USA macht Taiwan "Verteidigungsfaehig" !

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USA macht Taiwan "Verteidigungsfaehig" !

15.04.04 09:13
Cheney tells China US is obligated to arm Taiwan 15.04.2004 09:09   

SHANGHAI (AFX) - US vice president Dick Cheney has reaffirmed Washington's
commitments to arm Taiwan, but also urged Beijing and Taipei to enter

"We are obligated under that act (Taiwan Relations Act) to provide Taiwan
with the capacity to defend herself
, may that be necessary, and we do that
through the sale of military equipment from time to time,"
Cheney told students
at Shanghai's Fudan university.

The US has been been under pressure from China to curb its arms sales to

"We think that it is important for discussion and dialogue to go forward
between Beijing and Taipei", Cheny said. He added: "If any changes are to occur
they should go through negotiations".

Cheney was speaking following discussions with Chinese leaders in Beijing
centred around Taiwan/'s and China's efforts to broker peace talks on North
Korea's nuclear weapons programme.

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