Thema: $$$$ Subpenny mit TSUNAMI-AUFTRAG $$$$

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Thema: $$$$ Subpenny mit TSUNAMI-AUFTRAG $$$$

18.02.06 10:23
Axia Building Technologies, ein Tochterunternehmen von Axia Group, zog einen dicken Fisch an Land.

So unterzeichnete gestern obiges Tochterunternehmen einen 1,85 Millionen Dollar-Vertrag zum Bau von 250 Unterkünften für Tsunami-Opfer.

Jetzt kommt der Hammer der jeden Zweifler verstummen lässt. Vertragspartner ist das SOS Kinderdorf aus Deutschland

Axia baut die Häuser mit einer vielseitigen Tafel-Technologie, die ein erschwingliches Gebäude sowie einen höheren Schutz gegen den Wind, Stürme und Kerbtiere ermöglicht.

Die Axia Technologie macht von " Styrofoam" Tafeln Gebrauch, die mit einem gewebten " Leitungsineinandergreifen" verstärkt werden. Das Ergebnis ist eine Tafel, die stärker und weniger teuer ist, als traditionelles Holz oder Stahlgebäude. Somit stellt Styrofoam ein starkes und haltbares Fachwerk für fast jede Gebäudeart dar.

Der Preis pro Unterkunft beträgt ca. 8 000 Dollar bis ca. 12 000 Dollar.

Ein 100 köpfiges Team ist bereits vor Ort.

Aufgrund der hervorragenden Kosteneffizienz wird ein Folgeauftrag sogar in Aussicht gestellt.

...Government officials have indicated that as many as 200,000 homes need to be rebuilt in Sri Lanka alone...

Weitere Hintergrundinfo´s bezüglich der Aktie:
- Market-Cap beträgt lächerliche 502.000 Dollar. Alleine der Auftrag beläuft sich aber auf 1,850,000 Dollar.
- Axia vollzog einen Reverse Split Ende August 2005. Seitdem verlor der Aktienkurs über 99 % seines Wertes. Der Kurs ist am Boden angelangt und hat viel Boden gutzumachen. Die gestrigen 69 % Kurssteigerung war erst der Anfang.
- Es existieren 228.38 Millionen O/S Shares. Ca. 20 % wurden alleine gestern umgesetzt!

Der " ausgeblutete" Aktienkurs sowie die gigantische Nachricht haben mich zu einem Kauf bewegt.

Mein Kursziel liegt bei einem Cent, denn der Vertrag spült richtig Cash in Axia´s Kassen. Und mögliche Nachfolgeaufträge sorgen für weitere Kursfantasie. Was möglich ist sah man bereits an USXP...

News zu AXIA!

18.02.06 10:25
1. News bei AXIA! Mio. Auftrag von der UN? Karin Siemens 15.02.06 09:37

Letter to shareholders!

AXIA trifft sich bereits im März mit den United Nations,
um über neue Projekte und Aufträge zu verhandeln. Ebenso
mit dem Roten Kreuz! Weiterhin sind sie schon in Gesprächen
mit div. Organisationen für weiteren Häuserbau in Pakistan,
Dominikanischen Republik, Nigeria und sogar auch in den von
den Hurrikanes betroffenen Gebieten rund um den Golf und auch
USA (New Orleans?)...doch lest selbst, wurde gestern abend
auf der AXIA Homepage veröffentlicht!
hier steht uns eine wunderbare Börsengeschichte bevor!!

Letter to the Shareholders of Axia Group, Inc.

February 14, 2006

Dear Shareholders:

I have received many inquiries from shareholders and want to apologize that I have not had time to reply
to them all. I hope this letter and subsequent communications to be posted on our web site will help
answer many of your questions. Today I would like to give you an update on current affairs.

Click here for photographs.

Six months ago we began our work in the country of Sri Lanka, an island off the southern tip of India
where thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands were displaced from their homes by a tsunami in
2004. Axia entered uncharted territory when it decided to introduce a new technology for building
homes to this side of the globe. By working in these remote areas, we have learned a tremendous amount
that could not have been gained in any other way. But the rewards have been remarkable and from
these efforts an exciting direction for Axia Group has taken shape.

The Sri Lankan project is run by Raj Janan, who is President of the Axia subsidiary, Axia Building
Technologies. Janan was born in Sri Lanka although he now makes his home in New York City. When
the tsunami struck in 2004, Janan traveled to his homeland to find a way to help. The need for
affordable homes was the most pressing need. In the summer of 2005, Janan met up with Axia to
undertake a project to bring a new panel based technology that could rapidly build strong, weather
resistant homes.

