"Sometimes I think that small speculators exist exist solely to feed the big players and make them rich!"
Zitat aus "S&P 500 Futures CoT"
Langer Artikel in Englisch über unsere nahen Verwandten, die Future Trader, speziell die im S&P. Aber er ist das Durcharbeiten wert!!
Wer es nicht so mit dem Englischen hat, für den habe ich nur mal kurz einen Chart über die Aufspaltung der Future-Käufer kurz vor dem 2000er Crash.
Die Commercials/Hedgers (= Gelb ) das smart money, geht short.
Die Kleinen Spekulanten (= Rot), das Dumb Money geht wie blöd long
Über das was nun Mitte 2003 passiert kann jeder seine eigenen Schlüsse ziehen :)) Hier noch einmal im Detail:
und noch ein Zitat
In futures lore the small specs are often considered “dumb money” and “marks” and the graph above makes it easy to see why. Throughout what will probably prove to be the worst bear market in US history, the small specs have stayed overwhelmingly and steadfastly bullish!
If you don’t care about your capital and want to throw it away, the quickest way in stock-index-futures land today is to bet with the small speculators. The legions of small speculators are the sheep that blindly follow the herd instinct, always greedy and almost always wrong. These small specs are the “thundering herd” that contrarian speculators need to bet against in order to be successful.
If you find your own index positions mirroring the small specs in SPX-land, chances are you are going to get hurt when the big smart guys eat your lunch in the markets. Sadly, the small specs tend to be most bullish shortly after major interim tops and once again their net long position has soared today right as the war rally appears to be peaking! Our final graph zooms in one last time.
Schönen Feiertag noch :)
Zitat aus "S&P 500 Futures CoT"
Langer Artikel in Englisch über unsere nahen Verwandten, die Future Trader, speziell die im S&P. Aber er ist das Durcharbeiten wert!!
Wer es nicht so mit dem Englischen hat, für den habe ich nur mal kurz einen Chart über die Aufspaltung der Future-Käufer kurz vor dem 2000er Crash.
Die Commercials/Hedgers (= Gelb ) das smart money, geht short.
Die Kleinen Spekulanten (= Rot), das Dumb Money geht wie blöd long
Über das was nun Mitte 2003 passiert kann jeder seine eigenen Schlüsse ziehen :)) Hier noch einmal im Detail:
und noch ein Zitat
In futures lore the small specs are often considered “dumb money” and “marks” and the graph above makes it easy to see why. Throughout what will probably prove to be the worst bear market in US history, the small specs have stayed overwhelmingly and steadfastly bullish!
If you don’t care about your capital and want to throw it away, the quickest way in stock-index-futures land today is to bet with the small speculators. The legions of small speculators are the sheep that blindly follow the herd instinct, always greedy and almost always wrong. These small specs are the “thundering herd” that contrarian speculators need to bet against in order to be successful.
If you find your own index positions mirroring the small specs in SPX-land, chances are you are going to get hurt when the big smart guys eat your lunch in the markets. Sadly, the small specs tend to be most bullish shortly after major interim tops and once again their net long position has soared today right as the war rally appears to be peaking! Our final graph zooms in one last time.
Schönen Feiertag noch :)