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Bravo Venture kaufen

Beiträge: 3.413
Zugriffe: 641.937 / Heute: 167
Homestakes Reso.
kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar
kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar


30.07.08 13:18
Ich bin nie arbeiten gegangen weil es mir Spass macht, sondern weil der Hintern was zum kacken braucht. (Zitat: zombi17)


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Bravo Announces Equity Placement

07.08.08 15:43
Aug 07, 2008 09:30 ET
Bravo Announces Equity Placement

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 7, 2008) - Bravo Venture Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:BVG)(FRANKFURT:B6I) reported today that the company proposes to issue a total of 12.0 million common shares in two non-brokered private placements for total gross proceeds of C$3,400,000.

The company shall issue up to 4.0 million units in a non brokered private placement at a price of C$0.25 per unit to raise C$1.0 million. Each unit will consist of one common share and one share purchase warrant exercisable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of C$0.40 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date. Net proceeds will be expended on the continuation of the exploration program on the Woewodski Island Property, expenses relative to the company's Nevada properties and for general working capital. Finder's fees may be payable.

The company shall also issue issue up to 8.0 million units in a non-brokered flow-through private placement at a price of C$0.30 per unit to raise C$2,400,000. Each unit will consist of one common flow through share and one half transferable non flow through share purchase warrant, each whole warrant exerciseable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of $0.50 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date. All proceeds from this placement will be expended to fund the continuance of the approximate 7500 metre drill program at the Homestake Ridge project in NW British Columbia which is currently underway.

The private placements and finders fees are subject to regulatory approval.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Robert E.Swenarchuk, Director

Bravo Venture Group Inc.

Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as the term is defined in the private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from estimated results. Bravo Venture Group relies upon litigation protection for forward looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by management.

For more information, please contact
Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Jay Oness
1-888-456-1112 or (604) 684-9384
Click here to see all recent news from this company  

Accident at Homestake Ridge

07.08.08 20:05
Aug 07, 2008 13:33 ET
Bravo Venture Group Inc.: Accident at Homestake Ridge

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 7, 2008) - Bravo Venture Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:BVG)(FRANKFURT:B6I) -

The Company reported today that it has been notified that a helicopter carrying contractors into the Company's Homestake Ridge mining claims in British Columbia crashed yesterday morning. The Company has subsequently been informed that the four occupants of the helicopter did not survive the crash.

The Company has been exploring the claims since 2003 and recently established its main camp at Alice Arm from which it uses a private road to a staging site some five kilometers to its mining claims, which are then accessed by helicopter.

At this stage few details of the circumstances of the accident are known to the company and company officials are currently at the site meeting with authorities.

Lawrence Page, Chairman of the company said, "This is a terrible tragedy for the victims of the accident and their families, co-workers and colleagues. Our condolences are extended to all."

The drilling program at Homestake Ridge has been discontinued for the balance of this week and will recommence at an appropriate time next week.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Joseph A. Kizis Jr., Director, President, Bravo Venture Group Inc.

Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as the term is defined in the private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from estimated results. Bravo Venture Group relies upon litigation protection for forward looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by management.

For more information, please contact
Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Jay Oness
1-888-456-1112 or (604) 684-9384


07.08.08 21:05
Also der ist wohl nicht schuld, dass heute ein weiteres Allzeit-Tief erreicht wurde.

Seit Monaten empfehle ich hier allen Hobbyzockern, aus den Explorern auszusteigen.
Der Kursverlauf gibt mir Recht.
Was anderes interessiert micht nicht.


Und noch einmal Robert !

13.08.08 15:54

Bravo Amends Previously Announced Equity Placement

15.08.08 08:00
Aug 14, 2008 17:41 ET
Bravo Amends Previously Announced Equity Placement

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 14, 2008) - Bravo Venture Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:BVG)(FRANKFURT:B6I) reported today that the company has amended the previously announced private placements reported on August 7th, 2008 and will now issue a total of 11.1 million common shares in two non-brokered private placements for total gross proceeds of C$2,992,500.

The company shall issue up to 8.7 million units in a non-brokered flow-through private placement at a price of C$0.275 per unit to raise C$2,392,500. Each unit will consist of one common flow-through share and one half transferable non flow-through share purchase warrant, each whole warrant exerciseable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of $0.35 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date. All proceeds from this placement will be expended to fund the continuance of the approximate 7,500 metre drill program at the Homestake Ridge project in NW British Columbia which is currently underway.

