Patrizia König
Aktionärs-Telefon: +49-521-12 30 68 (täglich von 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr)
Sehr geehrte MYC- Aktionäre,
nachfolgend übersende ich Ihnen den Cash-Bericht für Dezember 2001.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Patrizia König
IR My Casino Ltd.
Cash report for the month ended 31/12/01
Document date: Thu 10 Jan 2002 Released time: Thu 10 Jan 2002 16:30:26
Document No: 209031 Document part: A
Market Flag: N
Classification: Periodic Reports - Other
HOMEX - Perth
Name of entity
My Casino Limited
ACN or ARBN Month ended ("current month")
009 423 189 31/12/2001
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Current month Year to date
Cash flows related to operating (12 months)
$A'000 $A'000
1.1 Receipts from customers 5 30
1.2 Payments for (a) staff costs - (453)
(b) advertising and marketing - -
(c) research and development - -
(d) leased assets - -
(e) other working capital (44) (950)
1.3 Dividends received - -
1.4 Interest and other items of a similar
nature received 23 221
1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid - -
1.6 Income taxes paid - -
1.7 Other - (36)
Net operating cash flows (16) (1,188)
1.8 Net operating cash flows
(carried forward) (12) (1,172)
Cash flows related to investing activities
1.9 Payment for acquisition of:
(a) businesses (item 5) - -
(b) equity investments - -
(c) intellectual property - -
(d) physical non-current
assets - (33)
(e) other non-current
assets - -
1.10 Proceeds from disposal of:
(a) businesses (item 5) - -
(b) equity investments - 20
(c) intellectual property - -
(d) physical non-current
assets - 29
(e) other non-current
assets - -
1.11 Loans to other entities - (156)
1.12 Loans repaid by other entities 130 250
1.13 Other - -
Net Investing cash flows 130 110
1.14 Total operating and investing cash flows 114 (1,078)
Cash flows related to financing activities
1.15 Proceeds from issues of shares,
options, etc - (17)
1.16 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares - -
1.17 Proceeds from borrowings - -
1.18 Repayment of borrowings - -
1.19 Dividends paid - -
1.20 Other (provide details if material) - -
Net financing cash flows - (17)
Net increase (decrease) in cash held 114 (1,095)
1.21 Cash at beginning of month/year to date 3,199 4,408
1.22 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20 - -
1.23 Cash at end of month 3,313 3,313
MyCasinodeNews mailing list
Aktionärs-Telefon: +49-521-12 30 68 (täglich von 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr)
Sehr geehrte MYC- Aktionäre,
nachfolgend übersende ich Ihnen den Cash-Bericht für Dezember 2001.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Patrizia König
IR My Casino Ltd.
Cash report for the month ended 31/12/01
Document date: Thu 10 Jan 2002 Released time: Thu 10 Jan 2002 16:30:26
Document No: 209031 Document part: A
Market Flag: N
Classification: Periodic Reports - Other
HOMEX - Perth
Name of entity
My Casino Limited
ACN or ARBN Month ended ("current month")
009 423 189 31/12/2001
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Current month Year to date
Cash flows related to operating (12 months)
$A'000 $A'000
1.1 Receipts from customers 5 30
1.2 Payments for (a) staff costs - (453)
(b) advertising and marketing - -
(c) research and development - -
(d) leased assets - -
(e) other working capital (44) (950)
1.3 Dividends received - -
1.4 Interest and other items of a similar
nature received 23 221
1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid - -
1.6 Income taxes paid - -
1.7 Other - (36)
Net operating cash flows (16) (1,188)
1.8 Net operating cash flows
(carried forward) (12) (1,172)
Cash flows related to investing activities
1.9 Payment for acquisition of:
(a) businesses (item 5) - -
(b) equity investments - -
(c) intellectual property - -
(d) physical non-current
assets - (33)
(e) other non-current
assets - -
1.10 Proceeds from disposal of:
(a) businesses (item 5) - -
(b) equity investments - 20
(c) intellectual property - -
(d) physical non-current
assets - 29
(e) other non-current
assets - -
1.11 Loans to other entities - (156)
1.12 Loans repaid by other entities 130 250
1.13 Other - -
Net Investing cash flows 130 110
1.14 Total operating and investing cash flows 114 (1,078)
Cash flows related to financing activities
1.15 Proceeds from issues of shares,
options, etc - (17)
1.16 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares - -
1.17 Proceeds from borrowings - -
1.18 Repayment of borrowings - -
1.19 Dividends paid - -
1.20 Other (provide details if material) - -
Net financing cash flows - (17)
Net increase (decrease) in cash held 114 (1,095)
1.21 Cash at beginning of month/year to date 3,199 4,408
1.22 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20 - -
1.23 Cash at end of month 3,313 3,313
MyCasinodeNews mailing list