Palm ist wieder da

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Palm ist wieder da

09.01.09 10:31
Palm fordert mit neuem Smartphone Apple und RIM heraus

08:54 09.01.09

LAS VEGAS (dpa-AFX) – Palm (Profil) will mit einem neuartigen Mobiltelefon ein Comeback starten und die Vorherrschaft des iPhone und des Blackberry im Smartphone-Markt brechen. Der Taschencomputer-Pionier präsentierte am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) auf der Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas den Palm Pre, der mit dem neu entwickelten System "WebOS" läuft. Die Börse reagierte euphorisch auf die Ankündigung und trieb den Aktienkurs von Palm um rund 35 Prozent nach oben. "Diese Plattform wird die Basis für Innovationen der kommenden Dekade sein", sagte Palm-Chef Ed Colligan.

Das neue Telefon soll im ersten Halbjahr 2009 auf den Markt kommen und wird in den USA zunächst exklusiv vom Mobilfunkprovider Sprint und später in einer UMTS-Version in anderen Regionen angeboten. Ein genauer Starttermin und Kooperationspartner für den deutschen Markt wurden noch nicht genannt. Branchenkenner erwarten aber eine Zusammenarbeit mit Vodafone.

Das Team, das den Palm Pre entwickelt hat, wurde von Jon Rubinstein angeführt, der bei Apple entscheidend an der Entwicklung des Musikplayers iPod beteiligt war und bis zum Sommer 2006 die iPod- Abteilung von Apple geführt hatte. Das neue Palm-Betriebssystem wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt und setzt im Kern Standard-Technologien wie beispielsweise CSS, XHTML und JavaScript ein, die bereits heute in der Entwicklung von Webanwendungen eine entscheidende Rolle spiele.

Im Gegensatz zum iPhone von Apple verfügt der Palm Pre über eine ausziehbare Tastatur und kann mehrere Anwendungen gleichzeitig laufen lassen. Ähnlich wie eine elektrische Zahnbürste kann das Smartphone ohne eine Kabelverbindung induktiv an ein Ladegerät angekoppelt und aufgeladen werden. Das System des Palm Pre führt Informationen aus persönlichen E-Mail-Konten und Kontaktlisten mit Daten aus Sozialnetzwerken wie Facebook oder Flickr zusammen.

"Palm steht an einem Scheidepunkt in seiner Unternehmensgeschichte", sagte Lawrence Harris, Analyst bei CL King & Associates in New York. "Dies ist wirklich die beste Gelegenheit. Eine zweite Möglichkeit wird es vielleicht nicht mehr geben." Palm hatte Mitte der neunziger Jahre mit dem Pilot den ersten erfolgreichen PDA (Personal Digital Assistent) auf den Markt gebracht und später sein Angebot auf Mobiltelefone ausgeweitet.

Die sinkende Nachfrage nach dem Smartphone Treo und der Erfolg von Konkurrenzprodukten wie dem Blackberry und dem iPhone brachten Palm aber 2006 in eine Schieflage. Im Jahr 2007 stieg der Investor Elevation Partners LP ein, übernahm 25 Prozent der Firmenanteile und holte Rubinstein als Executive Chairman zu Palm. Im vergangenen Monat stockte Elevation Partners seine Anteile um weitere 100 Millionen Dollar auf und verschaffte dem Unternehmen damit genügend Barreserven, um die Markteinführung des Palm Pre abzuschließen./cd/DP/tw

Quelle: dpa-AFX
Goldman Sachs analysts are now saying long US dollar. A few months ago they said Long Oil. And 2 months ago they were telling investors to short Citigroup when it was trading at $17.
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08.04.10 18:15
führen zu hohem Volumen. Bin mal gespannt ob daran etwas ist.
el bundy:

gibt es news??

09.04.10 12:48
el bundy:

usa auch 10% plus

09.04.10 13:21


09.04.10 14:08
PALM Rumors...

Posted by: landm19 Date: Friday, April 09, 2010 7:56:44 AM
In reply to: landm19 who wrote msg# 272745 Post # of 272749

PALM - It looks like HTC may be in talks to acquire Palm, as per media reports.

