Wer hat ne Meinung zu Tenet Healthcare ?

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Wer hat ne Meinung zu Tenet Healthcare ?

10.11.02 18:59
Wie die einbrechen, unglaublich. Wie der ganze Healthcare-Sektor derzeit. Dieser Bereich war bis August dieses Jahres der Outperformer-Bereich schlechthin in den USA.
Ich reibe mir verwundert die Augen.
Schneller Absturz von 55 auf 15 Dollar, 75% verloren im Oktober, das hat kein anderer
S & P 500 Wert geschafft.

Gruss E.

Wer hat ne Meinung zu Tenet Healthcare ? 846787chart.bigcharts.com/bc3/quickchart/...45&mocktick=1&rand=9332" style="max-width:560px" >

Law Office of Mark McNair Announces Class Period for Class Action Lawsuit On Behalf of Tenet Healthcare Corporation Investors -- THC  
       FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2002 9:16 PM
- PrimeZone

WASHINGTON, Nov 08, 2002 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- The Law Office of Mark McNair announces a securities class action lawsuit has been filed against Tenet Healthcare Corporation (THC) . The complaint is on behalf of, and seeks damages for shareholders who purchased the stock from October 3, 2001 through October 31, 2002, inclusive (the "Class Period").

The suit alleges that THC and certain of its officers violated the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as a result of the defendants' issuance of false and misleading statements about the Company's operations and performance, as a result in part of the Company's violations of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). Yesterday, Tenet announced that David Dennis, its chief corporate officer and chief financial officer, and Thomas Mackey, its chief operating officer, are leaving the Company. Today, Tenet's already-battered stock plummeted 46.7% to close at $14.90.

The lawsuit claims that during the Class Period, defendants misrepresented that THC's financial results were due to the Company's commitment to quality and cost-effective care. Throughout the Class Period, defendants repeatedly stated that Tenet's financials were strong, that the Company's stellar bottom line was attributed to its state-of-the-art facilities and high-quality patient care, and that Tenet was consistently achieving record results. In reality, however, the complaint claims that defendants actually knew that the quality of Tenet's profits were inflated by, among other things, a scheme to wrongfully induce patients to undergo unnecessary and invasive surgeries and coronary procedures. The scheme included unnecessary heart catheterization, including angiogram and intravascular ultrasound, stent placement, angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery and heart valve replacement surgery.

Prior to today's dramatic drop, last Thursday the price of THC stock plunged more than 26 percent after federal prosecutors in Sacramento filed an affidavit regarding alleged false billing by two doctors at the company's hospital in Redding, Calif. Numerous reports concerning the FBI investigation followed. These disclosures shocked the market, causing Tenet's stock to decline to less than $29 per share before closing at $28.75 per share on October 31, 2002, on volume of more than 50 million shares.

The Law Office of Mark McNair is currently investigating these claims. If you were a purchaser of THC during the period indicated and want to discuss your legal rights or if you have information relevant to the lawsuit, you may e-mail or call the Law Office of Mark McNair. You may contact the Law Office of Mark McNair at 1101 30th Street N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C, 20007, by telephone at (877) 511.4717 or (202) 872.4717, or via e-mail at mcnair@justice4investors.com.

If you are a member of the Class, you may move the court no later than December 31, 2002 to serve as lead plaintiff for the Class. In order to serve as lead plaintiff, you must meet certain legal requirements. To be a member of the class you need not take any action at this time, and you may retain counsel of your choice.

More information on this and other class actions can be found on the Class Action Newsline at www.primezone.com/ca

The Law Office of Mark McNair


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Hi Eskimato,

11.11.02 16:30
bei TENET gibt es zur Zeit ganz schön eins auf die Mütze.

Erst Abstufung durch UBS Warburg, dann FBI-Ermittlung gegen 2 Herzchirurgen eines Tenet-Hospitals, Vorstandwechsel und nun auch noch die Buchprüfung auf Unregelmäßigkeiten. Bin auch gesapnnt was da noch kommt..

Denke aber, kleinere Leichen sollten nun schon drin sein, wenn kein großer Knall mehr kommt geht es locker 100% in den kommenden Wochen nach oben. Denn die Bewertungen sind momentan ein Witz, wenn ja wenn die Zahlen so in Ordnung sind. Hab mir eine kleine schmerfreie Position geholt heute Morgen zu 15 Euro! Du auch?


Nein, noch nicht.