The company shall also issue up to 2.4 million units in a non brokered private placement at a price of C$0.25 per unit to raise C$600,000. Each unit will consist of one common share and one share purchase warrant exercisable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of C$0.30 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date. Net proceeds will be expended on the continuation of the exploration program on the Woewodski Island Property, expenses relative to the company's Nevada properties and for general working capital. Finder's fees may be payable.

The private placements and finders fees are subject to regulatory approval.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Robert E.Swenarchuk, Director

Bravo Venture Group Inc.

Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as the term is defined in the private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from estimated results. Bravo Venture Group relies upon litigation protection for forward looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by management.

und jetzt?

20.08.08 21:33
eine Kursverwässerung, die noch kommt, oder ist sie schon "eingepreist" ?
DAS wäre eine interessante News.

Aber dazu braucht man eben mehr als nur "cut&paste" gelernt zu haben.
Heute mit 0,133 ein neues Allzeittief.
Ok, das ist Börse.
Das Geld ist umverteilt - und das war wohl der Zweck, Bravo an die Börse zu bringen.


Drilling Resumes at Homestake Ridge

21.08.08 07:12
Aug 20, 2008 18:17 ET
Bravo Venture Group Inc.: Drilling Resumes at Homestake Ridge

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 20, 2008) - Bravo Venture Group Inc. ("Bravo") (TSX VENTURE:BVG)(FRANKFURT:B6I) reported today that crews for one drill rig have reported to the Alice Arm camp and that drilling is expected to resume Thursday, August 21/08 on the Homestake Ridge Au-Ag-Cu deposit after active exploration was suspended in early August due to a fatal helicopter accident at the project. Crews for a second drill rig, which is already on the property, are scheduled to mobilize on Friday, August 22/08.

The two drill rigs will continue to test extensions of the Main Homestake zone, the continuity of higher grade mineralization throughout the deposit and possible bonanza-grade feeder faults beneath the known stratabound mineralization. A third drill rig is scheduled to be mobilized to the project late next week and will start drill testing other targets that have been identified along age-equivalent stratigraphy for over 3,000 metres of strike length, highlighting the district-scale mineral potential of the property. The Homestake Silver zone and the Vanguard Gold zone returned encouraging results from initial drilling during 2007 and are two of the targets to be tested.

Prior to the suspension of the current program, Bravo had completed over 2400 metres in twelve drill holes of the anticipated 7500-metre core drilling program. Core logging has now been completed on all twelve drill holes and over 760 samples have been delivered to Acme Analytical Laboratories for analyses. Assays are pending. With three active drills on the project, Bravo anticipates completion of the current program by late September.

Bravo would like to extend condolences to the families of pilot David J. Reid, camp manager Frank Moehling, and drillers Walter and Nicolas Bodnar who died in the helicopter crash; each of whom had spent multiple field seasons working at the Homestake project and played integral roles in Bravo's exploration efforts. Their presence on the project will be greatly missed by all.

Homestake Ridge Property

The property consists of Mineral Title claims and Crown Grant claims in which a 100% interest was earned by Bravo from Teck Cominco and a private Optionor, respectively. On portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of Teck Cominco and on other portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of the original Optionor. Bravo has the right to purchase 1% of the Teck Cominco royalty for $1 million and 1% of the original Optionor's royalty for $1 million. The balance of the Property consisting of Crown Granted mineral claims in which Bravo has earned a 100% interest, subject to a 2% NSR royalty.

In March 2007 Bravo announced an Inferred Resource estimate at the Main Homestake zone of 903,231 ounces of gold and 5,745,746 ounces of silver contained within 11.9 million tonnes with an average grade of 2.36 g/t Au and 15.0 g/t Ag using a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold (see NR-04-07)(1). Drilling through 2007 has tested a 600-metre strike length of the mineralized horizon to depths of over 600 metres. The deposit remains open down dip and along strike to the southeast and northwest. A long section showing the location of completed drill holes has been posted on the company's website

About Bravo Venture Group Inc.

