Ölbohrung 2017

Beiträge: 46
Zugriffe: 19.589 / Heute: 1
Simba Essel EN 0,002 € +0,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -94,59%

Ölbohrung 2017

27.04.17 13:15
Seit Montag neuer Name, heute wurden die 2D Ergebnisse in Dubai besprochen und im laufe des Tages gibt es ein Video dazu. Ca. 4 Milliarden Barrel Öl in Kenia in ihrem Gebiet. Hier lässt sich also durchaus bis Ende des Jahres ein größerer Gewinn einfahren.  


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Los gehts

29.04.17 21:53
Kenya Ready to Export to INDIA ! by June 2017, SMB next.

Kenyan Crude Destined for Asian Markets
Monday, April 24, 2017
Reports have Kenya’s soon to be produced crude heading to China and India, not Europe as previously announced.
Kenya will begin its life as an African crude exporter in mid-2017. According to reports the first ships from Asia will arrive at Kenya’s Mombasa port for loading in early-June.
The crude is coming from the Lokichar area where Africa Oil and Tullow Oil have discovered significant resources. The oil will be transported to the Mombasa port by truck until the planned pipeline scheme moves forward.

Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/...#3meiq1jBbre6pl1F.99

Öl noch in 2017

18.05.17 21:28

Mail von Simba

08.06.17 12:26
Update from Mark dated June 1, 2017
Most have probably seen: Been busy with work so haven't posted lately. Thanks for your email and continued support in Simba Essel Energy Inc. www.simbaenergy.ca There will be a new corporate presentation released however I think it is likely to occur once the NI 51-101 independent resource estimate has been completed by Sproule International. And yes you are correct the Company is planning a more comprehensive marketing campaign using the NI 51-101 report to help promote the Company more aggressively, specifically the upcoming drilling campaign in Kenya, scheduled for later this year! The Sproule report is due to be completed in the first or second week of July at which time Simba Essel Energy will have an updated, independent reserve estimate, volumetrics, potential hydrocarbons in place, as well as chances for success for drilling each lead (potential structure) that has been identified. I am hoping for other operational developments to be secured by then such as the 100% PSC ownership in Guinea (presently Simba/EGME hold 60% interest in the PSC). Negotiations are now complete and Simba is waiting for the final documentation from the government of Guinea. This is important because Simba was always promised the remaining 40% of the PSC since Simba purchased 60% of the PSC back in July of 2011. This could be announced in the next 3-4 weeks which should coincide with Simbas plans to shoot and acquire FTG (Gravity) surveys in both Guinea and Liberia later this year. The new corporate website is nearly completed and I am expecting it to be launched in the next 7-10 days. Simba will make an announcement and notify its shareholders when the new site goes live and is available for viewing. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns going forward. I'm pretty focused on Kenya and it is hard not to be excited. If we hit what the engineering estimates seem to imply should be looking at $1.50- $1.75. This is before Guinea of course. Obviously has taken a long time but good work does take time-- We're here on the cusp on a complete transformation of what was formerly Simba. Looking forward to defined targets in the Sproule report and going from there.

Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/...#7JC4BXhCRiB5tjP7.99

Neue Homepage

13.06.17 16:05
Noch bin ich hier der Einzige der schreibt, aber wenn es hier bis Ende des Jahres um mehrer 100 % hoch geht ärgert ihr euch. Heute neue Homepage online simbaenergy.ca/



14.06.17 09:25
Nee, bin auch dabei :-)

freut mich

14.06.17 09:33
Denke spätestens wenn der NI51-101 Bericht im Juli vorliegt werden hier größere Investoren Einsteigen. 300% in ein paar Tagen waren hier ja schon Mal drin. Bin mir sicher dass wir die bis Jahresende auf jedenfall wenn nicht sogar mehr sehen werden wenn auch in Q4 endlich gebohrt wird


15.06.17 18:30
Wenn gebohrt wird, sehen wir hier ein Feuerwerk. Dafür ist die Gegend, in der gebohrt werden soll, zu interessant. Man muss sich einfach mal die Nachbargebiete ansehen. Und Essel steigt nicht ein um eine Liegenschaft verdursten zu lassen.  


15.06.17 19:00
es ist ja nicht mehr lange bis gebohrt wird. Hoffe auf ein paar hundert Prozent bis Ende des Jahres. Es fehlt leider wirklich die Kommunikation zu den Aktionären

Shorties verabschieden sich...

22.06.17 17:29

ruhig bleiben

22.06.17 18:07
bis zum Jahresende sehen wir hier ganz andere Kurse, so gut wie sicher!  


22.06.17 19:37


22.06.17 19:51
40  000 Barrel pro Tag
2 Bohrungen in Q4 2017

jetzt bin ich noch zuversichtlicher, dass es im Juli mit herausbringen des NI 51-101 Reports mit den endgültigen Fakten hier schnell nach oben geht.


22.06.17 20:07
Nicht, dass wir uns falsch verstehen, ich bin hier ganz und gar nicht nervös

Ich freue mich auf Q3 und Q4

Mich stört dieser Wahnsinns Spread

22.06.17 20:18
Bin bei 88 Energie dick drin, aber wenn ich hier in den nächsten Tagen welche zu um die 0,037 - 0,038 € bekommen leg ich mir ne Posi zu.

