durch zufall gefunden in einer reuters meldung über Godvig Capital, die ihre anteile an westernzagros und petrel zum 1.5.2008 aufgestockt haben.
-> http://www.westernzagros.com
WesternZagros Resources Ltd. (“WesternZagros”) is an international natural resources company engaged in acquiring properties and exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas. WesternZagros holds a Production Sharing Contract (“PSC”) with the Kurdistan Regional Government in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
WesternZagros’ primary focus is the development and exploration of its PSC lands. The Company’s objective is to be recognized, through consistently superior business performance and operations excellence, as one of the leading independent oil and gas companies active in Iraq.
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq has been both under-explored and under-developed relative to the rest of Iraq and it provides an early stage opportunity on trend with several large fields, including the Kirkuk field.
In executing its strategy, WesternZagros’ priority is to recruit and retain local personnel and to actively participate in, and contribute to, community development projects.
-> http://www.westernzagros.com
WesternZagros Resources Ltd. (“WesternZagros”) is an international natural resources company engaged in acquiring properties and exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas. WesternZagros holds a Production Sharing Contract (“PSC”) with the Kurdistan Regional Government in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
WesternZagros’ primary focus is the development and exploration of its PSC lands. The Company’s objective is to be recognized, through consistently superior business performance and operations excellence, as one of the leading independent oil and gas companies active in Iraq.
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq has been both under-explored and under-developed relative to the rest of Iraq and it provides an early stage opportunity on trend with several large fields, including the Kirkuk field.
In executing its strategy, WesternZagros’ priority is to recruit and retain local personnel and to actively participate in, and contribute to, community development projects.
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