12.11.02 04:38
Ich bin bei King Pharmaceuticals seit 15 Dollar drin und möchte ein paar Wochen halten, denn King ist für mich nen solider Value-Wert.
Die Quartalszahlen von King fand ich gut, finde das King unterbewertet ist.
Tenet ist mir nicht eindeutig genug. Ausserdem bei D +K Healthcare Resources. Is nen ähnlicher Zock wie Tenet. D + K ist ein Pharmahändler der von 70 auf 7 abgestürtzt ist.
Seit 8,50 hab ich ein paar Aktien. Is noch nix bei rumgekommen.

Gruss E.

Die haben aber auch bescheidene Zahlen rausgebrach

12.11.02 09:15
Tenet hingegen hat glänzende Zahlen vorgelegt. Alleine die Unsicherheit der Untersuchungen hat der Kurs einbrechen lassen...

Lassen wir uns überraschen!


Gut gemacht Pavian,

19.11.02 08:27
ich habs verpennt. Bin allerdings mit meinen Kings auch ganz zufrieden, D + K erstmal
wieder verkauft.
Für King interessieren sich auch andere deutsche Analysten. Sunday-Market hat seinen
Senf abgegeben.

Gruss E.

Der Börsenbrief Sunday-Market stellt in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe u. a. die US-Aktie King Pharmaceutical (KG, WKN 911091) unter die Lupe genommen. Kern des Unternehmens ist demnach der Erwerb von Lizenzen für kostenpflichtige Medikamente, womit etwa 90 Prozent des Umsatzes generiert werden.
Das Geschäftsmodell des Unternehmens erscheint erfolgreich: Im letzten Jahr wuchs der Umsatz um das Fünffache auf 872. Mio. US-Dollar, der Gewinn wurde mit 240 Mio. Dollar sogar verzehnfacht. Die Performance der Aktie stand der Geschäftsentwicklung in nichts nach: Vom Start 1998 bei knapp 5 Dollar sei der Kurs bis 42 Dollar gestiegen. Seit Mitte 2001 sei der Kurs um rund 60 Prozent zurückgegangen. Nun jedoch könne sich die Erfolgsgeschichte fortsetzen.

Positiv sei hier, dass man mit dem Lizenzerwerb kaum Entwicklungskosten habe. Mit der kürzlichen Übernahme von Meridian Technologies für 250 Mio. Dollar sei King in einen lukrativen Bereich vorgedrungen: Bei Spritzen für die Selbstnutzung habe Meridian einen Marktanteil von 90 Prozent. Interessant auch die letzten Quartalszahlen. Umsatz und Gewinn jeweils plus 37 Prozent auf 315 Mio. bzw. 84,2 Mio. Dollar.
Laut Sunday-Market reize neben der günstigen Bewertung (KGV 2003 bei 10) auch die charttechnische Situation zum Einstieg. Der Kurs um 16 Dollar befinde sich auf einer langfristigen Unterstützung aus dem Jahr 2000. Der Wert solle schon bald wieder höhere Notierungen erreichen können. Kursziel 20 Euro, Stoppkurs 14,70 Dollar.


Tenet steigt nach Kommentar im "Barron's"

19.11.02 09:34
Ein Fondmanager wird in der Zeitschrift zitiert, dass die Firma "unverschäm billig" sei oder so ähnlich :-).
Mein Kauflimit war leider etwas zu niedrig gesetzt...

Wer hat ne Meinung zu Tenet Healthcare ? 856709mitglied.lycos.de/ArbeiterX/Dr1.jpg" style="max-width:560px" >

Hat auch wer die

19.11.02 10:14
Wkn von D +K Healthcare Resources,würde mir die Firma gerne mal näher ansehen.

Hier die Meldung

19.11.02 10:16
18.11. 14:04    
Barron´s: Tenet Health ist "unglaublich günstig"  

(©BörseGo - www.boerse-go.de)
Das bekannte US-Anlegermagazin Barron's bezeichnet Tenet Healthcare in der aktuellen Ausgabe als "unglaublich günstig." Der Hedge Funds Manager Charles Jobson von Charles Jobson, dessen Fonds seit Jahresanfang 25.5% im Plus liegt, kaufte die Aktien von Tenet erstmals bei $28 und kaufte dann aggressiv zwischen $14-15 nach.

"Wie schlimm es auch werden könnte, es wird nicht so schlimm werden, wie dies der Aktienkurs vermuten lassen könnte. Die Aktie ist unglaublich günstig," sagt er. Jobson zeigt sich darüber hinaus bullish den Aktien von PacifiCare gegenüber. Das Unternehmen sei ein "Turnaround Play," sagt er.

