DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was?

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DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was?

10.04.08 20:03
DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4185727

Wär echt der Hammer! Hab im berühmt-berüchtigten IT-Hype mal USD 33 bezahlt, schoss auf 55 und kackte dann gnadenlos ab auf 0,09. Jahrelang als Depotleiche behalten.


Diversinet Extends its One Time Password Token by Launching Low Cost MobiSecure™ USBToken

Offers Free Mobile or PC SoftToken with Each USBToken  
TORONTO, Canada, April 2, 2008 – Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB: DVNTF), a leading provider of wireless data application and security infrastructure products and services, today announced the launch of MobiSecure™ USBToken.  MobiSecure USBToken is a One Time Password (OTP) authentication technology contained within a durable, portable USB device which is driverless and leaves no residual footprint on the user’s computer.  Diversinet will be demonstrating its MobiSecure USBToken at the OATH Partner pavilion (booth #1951) during the April 7-11 RSA Conference 2008 in San Francisco.

MobiSecure USBToken is designed for any organization that requires strong authentication to protect identities and manage access at a low cost.  The MobiSecure USBToken adds a powerful, secure portable token to Diversinet’s broad range of PC, phone and authentication products.  MobiSecure USBToken is supported by the same unified MobiSecure™ Authentication Servers that supports SoftToken on Mobile devices and PCTokens.  MobiSecure Authentication servers include registration, provisioning, validation and token life cycle management on a single, easy-to-install package.

MobiSecure USBToken is priced at a significantly lower price compared to existing OTP hard tokens.  In addition, each USBToken purchased will be part of a security token bundle that includes a free MobiSecure SoftToken or PCToken.  The security token bundle significantly reduces the overall cost of tokens ownership.

“The USBToken and the security token bundle are Diversinet’s latest product release and complements Diversinet’s broad set of OTP Token  to create a strong and flexible method of authentication for enterprises employees and customers at much lower cost than competing products.  They are based on our customers’ feedback for low cost security token and form factor flexibility that matches each user need from our mobile, PC or USB tokens” said Albert Wahbe, Diversinet’s CEO.

The USBToken simply plugs in, requests a PIN and generates an OTP.  Once removed, the host machine retains no trace of the authentication technology.  The end user can use it on any PC or laptop supporting Microsoft Windows.  The OTP is validated against the MobiSecure™ Authentication Server just like Diversinet’s MobiSecure SoftToken and PCTokens.

Distribution is simple.  Once an enterprise purchases a server/token package, they will receive the USB hardware devices (which can be branded with the company logo) along with the MobiSecure authentication servers for installation at their location.  End users can sign up for a MobiSecure USBToken by using a self-service registration module or the enterprise IT administrator can register their users prior to distributing the USB hardware.  The USBToken is personalized during activation with a network-connected PC.

Some of the benefits of the MobiSecure USBToken include:

Substantially lower total cost of ownership compared to other one-time-password hard token solutions,
Meets the authentication needs of computer mobile users who need to access authenticated systems from various computers, both inside and outside an enterprise,
Complements the Diversinet MobiSecure token offering of PC and mobile clients with no additional server hardware or software,
Ensures strong authentication across all levels of an organization’s employees or customers,
Leaves no client footprint on the user’s computer,
No driver or PC client required,
The application on the MobiSecure USBToken is protected by a user-established PIN to further enhance security when misplaced or stolen,
The security credentials are protected from being copied to another device through the use of patent pending anti-cloning technology,
Leverages the same MobiSecure infrastructure for registration, provisioning, validation and life cycle management, and
Supports the OATH HOTP one-time password algorithm.
About Diversinet
Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB: DVNTF) is a leading provider of wireless authentication and access solutions that secure the personal identity, transactions and data of consumers over almost any mobile phone or handheld device.  Diversinet’s reliable, end-to-end MobiSecure Wallet and Vault products provide global, secure and cost effective solutions to mobilize personal health records, financial services transactions and identity protection management.  Connect with Diversinet Corp. at www.diversinet.com.

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany



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Stimmt das noch?

11.04.08 00:11
Das war aus AUGUST 2005:

Top 10 Canadian Wireless Software Companies
Research in Motion Ltd.
Waterloo, ON
Sierra Wireless Inc.
Richmond, BC
MDSI Mobile Data Solutions Inc.
Richmond, BC
Certicom Corp.
Mississauga, ON
Redknee Inc.
Mississauga, ON
Versatile Mobile Systems (Canada) Ltd.
Vancouver, BC
Zi Corporation
Calgary, AB
Diversinet Corp.
Toronto, ON

eXI Wireless Inc.
Richmond, BC
Innowave Software Inc.
Burnaby, BC


Interessante Studie, Bär.

11.04.08 08:29
Danach war Diversinet bei den Top 10 Canadian IT Security and Related Consulting Companies sogar auf Platz 5.

Nach Mitte März 2000 kam ja wie bei allen IT-Werten der Tiefflug, die Aktie dümpelte so vor sich hin. Nach einem weiteren (reverse)-split 10:1 kam mal wieder etwas Leben rein. Eigentlich stünde sie jetzt bei 5 Dollarcent.