Palm...gegen die "großen Analysten" + Börsenbriefe

09.04.10 15:22


Palm ist wiedermal ein gutes Beispiel wie viel man von den "großen Analysten" halten soll !  

Nämlich gar nichts.

Da wurden Kurziele sage und schreibe > 0 <  ausgesprochen.

Jetzt gilt Palm als lukrativer Übernahme-Kandidat und hat 50 % gut gemacht! (auch zur Freude meines Kontos).

Palm ist wieder da 7789587

Emotionen und Psychologie leiten die Börse...

el bundy:

mal sehen

09.04.10 15:26

Daily Chart

10.04.10 11:19

Palm ist wieder da;rand=1918&mocktick=1" style="max-width:560px" />


Mehr ..

12.04.10 09:00
Is Palm Putting Itself Up For Sale?
Comments (0) Text Size: A A Print Email Share After persistent rumors that several suitors might be interested in the ailing Palm (NSDQ: PALM), now Bloomberg is reporting that the company has put itself up for sale and is seeking bids as early as this week.

According to three people familiar with the situation, Bloomberg said the company has hired Goldman Sachs and Frank Quattrone’s Qatalyst Partners to find a buyer. In the past week, HTC and Lenovo were identified as two of the companies that may be potential bidders. The sources said Dell also looked at deal, but decided to pass. On Friday, Palm’s stock jumped based on rumors that the Pre-maker may receive a takeover offer. The company’s market value now hovers around $870.8 million. Bloomberg said a Palm spokeswoman declined to comment.

The company has launched two products to fairly rave reviews, but has failed to gain significant market traction. It was criticized for partnering initially with Sprint (NYSE: S) Nextel, which was having its problems of its own, and then the handset-and OS-maker blotched its launch with Verizon Wireless. It now has a significant backlog of unsold devices, and is facing a cash shortage.

Still, CEO Jon Rubinstein made the point in a recent interview that Palm was a turnaround story and would have been dead in the water with out the new webOS, which is a valuable asset. In the company’s previous earnings call, Rubinstein dismissed the idea that the company could be up for sale, and said that if any offers were serious, he’d be obligated to bring them to the board’s attention.

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Lenovo Considers Acquisitions For Mobile Growth
Is HTC Interested In Palm?


12.04.10 09:02
Wichtig...hier kommt wieder-ý>


Manche werden wissen was ich meine...gell ??? :-)


12.04.10 09:03
PALM / Posted by: rgnoll Date: Monday, April 12, 2010 1:05:17 AM
In reply to: None Post # of 314

News for 'PALM' - (DJ Palm Hires Goldman Sachs, Qatalyst For Possible Sale - Bloomberg)


Palm Inc. (PALM) has tapped Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) and Qatalyst Partners to seek bids for the company as early as this week, Bloomberg News reported on its Web site Sunday, citing three people familiar with the situation.

HTC Corp. (HTCXF), Lenovo Group (LNVGY) and Dell Inc. (DELL) have been rumored to have explored purchasing Palm, reports said, although Dell won't be making an offer, two of the people told Bloomberg.

Palm spokeswoman Lynn Fox declined to comment, while Qatalyst's Sally Palmer and Goldman Sach's Andrea Rachman didn't immediately respond to requests for comment, according to Bloomberg.

Full story:

Could be a Very Interesting Week...Got Tickets?!...


12.04.10 09:53
Es geht gegen NORDEN !!!!

auch hier...

12.04.10 10:04

Palm ist wieder da 7802486


shortie verbrenn dich !!!


Short Float38.99%



12.04.10 13:27
UPDATE 1-Smartphone maker Palm is seeking a buyer - report
Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:57am EDTStocks
Palm, Inc.
+0.51+10.97%12:00am UTC+0200
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
-0.38-0.21%12:00am UTC+0200
Palm, Inc.
+0.26+6.77%12:03pm UTC+0200
* Palm declines to comment

* Seeking offers as early as this week -Bloomberg

* Working with Goldman, Qatalyst Partners -Bloomberg

* Loss-making Palm long seen as a takeover target

* Frankfurt-listed Palm shares up 8 pct in few trades

(Adds Palm no comment, Frankfurt shares, analyst, background)

April 12 (Reuters) - Palm Inc (PALM.O), the loss-making smartphone maker, is looking to sell itself and is seeking bids for the company as early as this week, Bloomberg said, citing three people familiar with the situation.

