diVX ist an Börse WKN A0KFQE- hebt Performance

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diVX ist an Börse WKN A0KFQE- hebt Performance

09.11.06 17:58
von wikipedia:
Ein typischer DVD-Film ist sechs bis acht GB groß, mit der DivX-Videokompression lässt sich der Film auf einer einzigen CD-ROM (650 bis 700 MB) speichern. Die Qualität bleibt trotzdem relativ hoch, bei Szenen mit viel Bewegung können jedoch Kompressionsartefakte entstehen. Es gibt viele Programme, die aus einer normalen DVD
Von WIkipedia
eine DivX-Datei erstellen können (rippen). Die resultierende Datei kann dann auf der Festplatte gespeichert oder auf eine CD oder DVD gebrannt werden.

Der Erfolg von DivX im Heimbereich hat sich in den letzten Jahren soweit gesteigert, dass selbst DVD-Player im Niedrigpreissegment DivX unterstützen. Um sich weiter im Heimbereich zu festigen, wird die Breite an Abspielmöglichkeiten weiter gesteigert, indem der Codec auch für den Einsatz auf anderen Plattformen weiterentwickelt wird. So gibt es zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, Filme in ressourcen- und speicherschonenden Formaten für den Einsatz auf PDAs und Handhelds als auch für den anspruchsvollen Heimkinoeinsatz in hochauflösenden Formaten (High Definition Television) zu komprimieren. Filme mit hochauflösendem Bild verlangen sowohl mehr Leistung vom Prozessor als auch mehr Speicherplatz. Jedoch liegt der Speicherbedarf deutlich unter dem eines vergleichbaren MPEG-2-Filmes.


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DiVX Neues Jahreshoch

13.11.06 22:24
+ 1.591 5.92%  

30 Dolllar o. T.

28.11.06 21:41

und damit wieder auf einen neuen Jahrenhoch o. T.

28.11.06 21:42

Umsatz über Erwartungen

11.04.07 00:19
DivX, Inc. (NASDAQ:DIVX) today announced that, based on preliminary information, it currently expects that revenue and pre-tax earnings for the quarter ended March 31, 2007 will be higher than previous guidance. The Company expects that revenue for the quarter will be between $19.8 million and $20.2 million and pre-tax earnings will be flat to up compared with the fourth quarter of 2006. On February 8, 2007, the Company had said that it expected first quarter revenue to be between $17.3 million and $19.3 million with pre-tax earnings flat to slightly down compared to the fourth quarter of 2006. The Company plans to report complete quarterly results after the market closes on May 1, 2007.

Jordan Greenhall, co-founder and CEO of DivX, Inc., said, "Through the first quarter of 2007, we saw continuing evidence that consumers are choosing DivX to enrich their media experience. DivX is working with our partners and our global community to build a common media language that lets consumers truly make their digital content useful across an open ecosystem of consumer electronic devices."

About DivX, Inc.

DivX creates products and services designed to improve the experience of media. Our first product offering was a video compression-decompression software library, or codec, which has been actively sought out and downloaded over 200 million times since January 2003, including over 60 million times during the last twelve months. We have since built on the success of our codec with other consumer software, including the DivX Player application, which is distributed from our website, www.divx.com. We also license our technologies to consumer hardware device manufacturers and certify their products to ensure the interoperable support of DivX-encoded content. In addition to technology licensing to consumer hardware device manufacturers, we currently generate revenue from software licensing, advertising and content distribution.


23.11.07 19:05
diVX ist an Börse WKN A0KFQE- hebt Performance 132708

6,90 Dollar nachbörslich ist übertrieben

11.03.08 22:02
Software-Hersteller stürzt nach Warnung ab
San Diego (BoerseGo.de) – Der Software-Hersteller DivX übertrifft im vierten Quartal mit einem Gewinn von 0,16 Dollar pro Aktie die Erwartungen von Wall Street um 1 Cent. Der Umsatz klettert gegenüber Vorjahr um 47,0 Prozent auf 24,5 Millionen Dollar, was ebenfalls über den Konsensschätzungen der Analysten von 22,5 Millionen Dollar liegt.

