QSC - Buy (Merck Finck & Co.)
QSC has just announced a cooperation agreement with Media(netCom) AG, a German maker of computer software for broadband data transfer, enabling QSC to offer digital videos via the Internet. According to QSC, Media(netCom)‘s software will be installed at QSC’s MSCs, from where customers will be able to access films from Media(netCom)‘s library. This opens the door for QSC to new revenue sources from video-on-demand and other value-added service, increasing the company’s chances of success. We maintain our Buy rating. JK
(Quelle: Merck Finck & Co.)
20.11.2001 11:08
QSC has just announced a cooperation agreement with Media(netCom) AG, a German maker of computer software for broadband data transfer, enabling QSC to offer digital videos via the Internet. According to QSC, Media(netCom)‘s software will be installed at QSC’s MSCs, from where customers will be able to access films from Media(netCom)‘s library. This opens the door for QSC to new revenue sources from video-on-demand and other value-added service, increasing the company’s chances of success. We maintain our Buy rating. JK
(Quelle: Merck Finck & Co.)
20.11.2001 11:08