NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Die US-Börsen haben am Mittwoch leicht nachgegeben. Auf der einen Seite drückten schwache Auftragsdaten aus der US-Volkswirtschaft auf die Stimmung. Andererseits trieb eine milliardenschwere Übernahme den Lebensmittelsektor an: Heinz und Kraft Foods gehen mit Unterstützung von Starinvestor Warren Buffett zusammen.
An der Wall Street müssen Anleger am Donnerstag abermals mit Abschlägen rechnen. Börsianer verwiesen als Grund auf die Eskalation des Konflikts im Jemen. Der Future auf den wichtigsten Wall-Street-Index Dow Jones Industrial zeigte sich rund eine halbe Stunde vor Börsenbeginn mit 0,76 Prozent im Minus. Der Terminkontrakt auf den technologielastigen Auswahlindex Nasdaq 100 (Nasdaq 100) gab um 1,08 Prozent nach. Beide Indizes schlossen bereits seit Wochenbeginn täglich im roten Bereich.
Entest BioMedical Inc. is a biomedical research company specializing in new procedures, treatments and medical devices that not only achieve measurable results, but also improve the quality of life for patients. Entest prides itself on breaking away from the traditional approaches to cancer treatment and mitigating the deleterious side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Entest offers a novel and "personalized" approach to cancer therapy that utilizes the body's own defense mechanisms. At the same time, the Company's focus on canine applications provides a platform to launch near-term clinical trials and offers a much faster path to profitability than similar biotech companies that are solely focused on treating the human population.
foundation through its extensive network within the scientific community, veterinarian hospitals, research facilities and various institutions. The cancer treatment technology, coupled with the Company's strategic partners and joint ventures, provide a solid foundation for marketing Entest's canine applications, beginning with the roll-out of ImenVax I, ImenVax II, and ImenVax III products.
veterinary clinics and the establishment of a veterinary oncology center as cornerstones to its business model. Veterinary clinics are believed to bring near term revenue to the company, as well as play a strong roll in product distribution as the Company brings products to market.
Entest to vertically integrate pet care, capturing revenue normally lost to outside facilities. There is a perceived dynamic relationship between the veterinary clinics and the veterinary oncology center. Veterinary clinics typically serve as general practice facilities, which normally refer cancer treatment to specialized Veterinary Oncology Centers. Entest BioMedical Inc. intends to establish or purchase its own Veterinary Oncology Center to service patients from veterinary clinics owned by Entest. This places Entest in a position of not only developing products but controlling the distribution channel as well. It is the Company's goal to become the "Cleveland Clinic" of Veterinary Oncology adhering to their "Pets first" company motto
advancement of Immuno-Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine, Entest expects to generate near-term revenue, while creating substantial value for shareholders.
Composition of Matter Patent on NR2F6 Modulating Small Molecules in Canine and Feline Applications Mittwoch, 19.10.2016 14:06 von PR Newswire
PR Newswire
SAN DIEGO, October 19, 2016
SAN DIEGO, October 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --
A Potential Treatment for Cancer and Arthritis in Animals
Entest BioMedical's (OTCPINK: ENTB) wholly owned subsidiary Zander Therapeutics, Inc. announced the filing of a patent application covering composition of matter and methods of use related to molecules identified in their small molecule program that activate and inhibit NR2F6 ('Small Molecule Modulators of NR2F6 Activity for Animals').
Animal Researcher, who the Company Believes Will Play an Important Role in the Development of Zander's NR2F6 Small Molecule Drug Development Program for Veterinary Applications in Treating Canine Cancer and Arthritis in Animals
subsidiary, Zander Therapeutics Inc., discussed recently reported progress achieved by Regen BioPharma Inc. (licensor of NR2F6 technology to Zander Therapeutics for veterinary applications) in developing small molecule drugs that activate and inhibit Checkpoint NR2F6.