Hauptversammlung war am 30.06.2006: gezahlt werden sollen 12,73 Rubel / Anteilsschein, nicht später als 31.12.2006, aber was heißt das: 1/2 Jahr warten?
12.73 Russischer Rubel = 0.37216 Euro, bei Kurs zu 18 € ist das eine Dividendenrendite von 2%.
Emerging Markets Investor - Mechel riet zum kaufen (13:53 26.06.06): Westerburg, 26. Juni 2006 (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor" raten Anlegern, sich von der Aktie von Mechel (ISIN US5838401033/ WKN A0DKXW) unbedingt ein paar Stücke ins Depot zu legen. ... Von dem im Herbst vergangenen Jahres erreichten Hoch bei 37 USD habe sich die Aktie auf aktuell 19,60 USD nahezu halbiert. ... ein Kursziel von 36 USD genannt. Die Dividendenrendite liege in diesem Jahr bei 7%, im nächsten Jahr bei 7,7% und im übernächsten bei 9,2%. Das 2007er KGV betrage gerade einmal 5,4.
wer weiss genaueres,
habe ich mich bei der Dividende verrechnet oder hat Emerging Markets Investor aus Westerburg am 26. Juni 2006 eine zu hohe Dividende geschrieben?
wann ist der Stichtag für die Dividendenberechtigung ?
wer hat Erfahrung mit der Auszahlung bei russischen Aktien?
Texte von Mechel:
Announcement of the Convening the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Mechel OAO (Location of the Company: 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian Federation)
In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors, the Annual General Shareholders'
Meeting of Mechel Open Joint Stock Company will be held in the form of a meeting (joint presence of
shareholders) on June 30, 2006.
Place of conducting the General Shareholders' Meeting shall be: Office 1603, Conference Room,
Office Building, World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian
Federation. Time of conducting the General Shareholders' Meeting shall be: 2:00 p.m., local time.
Registration of persons taking part in the General Shareholders' Meeting shall commence at the
place of conducting the Meeting, at 1:00 p.m., local time, on June 30, 2006. To be registered, the
shareholders must produce documents containing their identity, and representatives of the shareholders must also produce documents proving their authority (powers of attorney and/or any other documents in accordance with Russian Federation legislation). The date of preparation of the list of persons eligible to take part in the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Mechel OAO (hereinafter, the “Company”) shall be June 3, 2006. Agenda of the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting:
1. Approval of the Company’s Annual Report.
2. Approval of the Annual Financial Statements inclusive of the Income Statement (Profit
and Loss Account) of the Company.
3. Distribution of the Company’s profit, including payment (declaration) of dividends, based
on the financial year results.
4. Election of members of the Company’s Board of Directors.
5. Election of members of the Company’s Audit Commission.
6. Approval of the auditor of the Company.
7. Introducing amendments and additions to the Company’s Charter.
The information (materials) to be provided to persons eligible to take part in the general meeting of shareholders in preparation to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting shall be available from June 8, 2006, from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m., local time, at the premises of the sole executive body of the Company: Office 1002, Office Building, World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian Federation; and at the address: Office 1303a, Office 1409, Office Building, World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian Federation. Shareholders must have documents available with them that prove their identity, and shareholders' representatives must also have documents proving their authority (powers of attorney and/or any other documents in accordance with Russian Federation legislation). The above-mentioned information (materials) will be accessible also for persons taking part in the General Shareholders' Meeting during its conduct. Persons eligible to take part in the General Shareholders' Meeting have the right to obtain copies of the materials within five days from the date the Company receives from such persons their request to provide such copies to them. Board of Directors Mechel OAO
Dear Sirs,
The following proposal is made on distribution of OAO Mechel net profit:
Net income of the Company amounted to RUR 8,763,441 thousand, as of December 31, 2005.
Net profit is to be distributed as follows:
1. Dividends payment on distributed common shares in the amount of 12.73 RUR per share. The total amount to be paid to shareholders - 5 299 126 583.85 RUR. Payment is to be made by bank transfer not later than December 31, 2006.
