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Raya Group

Beiträge: 507
Zugriffe: 84.122 / Heute: 7
Oakridge Int. 0,0385 € +1,32% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +16,67%

Bezüglich chalifmann!

25.12.15 19:50
Sperrt diesen typen auf eurem thread!
Jedoch chalifmann hat nen super riecher!
Seine gedichte gehen mir voll am arsch,jedoch kenn ich ihn!
Wenn er ne aktie im blick hat bedeutet etwas gutes!
Keine sorge ghoult!sperr ihn dennoch aus deinem thread,hehe!
Lg an dich chali!


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hi iwan !

25.12.15 20:09
Hey alter Junge,grade aus dem Knast entlassen,und schon willst du mich in selbigen hineinbefördern ?? Aber du hast Recht,Dryships (DRYS) hab ich rein zufällig entdeckt,genau zur richtigen Zeit offenbar,denn die aktie hat fette Weihnachtsgeschenke gemacht und möglicherweise ist noch viel mehr drin,nur eingestiegen bin ich leider selber nicht,dafür hab ich aber  einen anderen Treffer gelandet !


@iwan was denn nun ?.....du schreibt in einen (!)

26.12.15 07:49
Beitrag (!)

//........bezüglich chalifman Sperrt diesen typen auf eurem thread!
//.......Jedoch chalifmann hat nen super riecher!
//.......sperr ihn dennoch aus deinem thread,hehe!
Lg an dich chali!

LOL  .......was denn nun , zu feuchte Weihnachten ??? LOL  

und ? hab doch recht ? keiner ein Stern für meine

26.12.15 21:08
Wahrheit .........war doch ein Schwachsinnsposting

ist eh`  ne Schei...aktie ..................poste hier nix mehr für so eine blödsinn

...bitte denken ! ZENSUR ! wird immer die Wahrheit

26.12.15 21:10
gewünscht ?  


27.12.15 07:41
Keine Zensur, aber die Beiträge sollten schon auch ein wenig mit der hier besprochenen Aktie zu tun haben. Für alles andere gibt es genügend Laber-Threads.


28.12.15 16:11
Was ist hier los 3 Tage in Folge 40%+ was ist der Grund ??!


30.12.15 07:39
echt miserabel was Raya aktuell so macht. Hatte mir hier kurzfristig deutlich mehr erhofft. Irgendwie hat das Interesse hier auch nachgelassen!? Vielleicht sind aber auch alle in Urlaub...

wow, 145k auf einmal gekauft

30.12.15 10:32

kauli ...

30.12.15 14:47
muss ghoul oder tudi gewesen sein,die kleckern nicht,die klotzen !!

Und ich .....

Chalifmann bald vor aller Welt blamiert,
wenn Raya demnächst explodiert,
Oh liebe Longs hört doch mein flehn',
sonst tu ich noch ins Wasser gehen....

Weisst du Kaulito,wir verstehn eben nicht viel von der börse,andere können das eindeutig besser,hm ?

L-oser O-hne N-ennenswerten G-rips ?


03.01.16 19:27
Hey, ich kann auf deine BM nicht antworten. Du erhälst BM´s nur von deinen Kontakten.

Xped Jobangebot

04.01.16 11:33

Du wolltest schon immer in Australien arbeiten? Du denkst binär und hexdezimal? Auf gehts:



05.01.16 07:59
Heute Nacht +16,7%


Wer weiß mehr ?

05.01.16 11:37
Wird der Hand mal jetzt ausgesetzt für eine gewisse Zeit oder nicht ?

ja natürlich

05.01.16 11:57
anders kann Raya(RYG) nicht in Xped(XPD) gewandelt werden. Vermutlich ab mitte/ende Januar bis ende Febuar. Aber ein genaues Datum kann ich dir nicht nennen.
(Verkleinert auf 47%) vergrößern
Raya Group 882392

evtl. wird es doch ende März

05.01.16 12:22

Zitat: Xped was founded in Adelaide and still maintains all R&D there but is now headquartered in Singapore. It is presently in the process of making a backdoor listing on the ASX through former geothermal exploration company Raya Group (ASX:RYG), which has appointed Sydney based investment bank KTM Capital to raise up to $6.8m to capitalise the company.

CEO John Stefanac told IoT Australia that he expected the process to be completed by the end of March.


Übrigens ein sehr lesenswerter Artikel, der auch einen kleinen Forecast gibt.


Auf HC

05.01.16 12:36

wird übrigens auf eine Intel Pressekonferenz hingewiesen:

Zitat: Intel wants its chips to be the brainpower behind the so-called Internet of Things, where all of our real world objects like clothes or kitchen appliances connect to the Web. The chipmaker has good reason to make that bet. The promise is huge. Research firm Gartner says that in 2016, 5.5 million new things will become Internet-connected every day.



05.01.16 12:46
Lass die nur mal den Namen XPED auf der Pressekonferenz erwähnen, dann geht die Party los.

