das wars dann wohl? razorfish pleite am 15 august

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das wars dann wohl? razorfish pleite am 15 august

08.08.01 23:45
hab da was aufgeschnappt, klingt interessant:

....... ...... ....


... .......... ............ ...

das wars dann wohl? razorfish am 15. August
INSIDER bereitgestellt am 07.08.2001 von psi

und am 15.8. wars das dann wohl für razorfish.
Chapter 11 hallt es durch die leeren offices (1800m² für 5 Personen)

Re: das wars dann wohl? razorfish am 15. August (Punkte: 0)
von Anonym am 08.08.2001

Aber....man nehme nur das Beispiel marchfirst.....erst chapter 11 in den USA und dann die sogenannte "technische überschuldung" in deutschland.....möglich ist alles heute....warm anziehen ist angesagt.

Re: das wars dann wohl? razorfish am 15. August (Punkte: 0)
von Anonym am 07.08.2001

bist ein münchener oder frankfurter fish ?
weil es gibt keine razf .de gmbh, münchen ist eine gmbh, hamburg eine AG....

auch wenn es den töchtern gut jetzt gut geht, haben einige noch schulden bei der inc. der mutterfirma, die chapter 11 fillen soll.
wenn es nun soweit ist (nach dem insider auch erst am 15.8.00, d.h. da muss jetzt noch nichts angemeldet sein), dann werden die amerikaner es tunlichst versuchen, die schulden der auslandstöchter einzutreiben. Da dies jedoch nicht möglich sein wird, weil die einige töchter auch nicht mehr ganz so viel geld haben, dann wird es wohl auch die (deutschen) Töchter erwischen, es sei denN es gibt einen Management BuyOut. Die neuen Gesellschaften brauchen aber einen neuen Namen, da, man sollte NASDAQ Mitteilungen lesen, Razorfish Inc. die Nutzungsrechte an das Razorfish Subnetwork (www.rsub.com) verkauft habt, die Firma, bei der die Gründer von razf nun sitzen.
Also, mal schaun ob es am 15.8. passiert, viele cash reserven (um nicht zu sagen: KEINE) haben sie nach Studium der letzten Berichte (übrigens hängt razf mit dem Q2 Bericht hinterher) nicht mehr.

also, wird da was verheimlicht und ist RAZF (zumindest in deutschland) bald weg vom fenster?


das käme dem Weltuntergang nahe

08.08.01 23:56
die Nachricht hat mich jetzt echt vom Hocker gehauen!!! Wenn das wahr ist geht für mich eine halbe Welt unter...razorfish gehört zu den ersten wirklichen Internet agenturen, wenn die Pleite gehen sieht es düster aus um die Szene. Auch wenn ich immer sage das Agenturen eigentlich nichts an der Börse verloren haben, weil design nun mal kein Massenprodukt ist, wäre das sehr bitter für die gesamte Agenturlandschaft. Vergisst nicht wie gross Razorfish ist, ihre Offices sind verbreitet über die ganze Welt. Ich denke zwar nicht das die auf einem Schlag Pleite sein werden, wenn ja gibts ne echte Krise...

gruss RainMan

Ihr werdet es nicht glauben:habe gerade nach razf

09.08.01 00:10
geschaut und gedacht,da müsste man ein paar ins Depot legen.

Heute minuseincent!

Das oben ist doch Mist:das mit 1800 qm mag ja wahr sein,in Deutschland.
Mag auch sein,dass die deutsche Filiale geschlossen wird,obwohl da was stand von
Auftrag B.LB.

Also nicht verrückt machen lassen!!

Habe übrigens im Moment keine razf!

gruss verdi

Das Gerücht geht auch in USA rum

09.08.01 00:53
www.fuckedcompany.com  hat es aufgebracht:
"Rumor has it, unless a deal is made or an angel comes calling, Razorfish will file chapter 11 on or around August 15. For a few weeks it looked like Hewlett-Packard was gonna acquire them, but the deal fell through."
When: 8/7/2001
Company: Razorfish
Severity: 95
Points: 185
hier die Antwort der Firma:

I've asked them about CH11!!

Answer: There is no need for a CH11!
They showed a certain surprise about my question if RAZF had to go under CH11 the next days.

For more information please call:
Courtney Campbell
Director of Investor Relations

32 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10013

T +1 212 798 6556
F +1 212 966 6915
M +1 646 298 8212
E courtney.campbell@razorfish.com

das ist natürlich keine Garantie,aber doch etwas beruhigend

(auf derselben Gerüchteseite findet sich sogar Letsbuyitcom)

Abwarten und Tee trinken, wer zu...

