Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes

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STEELCLOUD INC kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes

06.06.02 00:18
Stahlaktien rennen verdammt gut in letzter Zeit. Die amerikanischen Stahlaktien
werden von Schutzzöllen beflügelt, die deutschen Stahlkocher wie Thyssen und Salzgitter sind für ein Langfristdepot mit bescheidenen Performancevorstellungen auch vielversprechend, zumal Stahl als Werkstoff für den Automobilbau unglaubliche Fortschritte gegenüber Aluminium gemacht hat.
Der Chart von Thyssen-Krupp im DAX ist ganz ordentlich:

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes" style="max-width:560px" >

Ein Beispiel aus den USA, Steel Dynamics:

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes" style="max-width:560px" >

Ein Beispiel aus Japan, Kawasaki Steel:

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes" style="max-width:560px" >

Ist zwar nicht so spektakulär, aber immerhin besser als manch anderes.


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Keine Stahlaktie, trotzdem megageil: Steelcloud

06.06.02 00:29
Steelcloud ist ein neuer aufgehender Star an der Nasdaq. Jede Wette, das
hier sehr schnell viel Geld zu verdienen ist, angesichts dieses Charts, derzeitiger Kurs 3,30 Dollar. Die Homepage hab ich mir angesehen, gefällt mir sehr gut.

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes!b200][vc60][iub14!la12,26,9]" style="max-width:560px" >

Novamerican Steel , gestern wieder 17% druff

06.06.02 11:47
Novamerican Steel ist auch ein Stahlflyer.
Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes" style="max-width:560px" >

Thyssen-Krupp auf kaufen hochgestuft.

06.06.02 17:30
Minimales Risiko, kleine Gewinne garantiert mit Stahlaktien.
Und Salzgitter AG bricht nach oben aus.
Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes" style="max-width:560px" >

Zum Schluss meines kleinen Exkurses das Chartbild des amerikanischen Stahlindex.

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes!b200][vc60][iub14!la12,26,9]" style="max-width:560px" >


Steeltechnologies STTX

21.06.02 00:03
Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes,W" style="max-width:560px" >

Schnitzer Steel

04.07.02 16:05
Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes,D" style="max-width:560px" >
Stox Dude:

Steelcloud bei $2,06 !!!

04.07.02 16:30
Novamerican bei $ 7,75

Soll man zu den derzeitigen Kursen einsteigen ?

An Eskimato

04.07.02 16:42
Eine Frage und eine Anregung

Du schreibst, daß Stahl im Automobilbau Fortschritte gegenüber Aluminium macht.
Nach meinen Informationen geht der Trend zu mehr Gewichtsanteilen Aluminium.
Oder meinst Du die Fertigungsqualität?

Daß Deine Investmentstrategie Erfolg hat, will ich nicht bezweifeln, für eine Nachahmung bin ich momentan noch zu pessimistisch.
Aber ich denke, daß es bei Deinen Empfehlungen von Vorteil wäre, wenn diese einige Fundamentaldaten zum jeweiligen Unternehmen enthielten.
Oder handelst Du ausschließlich nach Charts?


TONS meiden, keine Umsätze.

04.07.02 18:18
Steelcloud auch, ist keine Stahlaktie, hab ich auch am 06.06. der Fairness halber geschrieben.

Depothalbierer, ich will nicht meine Börsentheorie hier verbreiten, aber das
ich hauptsächlich auf Aktien schiele, die auf ATH stehen, ist Dir doch
Und dafür sind Charts  unerlässlich, wenn mir ein Unternehmen auffällt, schaue
ich mir die Homepage an, versuche veröffentlichte Zahlen zu erhalten, das
reicht. Am liebsten ist mir, wenn ich keine Analystenkommentare finden
Vielleicht treffen wir uns mal irgendwo bei einem Bierchen, da könnte wir
in Ruhe plaudern.

Ich habe jetzt CRAY neu gekauft, ist eine der wenigen Aktien, die am Wochenende
mit ATH aus dem Markt gegangen sind. Mal sehen obs richtig war.
Die Story mit ihren Supercomputern kann man bequem im Internet recherchieren.

Vor 14 Tagen habe ich ECOL gekauft, waren auf ATH, haben gute Zahlen vorgelegt
und sind das einzige Unternehmen, welches mir bekannt ist, das schwach radioaktive Abfälle beseitigt und damit Geld verdient.
Irgendein Unternehmen muss diesen Dreck ja beseitigen.