2. Remaining net profit amount of 3 464 314 406.97 RUR is to be transferred to unremitted
Note: Total number of distributed ordinary common shares - 416 270 745.
12.73 Russischer Rubel = 0.37216 Euro, bei Kurs zu 18 € ist das eine Dividendenrendite von 2%.
Emerging Markets Investor - Mechel riet zum kaufen (13:53 26.06.06): Westerburg, 26. Juni 2006 (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor" raten Anlegern, sich von der Aktie von Mechel (ISIN US5838401033/ WKN A0DKXW) unbedingt ein paar Stücke ins Depot zu legen. ... Von dem im Herbst vergangenen Jahres erreichten Hoch bei 37 USD habe sich die Aktie auf aktuell 19,60 USD nahezu halbiert. ... ein Kursziel von 36 USD genannt. Die Dividendenrendite liege in diesem Jahr bei 7%, im nächsten Jahr bei 7,7% und im übernächsten bei 9,2%. Das 2007er KGV betrage gerade einmal 5,4.
wer weiss genaueres,
habe ich mich bei der Dividende verrechnet oder hat Emerging Markets Investor aus Westerburg am 26. Juni 2006 eine zu hohe Dividende geschrieben?
wann ist der Stichtag für die Dividendenberechtigung ?
wer hat Erfahrung mit der Auszahlung bei russischen Aktien?
Texte von Mechel:
Announcement of the Convening the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Mechel OAO (Location of the Company: 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian Federation)
In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors, the Annual General Shareholders'
Meeting of Mechel Open Joint Stock Company will be held in the form of a meeting (joint presence of
shareholders) on June 30, 2006.
Place of conducting the General Shareholders' Meeting shall be: Office 1603, Conference Room,
Office Building, World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian
Federation. Time of conducting the General Shareholders' Meeting shall be: 2:00 p.m., local time.
Registration of persons taking part in the General Shareholders' Meeting shall commence at the
place of conducting the Meeting, at 1:00 p.m., local time, on June 30, 2006. To be registered, the
shareholders must produce documents containing their identity, and representatives of the shareholders must also produce documents proving their authority (powers of attorney and/or any other documents in accordance with Russian Federation legislation). The date of preparation of the list of persons eligible to take part in the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Mechel OAO (hereinafter, the “Company”) shall be June 3, 2006. Agenda of the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting:
1. Approval of the Company’s Annual Report.
2. Approval of the Annual Financial Statements inclusive of the Income Statement (Profit
and Loss Account) of the Company.
3. Distribution of the Company’s profit, including payment (declaration) of dividends, based
on the financial year results.
4. Election of members of the Company’s Board of Directors.
5. Election of members of the Company’s Audit Commission.
6. Approval of the auditor of the Company.
7. Introducing amendments and additions to the Company’s Charter.
The information (materials) to be provided to persons eligible to take part in the general meeting of shareholders in preparation to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting shall be available from June 8, 2006, from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m., local time, at the premises of the sole executive body of the Company: Office 1002, Office Building, World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian Federation; and at the address: Office 1303a, Office 1409, Office Building, World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Moscow, Russian Federation. Shareholders must have documents available with them that prove their identity, and shareholders' representatives must also have documents proving their authority (powers of attorney and/or any other documents in accordance with Russian Federation legislation). The above-mentioned information (materials) will be accessible also for persons taking part in the General Shareholders' Meeting during its conduct. Persons eligible to take part in the General Shareholders' Meeting have the right to obtain copies of the materials within five days from the date the Company receives from such persons their request to provide such copies to them. Board of Directors Mechel OAO
Dear Sirs,
The following proposal is made on distribution of OAO Mechel net profit:
Net income of the Company amounted to RUR 8,763,441 thousand, as of December 31, 2005.
Net profit is to be distributed as follows:
1. Dividends payment on distributed common shares in the amount of 12.73 RUR per share. The total amount to be paid to shareholders - 5 299 126 583.85 RUR. Payment is to be made by bank transfer not later than December 31, 2006.
2. Remaining net profit amount of 3 464 314 406.97 RUR is to be transferred to unremitted
Note: Total number of distributed ordinary common shares - 416 270 745.