Auf dieser Seite hier kann mal gut den Chart seit Juni 95 verfolgen (Adobe Flashplayer), Diversinet mit dem Wettbewerb vergleichen und die Financials studieren.


Good news gab's immer wieder. Die Firma scheint sich weiter zu behaupten, und das Management macht wohl auch nen guten Job.

Ich hatte im Februar letzten Jahres nachgekauft, als mir auffiel, dass plötzlich großes Interesse an der Aktie bestand. Natürlich auf dem Höchststand. Murphy's Gesetz eben.

Mal schauen, was draus wird.
An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


RSA Conference 2008

11.04.08 11:56
Diversinet will be presenting at the RSA Conference in USA 2008.

Laufzeit: 7. - 11. April 2008
Land: USA / San Francisco

Die RSA-Konferenz hat mit der RSA Europe (2005 in Wien) und RSA Asia (2005 in Tokio) zwei Ableger, welche auch jährlich stattfinden. In diesem Jahr ist zu bemerken, dass sich die US-Wirtschaft in einem deutlichen Aufschwung befindet. Die in San Francisco versammelte IT-Sicherheitsbranche profitiert davon in besonderem Maße. Sie erfährt nicht nur weltweit ein deutliches Wachstum ihrer Märkte, sondern kann auch auf eine stabile Wertschöpfung innerhalb der USA verweisen. Eine Orientierung der nordamerikanischen Anbieter auf internationale Märkte und damit ihre Offenheit für Kooperationen war - erstmals nach drei Jahren - wieder deutlicher zu spüren. Die Rolle der IT-Security-Technologien hin zum Enabler von Geschäfts- und Verwaltungsprozessen wurde auf der Messe deutlich. Ihr Einsatz ist stets durch wirtschaftliche Überlegungen motiviert und wird von einem ständig verfeinertem Risiko-Management begleitet. Das Konferenzprogramm spiegelte die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte aller aktuellen Themen. Neben den General Sessions wurden fast 240 Beiträge in 16 parallelen Tracks geboten, die die aktuelle Bandbreite von IT-Security-Forschung, -Produkten, -Lösungen und -Dienstleistungen sowie von Angriffen und Abwehrmaßnahmen behandelten. Die Vortragenden kamen zum großen Teil aus Nordamerika (USA, Kanada). Die Besucherstruktur war durch Fachbesucher geprägt (Entwickler / Hersteller von Produkten und Dienstleistungen, Analysten, Consultants, Entscheidungsträger aus der Industrie und Administration).

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Es geht aufwärts !

23.04.08 18:16

Diversinet has partner relationships with leading technology companies.

DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096

DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096


Diversinet is active in many industry associations and standards organizations.

DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4227096





Und der Kurs sieht auch gut aus. Könnte was werden. Mein Einstand nach Verbilligung: USD 5,84.

Da müßte sich der Kurs verzehnfachen ! Ich bin zu feige, noch mal nachzulegen ;-)

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


sieht ja nicht

26.04.08 12:06
so schlecht aus jetzt,
am Mo.kauf ich mal.............
LG Pantani

Breakthrough in Mobile Electronic Patient Records

14.05.08 21:46

Diversinet Demonstrates Breakthrough in Mobile Electronic Patient Records
14/05/2008 - 13:30
Launching its entry into the health care industry, Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB:DVNTF), a leading provider of wireless data application and security infrastructure products and services, today announced it is participating in a demonstration of a breakthrough in mobile electronic patient records at the 24th annual TEPR (Towards Electronic Patient Records) Conference being held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 19-21. AllOne Health GroupSM (AHG), in conjunction with Diversinet, will demonstrate how MobiSecure™ Wallet and Vault products enable the new AllOne MobileSM service to achieve privacy compliance while giving consumers instant access to their personal health care records – anywhere, anytime – through their mobile phones without the need for an Internet connection.

AllOne Mobile saves personal health care records (PHRs) in a secure environment provided by MobiSecure Vault, and links securely to the MobiSecure Wallet on users’ mobile phones, giving them well-organized, easy-to-use, 24/7 mobile access to their medical information. With this system, users can securely manage and share their personal health records with physicians, hospitals, clinics and emergency personnel to help to improve medical outcomes.

“MobiSecure Wallet and Vault combine the bulletproof security healthcare providers need to meet regulatory compliance with the ease of use consumers need to put all this information at their fingertips through virtually any mobile phone on any network anywhere in the world,” said Albert Wahbe, CEO and chairman of Diversinet. “Consumers have peace of mind that their medical history, test results and medications are secure while gaining instant access to them to significantly reduce time to treatment and medical errors.”

The AllOne Mobile application is downloaded wirelessly to phones and is automatically updated with the most up-to-date security and features available.