A spokesman for Palm in Europe declined to comment.

Palm, which makes the Pre and Pixi phones and develops WebOS phone software, is working with Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) and Qatalyst Partners to find a buyer, the agency said.

Frankfurt-listed Palm shares (PALM.F) rose 8 percent on Monday, but in a few trades.

Palm's shares had jumped on Friday, capping a volatile week in which the smartphone maker's stock seesawed on takeover rumours and options market chatter. [ID:nN09112835]

On Friday, Taiwan's Economic Daily News said that HTC Corp (2498.TW), the world's No. 5 smartphone maker has, "opened discussions about an intent to acquire" Palm.

Palm has for years been mentioned as a potential takeover target for much larger companies -- such as Lenovo Group (0992.HK) [ID:nLDE63205T] -- hoping to enter the mobile market or expand their presence.

"Palm's limited scale, distribution and weak global brand outside the United States all point to a takeover as the next chapter in the Palm story," said CCS Insight analyst Geoff Blaber.

"The company has developed a highly valuable asset in webOS. The challenge for Palm is finding a buyer prepared to pay a premium for an immature platform when many potential suitors have already invested heavily in Android," Blaber said.

In the past, technology companies Dell Inc (DELL.O) and Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O), and handset manufacturer Nokia (NOK1V.HE) and Motorola Inc (MOT.N) have all been named as potential suitors. [ID:nN23396446]. (Reporting by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore and Tarmo Virki in Helsinki; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Erica Billingham)
el bundy:

zur zeit

12.04.10 14:50
wieder 10% in usa
el bundy:

hat es mächtig eilig

12.04.10 15:37
el bundy:


12.04.10 15:38
el bundy:


12.04.10 16:42
mal sehen ob die 6 heute halten
el bundy:

wird langweilig

12.04.10 16:49
letzte meldung plus 21% kurs 6.25

Palm INC. Gewinne realisieren...

13.04.10 13:18
Palm könnte heute kritisch werden...nach 5 Tagen unermüdlichem Aufwärtstrend + 70 %
wird heute wohl Kasse gemacht in USA.
Cosmic ist gestern raus bei 6,11 $ sicher ist sicher.
Emotionen und Psychologie leiten die Börse...


Palm Day-Chart-USA

13.04.10 15:34


Day-Chart USA

Palm ist wieder da^PALM&p=0&t=16&vol=1" style="max-width:560px" alt="Chart USA" />

Emotionen und Psychologie leiten die Börse...

si tacuisses:

Palm Partner-O2 und Vodafone; halten/zukaufen!

15.04.10 16:14
  Neue Smartphones von Palm Inc.: Neue Smarphones bei Vodafone und O2



Palm ist wieder da 7828289 15.04.2010, Osnabrück

So wie es momentan den Anschein hat, können sich die  Verbraucher im Monat April noch auf etwas Besonderes freuen. Denn  Telefònica o2 und Vodafone bringen ab dem 28. dieses Monats die  neuesten Smartphones von Palm auf den deutschen Markt. Einige  Verbraucher denken jetzt sicherlich an das Palm Pre, welches von o2  vertrieben wird.

Palm Pre Plus und Palm  Pixi Plus

Und jetzt stehen die Nachfolger von diesem Handy quasi bereits in den Schlaglöchern; hierbei handelt es sich um das Palm  Pre Plus, sowie um das Palm Pixi Plus. Bei den beiden Smartphones ist  jetzt aber nicht nur o2 „mit von der Partie“, sondern ebenfalls Vodafone  (im Gegensatz zum Palm Pre). Palm selbst konnte in letzter Zeit  allerdings lediglich enttäuschende Verkaufszahlen vorlegen. Das ging  sogar soweit, dass es Spekulationen und Gerüchte um einen etwaigen  Verkauf des Unternehmens gegeben hatte. Palm stellte jedoch fest, dass  man hierzu keine Stellung nehmen wird. Denn das Hauptaugenmerk würde  darauf liegen, Smartphones herzustellen, welche den Nutzern zusagen.  Generell hört sich diese Aussage ja eigentlich gut an. Denn schließlich  liegt das auch im Sinne der Verbraucher. Vor ein paar Tagen konnte dann  sogar die Aktie von Palm Inc. an der Börse (Nasdaq) in New York um mehr  als 30 Prozent hochklettern. Wie der Erfolg mit den beiden neuen Handys  ausfallen wird, das bleibt natürlich erst einmal abzuwarten. Immerhin  hatte Palm im Januar des Jahres 2009 ein Smartphone-Modell vorgestellt,  welches das neue Betriebssystem „WebOS“ innehat.


