Why I buy & hold WDAM! A much needed technology is my reason for being enthusiastic.
Most banks do not have this kind of security for their employees or customers...one sleepy looking guard near the door that an uzzi could blow away in a nanosecond...makes not sense with WDAM there, now, available for a minimal cost to protect everyone in and going into that facility. If someone with a gun, as happens in Fl. too often, tries to enter a bank with WDAM security portal...they would be locked in the bullet proof enclosure and not allowed to get near other people.
Every business could use this..espec. the post office employee entrances and other work places where people are known to have entered armed and looking for revenge. This rarely happens, but once is enough to alert that business to the fact that protection is needed and should be affored to all within. There are so many instances where it is very much needed. And now that it is so available and reasonable, the next time there's a shooting in one of these facilities, the lawyers will use the fact that
no protection was there to stop what happened, and it will cost them dearly.
Since we guard the L.Livermore Lab, several federal facilities
and a few banking facilities, we have a track record, a history...and are not some freshly glued-together company out looking for business.
And our sensor side will be
very exciting as it develops and becomes utilized.
In this dangerous time, I can't think of any technology that is more needed for businesses that have a large in-flow of employees or where money is stored, such as banks to attract robbers.
And....our anti-tailgating entryways...are much needed as well...in airports for workers coming and going and in factories making products for defense, etc. This tech, to me, should be a winner, not only with the fed. gov., if that comes to fruiltion, but with many, many more facilities, where who is allowed in is very important to the safety and protection of all within.
These are reasons that I buy and hold WDAM....not pumping, just
telling the truth about what I see as potential here with this very cheap, but promising little stock! GLTA...Babe