With AllOne Mobile, consumers and their families are able to:

View and share insurance coverage information with physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and other health care providers;
Track prescription drugs;
Catalog allergies, or fax a child’s allergy records to the school nurse;
Send health information, including a family health history, to a physician; and
Access health tips to better manage chronic conditions.
“Our goal is to show how mobile phones can be used to improve the quality of medical care and convenience for consumers, and we believe this revolutionary approach will forever change the patient/consumer relationship with health care providers and payers,” said William C. Reed, president and CEO of AllOne Health Group. “Secure portability of personal health records at the time of care, the convenience and peace of mind in being able to receive fast and secure coverage confirmation – all accessed securely through a mobile device – makes this solution a groundbreaking product that will enable consumers to take control of their health care in a cost effective manner.”

The AllOne Health Group launched AllOne Mobile in April 2008 to the Hospital Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania (HSA). HSA became the first health plan in the U.S. to adopt this technology. AllOne Mobile also will be used by employees of major businesses and the general public to better manage their health and well-being.

Based on Diversinet’s MobiSecure Strong Authentication technology, MobiSecure Wallet and Vault give users secure and immediate access to a host of medical, financial and other personal information, as well as other critical, privileged data. These products also give health care providers, banks and other financial institutions and insurance companies a unique and easy-to-use solution they can use to provide individuals with fast, convenient, and secure access to new applications and services via mobile phone, PDA or PC browser.

About the AllOne Health Groupsm Inc.

AllOne Health Group, Inc. (AHG) and its subsidiaries offer integrated health and wellness solutions to improve the health and well-being of individuals, businesses, organizations and the nation at large. These solutions include population health management, mobile personal health information systems, occupational health services, employee assistance programs, on-site medical management services and integrated insurance plans and benefits administration.


About Diversinet



Trotzdem kam die Aktie heute 5% zurück.

Time & Sales  
Price Size    Exch Time
 0.57 7500    OBB 11:51:31
 0.57 7500    OBB 11:50:59
 0.60 3000    OBB 10:22:46

DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4291986
An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


**Staun** - so schnell kann das gehen ;-)

15.05.08 19:46
An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Hab versehentlich den Editor eingeschaltet

15.05.08 19:49
Hier jetzt der Chart:

DIVERSINET CORP - Geht da wieder was? 4295668
An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


MobiSecure seit gestern am Start

18.06.08 21:47
Diversinet Debuts Commercially Deployed Platform for Secure Mobile Phone Access to Sensitive Information

TORONTO, Canada, June 17, 2008

MobiSecure Wallet and Vault Now in Use by Major Healthcare and Financial Services Enterprises for Any Time, Anywhere Convenience

Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB:DVNTF), a leading provider of wireless data security infrastructure products and services, today launched MobiSecure Wallet and Vault, the companys first commercially deployed platform for enabling secure encrypted access to medical, financial and other sensitive personal information by individuals through their mobile phones, PDAs and personal computers. Offering unrivaled security across a broad range of mobile devices, Diversinets MobiSecure Wallet and Vault products have already been deployed by AllOne Health Group, Inc. to the Hospital Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania and its health plans, and Intersections, Inc. (NASDAQ:INTX), a leading global provider of consumer and corporate identity risk management services.

MobiSecure Wallet and Vault products work together to create a secure encrypted platform that makes it easy for enterprises to deliver relevant personal information to a mobile or fixed device with complete confidence that nobody besides the intended recipient can read or intercept it, said Albert Wahbe, CEO and chairman of Diversinet. We are leading the way in the depth of security and breadth of supported clients from Java and Windows to RIM and BREW that we offer, enabling us to deliver a breakthrough technology that dramatically lowers the cost and complexity of providing secure, real-time access to the identity information and other critical, privileged data that people use every day to support their lifestyle.

MobiSecure Wallet gives users instant, secure access through their mobile phone to personal identity, confidential and privileged information that is stored in the MobiSecure Vault. The MobiSecure Wallet turns an individuals mobile phone into a kind of remote control device they can use to display, fax or e-mail any data stored in the MobiSecure Vault server or other data sources. An enhanced client interface provides a natural user experience. Based on MobiSecure soft token strong authentication technology, the client-side MobiSecure Wallet is embedded into a mobile phone or personal computer and easily delivered over wireless networks or the Internet. Externally residing identity or privileged information is delivered to the wallet from the MobiSecure Vault server, which also aids in data synchronization and management.

The MobiSecure Vault is a secure, server-side repository that can host and manage stored sensitive data such as personal identity information, personal health records, insurance information, financial records or banking and brokerage information. This data can be stored in the server or reside in external data sources, and can include text as well as a variety of large file formats such as graphics, images, audio, video and other rich media. A self-service, web-based interface allows new users to create vault accounts and securely upload and organize their personal data, and it supports an optimized, secure protocol for downloading personal data and synchronizing it with the users MobiSecure Wallet.

