The current composition of the Supervisory Board of the Company, and their principal occupations are as follows:
Member of the Supervisory Board Member since Principal occupation
Daniel S Bland 1999 President, Upgrade International Corp.
Dr. Alexander Dehmel 1999 Aufsichtsrat, Kling, Jelko, Dr Dehme Wertpapierdienstleistungs AG
Martin Lechner 1999 Aufsichtsrat, Prime Asset Management AG
Member of the Supervisory Board Member since Principal occupation
Daniel S Bland 1999 President, Upgrade International Corp.
Dr. Alexander Dehmel 1999 Aufsichtsrat, Kling, Jelko, Dr Dehme Wertpapierdienstleistungs AG
Martin Lechner 1999 Aufsichtsrat, Prime Asset Management AG