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Friday November 5, 4:02 pm Eastern Time
GM to pressure suppliers to use new Web site
By Michael Ellis
DETROIT, Nov 5 (Reuters) - General Motors Corp. (NYSE:GM - news) said on Friday it would move all of its $87 billion in annual purchases to its new e-commerce Web site within about two years and would pressure its suppliers to follow suit.
``I would say by the end of 2001, we're going to expect all of General Motors' purchases to go through this site, and we would also expect our suppliers to be as actively engaged,'' said Harold Kutner, GM group vice president of worldwide purchasing.
``Let me clarify something when I say actively engaged. If we have an indirect supplier of goods and services on this site, and they're not transacting other business on this site, we may be looking for a replacement supplier,'' he told reporters at a press conference at GM's Detroit headquarters.
GM is already moving at Internet speed in one facet: In the three days since the new venture was announced on Tuesday, it changed the name to GM TradeXchange from GM MarketSite after testing the two names with suppliers.
Alan Turfe, executive director of GM TradeXchange, said GM is considering charging 0.25 to 0.5 of one percent on each transaction conducted over the Web site.
``It should be reasonable to generate revenues in the neighborhood of $3 to $5 billion'' within the next five years from GM TradeXchange, Turfe said.
GM has invested less than $10 million in the site, which will go into operation in the first quarter next year, Kutner said.
GM TradeXchange, created with Internet software provider Commerce One Inc. (NasdaqNM:CMRC - news), is expected to create substantial cost savings by cutting by 90 percent the approximately $90 to $150 in costs GM incurs with each of hundreds of thousands of purchases annually, Kutner said.
As part of those cost savings, many of the 3,800 people in GM's purchasing organization will become redundant.
``I would say that many of the people might be realigned to other functions within the organization,'' Kutner said.
GM sent letters on Friday to its approximately 30,000 top suppliers informing them about GM TradeXchange, accessed through the GM SupplyPower Web site (, GM's current portal to connect to its suppliers.
As more suppliers come on board, GM envisions GM TradeXchange becoming the world's largest ``virtual marketplace'' for a wide array of products, raw materials, parts and service, and not just for the automotive industry. Participants will be able to also cut their own purchase costs by eliminating the paper trail, to gain access to an expanded sales channel and to speed up the entire purchase process, GM said.
Already, Delphi Automotive Systems Corp. (NYSE:DPH - news), which was spun off from GM in May; fellow auto parts supplier Magna International Inc.(NYSE:MGA - news); Bethlehem Steel Corp. (NYSE:BS - news); and Compaq Computer Corp. (NYSE:CPQ - news) are among the major companies that have agreed to sell and buy over GM TradeXchange.
Kutner and Turfe even envision a day when other automakers would transact business over GM TradeXchange. However, Ford Motor Co. (NYSE:F - news) also announced on Tuesday its plans to set up a rival Web site.
Nochmal ganz langsam zum Mitschreiben:
Innerhalb von zwei Jahren soll der gesamte Einkauf bei General Motors über das Internet abgewickelt werden. Lieferanten, die nicht wollen oder können, machen den Abgang. So sieht die Zukunft aus, Leute. Soviel zum Thema gigantisches Potential.
Mir geht da aber noch was durch den Kopf. Die Website wird zusammen mit CommerceOne eingerichtet. Commerce One ist Partner von Intershop (wenn ich mich nicht irre). Eckhard Pfeiffer ist Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender von Intershop und sitzt außerdem im Aufsichtsrat von ... GM! Bis jetzt hat noch kein Software-Hersteller mitgeteilt, daß seine Software bei diesem Deal eingesetzt wird. Commerce One stellt, soviel ich weiß, keine eigene Software für B2B her (was heißt "software provider"). Intershop hat erst letzten Monat in den USA Intershop enfinity für Großkunden vorgestellt. Frage an Euch: Wenn Commerce One tatsächlich nicht selbst die Software herstellt, sondern nur implementiert, könnte uns Intershop dann demnächst mit der genialen Nachricht überraschen, daß der weltgrößte Autobauer Intershop-Technologie einsetzt?
(Übrigens hat Ford am gleichen Tag wie GM ähnliche Internet-Aktivitäten angekündigt.) Bin schon ganz zappelig und warte auf Eure Einschätzungen!