The Wallet and Vault platform enables applications to be updated on the fly and pushed out to clients automatically over the air or the Internet. Its enhanced secure messaging system enables service providers to communicate important messages, alerts and other ad hoc critical, privileged information directly to users, providing the convenience of SMS with the added security of an encrypted, authenticated channel. The MobiSecure Vault also is capable of simultaneously supporting multiple branded versions of applications running on the server, creating efficiencies and flexibility for enterprises providing branded services for third parties.

The healthcare, financial services and insurance industries represent opportunities for secure communications systems that enable enterprises to put highly sensitive personal information at customers' fingertips wherever they are, said Bob Egan, chief analyst for TowerGroup. We expect the major players in these industries will build upon platforms to create compelling new services that will help build loyalty and develop more 'sticky' relationships with their customers.

Commercial Deployments

MobiSecure Wallet and Vault provides Intersections with a mobile security platform to extend its core IDENTITY GUARD® offering by creating a host of new services that build closer, more personal and sticky relationships with new and existing customers. The MOBILE LOCKBOX feature makes it convenient for IDENTITY GUARD subscribers to monitor their personal records and financial accounts from a mobile phone, PDA or computer anywhere and at any time, and makes it possible for MOBILE LOCKBOX to offer built-in e-mail and faxing capabilities along with customized financial transaction alerts.

AllOne Health Group (AHG), a leading health productivity and services company, offers integrated health and information solutions to improve the health and well being of individuals, businesses and organizations. The company is using the MobiSecure Wallet and Vault platform to enable its AllOne MobileSM service to achieve privacy compliance while giving consumers instant access to their personal health care records anywhere, any time through their mobile phones without the need for an Internet connection. AllOne Mobile saves personal health care records (PHRs) in a secure environment provided by MobiSecure Vault, and links securely to the MobiSecure Wallet on users mobile phones, giving them well-organized, easy-to-use, 24/7 mobile access to their health information. With this system, users can securely manage and share their personal health records with physicians, hospitals, clinics and emergency personnel to help to improve medical outcomes. MobiSecure Wallet and Vault provides full support for the import and export of personal health records including access to demographic, insurance and vital clinical information.

AHG, with more than 1000 customers throughout the U.S. and in 42 countries, also offers solutions for population health management, occupational health services, employee assistance programs and integrated insurance plans and benefits. Information about these solutions as well as AllOne Mobile service is available at www.allonehealthgroup.com.

In addition to its support for personal identity and healthcare applications, the robust MobiSecure Wallet and Vault platform can be used to provide secure, controllable access to a broad range of sensitive and confidential information remotely via mobile phones for virtually any kind of enterprise application.

Availability and Pricing

Diversinets MobiSecure Wallet and Vault version 2.5 is available now for production deployments. Please contact Diversinet for pricing information.



An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Diversinet Software für Intersections Inc.

18.06.08 21:54
Diversinet Powers Intersections MOBILE LOCKBOXSM Enhancement

15:00 17.06.08

IDENTITY GUARD® Users Access and Store Personal and Financial Information Any Time, Anywhere Via Mobile Phone

Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB:DVNTF), a leading provider of wireless data security infrastructure products and services, today announced that its MobiSecure Wallet and Vault mobile secure encrypted access solution is at the heart of the new MOBILE LOCKBOXSM, a major enhancement to the IDENTITY GUARD® Total Protection service from Intersections Inc. (NASDAQ:INTX), a leading global provider of consumer and corporate identity risk management services.

MobiSecure Wallet and Vault provides Intersections with a mobile security platform to extend its core IDENTITY GUARD offering by creating a host of new services that build closer, more personal and sticky relationships with new and existing customers. Using revolutionary, secure, and easy-to-use MobiSecure Wallet and Vault software from Diversinet, MOBILE LOCKBOX securely stores usernames and passwords, banking information, personal information, insurance documents and wills, even photographs. The Diversinet software also makes it possible for MOBILE LOCKBOX to offer built-in e-mail and faxing capabilities along with secured and encrypted customized financial transaction alerts enabling IDENTITY GUARD subscribers to monitor their records while theyre on the go.

MOBILE LOCKBOX is a breakthrough that puts consumers in control of their digital personal identities by providing the secure, any time, anywhere access they need to better manage their personal and financial matters, said Michael Stanfield, chairman and CEO of Intersections. Secure mobile platforms are a convenient way for consumers to keep vigilant watch over their identity, and Diversinets MobiSecure Wallet and Vault products provide an essential, enabling mobile security platform we can build upon to gain additional touch points with our customers.

IDENTITY GUARD Total Protection was recently ranked number one among six leading identity theft protection providers by PC World magazine. It not only helps consumers protect their credit from identity theft, but also provides 360-degree protection on the Internet, on PCs, or when traveling, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consumers most personal information credit, financial, passwords, Social Security numbers, and more is protected from the fastest growing crime in the United States: identity theft.

MobiSecure Wallet and Vault builds upon our patented soft token and authentication technologies to create a secure encrypted mobile platform that makes it easy for enterprises to publish relevant personal information to a users mobile device with complete confidence that nobody else can read it or intercept it, said Albert Wahbe, CEO and chairman of Diversinet. Weve created a disruptive technology that dramatically lowers the cost and complexity of providing secure mobile access to the personal information that people use every day to support their lifestyle.