Mit meinen Headwaters bin ich auch zufrieden, die hab ich zu 12,70 eingesammelt
und das hier veröffentlicht. Die veröffentlichten Zahlen und deren Projekte
kann nun auch wirklich jeder einsehen.

Und für Stox D.:
Gute Einstiegskurse sehe ich derzeit bei RYAN.NAS, URBN.NAS, AXM.ASE, PETM.NAS, STTX kann man glaube ich zu jedem Kurs kaufen, RFMD.NAS als bekanntere könnte vor ner kräftigen Erholung stehen,  Southafrican Breweries 861038 für 7,5 ist auch o.k. etc. etc.

Gibraltar Steel, eine geht noch.

13.07.02 02:37
Ich kleine Nervensäge hol noch ne Stahlaktie raus.

Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes,D" style="max-width:560px" >

Na geht doch doch mit SCLD.

17.06.03 05:12
Die Quartalszahlen vom 11.06. haben geholfen.

Gruss E."

Schnitzer Steel. das Gold des kleinen Mannes,

24.06.03 23:26
Hab ich am 04.07.02 das letzte Mal geschrieben, egal.

Gruss E."

SCLD mit neuem ATH.

11.08.03 17:43
Gruss E.

SteelCloud Signs Channel Partners for its New Security Appliances Major Resellers Focused on Network Security Solutions Throughout the USA  

DULLES, Va., Aug 6, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- SteelCloud Inc.
(Nasdaq: SCLD) today announced it has signed agreements with three leading
Channel Partner organizations to resell the company's new line of network
security appliances. The partners are the first in the company's strategy of
establishing major resellers throughout the world. Each Channel Partner will
market, sell, deliver and install SteelCloud's hardened security appliances
which have been optimized for Computer Associates International, Inc.'s globally
acclaimed eTrust(TM) family of Security Solutions.

   * Technisource of Fort Lauderdale, FL, operates as the Systems and

     Solutions Division of Modcomp, Inc., a subsidiary of CSP Inc.

     (Nasdaq: CSPI).  Technisource is a reseller of software and hardware

     products for IT infrastructure requirements and provides professional

     services related to systems integration.  For more information go to

   * Track Computer Center of Oakland, CA, provides exemplary information

     technology services and products to its Bay Area and to Fortune 500

     customers throughout the US.  The company's emphasis is on customer

     service and technical excellence.  For more information go to

   * ADI Computer Solutions of Phoenix, AZ provides organizations with

     enterprise management and security solutions that focus on mitigating

     the risks associated with data availability, integrity, and

     confidentiality so that the organization can concentrate on maximizing

     profits.  For more information go to

"Gaining market share and growing sales involves a lot more than just having a
great product," said Brian Hajost, SteelCloud executive vice president. "It also
takes memorable marketing, targeted selling, responsive support and great
timing. And in this day and age, the best way to accomplish this is by
establishing partnerships with companies like Track Computer, ADI and
Technisource. These world-class resellers have allowed us to gain immediate
exposure and sales presence in major accounts throughout the USA."

SteelCloud's Value Added Reseller Program is for enterprise-class resellers of
network security solutions. SteelCloud products provide resellers with superior
technical solutions that fulfill the ever-increasing demands from businesses and
public organizations for secure, ready-to-deploy antivirus gateway protection,
intrusion detection systems and for content management security appliances.

About SteelCloud

SteelCloud is a leading provider of network security appliances and consulting
solutions. The company develops security solutions with some of the world's
premiere software and technology companies. With a 16-year history of delivering
complex server solutions to major corporate and public sector enterprises, the
company has won numerous awards for technical excellence and customer services.
SteelCloud's comprehensive engineering, product development, and support
infrastructure provides a unique capability for rapidly developing cost
effective, high performance, hardened network appliances that are marketed
through enterprise-class channel partner organizations throughout the world.
SteelCloud can be reached at 703-450-0400. Additional information is available
at Email:

eTrust is a registered trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. All
other trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong
to their respective companies.