Liest sich generell nicht schlecht.

Dann Kauf doch in CAN...

22.06.17 20:27
...da hast Du die Probleme mit dem Spread nicht. Du musst nur auf die Währungsschwankungen aufpassen

Geht leider über meine Bank nicht

22.06.17 20:29
Sollte vielleicht doch mal zum Broker wechseln  :-((


22.06.17 20:42
88 Energy ist Fracking! Ganz schön mutig derzeit! Gehört nicht in diesen Thread aber by the way


23.06.17 13:55
war das deine? ;)

neue Mail von Simba

29.06.17 19:03
hanks for your email and continued support in Simba Essel Energy Inc.   www.simbaenergy.ca

The Sproule report (NI 51-101 compliant) is due to be completed in July, 2017 at which time Simba Essel Energy will have an updated, independent resource/reserve estimate including; volumetrics, potential hydrocarbons in place, as well as chances for drilling success for each lead (potential structure) that’s been identified from the data collected.

The report will also help Simba’s technical team to identify and pinpoint the first of several drilling targets for block 2-A, in Kenya!

Simba hopes to have other operational developments secured by then such as the 100% PSC ownership in Guinea (presently Simba/EGME hold 60% interest in the PSC). Negotiations are now complete and Simba is waiting for the final documentation from the government of Guinea. This could be announced in the next 3-4 weeks which should coincide with Simba’s plans to arrange for and shoot FTG (Gravity) surveys in both Guinea and Liberia later this year.

As at May 25, 2017, the negotiations for a new PSC have been completed and Simba has submitted a draft agreement to the government of Guinea for final approval. (from the most recent Quarterly financial statements released on May 30, 2017)

Simba Essel’s partner EGME have nearly completed acquisition process for a producing oil & gas asset based in Jordan. There will be more information available as the transaction is finalized however I can say this should have a direct impact on Simba Essel Energy when the project has been finalized. I cannot elaborate much further at this time but there will be clarification when the asset is officially acquired by EGME and any implications concerning Simba will be disclosed.

Regarding the drilling rig for Kenya, Simba Energy’s partner, EGME entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a new skid mounted drilling rig. The AC-VFD drilling rig possesses power of 2,000 HP and it will be used by the Company during its exploration activity on Block 2A.

Simba Essel Energy are anticipating confirmation from its partner, EGME as far as when delivery of the drilling rig for Kenya is expected. The Company will make a formal announcement and update its shareholders when there is definitive information available.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions or concerns.

Best regards,



es geht los

11.07.17 21:46
sehr hohes Volumen in den USA und CAN

Hier kommen bald Meldungen

13.07.17 13:08
Kurs zieht wieder an


16.07.17 11:01
Am 20.07 trifft sich das Management in Vancouver um den Sproul Bericht zu besprechen.
Nicht mehr lange, um hier günstig einzusteigen. Wie man ja sieht zieht der Kurs an der Leitbörse in CAN an und auch das Handelslvolumen, sind wohl insidsrkäufe.

The UNISOL Magazine

04.08.17 12:34

News von Simba, alles nur noch eine Frage der Zeit

06.08.17 16:03
Schnell nächste Woche zu günstigen Preisen einsteigen.

Dear Simba Essel Energy Shareholder,

The Sproule report (NI 51-101 compliant) is almost ready to be released and Simba Essel Energy will have an updated, independent resource/reserve estimate including; volumetrics, potential hydrocarbons in place, as well as chances for drilling success for each targeted lead (potential structure) that’s been identified from the data collected.

The report’s processed seismic data will also help Simba’s technical team to identify and pinpoint the first high-ranking drilling targets for block 2-A, in Kenya.

There was a technical meeting held last week in Calgary whereas Sproule International provided a detailed and comprehensive presentation of their geological data analysis to Simba Essel Energy’s technical team.

Next week there is a Board of Directors meeting scheduled in the UAE where EGME is located. Once all of the processed geological data has been examined, analyzed and approved by Simba’s Board of Directors and technical team, the Company will issue a news release to its shareholders and disclose all of Sproule’s new geological analysis for block 2-A, Kenya!

I would guesstimate that it will be approximately 2 weeks before a formal announcement can be made and the new 51-101 compliant, independent report can be disclosed to investors and shareholders.

EGME have been amassing an impressive technical team of geologists, geophysicists, petroleum engineers and an extremely competent team of experienced drilling and exploration professionals. Nearly all the key pieces are now in place in order for drilling and exploration in Kenya to advance with respect to this unique partnership between Simba Essel Energy and EGME.

Simba’s partner Essel Group Middle East (EGME) will make a formal announcement when the drilling rig is ready to be shipped and delivered to Kenya, on Simba Essel Energy’s behalf. Simba will then be able to inform its shareholders when the drilling rig will be mobilized, set up and constructed for the full scale drill program in Kenya.

I'm sorry I cannot disclose any other details at this time, I have to act in accordance with TSX disclosure policies with respect to upcoming material announcements.

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