Once installed on the subscribers mobile device, MobiSecure Wallet offers Intersections the flexibility to launch new service offerings on the fly with no additional programming on the client device. After a subscriber has registered and authenticated themselves, whatever personal information they see on the mobile screen is stored securely on their mobile device, eliminating the inconvenient and time-consuming task of repeatedly retrieving the information from a remote server.

About Intersections

Intersections Inc. (NASDAQ:INTX) is a leading global provider of consumer and corporate identity risk management services. Its premier identity theft, privacy, and consumer solutions are designed to provide high value, revenue generating opportunities to its marketing partners, including leading financial institutions, Fortune 100 corporations and other businesses. Intersections also markets full identity theft protection solutions under its brand, the IDENTITY GUARD® (www.identityguard.com). Intersections consumer identity theft protection services actively safeguard more than 8 million consumers against identity theft.

To address the growing threat of corporate fraud, Intersections and its subsidiaries provide cutting edge identity risk management solutions including pre-employment background screening, corporate brand protection, security breach remediation, and software and data management.

To learn more about our services visit us at www.intersections.com.



An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Ganz schön ambitioniert !

22.07.08 13:48

Das muss doch bald mal was werden mit der Aktie !

Diversinet Corp. Set To Expand Global Presence

Albert E. Wahbe exercises 2,300,000 share purchase warrants
at US$0.75 each


TORONTO, Canada, July 2, 2008 – Diversinet Corp. (OTCBB: DVNTF), a leading provider of wireless data security infrastructure products and services, today announced that Albert E. Wahbe, CEO and Chairman has exercised 2,300,000 share purchase warrants for gross proceeds of US$1,725,000.  The share purchase warrants had an exercise price of US$0.75 per common share.


Diversinet intends to use the new funds to continue its research and development programs and expand our sales and service activities.  Sales expansion will include direct sales representatives, resellers and agents in targeted geographic locations to provide true global sales/service coverage for our authentication/security products and business application for health care and financial services.

The targeted global geographic sales locations are:

  • Dubai: Coverage for the Middle East.
  • Hong Kong: Coverage for Asia.
  • London/England: Coverage for Europe.
  • USA: Coverage across the USA.
  • Toronto/Canada: Head Offices: Coverage for Canada & Caribbean.
  • Sao Paulo: Coverage for Brazil.
  • Santiago/Chile & Mexico City: Coverage for (Spanish) Latin America.


Albert Wahbe, CEO and Chairman said “We are aggressively expanding our global sales and service capabilities to significantly increase our revenue opportunities and continue to enhance our long term shareholder value.”

Albert E. Wahbe exercised 2,300,000 share purchase warrants into common shares.  Prior to the completion of this transaction, Mr. Wahbe beneficially owned 5,225,000 common shares, representing approximately 12% of all issued and outstanding shares of Diversinet.  As a result of exercising 2,300,000 share purchase warrants, Mr. Wahbe, beneficially owns, as of June 30, 2008, a total of 7,525,000 common shares and options convertible into 1,600,000 common shares, together representing approximately 19.3% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Diversinet, presuming the exercise of such options.  After completion of the exercise of share purchase warrants, there are 45,617,783 shares issued and outstanding and 54,834,500 shares on a fully diluted basis. 

Mr. Wahbe currently has no intention of increasing his ownership in the common shares of Diversinet other than pursuant to his employment agreement and through the exercise of existing options.  Mr. Wahbe has an office at Diversinet at 2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 1700, Toronto, Ontario M2J 5B5. 



An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Exklusiv-Vereinbarung mit AllOne Mobile Corp.

23.09.08 18:38

Diversinet Signs a Five Year, $40 Million License and Revenue Sharing
Agreement with AllOne Mobile Corporation

Two Companies Expand Successful Partnership in Mobile Health Information Market


TORONTO, Canada, September 10, 2008 – Diversinet Corp. (TSX Venture: DIV, OTCBB: DVNTF), a leading provider of secure application platforms for the mobile world, today announced it has signed an exclusive worldwide license and revenue share agreement with AllOne Mobile Corporation (“AllOne”), a subsidiary of Hospital Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania to cross license certain software and to share revenues from the secure mobile access to personal health records and information.  All dollar amounts are in U.S. dollars.

During the five year agreement, Diversinet will receive up to $39.5 million as a minimum commitment from AllOne.  In addition, Diversinet also completed a $500,000 statement of work for AllOne, bringing the combined total to $40 million.  Diversinet and AllOne will continue their efforts with health plans and other customers in the mobile personal health record and information market.  Under the agreement, the parties have certain termination rights.  This agreement replaces the agreement with AllOne Health Group, Inc. signed in August 2007. 

“This agreement demonstrates AllOne’s commitment to the mobile health information market” said Albert Wahbe, CEO and Chairman of Diversinet.  “By extending the term of the agreement and the minimum annual commitments, this exclusive worldwide partnership provides a solid base to aggressively pursue our business development and global sales strategy which will generate new revenues to significantly enhance shareholders value.”

