und in der Zeit hat er 2,6% minus gemacht,ich weiss ist ein Zertifikat,ich kann dir nur empfehlen ,beobachte ihn erst mal,alle meine Langzeitoptionsscheine liegen total im Minus auf der Watchlist ausser dem Put auf den Euro,ich würde OS nur noch kurzfristig traden,z.B. der runtergeknüppelte Mizuho OS der Deutschen Bank hat von gestern auf heute 90% gemacht,ja hätte ich mich gestern getraut...
was die chinesische Wirtschaft angeht, ist sie ziemlich heiss gelaufen und es ist fraglich ,ob die Wachstumsrate so weitergehen kann,die Regierung plant Massnahmen
The danger signals are real enough. On April 28, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told Reuters, "Fixed asset investment is accelerating too quickly and at too large a scale ... Money supply and credit have been growing too fast. Inflationary pressure is mounting ... We need to take effective and very forceful measures to resolve those problems as soon as possible." The benign scenario is this: The Beijing government and the People's Bank of China will take a carefully calibrated approach to overheating, make sectoral and regional distinctions, and slow fixed investment in and credit extension to, for example, the steel and auto sectors and construction in coastal areas, while increasing investment in the bottleneck oil, gas and power sectors.
If successful, this approach should slow overall investment, which grew 53 percent year-on-year in January-February as the result of 170 percent and 140 percent increases in steel and autos, respectively
if the sectoral-regional cooling approach should prove too slow in taking hold, the government and central bank have the option of raising interest rates and/or revaluing the yuan to a certain extent (perhaps 3-5 percent) to put an across-the-board chill on economic activity..... tztztz
es liegt nun wirklich in der Luft ,dass der Yuan an Wert verlieren wird