Wie bewertet die Zahlen von WEB.de? Ich meine: Sieht doch gar nicht so schlecht aus! Verlust immerhin deutlich reduziert im Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal.
WEB.DE AG english
Ad hoc announcement transmitted by DGAP. The issuer has the sole responsibility of this announcement.
-Sales in Q1 2001 amount to 3.3 mln EURO -Net loss of EURO-9.0 mln. decreased compared to Q4 2000. Still dominated by significant investments in customer acquisition and technology-Now # 3 amongst the German in terms of market reach-Break-even confirmed for end of 2002
WEB.DE AG generated sales revenue to the tune of EURO 3.3mln. in the first quarter of 2001. This represents an increase of 116 % against the same period in 2000. Sales revenue increased by 11 % compared to Q4 2000. The eCommerce area grew by 259 % to EURO 2.4 mln., thus giving eCommerce a 71 % share of group sales. On the reporting date, the share of traditional
banner advertising amounted to 29 % compared to 57 % in Q1 2000 and 49 % in Q4 2000. WEB.DE AG thus was able to substantially reduce its dependence on banner business. The net loss Q1 2001 was reduced to EURO -9.0 mln. (Q4 2000: EURO-13.7 mln.). The major determinants were the expenditure for
the acquisition of new customers (EURO 5.5 mln.) and for research and development (EURO 3.0 mln.). In light of the outstanding success, these investments have proven to be worthwile. They safeguard the role as a leader in innovation and, via the increasing attractiveness of the services on offer, led to a rise in the numbers of WEB.DE users registered by name to 4.4 mln. as at 31 March 2001 (Q4 2000: 3.0 mln (+40%); Q1 2000: 0.9 mln. (+389 %)). As #3 among the German portals in terms of market reach, WEB.DE now ranks ahead of Lycos.de, MSN.de or Freenet.de and continues to be the leader in terms of customer loyalty and usage intensity. WEB.DE AGs position in cash and cash equivalents as of 31 March 2001 amount to EURO 154 mln.
The Executive Board reaffirms the forecast issued as at the IPO in February 2000, stating that the break-even point will be reached by the end of 2002.
Contact: WEB.DE AG, Richard Berg, Investor Relations tel. +49721-94 329 0, fax. +49 721-94 329 22, E-Mail:investor.relations@webde-ag.de webde-ag.de
end of ad hoc announcement, © DGAP 26.04.2001
WKN: 529 650; Index: Listed: Neuer Markt Frankfurt, Freiverkehr
Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München und
26. April 2001, 08:18
WEB.DE AG english
Ad hoc announcement transmitted by DGAP. The issuer has the sole responsibility of this announcement.
-Sales in Q1 2001 amount to 3.3 mln EURO -Net loss of EURO-9.0 mln. decreased compared to Q4 2000. Still dominated by significant investments in customer acquisition and technology-Now # 3 amongst the German in terms of market reach-Break-even confirmed for end of 2002
WEB.DE AG generated sales revenue to the tune of EURO 3.3mln. in the first quarter of 2001. This represents an increase of 116 % against the same period in 2000. Sales revenue increased by 11 % compared to Q4 2000. The eCommerce area grew by 259 % to EURO 2.4 mln., thus giving eCommerce a 71 % share of group sales. On the reporting date, the share of traditional
banner advertising amounted to 29 % compared to 57 % in Q1 2000 and 49 % in Q4 2000. WEB.DE AG thus was able to substantially reduce its dependence on banner business. The net loss Q1 2001 was reduced to EURO -9.0 mln. (Q4 2000: EURO-13.7 mln.). The major determinants were the expenditure for
the acquisition of new customers (EURO 5.5 mln.) and for research and development (EURO 3.0 mln.). In light of the outstanding success, these investments have proven to be worthwile. They safeguard the role as a leader in innovation and, via the increasing attractiveness of the services on offer, led to a rise in the numbers of WEB.DE users registered by name to 4.4 mln. as at 31 March 2001 (Q4 2000: 3.0 mln (+40%); Q1 2000: 0.9 mln. (+389 %)). As #3 among the German portals in terms of market reach, WEB.DE now ranks ahead of Lycos.de, MSN.de or Freenet.de and continues to be the leader in terms of customer loyalty and usage intensity. WEB.DE AGs position in cash and cash equivalents as of 31 March 2001 amount to EURO 154 mln.
The Executive Board reaffirms the forecast issued as at the IPO in February 2000, stating that the break-even point will be reached by the end of 2002.
Contact: WEB.DE AG, Richard Berg, Investor Relations tel. +49721-94 329 0, fax. +49 721-94 329 22, E-Mail:investor.relations@webde-ag.de webde-ag.de
end of ad hoc announcement, © DGAP 26.04.2001
WKN: 529 650; Index: Listed: Neuer Markt Frankfurt, Freiverkehr
Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München und
26. April 2001, 08:18