Der bekannte Editor und Rohstoffexperte James Dines (Herausgeber des Dines Letters) hat Flinders Resources als seinen Top-Pick im Graphit-Sektor Anfang der Woche empfohlen. Der "König" steigt damit auch den rasenden Graphit-Express auf.
Flinders' Graphit-Projekt in Schweden kann einige interessante Privilegien vorweisen. Vor allem stechen hier sofort die relativ geringen Kapitalkosten für den Minenaufbau heraus. Damit reiht sich Flinders, neben Northern Graphite und Focus Metals in die Reihe der fortgeschrittenen Graphit-Developer ein, die schon mittelfristig in Produktion gehen wollen.
Sind wir gespannt, wie sich die Werte so entwicklen, und wer am Stärksten vom Hype im Graphit-Sektor und der lukrativen Makrostory profitieren kann..
James Dines Newest Graphite Pick
Details Published on Monday, 26 March 2012 20:46
Stockhouse. March 26, 2012
According to the Flinders Resources Limited BB, Dines just recommend Flinders as its newest pick.
This is what user Pimpboss writes:
"Dines just recommended this stock on its intern bulletin!"
I guess Dines is calling himself 'The Original Graphite Bug' these days?
More can be found on the Focus Metals BB. User Tommer 3 writes this:
He has jumped on the Graphite wagon. ................. He recommended RDR and is planting the seed with his readers about the GRAPHITE/GRAPHENE sector and more recomendations may follow. I cut and pasted a portion of the article that covered Graphite AND is only recomendation. Nice pop on that stock recommended today.
Up 18.6 % on 1.7 million.
Nice to see dines increasing the awareness out there......should bold well for the sector and for other juniors like this one as more search for a place to invest in this rising tide.
Graphite regards,
PS: And yes...... it is officially dinner time. Coming dear !!! :)
Jim Dines Jumps Onboard the Graphite BandWagon!!!!
26 March 2012, Vol 2012, #6
We have been quietly studying the possibility of our next Super Major bull market, this time by graphite, a form of carbon, which many disregard as something stuffed into old-fashioned "lead" pencils. Graphite's main uses include all batteries, therefore it would participate in the growth of everything from hybrid automotives to the tiny batteries in advanced computers.
Graphite dominates the market for the brake pads in automobiles because it is an outstanding solid lubricant; also as bricks in nuclear-reactor cores and other high-temperature environments in a number of industries. It has been frustrating trying to figure out the best way to play such a new bull market because so many of the candidates are still too early in their development for us to discern which one/ones might emerge as the biggest winners -- since we tend to look for the largest gains possible. We almost announced ourselves as "The Original Graphite Bug," but deliberately held back sufficiently that others began to recommend some graphite stocks -- yet they all missed our single outstanding favorite, Flinders (FDR.V) (rhymes with cinders)..
We expect graphite to be compared with the Rare Earths bull market in many ways, for example that China controls over 70% of the world's output. Nearly all the stocks in the graphite group have relatively small numbers of shares outstanding, so any burst of concentrated buying would tend to make them volatile.
Thus the best way to buy might be to take an initial position if strength follows this recommendation, hoping to add to positions when the stock settles back down -- perhaps in some months. The stock is still lolling near its lows and might be the premiere performer if the group does well; personally, we think Flinders has a good chance of becoming the "best of breed," destined to be the leading graphite blue-chip. We have decided to add Flinders to Supervised List #6, because it involves what we call "The Coming Resource Imperialism," and should benefit from the impact of China's continuing acquisition of small graphite properties. Now trading at Cdn$1.88 (FDR.V) US$1.90 ( FLNXF.PK), we hereby add it to Supervised List #6 for purchase with an appropriately small percentage of your Attack Capital reserves; try to buy it below $2.00.
This is not a blanket recommendation of all graphite stocks, although we suspect that there might be additional recommendations in subsequent IWBs/TDLs.
Next TDL is tentatively scheduled to be published on 13 April 2012.
1. Graphene, a sheet-like form of carbon, garnered Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim of the University of Manchester, UK, the 2010 Nobel prize in physics, partly due to an astonishing ability to conduct electricity. This property paves the way for graphene-based computers that operate at unprecedented speed. They sandwich a layer of molybdenum disulphide between two layers of graphene. The insulating molybdenum prevents electrons from flowing between the graphene layers. But when the sandwich transistor is switched on by applying a voltage, it boosts a quantum effect in which some graphene electrons "tunnel" through the molybdenum layer, creating a flow.
DOI:10.1126/science.1218461. New Scientist, 11 Feb 12