, 2000 11:15 AM
    - BusinessWire

   BURLINGTON, Mass., Sep 8, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- eXcelon Corporation (Nasdaq:EXLN), a leading provider of XML-based business-to-business (B2B) infrastructure solutions, today announced that it has joined the Business
Process Management Initiative (BPMI.org), a new organization that will define standards that enable the integration of cross-company business processes over the Internet.

   "B2B commerce is about extending your business processes outside your organization, to be shared with all of you partners, suppliers and customers," said Jean-Jacques Dubray, chief architect at eXcelon Corp. "For the past year, eXcelon has been developing an XML-based language for defining and executing business processes as part of our B2B Integration Server. We look forward to being able to share what we have learned to further advance B2B commerce."

   "BPMI.org will help the Global 2000 further embrace the opportunities offered by e-Business," said Ismael Ghalimi, CEO of Intalio, one of BPMI.org's founding members. "By delivering a standard language for the modeling of business processes that will be deployed on forthcoming Business Process Management Systems, BPMI.org will bring the industry a step closer to the process-managed enterprise."

   The first deliverable of the Business Process Management Initiative will be the specification of the Business Process Modeling Language (BPML). BPML is an XML Schema that provides a standard way to model business processes.
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the new Internet standard for marking up data to facilitate exchanges of information between businesses, independently of applications and platforms.

   By covering many dimensions of business process modeling that are specific to processes deployed internally to the enterprise, including business rules, security roles, distributed transactions, compensating transactions, and exception handling, BPML will bridge the gap between legacy IT infrastructures and emerging business-to-business
collaboration protocols such as RosettaNet, BizTalk and ebXML.

   The Business Process Modeling Language will enable the enterprise to model, deploy, and manage business processes such as order management, customer care, demand planning, product development, and strategic
sourcing. This will allow the IT infrastructure to provide greater adaptability to the business of the enterprise and easier manageability of constantly evolving business processes, eventually leading to higher levels of profitability.

   The XML-based standards generated from BPMI.org will support and complement existing business-to-business collaboration protocols such as RosettaNet, BizTalk, and ebXML, as well as technology integration standards
including J2EE and SOAP.

   For more information on eXcelon Corporation and its line of B2B infrastructure products and services, visit
   www.exceloncorp.com or call 1-800-706-2509.

Hans Dampf:

Die waren früher als "Objekt Design" schon dick im

09.09.00 02:54
Geschäft. In der letzten Zeit war es etwas ruhiger um das Unternehmen geworden.

Gruß Dampf

Nachtrag vom Nachtrag

10.09.00 10:18
Was mich am Bericht ein weing stört ist ein wenig die B2B-Schublade in die eXcelon hineingeworfen wird. Natürlich ist XML das Austauschformat für B2B,
aber auch eine Company die B2C macht kann eXcelon verwenden. Ich denke es ist genau diese B2B-Schublade die eXcelon so volatil macht. Das ist natürlich im aufstrebenden Ast schön, kann aber auch in die Hose gehen.

Immer noch Aufwärts.

11.09.00 16:29
eXcelon ist in Amerika entgegen dem Trend gut unterwegs. schon über 12,5$ und schon über 14 euro. Der Widerstand bei 13 euro wurde, falls sich nichts dramatisches tut, nachhaltig durchbrochen. Der nächste mögliche Widerstand wäre bei 15,16 und 17.5 euro alle aber nicht besonders stark.
Die Aktie befindet sich zwar im überkauften Bereich der Trend zeigt aber eindeutig nach oben. Die Umsätze der letzten 2 Börsentage (Fr,Sa) sind insgesamt die höchsten seit April. Wenn es heute so weitergeht...
MACD und Momentum sind auch positiv.

Seit Anfang August hat sich der Wert mehr als verdoppelt( von 6 euro auf heute noch 14,2 euro) und Anfang September war er ungefähr 7 euro.

Ein großes Manko hat eXcelon aber und zwar der Wert ist nicht so bekannt. Wahrscheinlich ist das aber für die Zukunft positiv, denn falls er auf sich aufmerksam machen kann werden dann aus "heiterem Himmel" die Analysten kommen. Schliesslich hat eXcelon namhafte Kunden. Vielleicht... vielleicht auch nicht. Mir hat es jedenfalls schon etwas Freude bereitet und hoffentlich ist es noch nicht vorbei.