09.08.01 11:46
... aufgeregt ist holt sich was härteres. Auf jeden Fall wird am 14.08.01 'ne Bombe platzen, an Insolvenz glaube ich jedoch nicht.
Wie dem auch sei, hab heute nochmal zu 0,48€ nachgelegt.

Apropos Insolvenzantrag !!!

Razorfish meldet keine Insolvenz an und hat noch genügend Cash.

Razorfish Has No Plans To Seek Bankruptcy Protection


NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Embattled Internet consulting firm Razorfish Inc. ( RAZF) dismissed market speculation Tuesday that it`s preparing to file for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection.

"Razorfish has no present plans to seek bankruptcy protection," said David LaBar, a Razorfish spokesman, in a written response to a query from Dow Jones Newswires.

There was speculation swirling on Internet news and gossip sites that the money-losing company would file for Chapter 11 when it reports second-quarter results next week.

It wouldn`t be the first beleaguered Web consultancy to seek protection from creditors amid an industrywide slump. MarchFirst Inc. and Xpedior Inc. have both filed for

But the New York company, which has fired half its workers this year and ousted its founders, remains focused on returning to profitability, LaBar said. It continues to shutter
underperforming offices - in July it closed its Helsinki office - and is in discussions with "third parties" to raise capital, he added.

Razorfish had $30.3 million in cash at the end of March and was expected to burn through at least $10 million of that during the second quarter ended June 30. (Razorfish is
backed by Seneca Investments, a holding company set up by advertising giant Omnicom Group Inc. (OMN).)

Razorfish is slated to release its second-quarter results August 14. It has predicted revenue will be $28 million to $29 million, down from $76.6 million last year.

Meanwhile, its co-founders, Craig Kanarick and Jeffrey Dachis, have been busy selling their stakes in the company since being ousted in May. Last week, Dachis, who once
owned 5% of the company, revealed in a Securities & Exchange Commission filing that he no longer held any Razorfish shares.

The stock closed Tuesday up 1 cent at 44 cents.

-Marcelo Prince, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5244; marcelo.prince@ dowjones.com

(This story was originally published by Dow Jones Newswires)

heißes eisen evtl. geht ja was :-) o.T.

09.08.01 11:50

RAZF heute über 20% minus nach diesen zahlen

15.08.01 21:49
Tuesday August 14, 6:51 pm Eastern Time

Razorfish Q2 share losses mount

By Cyntia Barrera Diaz

NEW YORK, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Internet consulting firm Razorfish Inc. (NasdaqNM:RAZF - news) on Tuesday posted a second-quarter pro forma loss that just met its already lowered guidance, said it had cut its worldwide staff by half, and warned of further softness.

New York-based Razorfish, which has seen demand for its services wane amid the Internet bubble deflation, cut 600 jobs and closed two of its offices during the quarter in a move to trim costs.

The company, which had warned of weaker results in late July, posted a second-quarter pro forma loss of $3.7 million, or 4 cents a share, compared with income of $7.3 million, or 8 cents a share, a year earlier.

Analysts, on average, were expecting a loss of 5 cents a share for the quarter ended in June, according to a survey by tracking firm Thomson Financial/First Call.

But net losses, which include amortization of intangibles, stock-based compensation, restructuring, and other charges, were $137.11 million, or $1.40 a diluted share, compared with income of $5.14 million, or 5 cents a share, a year earlier

Second-quarter revenues fell to $28.7 million, less than half of the $76.6 million reported in the year-ago period.

Despite weak results, in tandem with other industry peers, Razorfish's chief executive, Jean-Philippe Maheu, told analysts during a conference call Tuesday afternoon that the company was looking to become profitable ``as soon as possible.''


As part of its cost reduction plan, Razorfish closed its Helsinki and Milan offices during the second quarter. In the period, it also cut 600 jobs, of which 170 were non-billable staff.

As of March 31, the company had some 1,320 employees worldwide, Maheu said. By early August the company's personnel was about 670. Second-quarter severance and other charges related to the restructure were $70 million.

During the period, Razorfish said it had gained clients such as Glaxo SmithKline, Solaris Health Network, Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Ikea, Beyerishe Landesbank, CB Richard Ellis, UK Channel Four, and others.

Chief Financial Officer John Roberts told analysts that Razorfish's third-quarter results were seen between a loss of 1 cent per share to a profit of 1 cent. Revenues were expected in range of $20 million to $24 million.

According to the two analysts polled by Thomson Financial/First Call, Razorfish is seen posting third-quarter losses of between 3 cents and 4 cents per share.

Razorfish, one of the last Internet consultancies still in business, closed at 36 cents on Tuesday, unchanged from its previous close and barely above its year low of 31.25 cents.