Vodafone und o2 sollen die Smartphones vertreiben

In  diversen Testberichten konnte dieses Handy sogar Bestnoten erreichen.  Allerdings gab es hierbei ein Problem; der kommerzielle Erfolg mit den  technischen Innovationen des Handys ist nicht wie gewünscht ausgefallen.  Obwohl das Palm Pre für viel Gesprächsstoff gesorgt hat. Es ist  bestimmt davon auszugehen, dass Vodafone und o2 dafür Sorge tragen  werden, dass die beiden neuen Smartphones einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad  entwickeln werden. Wie aber die Verkaufszahlen hierbei ausfallen, das  wird die Zeit zeigen.

Autor: Redaktion  fastline

si tacuisses:

Was weiß Harbinger Capital über Palm?

16.04.10 09:34
What Does This Hedge Fund Know About Palm?  

By Eric Jhonsa
April 15, 2010 



"What Does This Hedge Fund Know About Palm? "

summary: "It might know that Palm is too valuable for HTC to pass up."                            



Palm, Inc.

Palm ist wieder da 7832418 $5.40 $0.08 (1.50%)

Palm ist wieder da 7832418

While two Wall Street analysts have decided that Palm&#39;s   (Nasdaq: PALM) shares are  worth as much as a limited-edition Tyler Green rookie card (which is to  say, nothing), one big hedge fund has a very different opinion. Maybe  this fund knows something about Palm&#39;s future that the rest of us don&#39;t,  but it&#39;s also possible that it just understands a fact that many other  investors are also aware of: Palm can still be pretty valuable in the  right hands.

The news of Harbinger Capital&#39;s giant stake in Palm, which stood at  9.48% at the end of March, comes when Wall Street&#39;s sentiment toward the  company has turned deeply negative. Not only have Morgan Joseph &  Co&#39;s. Ilya Grozovsky and Canaccord Adams&#39; Peter Misek given Palm a  price target of $0, but only two of the 28 analysts covering the  company (according to Thomson/First Call) rate its shares a buy. If I  thought Palm would continue trying to slug it out in a fiercely  competitive smartphone market, I might agree with the pessimists. But  since the company has already hired Goldman Sachs to  help it find a buyer, it looks as if Palm has resigned itself to being  another storied tech pioneer that couldn&#39;t stay independent anymore. And  in that context, I think the company is anything but worthless.

I think the best historical comparison here is IBM&#39;s   (NYSE: IBM) 2005 sale  of its PC division to China&#39;s Lenovo Group for  $1.75 billion. Like Palm, IBM&#39;s PC division was both bleeding cash and  losing market share to hungry competitors, a situation that led some to  think the business couldn&#39;t be sold. But also like Palm, the unit had  smart engineers, some well-known brands, a strong patent portfolio, and a  decent North American presence. Put into the hands of a low-cost Asian  manufacturer such as Lenovo, those assets ended up being pretty  valuable: Gartner estimated that Lenovo&#39;s global PC market share stood  at 8.3% in the first quarter, up from 6.6% a year before, and good for  fourth place overall.