Grüsse Euch,

schon wieder +10%

11.09.00 18:47
in Amerika ist der Kurs derzeit bei 13,44 $ umgerechnet bei einem euro von 0,87 würde der Kurs hier bei 15,6 euro. Der ist derzeit aber nur bei 14,3. Typisch euroland, laaaaangsaaaam. Nur nicht hetzen....


... +20% ...

11.09.00 19:17
ok... ich geh spazieren...


Glückwunsch, ich war leider zu feige... o.T.

11.09.00 20:01


12.09.00 00:49
in Amiland ist 13,38$ was so viel ist wie 15,38 in euro. Somit ist es noch kräftig runtergegangen, nachdem die Börse in Europa zu war. Jedenfalls kann man es als positiv werten dass die 200 Tagelinie von unten nach oben durchbrochen wurde und man ist auch darüber geblieben. GD 200 verläuft bei etwa 11,2 od 11,3 $. Wenn man in den nächsten Tagen über 11,2 bleibt könnte sich der Kurs weiter nach oben orientieren und die GD 200 als Unterstützung bestätigen. Der Umsatz war heute wieder mal grösser als die letzten paar Tage. Natürlich auch da sich einige Aktionäre die Gewinne reingeholt haben. Deshalb auch der Kursfall am Schluss. Aber wiederum positiv zu deuten dass die letzte Stunde den Bullen gehört hat bei grossen Umsätzen.

SL ist meiner Meinung nach bei 11,2$ und das entspricht 13,8 euro.

Gute Nacht an alle,

Es könnte wieder losgehen.

14.09.00 16:01
Nach den Gewinnmitnahmen der letzten 2 Tage könnte es wieder gut für eXcelon ausschauen. Die 200 Tageslinie wurde nicht unterschritten, man ist sogar weit darüber geblieben, die Umsätze liegen immer noch hoch genug, um zu zeigen dass das Interesse der Anleger noch vorhanden ist. Die Aktie ist ja auch gut. eXcelon stellt im B2B und B2C Berreich den Standard her, hat gute Partnerunternehmen und arbeitet an weltweit verwendeten B2B-Plattformen mit. Was will man mehr.
Das Kursziel ist vom Cutting Edge(Börsen-Brief) mit 26 euro angegeben. Das war aber schon im Mai. Die Firmengeschichte liest sich aber gut.
Die Möglichkeit besteht jedenfalls fün noch ein paar Prozent mehr.


Also in Amerika gehts drunter und drüber.

14.09.00 16:55
Da scheint sich jemand mit vielen Aktien einzudecken. schon 250.000 Stück bis jetzt bei 11,5% plus. Das ist ein gutes Zeichen schätze ich mal. Falls der Kurs der eXcelon heute über 14 dollar den Tag beendet bestätigt das den Aufwärtstrend. Je höher er aufhört umso besser. Natürlich nur bei steigendem Umsatz. Ich freu mich schon auf den Abend. Hoffentlich freue ich mich auch am Abend.

ein glücklicher JOKER

Es geht weiter!

18.09.00 17:32
Mit dem Aufwärtsbewegungen bei eXcelon. Also seit meinem 1. Posting hier am 8.9, als eXcelon noch 11$ Wert war sind 10 Tage vergangen in der die Aktie ein bischen Konsolidiert hat(Gewinnmitnahmen) und insgesamt 4$ oder 36% + gemacht hat. Nicht schlecht für 10 Tage, oder?

Ist irgendwer ausser mir in eXcelon investiert um mal eine andere, vielleicht kritische Meinung zu hören?

Jumpin Jack .:

Hier gibt's ne offizielle Empfehlung....

18.09.00 17:57
Schaut mal auf www.boerse2000.de. Unter dem Menüpunkt "BOERSE 2000 exclusiv Übersicht" gibt's ne Empfehlung zu eXcelon, erschienen am 10.9. Wie Joker schreibt, lief der Titel seither ganz passabel.
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich's hier hereinkopieren darf; aber es sind ja nur 2 Clicks. Liest sich nicht schlecht. Seither steht der Titel bei mir auch auf der Watchlist. Vor allem die Übernahmegerüchte, die da drin angesprochen werden, scheinen den Push in den letzten Tagen ausgelöst zu haben. Nachdem ich jetzt eure Diskussion hier verfolge, glaube ich, werde ich zuschlagen.