Träumen darf man ja mal :)


05.01.16 13:13

Auf HC wird auch ja viel geträumt. Der Artikel aus Post #393 ist ja von heute. Dort wird John Stefanac wie folgt zitiert: "and we will be making some announcements shortly”.

Das, in Verbindung mit der Intel - Pressekonferenz lässt viele Träumen.



05.01.16 13:18
Na um 06.30 p.m. wissen wir mehr.

Hier der Artikel von heute dazu:

05.01.16 15:53

Xped aims to IoT enable any appliance

January 5, 2016 By Stuart Corner Leave a Comment

ADRC ControllerAustralian IoT startup, Xped Holdings — soon to be listed on the ASX — has scored a role for its technology in a multiyear study being undertaken by the University of South Australia’s Barbara Hardy Institute into household electricity usage patterns, but has much grander plans for its IoT technology.

Xped has developed technology that can be incorporated into a wide range of equipment that then enables the equipment to be monitored and controlled via the Xped smartphone app.

For the UniSA research it has developed a smart plug that will be used to connect all household appliances to be monitored in the study. This measures power consumption and communicates the information via the Xped Hub into the cloud from where it can be downloaded by the researchers.

UniSA researcher, David Whaley, said the research team had scoured the world but been unable to find any other fully integrated system that completely met its requirements. “I was delighted to find that the solution we need can be produced in our own backyard,” he said.
ASX listing, $6.8m capital raising

Xped was founded in Adelaide and still maintains all R&D there but is now headquartered in Singapore. It is presently in the process of making a backdoor listing on the ASX through former geothermal exploration company Raya Group (ASX:RYG), which has appointed Sydney based investment bank KTM Capital to raise up to $6.8m to capitalise the company.

CEO John Stefanac told IoT Australia that he expected the process to be completed by the end of March. He described the UniSA project as “a bit of a sideline” and said the company hoped to see the first mainstream applications of its technology on the market by mid-year.

Xped has developed an Auto Discovery Remote Control (ADRC) technology to enable any devices incorporating its technology to be monitored and controlled from a smartphone app, once the phone has been paired with the device using near field communication. It hopes to sell the technology to both chip and equipment manufacturers for incorporation in their products. A module for incorporation in equipment by IoT DIY enthusiasts can be bought from its web site, and the company says it has sold several hundred of these.

The heart of its system, however is the ADRC Hub. This manages the initial setup of a new device and maintains the direct communication with it. The smartphone app then communicates with the device via the hub using WiFi or, remotely, the cellular network.

Stefanac said the hub was “essentially software” that could be deployed in a number of ways. “The deployment depends upon the application. We can provide it on USB stick that you could plug into your wireless router. It could be software on a PC or smartphone, or it could be in the cloud.”

He said that Xped was already in discussions with a possible cloud service provider partner but also that device manufacturers might prefer to make their own arrangements.
First Xped-enabled products by mid-year

He said that Xped was working with several companies to embed its technology in their products. “We have an agreement with Tytronics based in Adelaide. They are doing some trials. They are the largest provider of thermostats for the heating and air conditioning industry in the southern hemisphere.

Another company we are working with develops a structured cabling system for new homes and office blocks. We are incorporating the ADRC into their solutions so that every power point, every light switch will have our technology in it, so a home will be an ADRC ready home. And we have companies outside Australia that we are developing products with for their customer base.”

Stefanac said the cabling company would be the first to have ADRC products on the market. “They will be installing their solution toward the middle of the year, and we will be making some announcements shortly.”

Stefanac said the company presently had a staff of 10 but expected to double that number this year. “We are moving into a business development phase. We are opening an office in the USA. We are deploying more people in Asia, we are adding on to our engineering group here in Australia.”
Technology licensing council planned

A timeline included in an investor presentation from December showed the opening of the US office planned for February, to be followed by the appointment of the first indirect channel partner for the ADRC technology in March, along with the start of development.

The timeline also shows plans to launch in February an “ADRC Licensing Council” under the name “Connexion”. At present the only information on this is a page on the company’s web site that says it is “coming soon.”


Und wieder ein interessanter Artikel:

06.01.16 07:20

3. IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) -- perhaps the hottest abbreviation out there currently -- is bringing new solutions to streamline many age-old and stagnant processes we are accustomed to. McKinsey Global Institute claims that IoT can create an economic impact of $2.7 trillion to $6.2 trillion annually by 2025.

IoT is about using technology to control things that generally are operated manually. IoT means adjusting the home temperature by using your smartphone or connecting your TV or computer to your smartphone. Now, companies like Xped enable users to connect their devices to their smartphone just by tapping the device in question with one’s mobile device. Another company in this space is Tekoia which has developed SURE Universal Remote platform that connects users, appliances and appliance vendors.

IoT is speeding up across the globe, and as Howdy Pierce wrote earlier this year, “companies that develop smart devices with autonomous operation that create additional value for the end user will be the most successful in the long run."


Sehr ruhig hier

10.01.16 14:01
Alle ausgeflogen? Was ist mit Blue?
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