Bravo Venture Group Inc. is focused on exploring precious and base metal-rich projects within North America, currently with properties in Nevada, Alaska, and British Columbia. The company has extensive holdings strategically located within the Battle Mountain/Eureka "Cortez" gold trend in Nevada. The Woewodski Island project in southeast Alaska hosts both precious and base metal-rich massive sulphides and gold-rich orogenic quartz veins. The Homestake Ridge project is a gold-rich epithermal/VMS-related vein system within Eskay Creek/Silbak-Premier stratigraphy.

Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Joseph A. Kizis Jr., Director, President, Bravo Venture Group Inc.

(1) An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. Due to the uncertainty which may attach to Inferred Mineral Resources, it cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration. Confidence in the estimate is insufficient to allow the meaningful application of technical and economic parameters or to enable an evaluation of economic viability worthy of public disclosure. Inferred Mineral Resources must be excluded from estimates forming the basis of feasibility or other economic studies (43-101CP, CIM, 2001).

We seek safe harbor.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by management.

For more information, please contact
Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Jay Oness
1-888-456-1112 or (604) 684-9384
Click here to see all recent news from this company  

Gestern wieder Insiderkäufe !

21.08.08 14:01

1x gehts noch ! ( Insider )

26.08.08 15:51


27.08.08 08:07
Bravo Flow-Through Fully Subscribed; First Tranche Closed
Tue Aug 26, 3:50 PM

   * Email Story
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   * Printable View

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 26, 2008) - Bravo Venture Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE: BVG.V)(FRANKFURT:B6I) reported today that the previously announced non-brokered flow-through private placement has been fully subscribed and that a first tranche consisting of 7,486,359 flow-through units for C$2,063,750 to MineralFields Group, MTAX 2008 Mineral Limited Partnership, Augen Capital Corp. and Dundee Securities is now closed.

Each unit issued in the first tranche consists of one common flow-through share and one-half transferable non flow-through share purchase warrant, with each whole warrant exercisable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of $0.35 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date.

All proceeds from this placement will be expended to fund the continuance of the approximate, 7,500 metre drill program at the Homestake Ridge project in NW British Columbia which is currently underway. All the common shares issued pursuant to this unit offering, including share purchase warrants and units issued as finders fees, carry a legend restricting the shares from trading for a period of four months which expires on December 23, 2008.

The second tranche consisting of 1,213,641 flow-through units for C$328,750 will complete the previously announced non-brokered flow-through private plancement of 8.7 million units for total proceeds of C$2,392,500.

Bravo also is proceeding with the non flow-through unit offering previously announced of up to 2.4 million units priced at C$0.25 per unit comprising one common share and one full share purchase warrant. Each warrant can be exercised to purchase one additional common share at C$0.30 per share for 18 months.

Bravo said the balance of the flow-through offering and the non flow-through offering are expected to close no later than September 5, 2008.

"We are very pleased with our relationship with all of the placees, MineralFields Group, MTAX 2008 Mineral Limited Partnership, Augen Capital Corp. and Dundee Securities," said Joe Kizis, President. "We look forward to working with them as we continue to develop our holdings in British Columbia."

Homestake Ridge Property, British Columbia

The property consists of Mineral Title claims and Crown Grant claims in which a 100% interest was earned by Bravo from Teck Cominco and a private Optionor, respectively. On portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of Teck Cominco and on other portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of the original Optionor. Bravo has the right to purchase 1% of the Teck Cominco royalty for $1 million and 1% of the original Optionor's royalty for $1 million. The balance of the Property consisting of Crown Granted mineral claims in which Bravo has earned a 100% interest, subject to a 2% NSR royalty.

In March 2007 Bravo announced an Inferred Resource estimate at the Main Homestake zone of 903,231 ounces of gold and 5,745,746 ounces of silver contained within 11.9 million tonnes with an average grade of 2.36 g/t Au and 15.0 g/t Ag using a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold (see NR-04-07)(1). Drilling through 2007 has tested a 600-metre strike length of the mineralized horizon to depths of over 600 metres. The deposit remains open down dip and along strike to the southeast and northwest. A long section showing the location of completed drill holes and holes to be drilled during the 2008 season has been posted on the company's website at

About Bravo Venture Group Inc.

Bravo Venture Group Inc. is focused on exploring precious and base metal-rich projects within North America, currently with properties in Nevada, Alaska, and British Columbia. The company has extensive holdings strategically located within the Battle Mountain/Eureka "Cortez" gold trend in Nevada. The Woewodski Island project in southeast Alaska hosts both precious and base metal-rich massive sulphides and gold-rich orogenic quartz veins. The Homestake Ridge project is a gold-rich epithermal/VMS-related vein system within Eskay Creek/Silbak-Premier stratigraphy.

Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Joseph A. Kizis Jr., Director, President, Bravo Venture Group Inc.

(1) An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. Due to the uncertainty which may attach to Inferred Mineral Resources, it cannot be assumed that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will be upgraded to an Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource as a result of continued exploration. Confidence in the estimate is insufficient to allow the meaningful application of technical and economic parameters or to enable an evaluation of economic viability worthy of public disclosure. Inferred Mineral Resources must be excluded from estimates forming the basis of feasibility or other economic studies (43-101CP, CIM, 2001).

We seek safe harbor.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by management.


Jay Oness
Bravo Venture Group Inc.
1-888-456-1112 or (604) 684-9384

Am 23.12.2008 wird also der Run auf Bravo

28.08.08 09:38
seinen Höhepunkt haben.
Bis dahin dürfte der EURO in D geknackt worden sein. Das Ding läuft m.M. nach wie NFX letztes Jahr um diese Zeit.

Bravo wird die Renaissance der Gold-Explorer

28.08.08 10:16
auf die alle warten, anführen.
Optimalerweise steigt man jetzt noch in den ruhigen Markt ein, um nicht zu sehr in due Turbulenzen hinein zu kaufen.
Der August ist bals vorbei und es beginnt die Erntezeit der Rohstoff-Aktien.
Gold steigt sicherlich auch wieder auf 1.000 US$. Es werden sogar 2.000 und bis zu 5.000 US$/oz genannt.
Auf einen goldenen Herbst.

Der Abgeltungssteuer-Run sollte in D

28.08.08 10:26
noch zusätzlich für einen Schub sorgen.
Nur noch bis zum 31.12. d. J. kann man Aktien kaufen , die danach eine min. Haltefrist von 12 Monaten steuerfrei (also ohne Abzug von ca. 25%) verkauft werden können.
Da sollte man sich also auf mittelfristige Investments konzentrieren.

Wer hat Info`s vom Stand IAM in

06.09.08 20:30
War einer da?

Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen


06.09.08 22:37

koch dein Süppchen woanders.
Auf so einen Mist fällt niemand hier mehr rein.



10.09.08 22:46

September 10, 2008
Bravo Completes Both Flow-through Unit Offerings

Bravo Venture Group Inc. reported today that the company has now closed both of the recently announced flow-through private placements. The closing of the second tranche consisting of 1,213,641 flow-through units for C$333,751 completes the previously reported C$2,392,500 non-brokered flow-through private placement (August 14th and August 26th, 2008) of 8.7 million units. Each unit consists of one common flow-through share and one-half transferable non flow-through share purchase warrant, with each whole warrant exercisable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of $0.35 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date.

The 8.7 million unit private placement with all the common shares issued pursuant to this unit offering, including share purchase warrants and units issued as finders fees, will carry a legend restricting the shares from trading for a period of four months as per the following: 1st Tranche – December 23rd, 2008; 2nd Tranche – December 30th, 2008. All proceeds from this placement will be expended to fund the continuance of the approximate, 7,500 metre drill program at the Homestake Ridge project in NW British Columbia which is currently underway.

The company has also closed the 1.1 million flow-through unit non-brokered private placement previously reported (August 28th, 2008) for gross proceeds of $302,500. Each unit consists of one common flow-through share and one-half transferable non flow-through share purchase warrant, with each whole warrant exercisable to purchase one additional common share at an exercise price of $0.35 per share for a period of eighteen months from the closing date.

The 1.1 million unit private placement with all the common shares issued pursuant to this unit offering, including share purchase warrants and units issued as finders fees, will carry a legend restricting the shares from trading for a period of four months until January 9th, 2009.

Proceeds from the 1.1 million unit placement will fund the continuing exploration programs at the company’s British Columbia projects, principally the Homestake Ridge project in northwestern British Columbia

Bravo would like to acknowledge the following institutions for their participation in the 8.7 million unit financing; MineralFields Group, MTAX 2008 Mineral Limited Partnership and Augen Capital Corp.

