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Matilda Project Grows to 1.4Moz Au
General Update
Blackham Resources Announces Matilda Project Grows to 1.4Moz Au
Blackham Resources announced the Resource Estimate for the M3 Deposit at the Matilda Gold Project has been completed by independent geological consultant Runge. The M3 Deposit is estimated to contain 755,000t at 1.7g/t Au for a total of 42,000oz. The combined Matilda Project estimate has grown to 23Mt at 1.9g/t for 1.4Moz Au. The M3 deposit is crucial to unlocking the value of the Matilda Project due to its strategic position between the larger deposits of M1 and M4. Has allowed for the mining economics to be evaluated for the combined deposits. Priority drill targets have been defined with a focus on raising resource confidence and extending high grade shoots beyond existing pits.
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Matilda Project Grows to 1.4Moz Au
General Update
Blackham Resources Announces Matilda Project Grows to 1.4Moz Au
Blackham Resources announced the Resource Estimate for the M3 Deposit at the Matilda Gold Project has been completed by independent geological consultant Runge. The M3 Deposit is estimated to contain 755,000t at 1.7g/t Au for a total of 42,000oz. The combined Matilda Project estimate has grown to 23Mt at 1.9g/t for 1.4Moz Au. The M3 deposit is crucial to unlocking the value of the Matilda Project due to its strategic position between the larger deposits of M1 and M4. Has allowed for the mining economics to be evaluated for the combined deposits. Priority drill targets have been defined with a focus on raising resource confidence and extending high grade shoots beyond existing pits.