Koennten eine Speicherkapazitaet darstellen, die 100 000 mal groesser ist als Pentium Chips.
Nantero is currently developing NRAM(TM) -- a high-density nonvolatile
random access memory chip using nanotechnology. The company expects to
deliver a product that will replace all existing forms of memory, such as
DRAM, SRAM and flash memory, with a high-density nonvolatile RAM -- 'universal
memory.' Jennifer Fonstad, Managing Director of DFJ, noted that "The
potential applications for the nonvolatile RAM Nantero is developing add up to
over $100B in revenue potential, including the ability to enable instant-on
computers and to replace flash memory in devices such as MP3 players, digital
cameras, and PDAs -- not to speak of the applications in the networking
A complete scientific team consisting of specialists in multiple
disciplines in the fields of nanotechnology and semiconductors has already
been formed and is led by Dr. Thomas Rueckes, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer.
"Our new NRAM(TM) design uses carbon nanotubes as the active memory
elements, and we are now developing a straightforward way to manufacture the
memory chip and integrate it with standard semiconductor processes," says
Dr. Rueckes, inventor of the nanoelectromechanical NRAM(TM) design.
Nantero ist soviel ich weiss nicht boersennotiert. Was haltet Ihr in dem Zusammenhang von NANX Nanophase?
Nantero is currently developing NRAM(TM) -- a high-density nonvolatile
random access memory chip using nanotechnology. The company expects to
deliver a product that will replace all existing forms of memory, such as
DRAM, SRAM and flash memory, with a high-density nonvolatile RAM -- 'universal
memory.' Jennifer Fonstad, Managing Director of DFJ, noted that "The
potential applications for the nonvolatile RAM Nantero is developing add up to
over $100B in revenue potential, including the ability to enable instant-on
computers and to replace flash memory in devices such as MP3 players, digital
cameras, and PDAs -- not to speak of the applications in the networking
A complete scientific team consisting of specialists in multiple
disciplines in the fields of nanotechnology and semiconductors has already
been formed and is led by Dr. Thomas Rueckes, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer.
"Our new NRAM(TM) design uses carbon nanotubes as the active memory
elements, and we are now developing a straightforward way to manufacture the
memory chip and integrate it with standard semiconductor processes," says
Dr. Rueckes, inventor of the nanoelectromechanical NRAM(TM) design.
Nantero ist soviel ich weiss nicht boersennotiert. Was haltet Ihr in dem Zusammenhang von NANX Nanophase?