  Why HTC needs to act  
So which company can play the role of Lenovo for Palm? Like my  colleague Rich Smith, I&#39;m skeptical that it&#39;ll be Lenovo  itself. But I think either Huawei Technologies or HTC  could work. Both companies have been rumored to covet Palm, have the  cash to pull off an acquisition, and could quickly bring down the  company&#39;s manufacturing costs. But while Huawei could benefit from  buying Palm -- especially if it gets Palm&#39;s engineers working on some  good Google  (Nasdaq: GOOG) Android phones  -- HTC simply needs to make a deal happen, for a few reasons:

  • HTC&#39;s smartphone lineup gets an immediate branding boost. To put  it mildly, HTC&#39;s brand power isn&#39;t at the same level as that of Apple   (Nasdaq: AAPL) or a Nokia   (NYSE: NOK). Perhaps Palm&#39;s  brand isn&#39;t, either, but the company&#39;s legacy does give it some  additional value.
  • Palm&#39;s technology could be ported to HTC&#39;s existing phones. HTC  has had some success in differentiating its Android and Windows Mobile  phones from the pack through its Sense user interface. But integrating some  of the neat features in Palm&#39;s webOS operating system, such as its  live application previews and cascading notifications, would take the  company much further.
  • Apple, Apple, Apple. There&#39;s a big reason Steve Jobs chose to send  his lawyers after HTC instead of, say, Motorola  (NYSE: MOT) or Samsung:  Those companies could probably sue Apple for patent infringement as  easily as Apple could sue them. With Palm&#39;s patents in the picture, Jobs  might have a weaker hand against HTC going forward.

Palm&#39;s hopes for reliving its glory days as a smartphone leader may  be shattered, but this doesn&#39;t mean a company such as HTC won&#39;t assign  it a price tag well north of $0. I&#39;m guessing that Harbinger Capital is  well aware of that.

si tacuisses:

IP-value/share (geist.Eigentumswerte/Aktienwert)

16.04.10 14:22…  
What Palm’s Patents are Worth!
Amid all the doom and gloom, rending and gnashing of teeth (and that is  just Dan), and so on that is going on today we get this little tidbit  about an upcoming event that Palm is presenting at this May.

The event is called the MDB Capital Group’s Bright Lights Conference and  will be held on May 11, 2010 in San Fran. So why do we care? Well, the  Bright Lights event is for the top leaders in intellectual property (aka  IP and often referred to as patents).

Seriously…why do we care? During this event some of the leading  authorities on patents and their market value will be presenting what  they believe Palm’s portfolio  is worth. Here is a sneak peak.

    Pete Conley, Managing Director of MDB Capital, will also present his  analysis of Palm’s IP portfolio and the value of its technology  pipeline, using MDB Capital’s proprietary PatentVest IP intelligence  platform.  ”Palm’s IP is ranked in the 99.5th percentile of over 4,000  companies rated by PatentVest,” said Mr. Conley. “Based on  PatentVest’s comparative valuation analysis, we believe the value of  Palm’s IP alone is worth between $8 -$9 per share.“

Considering Palm’s stock has been hovering between $4 – $5 right  now…anyone thinking of buying some stock?
si tacuisses:

latest news on palm

16.04.10 17:19

By Rita Nazareth

April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of the following companies are  having unusual moves in U.S. trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses,  and prices are as of 9:45 a.m. in New York.

Palm Inc. (PALM US) jumped 3.31 percent to $5.58. RBC Capital Markets  said that if the creator of the Pre smartphone is acquired, the WebOS  software that competes against mobile operating systems may command a  greater “strategic premium” and a purchase price for the company could  be between $10 and $14 a share.
si tacuisses:

Pulse check on palm; 14 $

16.04.10 17:34


 RBC Capital analyst Mike Ambramsky goes out a a limb on Palm Inc.  (PALM), suggesting the struggling company could fetch as much as $10-14 a  share, twice what most other analysts are predicting.

He believes Palm’s webOS may command a greater ’strategic premium’ than  generally appreciated.

“If acquired, webOS may command a healthy strategic premium, given a  ‘perfect storm’ of factors:

1) the frenetic ‘land grab’ in the huge, nascent Smartphone market;

2) rising Smartphone competitive intensity, with too many Apple/Google  contenders;

3) the realization owning great software is key to leadership; and

4) carrier, OEM fear over Apple/Google’s growing power and threat of  repricing down their businesses (Google Voice, iTunes, Nexus, etc.).”

Abramsky sees Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) as the best case acquirer for Palm.

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  67 Pulse check on palm; 14 $ si tacuisses si tacuisses 02.05.10 07:54
8 95 Palm ist wieder da Parocorp si tacuisses 16.04.10 17:34
2 4 PALM: Kusziel 0 EURO Happy End huxor 25.03.10 23:43