Für das Geschäftsjahr 2008 reduziert das Management seine Gewinnprognose von 0,67 Dollar auf 0,44 bis 0,52 Dollar pro Aktie. Die Umsatzschätzung für das Geschäftsjahr 2008 wird von 104,24 Millionen auf 95 bis 100 Millionen Dollar nach unten revidiert.

Nachbörslich stürzt die Aktie auf 6,90 Dollar ab.

(© BörseGo AG 2007 - www.boerse-go.de, Autor: Hoyer Christian, Redakteur)

Da lohnt es sich vielleicht schnell einzusteigen.

Der Schreck

12.03.08 20:09
scheint vorbei zu sein.Langsam erholt sie sich vom Tagestief.

interessant ...

13.03.08 18:36
vorallem der letzte Abschnitt.

Next up is DivX, a former guest in this column for its internal upheaval. Now, that uncertainty appears to be affecting its earnings outlook.

On Tuesday, after market close, the maker of compression software for digital media said it would earn between $0.44 and $0.52 per share after excluding one-time charges. Analysts, on average, had expected $0.67 a share.

Management blamed the shortfall on higher development costs and issues with transitioning customers acquired in its $22 million November deal for Germany's MainConcept.

And after that? Here's how CEO Kevin Hell put it in the press release:

In 2008, our focus will be on execution as we prudently invest to extend these exciting wins while closely managing profitability. DivX is emerging as the open alternative to Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), giving consumers the freedom and control to enjoy digital video anywhere they choose.

Does that mean DivX now has to position against Apple? Excellent. Because that's worked out sooooo well for others in the media business.


gut für den heutigen Kurs

25.03.08 16:10
Samsung and DivX Renew Licensing Agreement Across Broad Range of Consumer Electronics Products
Tuesday March 25, 8:00 am ET  
Samsung Will Extend DivX(R) Video Functionality to DVD Devices, Portable Media Players and More

SEOUL, Korea & SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Samsung Electronics Co., Inc. and DivX, Inc. (NASDAQ:DIVX - News), a digital media company, today announced the renewal of a two-year licensing agreement that will allow Samsung to continue to include DivX® technology in a variety of consumer electronics devices, including DVD players and recorders, portable media players and more.

DivX has become a global standard for a high-quality digital video experience that bridges the gap between the PC, the living room and mobile environments. Samsung, a longtime DivX licensee, currently offers a number of products that enable consumers to playback DivX® video, including numerous DVD player models. With over 100 million DivX Certified® devices shipped into the market from a wide variety of major consumer electronics brands, DivX is the only video format that offers consumers an easy and flexible way to move video content across all the devices in their life.

“Including DivX technology in our DVD devices allows us to offer our customers top-shelf products with features they demand at competitive price points,” said Mangyu Yim, Vice President of Samsung Digital AV Division. “DivX has become a standard feature on our devices and renewing our relationship is a promise of continuing quality.”

“Samsung has been a great partner and has taken the lead in adopting DivX across a wide variety of products to provide their consumers with a seamless, high-quality digital video experience that bridges the PC, the living room and the mobile environment,” said Kevin Hell, CEO of DivX. “We’re pleased to extend our relationship and look forward to continuing to work with Samsung to bring a great digital video experience to consumers all around the world.”

Products that bear the DivX Certified logo have undergone a rigorous testing program to ensure interoperability, security and visual quality. DivX Certified products enable consumers to create, play and share high-quality video content across a range of devices and platforms. Over 100 million DivX Certified devices from a variety of manufacturers have shipped worldwide.

For more information on Samsung, visit www.samsung.com. For more information on DivX, visit www.divx.com.

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4 9 diVX ist an Börse WKN A0KFQE- hebt Performance DasMünz eismacher 25.03.08 16:10
    DivX übernimmt deutsche MainConcept AG Sectorcom   15.11.07 22:48
