No fewer than seven lawsuits seek a re-vote in Palm Beach County.
The plaintiffs argue the layout of the butterfly ballot was confusing, making it hard to determine for which person one was casting a vote. The lawsuits contend a new election is the best way to determine the intent of voters who may have mistakenly voted for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan instead of Gore.
One week ago, Circuit Court Judge Jorge Labarga ruled that a re-vote was unconstitutional.
Labarga said the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to set the times of presidential elections. He said Congress had exercised that power, setting the elections "on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November."
The statute was "clear and unambiguous," Labarga ruled.
But attorneys and supporters of voter Andre Fladell -- the lead plantiff in the claim -- say a re-vote is the appropriate remedy to redress a ballot they say was illegal.
und ausserdem müssen die Wahlmänner noch wählen!