“We are delighted with our expanding partnership with Diversinet.  We believe there is great potential for having personal health information at the consumers’ fingertips” said William Reed, President and CEO of AllOne.  “Secure portability of personal health records at the time of care, the convenience and peace of mind in being able to receive fast and secure coverage confirmation – all accessed securely through a mobile device – makes this solution an innovative product that will enable consumers to take control of their health information in a cost-effective manner.”



An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Medizinische Infomationen per Mobile Phone

23.09.08 18:42

AllOne Mobile to Provide Access to Microsoft HealthVault Using Mobile Phones

Mobile Tool Helps Consumers Manage Personal Health Records, Improve Medical Outcomes

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. – Sept. 22, 2008 –


AllOne HealthSM today announced it will connect Microsoft® HealthVault™ with AllOne MobileSM, a secure mobile phone application that allows individuals to access important personal health information using their mobile phones. Provided by AllOne Health and secured by Diversinet Corp., AllOne Mobile is an application that uses mobile phones to integrate data that users collect from a broad network of sources and save in their HealthVault accounts.

"AllOne Mobile ties together our fragmented health system’s information exchange capabilities and promotes the health and well-being of individuals and employers for whom they work," said William C. Reed, president and CEO of AllOne Health. "Soon, individuals will be able to securely access, record and analyze real-time data about their health using a device millions of people use every day – a mobile phone."

"Better access to health information means more informed medical decisions and potentially improved health outcomes," said Jim Mault, M.D., director of business development for Microsoft Health Solutions Group. "AllOne Mobile will make it convenient for consumers to access personal health information by linking all our HealthVault programs directly to a device that millions carry with them every day. This will extend the reach of HealthVault and its power to transform health care decision-making."

AllOne Mobile provides safe, consumer friendly, 24/7 access to personal health information without the need for an Internet connection. Using industry standards such as the Continuity of Care Record (CCR) and Health Level Seven, AllOne Mobile’s link to HealthVault enables subscribers to share health information about themselves and family members with physicians, hospitals, urgent and emergency care facilities, and other trusted third parties.

The application’s robust security is made available through a partnership with Diversinet Corp. (TSX Venture: DIV, OTCBB: DVNTF), a leading provider of secure application platforms for the mobile world. This high level of security and control gives users the confidence and comfort to create, manage and enhance their health information quickly and easily, simply by pushing a few buttons on their mobile phones.


AllOne MobileSM with Microsoft HealthVault / P2

Information transfer between HealthVault and AllOne Mobile extends mobile health information services to a broader base of third parties connected with HealthVault. Coupled with AllOne Health’s other programs and services to help keep employees, health plan members and their families healthy and safe, this holistic approach to health empowers the individual and can help improve medical outcomes.


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An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Latest SEC EDGAR Filing

23.09.08 18:57
15. September 2008

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Von der Verlust- in die Gewinnzone !

20.05.09 11:19
Diversinet brings in $1.6M from mHealth deals

Friday - May 1st, 2009 - 10:35am EST by Brian Dolan | AllOne Mobile | Blue Cross/Blue Shield | Diversinet | PHR | U.S. Army |

Who says there’s no money to be made in the mHealth industry? Mobile authentication and security company Diversinet reported revenues of more than $2 million for the first quarter this year, including more than $1.6 million from additional customers it acquired through its relationship with AllOne Health.

The extra revenues helped Diversinet swing to a net profit of $182,000 compared to a net loss of about $1.2 million this time last year.

Diversinet is the security platform that AllOne Mobile has built its mHealth offering on. AllOne has inked a number of pilot deals with various regional Blue Cross Blue Shields and the U.S. Army.

Chief executive and chairman Albert Wahbe said: “We believe that we can make additional progress in the health care industry even in these challenging economic times. We are pleased to report our third consecutive profitable quarter.”

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Gipfeltreffen, Ausstellungen und andere Events

12.05.10 16:28
Diversinet will be attending the Wireless Life Sciences Convergence Summit, May 11-13, in La Jolla, California.


Diversinet will be exhibiting at the e-Health 2010 Conference, May 30-June 2, in Vancouver, BC . Booth# 1005

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Diversinet and AllOne Reach Settlement Agreement

24.06.10 10:50

“We are pleased with the terms of the settlement,” said Albert Wahbe, Diversinet’s chairman and CEO. “This resolution will now allow us to proceed freely to execute our go-to-market strategy, which focuses on providing feature-rich mobile applications that securely connect and protect people with their healthcare information, providers and payers – anytime, anywhere. While AllOne has decided to change its strategic focus, we are thankful for their support over the years.”