Spitzenmässige link, danke an jjj...

18.09.00 20:05
und hier die neueste Meldung. eXcelon mit strategischer Allianz mit einem deutschen Unternehmen: Rhenus Logistics.

Excelon Partners With Rhenus to Build ¢nd Deploy E-business Solutions

    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 9:37 AM
    - BusinessWire

   BURLINGTON, Mass. and DORTMUND, Germany, Sep 18, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

                    Synergy of e-business and logistics
       enables dynamic partnerships and networking of enterprises in
                              logistics chain

   eXcelon Corporation (NASDAQ:EXLN), a leading provider of XML-based business-to-business (B2B) infrastructure solutions, today announced that it has formed a strategic alliance with Rhenus Logistics, a leading provider of
comprehensive logistics services.

   Based on {he eXcelon B2B Integration Server, Rhenus has developed Business Networking, a cross-organization platform that links various partners such as customers, suppliers and retailers along the value-added chain. With eXcelon's B2B solutions, Rhenus gains the ability to integrate any partner within their network, regardless of their IT infrastructure and technical abilities. This lays the groundwork for high-level online partnerships able to meet the challenges of constantly changing business requirements.

   "With eXcelon, our customers' partners and information systems can now be flexibly linked with our platform and connected to one another by a central management component, creating complete process chains," explained Petra Finke, service center IT manager at Rhenus AG. "Rhenus not only integrates its own e-logistics solutions, but partner services and e-services such as payment services and debt collection as well. This apprwach is extremely flexible and the best practice solution for processing our customers' business."

   The Rhenus system is based on the eXcelon B2B Integration Server. The B2B Integration Server features the industry's first business process interaction engine, which enables organizations to define and execute shared business processes of all types and complexities across multiple organizations. Business processes can be shared with any partner in the extranet community, regardless of their technical infrastructure or which B2B standards they support. By sharing automated business processes over the Internet, eXcelon removes a company's reliance on inefficient phone, fax and mail transactions, creating a more responsive, more efficient and more itable company.

   "By partnering with Rhenus, eXcelon continues to gain momentum in the European B2B market," said Alan Gold, chief marketing officer and vice president of marketing at eXcelon Corporation. "By combªning our strong XML-based B2B capabilities with Rhenus' unparalleled logistical abilities, we will help European organizations realize the full benefits of B2B automation."

   Basic modules are current­y in production, with initial projects already deployed. In addition to developing an order management system for customers to order items stored at Rhenus, the German logistics services giant is also
teaming up with eXcelon to design an online order fulfillment solution. Other projects currently planned include procurement, proluction and distribution logistics.

   For more information on eXcelon Corporation and its line of dynamic B2B products and services, visit www.exceloncorp.com or call 1-800-706-2509.

   About Rhenus

   With annual revenues of just under US$600 million (1.3 billion DM), Rhenus AG & Co. subsidiary Rhenus Logistics (www.rhenus.de) specializes in complex kontract logistics. Headquartered in Dortmund, Germany, and with over 3,300 employees, Rhenus AG & Co. KG maintains a network of over 60 branch offices throughout Europe. Rhenus Logistics is a member of the Rethmann Group.

   About eXcelon Corporation

   eXcelon Corporation (www.exceloncorp.com) is a leading provider of products and services that enable companies to engage in business-to-business (B2B) commerce across the Internet. eXcelon Corporation's B2B solutions are 100 percent standards-based, thus eliminating technical barriers-to-entry for doing business across the Internet. Companies use eXcelon's B2B solutions to establish high-value electronic partnerships that are built for change. Based in Burlington, Mass., eXcelon Corporation was founded in 1988 and completed its initiat public offering as ODIS in July 1996. The company's stock is traded on the NASDAQ N¢tional Market under the symbol EXLN. eXcelon  Corporation sells and supports its products through branch offices across the U.S. and international subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Germany, The Netherlands, Japan and Australia, as well as a worldwide network of distributors,
value-added resellers, sys|ems integrators and other indirect sales partners.

