Bush Freund aus Keramik macht Umsatz

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Bush Freund aus Keramik macht Umsatz

26.11.03 13:46

Ceradyne (CRDN) gewinnt Auftrag nach Auftrag .... hat gut konsolidiert die Tage...


7:45am 11/26/03Bush Freund aus Keramik macht Umsatz 1280345
Ceradyne gets $9M in releases for ceramic body armor (CRDN) By Michael Baron
NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Ceradyne (CRDN) said it has received releases for $9 million worth of its ceramic body armor systen products from a government agency for use in the protection of certain elite U.S. military personnel. The releases were made under an indefinite quantity contract disclosed in March 1998, and they will be treated as orders once a firm delivery schedule is in place. The stock closed Tuesday at $42.53, up 2.7 percent.




Bush Freund aus Keramik macht Umsatz 1280345
















Bush Freund aus Keramik macht Umsatz 1280345Bürobedarf-Sonderangebote bei www.buero-direkt.de


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Sitting Bull:


20.11.06 16:15
wird auch gerade von Mr. Dausend empfohlen.

Er könnte Recht behalten...


05.12.06 21:16

gutes posting (+ 250% !!) und es geht weiter !!!!

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Bullish (0.37) Bullish (0.41) Bullish (0.43) Bullish (0.26)
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Bush Freund aus Keramik macht Umsatz 70135

CERADYNE Rekordverkauf

08.01.07 14:33
Ceradyne Inc. (Nasdaq: CRDN) put together a five-year growth track record of 110%. The company reported third-quarter earnings of $1.34 per share in early November. The result surged past the previous year’s 53 cents and outpaced the consensus estimate by nearly 18%. Sales for third quarter climbed to a record $185.8 million from $94.4 million in the year-ago quarter.

noch eine ceramic für den Hausgebrauch+ Netzstabi

10.10.12 11:02
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