The company, now trading about 98 percent below its year high of $17.38, has underperformed the American Stock Exchange's Internet Index (^IIX - news) by about 40 percent year-to-date.

sieht echt nicht prickelnd aus... dieses missmanagement vieler new economy vorständen geht mir echt auf die eier. allen voran der chef von oracle. habt ihr mal gesehen, was die für büroräume bezogen haben? finde den link gerade nicht, aber das ding hat millionen von dollar verschlungen. optisch ein genuss, wohl war. aber was hätte man der company mit diesem geld in schlechten zeiten helfen können... unglaublich! ich versteh das nicht, da bringen diese harvard studierten und new york erfahrenen superköpfe eine firma an den start, der beginn ist rasant.. und was machen die? sehen den wald vor lauter bäumen nicht mehr. sehen nur noch hohes zweistelliges, oft dreistelliges wachstum und machen kasse. wirtschaften können sie ja, aber oft nur in die eigene tasche... wirklich schade!

schönen abend


Poelsi7> viel spaß bei deinem 48 cent kauf...

15.08.01 21:53
hoffe du bist raus. bist du auch sicherlich. bist ja ein intelligenter trader.

aber RAZF wird so schnell keinen spurt einlegen!



@ Zick-Zock gerade erst gelesen...

17.08.01 15:14
...bin zwar zu 0,44€ wieder raus, aber zu 0,31€ schon wieder rein.
Bin was RAZF angeht leider unverbesserlich. Liegt wahrscheinlich daran, daß ich mit RAZF bisher mein meistes Geld verdient habe.

in diesem Sinne weiter geht der Zick-Zock
Sitting Bull:

Wir sind stolz auf Dich. Du wirst bestimmt wieder

17.08.01 15:30
ganz reich werden mit Razf. Bei der Marktkap. kannst Du ja gleich das ganze "Top"-Unternehmen kaufen!

@sitting bull / bin auch stolz auf mich

22.08.01 15:36
vorbörslich schon 35 % in den USA nach satter Meldung.
Wie gesagt mein bester Wert, meld mich wieder wenn ich die nächsten 100 % eingesackt habe

Razorfish Teams With Microsoft to Develop Microsoft .NET Enterprise Server Based Solutions; Companies Collaborate to Deliver e-Business Solutions Built on Microsoft .NET  

NEW YORK, Aug 22, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Razorfish, Inc. (NASDAQ: RAZF), the
global digital solutions provider, today announced the development of a set of
solutions built with Microsoft .NET technologies that provide e-Businesses with
specific service offerings, including: Digital Business Design, Knowledge
Management, Customer Relationship Enhancement and Information Dissemination.

Over the past six months, Razorfish and Microsoft have worked together to
develop new solution strategies by initiating prototype and scenario-based
development projects at the Microsoft Technology Center's Envisioning Lab in
Waltham, MA. Microsoft provided Razorfish with special access to the Early
Adoption Programs to support prototype development involving the Microsoft .NET
Platform. To extend the solution strategies, the center also provides Razorfish
with training to support and streamline all .NET-related engagements.

The goal of the program is to continue to take advantage of Microsoft .NET
technology and allow Razorfish to develop specific client solutions designed to
generate a compelling return-on-investment (ROI) through improved relationship
management, both externally and internally. Razorfish is already working with a
number of high profile clients helping them fully leverage the advantages of
using Microsoft .NET, including the recent client success announced with

CityReach International Ltd.

"We are very pleased that Razorfish used the Microsoft Technology Center to
develop specific solutions based on Microsoft .NET technologies that showcase
real solutions to real business problems in today's economy," said Peter Boit,
vice president of E-Commerce at Microsoft. "Razorfish is developing innovative
and creative solutions for their clients showing the true capability of
Microsoft technology combined with a compelling user experience."

Razorfish is one of only a few certified members within the e-services sector
that has been selected to participate in the .NET initiative program. .NET is
Microsoft's platform for XML Web services, the "next generation of software that
connects the world of information, devices and people in a unified, personalized
way." The .NET platform enables the creation and use of XML-based applications,
processes, and web sites as services that share and combine information and
functionality with each other by design, on any platform or smart device, to
provide tailored solutions for organizations and individuals.

"By integrating the Microsoft .NET Platform into Razorfish's service offerings,
we are able to further strengthen our technology capabilities and provide our
clients with Microsoft's leading-edge enterprise platform," said Bob Lord,
executive vice president of Razorfish. "This relationship has enhanced our
current value-added service offering and opened valuable new channels into the
enterprise market."

Razorfish has also chosen to implement Microsoft technologies internally. "We
are moving away from our current communications platform to a Microsoft solution
because we feel it offers more flexibility, lower maintenance costs, and a more
stable and comprehensive solution for our company," continued Bob Lord.

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