Why Taxes Have to Go Up

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Why Taxes Have to Go Up

21.10.04 20:48
Why Taxes Have to Go Up

Last May, this page called on the presidential candidates to engage in a serious debate on the federal budget deficit, now $415 billion,
Both candidates, unfortunately, are operating on a similar premise: that nothing need be done now to avert the looming dangers of the nation's huge financial imbalances.
That neatly avoids annoying voters during the campaign season, but it's perilously shortsighted. The United States carries the biggest deficit and debt loads among the world's advanced economies, borrowing a daily $1.7 billion from abroad, mainly from China and Japan. As a result, the economy, which is increasingly viewed by outsiders as cooling off and hobbled by deficits, runs the ever greater risk that foreigners may decide they are not willing to lend or, worse, may decide to sell off large chunks of their $10 trillion in United States assets.

Either could provoke a crisis by causing interest rates and prices to rise sharply and the economy to falter.
Economic doomsaying? Hardly.
The fundamental fix for all this is deficit reduction.

Dieser Artikel über das Budgetdefizit erschien in der New York Times, dem Gehirnwäscheblatt. Die New York Times scheint damit anzufangen zu bemerken, das die Cash Basis das Budgetdefizit immer weiter anwachsen läßt, welches natürlich untertrieben ist im Vergleich zu dem realen Defizit nach GAAP, welches wahrscheinlich $50 Billionen übersteigt.

Manche denken, das die Fed einen Notplan hat oder noch schlimmer, das sie dieses zum Vorteil der USA in Szene setzen.  

...dieses ist sehr unwahrscheinlich...weil sie sich nach Robert Rubin's eigenen Worten   in "uncharted territory" befinden.

Kluge Investoren wären gut beraten, eine gute Dosis von physischem Gold zu ihrem Portfolio hinzu zu fügen...gerade für den Fall des Notplanes, der kein Notplan ist...und gerade reagiert...
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