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Nr. 164 von "Technology Fast 500"

31.10.10 20:42
press release

Oct. 20, 2010, 3:30 p.m. EDT
Diversinet Ranked Number 164 Fastest Growing Company in North America on Deloitte's 2010 Technology Fast 500™

TORONTO, Oct 20, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Attributes Listing to Focus on Secure Mobile Healthcare Applications

Diversinet Corp. /quotes/comstock/11v!e:div (CA:DIV 0.68, +0.15, +28.30%) /quotes/comstock/11k!dvnt.f (DVNTF 0.66, +0.08, +13.79%) today announced that it ranked Number 164 on Technology Fast 500™, Deloitte's ranking of 500 of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and clean technology companies in North America.

"We are honored to receive this prestigious recognition," said Diversinet's Chairman and CEO, Albert Wahbe. "It affirms we are moving in the right direction in using our MobiSecure® platform to leverage opportunities in the rapidly-growing wireless health and mHealth marketplace."

"Technology Fast 500™ recognizes innovative companies that have broken down barriers to success and defied the odds with their outstanding five-year revenue growth," said John Ruffolo, National Leader, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group, Deloitte Canada. "Deloitte is proud to honor Diversinet for this accomplishment."

Diversinet also ranked Number 33 on the Deloitte 2010 Canadian Technology Fast 50™ list of the 50 fastest growing Canadian tech companies.

For additional details on the Technology Fast 500™, including qualifying criteria, visit www.fast500.com


An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results

31.10.10 20:45
Oct. 29, 2010, 9:15 a.m. EDT
Diversinet Reports Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results

TORONTO, Oct 29, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Diversinet Corp. /quotes/comstock/11k!dvnt.f (DVNTF 0.66, +0.08, +13.79%) /quotes/comstock/11v!e:div (CA:DIV 0.68, +0.15, +28.30%) , a leading innovator of secure mobile healthcare applications, reported its third quarter 2010 results for the period ended September 30, 2010.  All dollar amounts are in U.S. dollars.

Financial Highlights Revenues for the third quarter were $394,000, compared to $1.9 million in the same quarter a year ago and were primarily derived from the company's license and VAR agreement with Intersections, Inc. Third quarter 2009 revenues included $1.6 million from the license agreement with AllOne Mobile Corp. which was terminated in June 2010.

Revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 were $4.8 million, compared to $5.9 million in the same period in 2009. Revenues in the first nine months of 2010 included $3.6 million derived from the settlement with AllOne and return of common shares from Hospital Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania, which was included in other income.

Net loss for the quarter was $933,000 or $(0.02) per share and includes a government research and development tax refund of $208,000 (2009-$nil), compared to net income in the same year-ago quarter of $1.1 million or $0.02 per share. The net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 was $3.4 million, or $0.07 per share, compared to $2.3 million or $0.05 per share in the similar nine months of 2009.

Included in the third quarter net loss was non-cash stock-based compensation, depreciation and amortization of $182,000 versus $277,000 in Q3 2009 and a foreign exchange gain of $117,000 versus a gain of $667,000 in Q3 2009.

Cash and cash equivalents at September 30, 2010 were $13.8 million as compared to $12.7 million at December 31, 2009.

Operational Highlights

In July 2010, Minneapolis based HealthPartners, the largest consumer-governed, non-profit healthcare organization in the United States, licensed Diversinet's MobiSecure® Health platform to enhance mobile communications and build upon its mobile strategy. HealthPartners is currently piloting new applications (for high risk pregnancies and discharged patients with chronic illnesses) secured with MobiSecure.

In September 2010, Dr. Richard Eidinger, a physician executive with diverse healthcare industry experience, joined the company's board of directors. Licensed to practice medicine in both Canada and the U.S., Dr. Eidinger brings to Diversinet a background spanning the healthcare provider and payer market segments, both of which Diversinet serves with its secure mobile platform and applications. Dr. Eidinger has held executive positions with Aetna Health Plans and FHP (now United Healthcare), and is a partner in the Life Sciences practice of Heidrick & Struggles, one of the world's premier executive-search and leadership-consulting firms.

In Q3 2010, to complement Mark Trigsted, Diversinet added three U.S.-based sales executives with deep and diverse healthcare-IT experience: Ivan Boyd was appointed senior vice president, and Gene Ridge and Jon Smith were appointed as vice presidents.

"Q3 2010 represented important progress in building our U.S.-based sales force with the addition of three seasoned executives, as well as strengthening our corporate governance and leadership with Dr. Eidinger," said Albert Wahbe, Diversinet's chairman and CEO. "The highlight for the quarter was clearly our new licence agreement with HealthPartners. With our market-proven MobiSecure solution for mobile health, over the coming quarters we believe additional pilots will showcase our 'connected and protected' mobile healthcare applications. Diversinet stands to benefit tremendously from our foothold in a market that by any measure is about to experience accelerated growth."


An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Auch ein gutes Zeichen,

31.10.10 20:56
dass erst kürzlich drei kompetente Sales Executives dazugekommen sind.

press release

Sept. 20, 2010, 9:00 a.m. EDT
Diversinet Adds Seasoned Healthcare-IT Sales Executives

TORONTO, Sept 20, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Ivan Boyd, Gene Ridge and Jon Smith Bring Extensive Industry Experience to Advance Company Leadership in Secure Mobile-Healthcare Applications

Diversinet Corp.has added three sales executives with deep and diverse healthcare-IT experience as it continues building its position as a leading innovator of secure mobile-healthcare applications.