We began by forming a partnership with a Sri Lanka company called MicroConstruction, a division of
MicroCars, a local manufacturer of automobiles and trucks. MicroCars is a well established company
with a strong reputation for innovation and producing results in Sri Lanka. We demonstrated our housing
technology to the Sri Lanka government by building a model home on the grounds of the Housing
Authority back in 2005. The structural and aesthetic qualities were evident and subsequently we were
one of the first groups issued a permit to begin building homes. In conjunction with the German
nongovernmental organization (NGO), S.O.S. Kinderdorf, we were awarded 250 homes to build in the
eastern seaboard city of Batticoala. To date we have completed 30 homes, have another 30 homes
nearly completion and have won the acceptance of the government, many NGOs and the people of Sri

During my visit to Sri Lanka in October of last year, I met with the government and many NGOs who were
closely monitoring our progress. The problem in Sri Lanka is not the people – they are some of the
warmest, most intelligent and industrious people I have had the fortune to meet. The real challenge is
working in areas where all basic support and infrastructure has been literally washed away. We arrived to
a desert littoral where there had once been a village but now had no electricity and no running water --
even the people who used to live in the area have moved away so we had no local source for labor.

We not only demonstrated the superiority of our panel technology, but we also demonstrated our ability
to create, train and manage work teams in remote areas. That was the biggest challenge and again our
greatest success. With this experience we can move our technology anywhere in the world, I am
convinced. Just in the last few months we have indeed had inquiries from Pakistan, the Dominican
Republic and Nigeria to introduce out technology to their countries.

In addition, our technology has promising application here in the U.S. as well. In fact several homes
including higher end residences have been built with this method. We recently hired an individual with
more than 20 years experience in the construction and home development business to begin pursing
opportunities in the Gulf Coast and other areas that need a housing technology that can stand up to
hurricane strength winds and flooding.

I will be returning to Sri Lanka in March of this year with Raj Janan, to meet with the Red Cross, the
United Nations and other NGOs which have seen our development and expressed interest in our
capabilities. It is my hope to return to the US with new contracts to build our strong, simple but beautiful
single family homes, contracts that not only help people in dire need of help, but contracts that are
profitable at the same time. There is a need for nearly 200,000 new homes in Sri Lanka alone, and we
fully expect to be responsible for a fair share of these new developments.

Along with refining our operational abilities, we have made great progress in our pricing and cost
management of these programs. We are currently evaluating the benefits of owning and operating our
own manufacturing plant, which would reduce the price we pay for materials. We will pursue these
options in more earnest when we have more contracts under our belt.

I will address other issues and questions in more detail here on this web site. In the meantime, thank you
for your continued support.

Jeffrey Flannery
CEO and President

Investors are cautioned that certain statements contained in this document as well as some statements in
periodic press releases and some oral statement of AXIG officials are " Forward-Looking Statements"
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the " Act" ). Forward-looking
statements include statements which are predictive in nature, which depend upon or refer to future
events or conditions, which include words such as " believes," " anticipates," " intends," " plans," " expects,"
and similar expressions. In addition, any statements concerning future financial performance (including
future revenues, earnings or growth rates), ongoing business strategies or prospects, and possible future
AXIG actions, which may be provided by management, are also forward-looking statements as defined by
the Act. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors
which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to materially differ
from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements and to vary significantly from reporting period to reporting period. Although management
believes that the assumptions made and expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are
reasonable, there is no assurance that the underlying assumptions will, in fact, prove to be correct or that
actual future results will not be different from the expectations expressed in this report. These statements
are not guarantees of future performance and AXIG has no specific intention to update these statements.

Shareholders Information
Axia Group, Inc.
trades on the OTC
Bulletin Board
under the Ticker
Symbol: AXIG

Hier bildchen von den 10.000& Häusern ;-) o. T.

18.02.06 10:30

noch eins o. T.

18.02.06 10:30

und noch eins o. T.

18.02.06 10:31

Und das letzte sehen doch nett aus!?!?! o. T.

18.02.06 10:32

Letter to Shareholders

18.02.06 10:35
February 17, 2006

Letter to Shareholders

We are making great progress with Axia Group, Inc. and so I wanted to assure shareholders that we are
working diligently with our auditors and attorneys to complete and submit the requisite filings for the
company.  At the same time we are in communication with the appropriate regulatory agencies
regarding this issue.  

We have a solid business plan in place for Axia Group, Inc, a plan which began with our successful
execution of buildings in Sri Lanka in the 4th Quarter of 2005.  We will do whatever is necessary to
complete our responsibilities as a public company and restore our status as a fully compliant company.

Thank you for your support.

Jeffrey Flannery
CEO and President

Kurze Erklärung

18.02.06 10:43
Also möchte nur kurz das Prinzip von Axia bzw. die Aufgabe erklären.

Also es ist ganz Simpel:
Axia liefert und errichtet Häuser
in Sri Lanka und Flutgebiete.
Diese Häuser kosten genau ca 8-12.000$
Gewinn pro Haus= 5-7000$
Bereits einen Auftrag von 250 Häusern
ca. 30 davon schon fertiggestellt und
weitere 30 gerade am Bauen.

200.000 Häuser müssen noch gebaut werden.
lässt drauf hoffen das AXIA Folgeaufträge bekommt.

Meine Meinung: Das Konzept läuchtet absolut ein, die Firma ist zum Erfolg verdammt.
schwankungen von 30-50%  sind bei der Aktie möglich. Also nichts für schwache nerven.
Trotzdem sehe ich ein gewaltiges potenzial in der ganzen Geschichte. und hab mich deshalb eingedeckt. Nächste Woche kommen zahlen auf den Tisch.


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