About MTAX Mineral Limited Partnerships
MTAX Mineral Limited partnerships have been involved in mineral Flow-Through Share financings since 1985 and has a diversified group of  investors who participate in the limited partnerships.  Information on MTAX is available at

About MineralFields, Pathway and First Canadian Securities ®”
MineralFields Group (a division of Pathway Asset Management) is a Toronto-based mining fund with significant assets under administration that offers its tax-advantaged super flow-through limited partnerships to investors throughout Canada during most of the calendar year, as well as hard-dollar resource limited partnerships to investors throughout the world. Pathway Asset Management also specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of structured products and mutual funds. Information about MineralFields Group is available at First Canadian Securities ® is active in leading resource financings (both flow-through and hard dollar PIPE financings) on competitive, effective and service-friendly terms, with investors both within, and outside of, MineralFields Group".

Augen Capital Corp
Augen Capital Corp. is a merchant bank that specializes in the financing of and investment in very early stage resource companies. Augen's principals and advisors have many years of collective experience and expertise in identifying properties with substantial mineralization. Augen has an outstanding track record in sourcing, structuring and executing merchant banking investments in the natural resource field. In its first ten years, Augen has completed 250 investments and financings.

Homestake Ridge Property, British Columbia
The property consists of Mineral Title claims and Crown Grant claims in which a 100% interest was earned by Bravo from Teck Cominco and a private Optionor, respectively. On portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of Teck Cominco and on other portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of the original Optionor. Bravo has the right to purchase 1% of the Teck Cominco royalty for $1 million and 1% of the original Optionor’s royalty for $1 million. The balance of the Property consisting of Crown Granted mineral claims in which Bravo has earned a 100% interest, subject to a 2% NSR royalty.

In March 2007 Bravo announced an Inferred Resource estimate at the Main Homestake zone of  903,231 ounces of gold and 5,745,746 ounces of silver contained within 11.9 million tonnes with an average grade of 2.36 g/t Au and 15.0 g/t Ag using a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold (see NR-04-07).(1) Drilling through 2007 has tested a 600-metre strike length of the mineralized horizon to depths of over 600 metres. The deposit remains open down dip and along strike to the southeast and northwest. A long section showing the location of completed drill holes and holes to be drilled during the 2008 season has been posted on the company’s website  at

About Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Bravo Venture Group Inc. is focused on exploring precious and base metal-rich projects within North America, currently with properties in Nevada, Alaska, and British Columbia. The company has extensive holdings strategically located within the Battle Mountain/Eureka “Cortez” gold trend in Nevada. The Woewodski Island project in southeast Alaska hosts both precious and base metal-rich massive sulphides and gold-rich orogenic quartz veins. The Homestake Ridge project is a gold-rich epithermal/VMS-related vein system within Eskay Creek/Silbak-Premier stratigraphy.

Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.
Ich bin nie arbeiten gegangen weil es mir Spass macht, sondern weil der Hintern was zum kacken braucht. (Zitat: zombi17)

Woche für Woche neues Allzeittief

11.09.08 21:53
und jetzt?
was soll diese "News" ?
Der Kurs bricht weiter ein.

Das soll mal einer verstehen.

12.09.08 13:22

ich habs schon seit einiger zeit vermutet...

12.09.08 17:18
12.09.2008 - 16:57
US-Regierung hat Rohstoffpreise manipuliert?
          §Don Coxe, Vermögensverwalter bei dem amerikanischen Fondshaus BMO, ist der Ansicht, dass der amerikanische Finanzminister Hank Paulson und Fed-Chairman Ben Bernanke den Druck auf den Finanzsektor versucht haben zu senken, indem sie den Druck für Spekulanten und Hedgefonds erhöhten, die auf fallende Kurse beim US-Dollar und Banken und auf steigende Notierungen der Rohstoffe setzten. „Mit der Hilfe der US-Börsenaufsicht SEC und der Terminbörsenaufsicht CFTC haben Paulson und Bernanke die Falle gelegt“, so Coxe. Eine dauerhafte Manipulation der Rohstoffpreise sei jedoch nicht möglich. Die Rohstoffpreise werden daher übergeordnet weiter steigen, so Coxe.

das wahre Grauen

15.09.08 13:13
Ich bin nie arbeiten gegangen weil es mir Spass macht, sondern weil der Hintern was zum kacken braucht. (Zitat: zombi17)

Bravo,der ehemalige Jugendschwarm von mines.

15.09.08 13:15

Post2796:......kommt erst noch!

