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Diversinet Extends its One Time Password Token by Launching Low Cost MobiSecure™ USBToken
Offers Free Mobile or PC SoftToken with Each USBToken
TORONTO, Canada, April 2, 2008 – Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB: DVNTF), a leading provider of wireless data application and security infrastructure products and services, today announced the launch of MobiSecure™ USBToken. MobiSecure USBToken is a One Time Password (OTP) authentication technology contained within a durable, portable USB device which is driverless and leaves no residual footprint on the user’s computer. Diversinet will be demonstrating its MobiSecure USBToken at the OATH Partner pavilion (booth #1951) during the April 7-11 RSA Conference 2008 in San Francisco.
MobiSecure USBToken is designed for any organization that requires strong authentication to protect identities and manage access at a low cost. The MobiSecure USBToken adds a powerful, secure portable token to Diversinet’s broad range of PC, phone and authentication products. MobiSecure USBToken is supported by the same unified MobiSecure™ Authentication Servers that supports SoftToken on Mobile devices and PCTokens. MobiSecure Authentication servers include registration, provisioning, validation and token life cycle management on a single, easy-to-install package.
MobiSecure USBToken is priced at a significantly lower price compared to existing OTP hard tokens. In addition, each USBToken purchased will be part of a security token bundle that includes a free MobiSecure SoftToken or PCToken. The security token bundle significantly reduces the overall cost of tokens ownership.
“The USBToken and the security token bundle are Diversinet’s latest product release and complements Diversinet’s broad set of OTP Token to create a strong and flexible method of authentication for enterprises employees and customers at much lower cost than competing products. They are based on our customers’ feedback for low cost security token and form factor flexibility that matches each user need from our mobile, PC or USB tokens” said Albert Wahbe, Diversinet’s CEO.
The USBToken simply plugs in, requests a PIN and generates an OTP. Once removed, the host machine retains no trace of the authentication technology. The end user can use it on any PC or laptop supporting Microsoft Windows. The OTP is validated against the MobiSecure™ Authentication Server just like Diversinet’s MobiSecure SoftToken and PCTokens.
Distribution is simple. Once an enterprise purchases a server/token package, they will receive the USB hardware devices (which can be branded with the company logo) along with the MobiSecure authentication servers for installation at their location. End users can sign up for a MobiSecure USBToken by using a self-service registration module or the enterprise IT administrator can register their users prior to distributing the USB hardware. The USBToken is personalized during activation with a network-connected PC.
Some of the benefits of the MobiSecure USBToken include:
Substantially lower total cost of ownership compared to other one-time-password hard token solutions,
Meets the authentication needs of computer mobile users who need to access authenticated systems from various computers, both inside and outside an enterprise,
Complements the Diversinet MobiSecure token offering of PC and mobile clients with no additional server hardware or software,
Ensures strong authentication across all levels of an organization’s employees or customers,
Leaves no client footprint on the user’s computer,
No driver or PC client required,
The application on the MobiSecure USBToken is protected by a user-established PIN to further enhance security when misplaced or stolen,
The security credentials are protected from being copied to another device through the use of patent pending anti-cloning technology,
Leverages the same MobiSecure infrastructure for registration, provisioning, validation and life cycle management, and
Supports the OATH HOTP one-time password algorithm.
About Diversinet
Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB: DVNTF) is a leading provider of wireless authentication and access solutions that secure the personal identity, transactions and data of consumers over almost any mobile phone or handheld device. Diversinet’s reliable, end-to-end MobiSecure Wallet and Vault products provide global, secure and cost effective solutions to mobilize personal health records, financial services transactions and identity protection management. Connect with Diversinet Corp. at www.diversinet.com.
André Kostolany