handel nur in den usa. für mich eine investition wie vor einem jahr in upgrade. die story hat phantasie auf hohe gewinne. ein totalverlust ist möglich doch bei einstiegen um 0,5$ für mich relativ gering. wer mehr zu zebra lesen möchte, öffne die seiten www.bigcharts.com und den kürzel zmrt eingeben.
ich bin seit ein paar wochen investiert und denke das so langsam die fahrt nach norden loslegt. ob top oder flop wird sich erst im herbst rausstellen.
wichtig: nur geringfügig investieren zu beachten höhere order gebühren, oft bis DM 150.-- und mehr.
vor einem jahr war ich bei upgrade in der gleichen lage und heute sind es immer noch ein plus von ca. 1000% ( wie ihr wisst, wa upgrade schon über 90 euro).
zebramart.com Announces Sponsorship of The Motley Fool's 'Women and Finance' Newsletter
THURSDAY, APRIL 06, 2000 5:56 AM
- BusinessWire
Educated and Loyal Audience Offered Special Membership zebramart.com (OTCBB:ZMRT), the Internet's premier luxury shopping club, announced today its sponsorship of The Motley Fool's "Women and Finance" newsletter. This special emailed monthly newsletter, which features investment advice and financial news coverage, is sent to more than 160,000 women.
"The Motley Fool is known for its fun and informative approach to finances and investing," said zebramart.com CEO David Kenner. "zebramart.com is pleased to be a sponsor of the 'Women and Finance' newsletter, which provides a unique service to a highly educated and thoughtful group of women. These women will appreciate zebramart.com for our commitment to excellent service and products, as well as the excellent value offered by the zebrapoints reward system."
About zebramart.com zebramart.com (OTCBB:ZMRT) is the Internet's premier luxury shopping club. Headquartered in Atlanta, the membership-based web site offers its members an unsurpassed selection of consumer products for home and personal use. The site also features exceptional editorial content from a variety of contributors.
zebramart.com intends to set the standard for click-and-mortar retail sales with the opening of its flagship store in the prestigious Buckhead section of Atlanta. The store, scheduled to open in Summer 2000, will feature an interactive experience that will allow zebramart.com members to enjoy the best of both worlds - retail and cyberspace.
zebramart.com's strategic marketing partners include MarchFirst, formerly known as USWeb/CKS (Nasdaq:MRCH), Road Runner and Promotions.com (Nasdaq: PRMO - news). Technology partners include Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq: SUNW-news), Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL - news) and SAP (NYSE: SAP - news) and Blue Martini.
About The Motley Fool The Motley Fool's mission is to educate, amuse, and enrich individual investors around the world. Having started with 60 readers its first day in August 1994, The Fool now reaches millions of investors each month by providing financial information and strategies across a variety of media: on its Web site at www.fool.com; via its five Simon & Schuster books, all New York Times bestsellers; through its line of self-published books; through its weekly syndicated column currently appearing in more than 170 newspapers around the country; via "The Motley Fool Radio Show," a joint venture with Cox Radio heard on more than 130 stations nationwide every weekend; through regular commentary on Marketplace Radio; and on America Online (keyword:Fool). The Fool's first international site, Motley Fool UK, can be found at www.fool.co.uk and on America Online (keyword:FoolUK).
Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
ich bin seit ein paar wochen investiert und denke das so langsam die fahrt nach norden loslegt. ob top oder flop wird sich erst im herbst rausstellen.
wichtig: nur geringfügig investieren zu beachten höhere order gebühren, oft bis DM 150.-- und mehr.
vor einem jahr war ich bei upgrade in der gleichen lage und heute sind es immer noch ein plus von ca. 1000% ( wie ihr wisst, wa upgrade schon über 90 euro).
zebramart.com Announces Sponsorship of The Motley Fool's 'Women and Finance' Newsletter
THURSDAY, APRIL 06, 2000 5:56 AM
- BusinessWire
Educated and Loyal Audience Offered Special Membership zebramart.com (OTCBB:ZMRT), the Internet's premier luxury shopping club, announced today its sponsorship of The Motley Fool's "Women and Finance" newsletter. This special emailed monthly newsletter, which features investment advice and financial news coverage, is sent to more than 160,000 women.
"The Motley Fool is known for its fun and informative approach to finances and investing," said zebramart.com CEO David Kenner. "zebramart.com is pleased to be a sponsor of the 'Women and Finance' newsletter, which provides a unique service to a highly educated and thoughtful group of women. These women will appreciate zebramart.com for our commitment to excellent service and products, as well as the excellent value offered by the zebrapoints reward system."
About zebramart.com zebramart.com (OTCBB:ZMRT) is the Internet's premier luxury shopping club. Headquartered in Atlanta, the membership-based web site offers its members an unsurpassed selection of consumer products for home and personal use. The site also features exceptional editorial content from a variety of contributors.
zebramart.com intends to set the standard for click-and-mortar retail sales with the opening of its flagship store in the prestigious Buckhead section of Atlanta. The store, scheduled to open in Summer 2000, will feature an interactive experience that will allow zebramart.com members to enjoy the best of both worlds - retail and cyberspace.
zebramart.com's strategic marketing partners include MarchFirst, formerly known as USWeb/CKS (Nasdaq:MRCH), Road Runner and Promotions.com (Nasdaq: PRMO - news). Technology partners include Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq: SUNW-news), Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL - news) and SAP (NYSE: SAP - news) and Blue Martini.
About The Motley Fool The Motley Fool's mission is to educate, amuse, and enrich individual investors around the world. Having started with 60 readers its first day in August 1994, The Fool now reaches millions of investors each month by providing financial information and strategies across a variety of media: on its Web site at www.fool.com; via its five Simon & Schuster books, all New York Times bestsellers; through its line of self-published books; through its weekly syndicated column currently appearing in more than 170 newspapers around the country; via "The Motley Fool Radio Show," a joint venture with Cox Radio heard on more than 130 stations nationwide every weekend; through regular commentary on Marketplace Radio; and on America Online (keyword:Fool). The Fool's first international site, Motley Fool UK, can be found at www.fool.co.uk and on America Online (keyword:FoolUK).
Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.