Ivan Boyd has joined the company as Senior Vice President - Sales for the United States. Gene Ridge and Jon Smith have been appointed Vice Presidents - Sales for the U.S. Boyd and Smith are based in Dallas, while Ridge is based in the Chicago area.

Combined, these executives possess more than 50 years of experience in healthcare IT.

"Ivan, Gene and Jon bring a wealth of successful experience providing diverse information-technology solutions to the breadth of healthcare organizations, including major U.S. payers and providers," said Mark Trigsted, Diversinet's Executive Vice President - Healthcare. "Based on their industry accomplishments and my work with them in previous positions, I'm confident they will contribute significantly to our sales growth."

Boyd, a 20-year industry veteran, was previously Executive Vice President of Business Development with 1-800-DOCTORS, where he played a key role in launching a unique revenue-growth program and physician-referral marketing service for U.S. hospital partners. He also has held senior sales and marketing positions with GTESS Corporation, SOURCECORP, Sunquest Information Systems, ADAC HealthCare Information Systems, Health Systems Group of First Data Corporation, and Digital Equipment Corporation.

Before joining Diversinet, Ridge served healthcare clients as a Managing Partner with Crown Consulting Services. Prior to Crown, he held sales executive positions with Affiliated Computer Services, Concuity (formerly eHealth Contracts), Coastal Emergency Services, and United States Surgical Corporation. He also was President and Founder of MEDGRUP Development Services.

Smith previously was a Regional Manager for McKesson Provider Technologies, responsible for large accounts. Before McKesson, he held senior account-management positions with QuadraMed Corporation, Sysware Healthcare Systems and Lanier Worldwide.

These new Diversinet sales appointments support the company's strategy to focus on meeting the increasing need for connected and secure mobile healthcare-information management. Diversinet is targeting healthcare payers and providers, medical-device manufacturers, systems integrators and related technology companies.

In conjunction with these new appointments, Jay Couse has been appointed to the new position of Senior Vice President - Business Development. Couse, who has served Diversinet as Senior Vice President - Sales for the U.S., has been instrumental in developing the company's MobiSecure(R) Health solution and establishing strategic relationships for Diversinet. In his new role, he will focus on developing strategic marketing and sales opportunities.


An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


"What we do is pretty unique"

04.11.10 11:25
Mark Trigsted, Executive VP von Diversinet auf BNet TV. Interessantes Video:

An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Wieder 2 Patente erhalten

07.02.13 19:00
Wieso bewegt sich der Kurs bloß nicht nach oben. Die tun doch wirklich ihr Bestes.
An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany


Ach du Sch&%§/!

12.08.13 19:10

Das hat mir echt gerade noch gefehlt!

Press Releases

Diversinet Announces Sale of its Business, Proposed Liquidation and Second Quarter 2013 Financial Results

TORONTO, August 9, 2013 – Diversinet Corp. (TSX Venture: DIV, OTCQB: DVNTF), announced today that it has entered into an asset purchase agreement (“Agreement”) with certain subsidiaries of IMS Health Incorporated (“IMS Health”).

Under the Agreement, IMS Health has agreed to purchase substantially all of the intellectual property, software, customer contracts and certain other assets of Diversinet for $3,500,000. An amount equal to one-half of the sale proceeds will be deposited with an independent escrow agent to be available to satisfy indemnity claims by IMS Health, if any, made prior to the proposed winding-up described below. Certain employees of Diversinet have been offered employment by IMS Health, subject to closing of the transaction contemplated by the Agreement. The closing is subject to customary conditions precedent at closing, including Diversinet shareholder approval. Shareholders will be asked to approve the transaction at the annual and special meeting of shareholders (“AGM”), scheduled for September 11, 2013. Holders of an aggregate of appropriately 38% of the outstanding common shares of Diversinet, including shareholders who are Directors and their respective affiliated companies, have agreed with IMS Health to vote in favour of the transaction.

Under the Agreement, IMS Health is entitled to a break fee in certain circumstances, including a $750,000 payment upon the acceptance by Diversinet of an unsolicited superior proposal from a third party. IMS Health has also been granted other typical deal protection provisions including a right to match any superior proposal that is received by Diversinet on an unsolicited basis.

Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC acted as financial advisor to Diversinet.

Furthermore, the Board will be proposing the voluntary winding up of the Company pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). This will involve the appointment of a liquidator to discontinue the business of the Company and to satisfy all claims and obligations and to distribute to shareholders, on a pro rata basis, the remaining funds and assets of the Company. At the AGM, shareholders will be asked to approve a Plan of Liquidation and Distribution to take all necessary steps to effect the voluntary winding up of the Company.


An der Börse ist alles möglich, auch das Gegenteil.  
André Kostolany

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