World Am 1000% Empfehlung gerade raus!

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World Am 1000% Empfehlung gerade raus!

13.10.05 10:38

Hi an alle!

Die neue Empfehlung von ging gerade raus!

-->> World Am !!!! WKN A0DQCV, Symbol WDAM.


Geiles Teil.


Seit Montag schon ver5facht, und immer noch genügend Potential sich zu verzehnfachen!!!


Weiter so Jungs.


Aktuell noch für 0,035 Euro zu haben... World Am 1000% Empfehlung gerade raus! 2166708


kannst mir den geben?

13.10.05 11:00
Hallo Moonlight!!

Würdest du mir evtl den brief für ein kleines geld zukünftig zuschicken ??

Vom Amiboard

13.10.05 17:30
13 Oct 2005, 11:19 AM EDT
Msg. 97463 of 97470
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In my opinion there is something bigger behind the scenes than we know yet. This stock is holding up too well after being up over 1000% in DAYS. Someone is still accumulating all they can get.


noch eins

13.10.05 17:32
You think to much - this baby is going higher - much, much higher. Even at .30 it is undervalued by my calculations on future earnings assuming a 44% PM.

(Voluntary Disclosure: LT Rating- Strong Buy)


13.10.05 17:34
13 Oct 2005, 11:11 AM EDT
Msg. 97461 of 97470
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3 days rule. after 3 days gain the stock will rock to da moon on the 4th day and so on


13.10.05 17:36
Why I buy & hold WDAM! A much needed technology is my reason for being enthusiastic.
Most banks do not have this kind of security for their employees or sleepy looking guard near the door that an uzzi could blow away in a nanosecond...makes not sense with WDAM there, now, available for a minimal cost to protect everyone in and going into that facility. If someone with a gun, as happens in Fl. too often, tries to enter a bank with WDAM security portal...they would be locked in the bullet proof enclosure and not allowed to get near other people.
Every business could use this..espec. the post office employee entrances and other work places where people are known to have entered armed and looking for revenge. This rarely happens, but once is enough to alert that business to the fact that protection is needed and should be affored to all within. There are so many instances where it is very much needed. And now that it is so available and reasonable, the next time there's a shooting in one of these facilities, the lawyers will use the fact that
no protection was there to stop what happened, and it will cost them dearly.
Since we guard the L.Livermore Lab, several federal facilities
and a few banking facilities, we have a track record, a history...and are not some freshly glued-together company out looking for business.
And our sensor side will be
very exciting as it develops and becomes utilized.
In this dangerous time, I can't think of any technology that is more needed for businesses that have a large in-flow of employees or where money is stored, such as banks to attract robbers.
And....our anti-tailgating entryways...are much needed as airports for workers coming and going and in factories making products for defense, etc. This tech, to me, should be a winner, not only with the fed. gov., if that comes to fruiltion, but with many, many more facilities, where who is allowed in is very important to the safety and protection of all within.
These are reasons that I buy and hold WDAM....not pumping, just
telling the truth about what I see as potential here with this very cheap, but promising little stock! GLTA...Babe

die Amis sind gut gelaunt

13.10.05 17:37
13 Oct 2005, 11:19 AM EDT
Msg. 97465 of 97470
(This msg. is a reply to 97463 by pigridin101.)
Jump to msg. #  
That is because it is undervalued by a factor of 10.

(Voluntary Disclosure: LT Rating- Strong Buy)


NITE isn't selling. NITE is buying.

13.10.05 17:41
NITE isn't selling. NITE is buying.

NITE is currently .0365 x .04

B&A is .0365 x .037

NITE is only MM on the bid of .0365

Ich war schneller !! :)

13.10.05 17:47


13.10.05 17:56
Looks like the stock is being accumulated here for its big 200 DMA push. If it breaks the 200 DMA it's going for a wild ride.

Major accumulation @ .032 support.

13.10.05 18:03
Major accumulation @ .032 support.

Einsammeln und anschnallen für die zweite Welle

0.05 heute noch

13.10.05 18:32
push close to 45 i would think. there is enought support around that number at level 2. The 5's haven't really moved off the mark yet.  

the bid and ask will tighten up again and they wil

13.10.05 18:44
the bid and ask will tighten up again and they will be tripping over each other on the way up. same thing yesterday.  

LEt s Push this puppy to 0.04 and it will blow aga

13.10.05 18:54
LEt s Push this puppy to 0.04 and it will blow again ....
GO wdam

Let s trade

Hope the damn MM's finish eating lunch and smoking

13.10.05 19:07
Hope the damn MM's finish eating lunch and smoking outside office and come back in for round 2.