"Safe Harbor" statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995: Except for historical information, all of the statements, expectations and
assumptions contained in the foregoing are forward-looking statements that
involve a number of risks and uncertainties. It is possible that the assumptions
made by management are not necessarily the most likely and may not materialize.
In addition, other important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially include the following: business conditions and the amount of growth
in the computer industry and general economy; competitive factors; ability to
attract and retain personnel, including key sales and management personnel; the
price of the Company's stock; and the risk factors set forth from time to time
in the Company's SEC reports, including but not limited to its annual report on
Form 10-K and its quarterly reports on Forms 10-Q; and any reports on Form 8K.
SteelCloud takes no obligation to update or correct forward-looking statements.

SOURCE SteelCloud Inc.


GibraltarSteel beats the street.

13.08.03 01:17
Gruss E.

Buffalo, N.Y.-Based Steel Firm Posts Record Sales, Profit in Quarter  

Aug 12, 2003 (The Buffalo News - Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News via
COMTEX) -- Gibraltar Steel Corp.'s ongoing buying spree helped it set records in
the second quarter.

The Hamburg-based steel processor reported its best-ever quarter for sales and
profits, bolstered by two recent acquisitions.

Gibraltar recorded profits of $8.3 million, up nearly 4 percent from a year ago.
Sales climbed about 19 percent from last year, to $203.4 million.

Gibraltar bought California-based Construction Metals in April and Texas-based
Air Vent in May. Combined, they are expected to add $100 million this year to
Gibraltar's annual sales.

More immediately, those companies' sales helped Gibraltar offset a slow quarter
in the automotive industry, a key source of business.

Gibraltar's earnings per share increased to 51 cents from 49 cents a year
earlier, and beat the 49 cents per share expected by analysts surveyed by
Thomson Financial/First Call. This was also the first time that Gibraltar's
quarterly sales topped $200 million.

Brian Lipke, Gibraltar's chairman and chief executive officer, said he is upbeat
about Gibraltar's prospects for the rest of 2003. He said he expects Gibraltar's
third quarter sales and profits to increase over a year earlier, for the sixth
consecutive time.

"We believe that we're well positioned to generate record sales and earnings in
2003, even as the economy continues to struggle," he said.

All three of Gibraltar's business segments -- processed steel, building products
and heat treating -- are operating below peak levels, meaning they can handle
increased customer demand without requiring significant capital investments, he

"There are a wide range of opportunities, through internal growth and strategic
acquisitions, to continue to grow and improve the operating performance of every
part of our company," he said.

By Matt Glynn

To see more of The Buffalo News, N.Y., or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to

(c) 2003, The Buffalo News, N.Y. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business


patzi, Eski schreibt über Steeelcloud schon

20.08.03 23:55
ne halbe Ewigkeit, schön dass Du auch dabei bist.

Gruss E.

Is ja witzig

30.08.03 14:32
Ich glaub, langsam hab ich raus, wie man die dicken Fische findet, SCLD hab ich nämlich mal unabhängig von dir entdeckt. Aber mit den Berichten haperts noch, die les ich mir kaum durch. Find ich auch schön, dass ich dabei bin. :-)


Auch Stahl werden wir besprechen.

24.12.03 00:34
So unbekannt ist das Theama nicht, SCHN lässt grüssen.

Gruss E.

Ach Mensch!

24.12.03 01:00
Immer und immer wieder - ich mach einen Vorschlag, Eski hat ihn schon ein halbes Jahr früher gemacht! Aber ich bin fleißig, ich arbeite auf. Irgendwann, so in 2o Jahren oder so, werde ich dann besser sein als du, Eski. ;-)

Naja, bei Stahl erstell ich mir gerade eine Peerübersicht.


Lieber Patzi, das glaube ich auch.

24.12.03 01:15
Die Philosophie passt. Schau mal in mein Posting Nr.9 aus diesem Thread, meine Philosophie hab ich dort vorgestellt. Da findest Du auch ein Statement zu ECOL, einer von vielen Werten, den ich seit sehr sehr vielen Monaten beobachte.
Deshalb mein Einwurf zur "zweiten Welle" im Depotwettbewerb. Wenn wir es nicht hinbekommen....
Morgen früh gehts in die Kirche, jetzt ist Feierabend hier.

Gruss E.

Novamerican Steel hat diese Woche Zahlen gebracht.

09.01.04 06:32
Gruss E."