Grüße Pavian


Immer weiter auf die Mütze für Tenet H.

20.12.02 18:33
Die werden ja täglich "günstiger". Also Finger weg dieses Jahr und nur den eigenen
Analysen vertrauen.

Gruss E.


Am 2. Januar kommen die Zahlen von Tenet H.

29.12.02 02:51
und eröffnen die Earning-Season an der NYSE.
Dann sind wir schlauer.

Gruss E.

die werden nur günstiger wegen

29.12.02 14:37
weiterer Untersuchung in diesem Hospital in San Diego,da gabs ne Beschlagnahmung von Aktien am 19.12.für Vorfälle in 1992 bis 1998,damals hiessen sie noch National Healthcare oder so,-wenn man sich den 10Tageschart ansieht könnte man meinen am 2.Januar werden sie steigen:

Tenet Healthcare (NYSE: THC continues to slide lower after federal agents removed records from two of the company's offices in San Diego.
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- Tenet Healthcare Corp. (THC) and the Justice Department remain far apart as they attempt to settle claims for excessive billings despite a recent meeting between the company and Justice Department representatives.
In a letter to shareholders Thursday, Tenet Chairman and Chief Executive Jeffrey C. Barbakow said the issues under discussion involve four diagnosis- related groups -- pneumonia, operating-room procedures for infectious and parasite diseases, septicemia (a bacterial infection), and respiratory-system diagnosis with a ventilator - and the groups' billings between September 1992 and December 1998 by hospitals the company owns now.
Tenet has come under fire for so-called outlier payments, which the company collected from Medicare to defray losses suffered by hospitals whose patients' care exceeded fixed reimbursements. The outsize outlier payments, swollen by high charges, triggered its current crisis.
Wer hat ne Meinung zu Tenet Healthcare ? 892995chart.bigcharts.com/bc3/intchart/frames/...nd=5698&mocktick=1" style="max-width:560px" >

Und man darf nicht vergessen

29.12.02 16:33
daß das Unternehmen mit sinkenden Gewinnen rechnet für die Jahre 2003 und 2004. Damit steigt dann auch das KGV, und die "günstige" Bewertung ist dahin.

Achja, wenn ein Fondsmanager "Aggressiv" kauft, und dann meint, die Aktie ist billig, würde ich mir meine Gedanken machen....

So long,

nur so...

03.01.03 22:18
THC traded 115 million shares on 11/08. This was panic selling. A runaway gap was created on the downside. This down gap is from about 27.95 to 19.10. Although 115 millions shares were traded on 11/08 only about 30% of the traders in over the past year at an average price of 48.00 a share were able to get out. At least that is what I calculate. They are trapped with a large loss.
This gap will become strong resistance to the upside. Heavy selling pressure will occur at any price above 19.10. Overhead supply will insure it will. This stock will stay down below 20.00 for a long long time.
THC has short term support at 15.70 and at 14.95. I got in yesterday at 15.70 with a light 1000 shares. I trade light when the market is in a downtrend, as it is today also. I got out today at 12:57 pm EST at 16.72 when the Richard Arms Index ($TRIN) started to head up. I was in SMHG, MRX, CVD, and ATU today. I closed them all at 12:57. WCN, APPX and VIRL did well today but I did not trade them. The Japanese call a gap a "window". The window is still open, and I feel it will be for a long long time.
I feel the market downtrend in December was due to tax loss selling. It picked up steam when the "sheep" started to panic during the last two weeks in December. All in all we should have a January rally. Good Luck.
aus dem Traderbord bei clearstation

und die neueste Nachricht:
3.Januar:...on Thursday it received a subpoena from the Department of Justice demanding information on certain Medicare payments.

The number two U.S. for-profit hospital operator, which has been under scrutiny since October when two of its doctors were accused of performing unnecessary heart surgeries, said the subpoena requests documents from Tenet and 19 hospitals owned by its subsidiaries.
Tenet said 15 of the 19 hospitals that received requests are located in California, with the rest in Texas, Pennsylvania and Louisiana. Tenet said it would cooperate with the Department of Justice requests.
Tenet has suffered a host of problems during the second half of 2002, including the questions over outlier payments, the two doctors at its Redding, California medical center, the resignation of two top executives, a dissident shareholder lawsuit and union accusations that it exposed patients to higher risks of injury and death from dangerously low staffing levels.
The company disclosed in early November that U.S. regulators plan to audit payments made to its hospitals to determine whether it overbilled the federal Medicare program.
The company warned on December 3 that its fiscal 2003 and 2004 profits would fall short of estimates as Medicare cuts payments to high-cost hospitals.

am 13.1. kommt der Report!