   "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this press release regarding eXcelon Corporation's business, including future market opportunities and prospects, which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, ‡hich could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report or Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year.

   NOTE: ObjectStore is a registered trademark of eXcelon Corporation; eXcelon, EXLN, Xpress, eXcelon B2B Portal Server, eXcelon B2B Integration Server, eXcelon eSolutions, Stylus, Cache-Forward and Javlin are tradmmarks of eXcelon Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

   CONTACT:          eXcelon  Corporation
                     Ed Thomas
                     Schwartz Communications, Inc.
                     Laura Sexton/Bill Keeler
                     (     781-684-0770

   Today's News On The Net - Business Wire's full file on the Internet
   with Hyperlinks to your home page.
   a               URL: www.businesswire.com

   Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.


Ein Wert für die Watchlist

17.05.01 17:56
Nachdem es lange ruhig geworden ist um Excelon, macht das Unternehmen neuerdings durch positive Schlagzeilen wieder auf sich aufmerksam.

Zusammenarbeit mit Siemens und die unbestrittene Qualität ihrer Produkt lässt für die Zukunft auf weitere "good news" hoffen.

Mal im Auge behalten!

eXcelon 902025 (exln) 333911marketinfo.eqonline.de/charts/...8add4ed9cef50757f75a1f799210" style="max-width:560px" >

Wednesday May 16, 9:17 am Eastern Time

Press Release

eXcelon and Siemens Business Services Form
Strategic Alliance

State-of-the-Art Web EDI Solution Now Available for Siemens'

MUNICH, Germany & BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2001--eXcelon
Corporation (Nasdaq: EXLN - news), the leading provider of an XML-based platform for
self-service and collaborative applications, and Siemens Business Services (SBS), one of
the world's leading providers of e-business solutions and services, today announced a
strategic alliance to deliver collaborative e-business applications to organizations

Built on eXcelon's XML Platform, SBS has developed a B2B e-business portal by which
approximately 52,000 Siemens suppliers can receive orders based on WebEDI using XML
technology. SBS will make similar solutions available to its customers worldwide. These
solutions will enable an organization to provide faster and more responsive interactions
between employees, customers, partners and suppliers creating prolific, executable
e-Business, Mobile Business and Multi Channels concepts.

``Every organization constantly looks for new competitive advantages. One of the easiest
ways to improve a business is to unlock and repurpose enterprise information into
next-generation applications that enable employees, customers, partners and suppliers to
serve their own informational and buying needs,'' said Alan Gold, executive vice president
at eXcelon. ``Using the eXcelon XML Platform internally, Siemens has realized a new level
of efficiency with its partner base. Taking their expertise to their customer base represents
an enormous opportunity for eXcelon.''

``We have chosen eXcelon because it is the software product portfolio which enables us to
implement flexible, scalable and cost-effective B2B infrastructures based on
XML-technologies,'' said Heidemarie Lindner, director of SBS Competence Center
e-Business Integration. ``Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has proven to be a useful
technology to build up complex IT-infrastructures. Adding eXcelon to our service portfolio
enables us to meet the e-Business and mobile business requirements of customers of all
sizes and branches.''

The Siemens applications are based on eXcelon's XML-based Extensible Information
Server (formerly Portal Server), enabling faster, more accurate interactions between companies. The Extensible Information
Server enables partners of all sizes to participate in automated interactions with Siemens without having to make any
infrastructure investments on their own. As a result, the SBS-built system reduces transaction costs for both Siemens and its
partners, while increasing the responsiveness of the entire partner community.

Tuesday May 15, 2:40 pm Eastern Time

Press Release

Object Design Introduces Real-Time Market Data
Application for the Financial Industry

Captures 10,000, and Queries More Than One Million, Market Data
Events Per Second

BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 15, 2001--Object Design, a division
of eXcelon(TM) Corporation (NASDAQ:EXLN - news), today announced the Real-Time
Event Engine (RTEE) for Finance, a new software application that overcomes the
technology barriers that limit other real-time collection and analysis tools available today by
simultaneously capturing, organizing and querying real-time data streams. Market data
analysis is necessary for many financial functions and is particularly critical for highly
dynamic and distributed environments, such as foreign exchange, equity trading and fixed
income operations.