Novamerican Reports Record Profit In Fourth Quarter 2003  
- CCNMatthews

 15.11  -0.99

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Jan 7, 2004 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) -- Novamerican Steel Inc. (TONS) announced today its financial results for the fourth quarter and the fiscal year ended November 29, 2003. This was the 24th consecutive profitable quarter for the Company. (All amounts are in U.S. dollars).

(in thousands of U.S. dollars, except per share and tons data)

                                     QUARTER ENDED
                               November    November
                               29, 2003    30, 2002     Change
Net sales                       $140,833    $121,880    $18,953     15.6%
Gross margin                       24.0%       24.5%      -0.5%     -2.0%
Net income                        $7,473      $7,265       $208      2.9%
Net income per share               $0.77       $0.75      $0.02      2.7%

Tons sold                        238,013     209,473     28,540     13.6%
Tons processed                   216,281     224,158    (7,877)     -3.5%
                                454,294     433,631     20,663      4.8%

                                        YEAR ENDED
                               November    November
                               29, 2003    30, 2002     Change
                             (52 weeks) (53 weeks)

Net sales                       $507,067    $465,501    $41,566      8.9%
Gross margin                       21.0%       24.6%      -3.6%    -14.6%
Net income                       $13,081     $20,118   ($7,037)    -35.0%
Net income per share               $1.35       $2.07    ($0.72)    -34.8%

Tons sold                        870,250     866,632      3,618      0.4%
Tons processed                   794,011     737,198     56,813      7.7%
                              1,664,261   1,603,830     60,431      3.8%


Sales for the fourth quarter increased by $19.0 million, or 15.6%, to $140.8 million from $121.9 million for the same period in 2002.

Sales for the year ended November 29, 2003 (52 weeks) increased by $41.6 million, or 8.9%, to $507.1 million from $465.5 million for the same period in 2002 (53 weeks).

Tons sold and processed in the fourth quarter of 2003 increased by 20,663 tons, or 4.8%, to 454,294 tons from 433,631 tons in the fourth quarter of 2002.

Tons sold and processed for the year ended November 29, 2003 increased by 60,431 tons, or 3.8%, to 1,664,261 tons from 1,603,830 tons for the same period in 2002.

The gross margin for the fourth quarter 2003 decreased to 24.0% from 24.5% for the same period in 2002.

The gross margin for the year ended November 29, 2003 decreased to 21.0% from 24.6% for the same period in 2002.

Net income for the fourth quarter increased by $0.2 million, or 2.9%, to $7.5 million, or $0.77 per share, versus $7.3 million, or $0.75 per share, for the same period in 2002.

Net income for the year ended November 29, 2003 decreased by $7.0 million, or 35.0%, to $13.1 million, or $1.35 per share, versus $20.1 million, or $2.07 per share for the same period in 2002.


The year 2003 was highlighted by record sales, tons sold and tons processed. All operations reported a strong fourth quarter as demand in the North American economy continued to improve. The Company attributes these results to continued successful expansion and diversification into new products and new geographical and industrial markets.


The Company is expecting continued strong demand through the first six months of 2004. Many customers are reporting healthy backlogs heading into 2004. Steel consuming industries such as energy, agriculture, mining, shipbuilding, automotive and construction are forecasting improved conditions to start the new year.

Management believes that steel prices are likely to increase as the supply/demand balance shifts toward greater demand and that imports are not likely to impact the North American market significantly in the near term.


Novamerican Steel Inc., based in Montreal, Canada with thirteen operating locations in Canada and eleven operating locations in the United States, processes and distributes carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum products, including carbon steel tubing for structural and automotive markets.


Except for historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this press release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, product demand, competition, regulatory approvals, the effect of economic conditions and technological difficulties and other risks detailed in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Conference call: Wednesday January 7, 2004 at 12:30 p.m. Please call 514-368-6455 for details.

Novamerican Steel Inc. - Consolidated Financial Statements

(in accordance with U.S. GAAP, in thousands of U.S.
dollars, except per share and tons data)

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  6 $$Steelcloud morgen in DER AKTIONÄR$$ TheInvestmentban. TheInvestmentban. 17.04.07 18:18
  19 Stahl, das Gold des kleinen Mannes Eskimato Eskimato 09.01.04 06:32