Cool, oder?

Looks like mm's are back from lunch and poised to

13.10.05 19:10
Looks like mm's are back from lunch and poised to make this puppy run towards the end of day. I have a feeling, they will manipulate this for at least the 0.08 to .10 level.

I predict we will meet or exceed today's high.

13.10.05 19:12
I predict we will meet or exceed today's high.
Onkel Dagobe.:

Abverkäufe haben heute schon angefangen

13.10.05 19:14
Es wird leider zusammenbrechen, spätestens morgen - geh lieber raus, wenn du noch welche haben solltest

We should test the 200 DMA and if it breaks we wil

13.10.05 19:14
We should test the 200 DMA and if it breaks we will run up fast from there.

geiles ding

13.10.05 19:23
World Am 1000% Empfehlung gerade raus!|8|5-SH:8=200-WD=484-HT=395-" style="max-width:560px" align=left border=0>

Pause ist klasse!!

13.10.05 19:38
Morgen gehts über 0,040 da die Shortys wohl gerade das kaufen --- verkaufen Spiel treiben.
Und rein bei 0,030 !!


13.10.05 19:41
World Am 1000% Empfehlung gerade raus!!ub14!la12,26,9]&r=4951" style="max-width:560px" align=left border=0>

The accumulation at the current levels tells me th

13.10.05 19:43
The accumulation at the current levels tells me they are loading up for the big push and massive breakout over the 200 DMA. Being up this much already and not having a major selloff is significant at this stage of the move.

the momemtum is getting back little by little

13.10.05 19:44
the momemtum is getting back little by little ..thats a good thing

A rare find! Excellent buying opportunity!!

13.10.05 19:45
A rare find! Excellent buying opportunity!!

No theories here, no empty promises from CEO, no dangling carrots, no promises of gas & oil.

WDAM has a product that is real, well-constructed, well received. There is a network of support and distribution for the product line and if there was ever a time when it was is NOW!

Only 22 million in the O/S!!

I don't care if it hovers around .03 all day. Even at .30 this is a great buy because it has a future (wish I could say the same for 99% of the pinks and 98% of the OTCBB). If you can't see that, you belong in a cave in Afghanistan sipping tea with Osama

The momo will increase fast once the sure bottom i

13.10.05 19:47
The momo will increase fast once the sure bottom is confirmed and we are nearing that time. the B. Bands are pinching tighter and tighter intraday and sell pressure is weakening. Once the buyers feel it is safe to enter POW.

Momo turns on like a light switch. Those that wait too long are the ones that have to chase and have a hard time getting filled

0.012 today o. T.

14.10.05 07:51

0,040 today !! o. T.

14.10.05 08:08

Hoffe, Ihr werdet nicht gegrillt heute

14.10.05 12:30
SK in US 0,029$ = 0,024 €
Kurs mom 0,027 ?!? also 15% zu hoch
Wenn das mal gut geht


14.10.05 13:37
die aktuelle mail von
ist raus

nicht mehr weit weg von .012 o. T.

14.10.05 16:53

@ E8DEF285 Was willst du uns damit sagen?

14.10.05 18:54
Das Baby entwickelt sich doch prächtig !!!!!

eigentlich wollte ich damit

14.10.05 20:24
sagen, das dort ein prächtiger einstieg gewesen wäre wäre , das es so
schnell geht mit up and down und das zum freitag - hätte ich nicht gedacht.
gratulation den ruhigen händen - aber für mich kommt wieder eine gelegenheit
gruss und good we E8

Mein Tip heute war 0,040 !!

14.10.05 20:29
Schluß bei 0,039 !!
Da würd ich sagen, dass es fast ein Volltreffer war !!!
Schönes Weekend an alle

hi hier noch der witzbold

14.10.05 20:31
der die flag gestellt hat
17:48:00  0,241  15.000  13.627.537  
sieht aus wie ein segelboot
also gruss E8

Hi, Daumen nach oben mit Potenzial!?

14.10.05 20:50
Na, ob das nicht noch mal in die hose geht! Bei diesen %en kann man ja neidisch werden.
Wie sehen denn die akt. Prognosen der Börsenbriefen in etwa aus=Daumen nach oben?

ps ich meinte auch das es gesund wäre

17.10.05 21:10
wenn nochmal die 0.012 käme - für mich
gruss E8

nu komm doch endlich - o. T.

18.10.05 17:43

#34 kauft jemand nach ?

19.10.05 15:46
meine zielmarke kommt ja gleich - .012
gruss e8
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