Trotzdem, ich warte ab.

03.01.03 22:55
Vor den Zahlen wird nix unternommen. Tenet muss erst wirklich überzeugen, unter 20 Dollar kaufe ich keine.

Gruss E.

noch son Skandal?

10.01.03 00:37
Los Angeles, Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Tenet Healthcare Corp., the second-biggest U.S. hospital chain, filed false Medicare claims for six years in the 1990s, the Justice Department said in a lawsuit seeking $323 million in damages.
The department has been investigating allegations Tenet improperly classified illnesses to inflate reimbursement from Medicare. Settlement talks with the government broke down Wednesday, Tenet said in a statement today before the government filed its lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles.
The suit adds to a list of obstacles for Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Barbakow. The government is also auditing its pricing practices in a separate investigation. Tenet shares have lost two-thirds of their value in less than three months.
``This particular suit is probably not the straw to break the camel's back,'' said Jefferies & Co. analyst Frank Morgan, who has a ``hold'' rating on Tenet and doesn't own shares. ``They have much bigger issues to deal with. And, obviously, they're willing to litigate it.''
Tenet is accused of ``upcoding,'' the practice of improperly assigning a diagnosis code to a patient that isn't supported by the medical record. Tenet manipulated codes for pneumonia, septicemia and other illnesses, the Justice Department said in its lawsuit.
In a separate probe, the government is investigating Tenet because a disproportionate number of its patients have been classified as ``outliers,'' a term for patients whose care costs more than the average payment rate and triggers larger Medicare reimbursements.
`Greater Reimbursement'
Tenet spokesman Harry Anderson didn't immediately return a phone call seeking comment on today's suit.

Shares of Santa Barbara, California-based Tenet rose 5 cents to close at $16.95 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. They have dropped 66 percent since UBS Warburg analyst Kenneth Weakley said Oct. 28 that the company relied too much on payments for outliers.
Tenet agreed last June to pay $17 million to resolve accusations of incorrect laboratory billing in the same Justice Department investigation of its coding.
The suit claims Tenet submitted false claims to Medicare from 1992 through 1998. Prosecutors said Tenet corporate employees were encouraged to substitute their judgment for that of the physicians and enter false diagnosis codes to receive a greater reimbursement than the hospital deserved.
The U.S. claims that about 70 percent of Medicare claims for a certain kind of pneumonia were falsely coded to a diagnosis that had a $4,000 higher reimbursement. More than 5,400 false pneumonia claims were submitted for a total of $21.73 million, the government said.
Other Claims
The lawsuit increases pressure on Tenet to be conservative in how it bills Medicare for services, said Paul Heldman, an analyst with Schwab Capital Markets.
``I don't think the money part is a big deal. The big deal is how it ends up changing their behavior,'' he said. For example, ``Does it cause them to start billing for the lower levels of pneumonia even if the patient has a severe case?''
About 1,700 claims for an operating procedure for infectious and parasitic diseases were false for a total of $16.47 million, prosecutors said.
Other false claims involving infections totaled $16.17 million, and for respiratory system diagnoses requiring ventilator support $49.5 million, officials said.
1994 Agreement
Under terms of a 1994 agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Tenet was required to review its billing practices and report any violations. The suit claims that Tenet didn't begin its required audit until 1997 and never informed the government when it found ``significant errors.''
``Tenet was dilatory in addressing such coding and billing errors, failed to take corrective action until after it learned of the government investigation'' and has yet to reimburse the government, the suit said.
Tenet was once known as National Medical Enterprises Inc. That company was sued by several insurers in 1992 over alleged fraudulent psychiatric claims. The suits were settled in 1993.
Federal agents later raided company headquarters to seize documents. National Medical Enterprises paid penalties to settle allegations of fraud, kickbacks and patient abuse and changed its name to Tenet. Barbakow, who became CEO in 1993, led the turnaround.
Tenet said in a statement on Business Wire this morning that settlement talks had reached a stalemate.
``We regret that we have been unable to reach an amicable resolution of these issues,'' said Christi R. Sulzbach, Tenet's chief corporate officer and general counsel.

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