Entgegen früheren Zeiten, dürfte jetzt wenigstens der von Balak versprochene Nachrichtenfluß zutreffen.
Früher wurden sämtliche Aktionäre "im Regen" stehengelassen. Der Schreihals Pollinger hat mit seinen fast tagtäglichen Empfehlungsschreiben u. Videos, einigen Anlegern beträchtliche Verluste beschert.
Bei der angeführten Nachricht handelt es sich nur um eine Absichtserklärung:
(I-Newswire) October 7, 2010 - Toronto (Ontario) - Dhanoa Minerals Ltd. (Frankfurt WKN: A0LB3X; Kürzel: D7Z, Pinksheets: DHNA
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd. has signed an L.O.I. (Letter of Intent) on acquiring a controlling interest in the “El Escarabaja Dorado" Gold producer in Giradato, Antioquia, Columbia, S.A.
Dhanoa Minerals has entered into a Letter of Intent to acquire a 70% working interest in the “El Escarabaja Dorado" Gold mine in the prolific Gold region of Giradata, Antioquia, Columbia. The property consists of 500 permitted hectares of surface and mineral resources which has numerous workable faces for production. The property has an existing 30TPD ball mill and ancillary production equipment. There are 7 exposed veins through the existing workings which average 20 gr Au/ton with widths between 60 cm to 2 meters. The existing workings are 30+ meters horizontal and down to 70 meters in depth. These veins can be traced on surface over 2 km in length. The highest assay to date came from the lowest level grading 344 gr./ton Au. There is a workable tailings deposit in excess of 1000 tons grading 10 gr. Au/ton or $400.00 rock.
The property has jet never explored properly so as to have a resource calculation. We can easily surmise by the high grades and length and widths of the workings that a substantial resource could easily be present.
L.O.I. Terms signed:
Payments to the owner should be completed over a one year period. The Financing will be project specific. With the 30TPD ball mill and our existing equipment we are able to generate cost-covering cash flow. The owner of the “El Escarabaja Dorado" Gold mine agreed to receive a gold loan from Dhanoa Minerals to compensate the outstanding amount.
$170,000 USD in property payments
$100,000 USD investment in equipment
$100,000 USD investment in Geology and Metallurgical studies to best affect production going forward
1,500,000 shares to owner over a 3 year period, 500,000 Shares/Year. The shares are pooled and locked over a three year period
This L.O.I. is subject to the following: property title; permitting; Geological and Metallurgical testing. The metallurgy testing will provide us with best method for recovering the gold.
Mr. Lee Balak, CEO of Dhanoa Minerals stated: “We are very confident of this initial L.O.I. This is our first step on building a mining footprint in mine friendly Columbia. We currently have two teams, one in Bogata, the other in Medillin working daily on our companies behalf pursuing opportunities to grow our company.”
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
Lee Balak
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd.
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd.
Corporate Headquarters
1330 Martin Grove Road
Toronto, Ontario
M9W 4X4
Phone: +1 604 537 9732
Website: www.dhanoaminerals.com
E-Mail: info@dhanoaminerals.com
ob etwas daraus wird, sollte man erstmals noch abwarten.
Ob eine Mine in Kolumbien besser ist als die in Ecuador? -wäre möglich! Restrisiko bleibt.
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd - Shareholder Newsletter - 19.10.2010
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd. is progressing on its best endeavours in acquiring producible
resource assets in Colombia. The first Letter-of-Intent was signed on 8. October 2010
by the owner of the “El Escarabaja Dorado” Gold mine and Dhanoa Minerals
(www.i-newswire.com/dhanoa-minerals-ltd-has-signed/65091). A representative
ore sample is being prepared from “El Escarabaja Dorado” Gold mine in Colombia to
ship to Texas Crusher Systems. This ore sample will be mill tested to match the best
production equipment for production of gold ores. Once this testing is done we will
have the opportunity to use our existing secondary processing equipment or alter it
with Texas Crusher to best handle the payable ores
(www.txcrushersystems.com). New Pictures of the “El Escarabaja Dorado”
Gold mine property are now available at our Homepage in the “Media” Section.
Currently there a few more negotiations ongoing on further Letter-of-Intents on
mineral potentials for the company including a thermal coal producer in Colombia.
These coal deposits have a significant resource available of very low sulphur content
which is being readied for commercial production. The properties are easily
accessible and within five km’s of rail lines. Management is now preparing a
geological and engineering team for the company’s diligence on the resources we
have aimed at acquiring.
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd. is also looking to expand its management team with a
seasoned mine operating background. We have identified an individual with a long
history of managing production and resources during his career. We are currently
negotiating with this individual and discussing remuneration and incentives.
We will continue to update our shareholders as we continue our quest to grow
Dhanoa through these potential assets.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
Lee Balak
Dhanoa Minerals Ltd - Shareholder Newsletter - 16.11.2010
Dhanoa Minerals Management and Geological Team together with a mining Engineer has now visited the “El Escarabaja Dorado” Gold mine in Colombia just outside of the city Medellin, Colombia. There exists two working faces to supply high grade gold and silver ores to the active and operational 30 ton per day mill. The lateral faces, both being approximately 90 meters in length and are both connected to a 70 meter shaft, going down on a very high grade ore pocket and vein network. Laterally we experienced 20 gram plus of au per ton where as down the shaft and at depth we experienced 50 to 110 gram per ton au.
The job for our crew at hand now will be threefold:
1.) Provide a more practical access road with at least one bailey type bridge crossing an existing creek. Being that the slope grade is 40 degrees this bridging will allow safe year round transport of equipment and shipments of gold directly to our gold refinery.
2.) We will look to provide a pvc pipe conduit down slope to valley floor for waste ores so as to make more room for producible high grade ores at the production site.
3.) To find an experienced operator with a metallurgical background to relocate and to work and live on site. The mine has a very liveable residence located 900 meters from the milling platform.
Dhanoa Minerals management, being very pleased with their due diligence on this gold opportunity, will now commence canvassing their gold investors for financing this mine back into production. For property payments please refer to the first Letter-of-Intent which was signed on 8. October 2010 by the owner of the “El Escarabaja Dorado” Gold mine and Dhanoa Minerals (www.i-newswire.com/dhanoa-minerals-ltd-has-signed/65091).
Mr. Lee Balak, CEO of Dhanoa Minerals states: “This is our first acquisition for Dhanoa Minerals and we can be very pleased with this initial producible gold producing asset in this mine friendly country of Colombia. We will continue to explore further to seek out additional producible assets within the Colombian region as we go forward.!
Nach dieser Meldung hätte ich mir eigentlich einen Kursanstieg erhofft?
Bei Anlegern, die seit 2006/07 bei Kursen von über 2€ bei prognostizierten Kurszielen von 5-10€ eingestiegen sind und die Aktie auf längere Sicht gehalten haben, kann ich mir vorstellen, daß diese von Dhanoa nichts mehr wissen wollen. Den noch Investierten wünsche ich einen Kursanstieg auf über 2€, kann mir einen solchen derzeit aber nicht vorstellen.
Ein Invest in Dhanoa ist mit großem Risiko verbunden, welches sich jeder Anleger bewußt sein sollte.
Gruß u. viel Erfolg an der Börse