DDDC Deltathree.com: VoIP industry may be hitting critical mass -- Smith Barney (3.92 +0.14)
Smith Barney out positive on VoIP technology, as they believe the Voice over Internet Protocol will dramatically change the telecom and cable industries. Firm believes that now it is inflection point as the VoIP industry could finally be hitting critical mass - just as satellite radio hit critical mass early last year. While cable companies are best positioned to benefit from the VoIP trend, the major telecoms are also warming up and all of them are now offering or are close to offering VoIP services. Firm notes that one of these Baby Bells, SBC, recently announced a deal with Deltathree to provide VoIP services. This offering is reportedly now being tested in Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and San Antonio, and reportedly scheduled for a broader roll-out possibly as early as February of 2005.