15.09.08 13:26
Ich befürchte ab heute Nachmittag!?


17.09.08 23:30
Mal sehn morgen!
Gewinn ist die Summe aus positiven Investitionen abzüglich negativer Investitionen

Bohrergebnisse von Homestake Ridge

18.09.08 09:20
Early Results Confirm Extensions of Higher-grade Intervals at Homestake Ridge

Bravo Venture Group Inc. reported today encouraging preliminary 2008 assays from its 100% owned Homestake Ridge project, located 32km southeast of Stewart within the “Eskay Creek” region of northwestern British Columbia.
The company has received gold fire-assays from drill holes HR08-79, -80, -82 and -90, all of which returned impressive thicknesses and grades from both step-out and in-fill holes targeting structures and horizons modeled from Bravo’s previous drilling at the Main Homestake zone. The three dimensional modeling of the new data confirms a sub-horizontal and step-like distribution of mineralization within the deposit and accurately predicts the higher grade intervals (+3g/t Au) that were encountered in step-out drilling in holes  HR08-80, HR08-82 and HR08-90. Early confirmation of the working model is significant as it allows Bravo to more aggressively target higher-grade extensions of the deposit outside the area of the known resource.

Click here for significant results from the first four drill holes.

As part of its 2008 property-wide exploration program, Bravo has completed 24 core holes for over 5,500 metres of an anticipated 7,500 metre program. Three drill rigs are now active on the property, with two focusing on the Main Homestake zone and the third drill testing other mineralized areas at the property.  Three drill holes have been completed at the Homestake Silver target, with encouraging alteration encountered and drilling has now started on the Vanguard Gold target.  Initial drilling during 2007 at both of these targets returned encouraging gold and silver mineralization in altered favorable stratigraphy, similar to that observed in outer edges of the Main Homestake zone.  Holes are also planned this season for the Vanguard Copper target, where attractive surface alteration and geochemistry have not been drill tested.

Commenting on the 2008 program to date, President Joe Kizis said, “Holes 79 and 80 are significant as they delineate ounces at very shallow depths, essentially beginning at surface. These near-surface ounces will have an important affect on the economics of a potential open pit, as they will be low-cost ounces early in the mine life. Topographic constraints required these holes to be drilled quite oblique to the mineralized horizon; however, nearly 80 meters of true thickness of mineralization at this shallow depth is very positive.”

Kizis also stated, “Strong alteration observed in our new holes at the Homestake Silver target could be very significant to the project because VMS deposits usually occur in clusters, and this could be a new discovery beneath a relatively subtle surface expression. Our land position includes several other attractive mineral showings that have received little or no drill testing to date.”

Click here for figure 1: 2008 Target location at the Homestake Ridge Project

About Homestake Ridge
The property consists of Mineral Title claims and Crown Grant claims in which a 100% interest was earned by Bravo from Teck Cominco and a private Optionor, respectively. There is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of Teck Cominco and on other portions of the located mineral claims there is a 2% NSR royalty in favour of the original Optionor. Bravo has the right to purchase 1% of the Teck Cominco royalty for $1 million and 1% of the original Optionor’s royalty for $1 million. The Crown Granted mineral claims also are subject to a 2% NSR royalty.

In March 2007 Bravo announced an Inferred Resource estimate at the Main Homestake zone of 903,231 ounces of gold and 5,745,746 ounces of silver contained within 11.9 million tonnes with an average grade of 2.36 g/t Au and 15.0 g/t Ag using a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold (see NR-04-07). (1)  The deposit remains open down dip and along strike to the southeast and northwest. A long section showing the location of completed drill holes on the Homestake Main zone has been posted on the company’s website

About Bravo Venture Group Inc.
Bravo Venture Group Inc. is focused on exploring precious and base metal-rich projects within North America, currently with properties in Nevada, Alaska, and British Columbia. The company has extensive holdings strategically located within the Battle Mountain/Eureka “Cortez” gold trend in Nevada. The Woewodski Island project in southeast Alaska hosts both precious and base metal-rich massive sulphides and gold-rich orogenic quartz veins. The Homestake Ridge project is a gold-rich epithermal/VMS-related vein system within Eskay Creek/Silbak-Premier stratigraphy.


Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
“Joseph A. Kizis, Jr.”
Joseph A. Kizis Jr., Director, President, Bravo Venture Group Inc.
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