Designed for immediate analysis

The RTEE is a high-performance application for the real-time capture, organization and
simultaneous query of streaming event data. It combines extreme scalability with a flexible
Cache-Forward(TM) architecture to support real-time analysis on streaming event data in
distributed environments without impacting capture speed. It ties into any system
architecture freeing financial system designers from having to build collection and
management applications for real-time event data and allow them to focus on the crucial
task of analytics.

The RTEE has three main components that address the primary requirements of a
comprehensive market data collection and analysis system. The components are:

    Collector: Captures market data from external sources in real-time and inserts the
    data into a persistent store.
    Reorganizer: Organizes and indexes the data for efficient use, and re-orders
    out-of-sequence data.
    Query Server: Allows users to access and perform analysis on the market data in
    real-time and in parallel with the data stream capture process.

Unprecedented performance

The RTEE leverages Object Design's strengths in application-specific data management solutions by delivering outstanding
performance for time critical applications while minimizing hardware investments. For instance, stock traders are typically able
to collect up to 400 ticker updates (ticks) per second. RTEE can collect from 5,000 to 10,000 ticks per second while
simultaneously querying more than one million ticks per second on low- to mid-range Sun hardware. This type of performance
enables traders, brokers and analysts to synthesize more market data from more sources more quickly, making it a powerful
application to analyze events, history, traffic rates and re-play trading scenarios.

``Simply capturing real-time market data, in itself, is not particularly challenging, assuming you're willing to continually purchase
hardware to keep up with increasing demands,'' commented Kenneth Rugg, Object Design's vice president of product
development and chief technology officer. ``However, simultaneously querying this real-time market data as it arrives has
typically been unachievable. Until now, financial institutions have tried to overcome this obstacle with inflexible proprietary
solutions developed in-house. The RTEE provides a scalable, high-performance application that frees developers to focus
their efforts on real-time and historical analytics.''

Availability and integration

The RTEE is available immediately for Microsoft NT/2000 and Sun Solaris platforms. It integrates with leading middleware
technology Application Program Interfaces (APIs) including TIBCO, Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM).

Wednesday March 28, 8:11 am Eastern Time

Press Release

eXcelon Wins Four Awards At XML One

Europe's Premier XML Trade Show Names eXcelon as Best of Show in Four of Eight Categories

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 28, 2001-- eXcelon Corporation (Nasdaq: EXLN - news), the leading provider
of XML-based platforms for self-service and collaborative applications, has been recognized for its excellence at one of
Europe's top XML events.

The 2001 XML One exhibition and conference, held March 19-22 in London, awarded eXcelon four of the eight Best of
Show awards. eXcelon earned top prize as the Best XSLT Editor (Stylus Studio), the Best XML Development Tool
(eXcelon Portal Server), the Best Publishing System (eXcelon Portal Server), and beat six other nominees to take the top
award of Best Overall Solution Based on XML for the Portal Server and Integration Server.

``These awards are further recognition of the pioneering work eXcelon has carried out in the development of XML solutions
over the past three years. We are increasingly seen as the best of breed in the XML space due to the comprehensiveness of
our solutions for developing and deploying self-service and collaborative applications,'' said Vittorio Viarengo, Vice President
of Product Management at eXcelon. ``Our Portal Server and Integration Server are already being used to solve a wide range
of business problems in Global 1000 companies, which highlights the enormous potential of XML in helping businesses
optimize interactions between employees, partners, suppliers and customers.''

eXcelon has recently won contracts with Laing, AGFA and Anachron, and has announced alliances with Aditel, Logica and

Gruß Dr. Broemme


... o.T.

17.05.01 18:03
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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Neueste Beiträge aus dem Oracle Corp Forum

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11 60 Oracle,viel besser als der aktuelle Kurs.... lehna Highländer49 24.02.25 17:55
  46 Viel Geld geerbt. Hat jemand einen Tipp was ich kaufen kann??? Shareholderking Micha01 10.09.24 12:43
  9 Hallo zusammen, bin neu am Board Waltari Waltari 25.04.21 13:22
  12 Gepruegelter Hund Aldersgate HAHAHA 25.04.21 11:17
  46 BAAN - das kann kein Strohfeuer sein Dauberus jole1 25.04.21 10:53
