on Hollywood Boulevard and introducing black lingerie to the United States, the company became an instant smash with many a glamorous Hollywood actress—the ones American women worshipped as their style icons. It wasn't long before the company would revolutionize the future of fashion.www.fredericks.com/on/demandware.store/...ustServ-CompanyAbout
were born at Frederick's. "The Rising Star"—the world's first push-up bra, was launched in the early 1950s to great success, and today is emulated by intimate apparel manufacturers around the world.www.fredericks.com/on/demandware.store/...ustServ-CompanyAbout
has been the emphasis on women looking and feeling desirable for themselves. Women of all backgrounds, sizes, ages and tastes choose Frederick's for their lingerie needs, from everyday underwear to those special occasion styles.www.fredericks.com/on/demandware.store/...ustServ-CompanyAbout
is still a leading trendsetter in intimate apparel and has earned a renowned reputation for flattering women of all sizes with its unique take on affordable luxuries accented with a Hollywood flair.www.fredericks.com/on/demandware.store/...ustServ-CompanyAbout
innovations have led the company to become one of the most recognized brand names in the world.www.fredericks.com/on/demandware.store/...ustServ-CompanyAbout
subsidiaries, sells women's intimate apparel and related products under its proprietary Frederick's of Hollywood® brand through 96 specialty retail stores and an online shop at www.fredericks.com/. With its exclusive product offerings including Seduction by Frederick's of Hollywood and the Hollywood Exxtreme Cleavage® bra, Frederick's of Hollywood is the Original Sex Symbol®. Our press releases and financial reports can be accessed on our corporate website at www.fohgroup.com.
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Deutsche Bundesbank - Startseite Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zentrales Geschäftsfeld ist die Geldpolitik des Eurosystems. BUNDESBANK.DE https://www.facebook.com/mario.meierhof
NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Die New Yorker Börsen sind am Mittwoch auf der Stelle getreten. Kursgewinne bei Technologiewerten und eine Milliarden-Übernahme stützten die Aktienmärkte, sagten Händler. Dem standen als Bremse aber überraschend schlechte Wirtschaftsdaten gegenüber: Der US-Einzelhandel hatte sich im April schwach präsentiert und konnte nicht an den starken März anknüpfen. Der Rückgang der Importpreise fiel unterdessen stärker als erwartet aus. Hinzu kamen belastende Sorgen über einen erneuten Schwächeanfall an den internationalen Staatsanleihemärkten. In Europa waren Bundesanleihen wieder unter Druck geraten, in den USA drückte zudem die Unsicherheit um rückläufige Nachfrage die Kurse langlaufender Papiere klar ins Minus. http://www.ariva.de/news/...raendert-Nachrichtenlage-gemischt-5367577
Return Process What is your Return Policy? How will my return be processed? Can I exchange my purchase for a different size or product? fredericks.zendesk.com/hc/en-us