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SPIN doctoring has become part of life in politics and business.
It`s hardly surprising to learn of a contract between naughty books flogger AdultShop.com and German Web site operator XNaSe, which operates a chat line for investors to share information and views on market matters.
The contract, signed by managing director Malcolm Day and dated June 27, is for AdultShop to spend 1200 euro (\$1955) a month for "personal investor relations assistance for the investors".
Sounds very friendly, like helping an old lady across the road.
The XNaSe service provides a team of moderators to resolve problems and direct investors to subscribers"investor relations Web sites.
Even more helpful is its aim to "see to a good atmosphere and calm down highly emotional discussions by factual argumentation".
The contract states: "In this way, your company continues to be discussed within the boards, and interest in your company, thereby, is kept on a high level."
Of course, HOTT does not suggest XNaSe is referring to negative interest.
AdultShop describes the service as necessary for its German business and shareholders.
Commercial and legal manager Marcus Gracey directed HOTT`s attention to the "problematic issues of regulating potentially defamatory comments on investors"boards in relation to public companies and the potential to affect their share price".
Hier der link: www.thewest.com.au/20001111/business/...ess-home-sto10455.html