$$ Park City unmittelbar vor Neubewertung ? $$

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PARK CITY GRP. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

$$ Park City unmittelbar vor Neubewertung ? $$

31.07.06 06:21
Firmen-HP: www.parkcitygroup.com
WKN: 925919
US-Kürzel: PKCY
Handelbar in USA, Berlin und Frankfurt

Totalverlust möglich. Dies stellt keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar, sondern spiegelt nur meine Meinung wieder. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko.

Park City Group, eine amerikanischer Softwareschmiede, könnte unmittelbar vor eine absoluten Neubewertung stehen!

Warum? Park City Group selbst gab eine PR heraus, die darauf schliessen lässt!

Mit der Meldung Park City Group Previews Strong Full Year Results erfreute man die PKCY-Anleger am Freitag.

Konkrete Zahlen nannte man NOCH nicht. Das fiskale Jahr 2006 endete erst GESTERN!

Die Zahlen des letzten Quartals (drittes Quartal des fiskalen Jahres) zeigten bereits ein extremes Wachstum :

* Year-over-Year Revenues Increase 70%
* Nine-Month Revenues Increase 126%
* 9 Month Profit $1.4 Million Vs. $2.2 Million Loss
* Software license revenues increased 283%
* 9 month software license revenues increase 657%
* ASP revenues increased 68%
* Consulting revenues increased 122%
* Total liabilities have been reduced by $4.9 million or 56% since June 30 2005.
* 9 months profit of $1.4 million vs. a loss of $2.3 million.


Dieses Wachstum wird jetzt wahrscheinlich sogar noch getoppt!

Randy Fields, CEO von Park City Group selbst sprach von hoher Profitabilität! ...We finished the year very profitably and continue to gain traction in all our key markets...

Auch spricht man von starkem Revenue-Wachstum ...The Company expects to report strong growth in both revenue and net income, and significant improvement over fiscal year 2005 results...

Wie bereits erwähnt wurden noch keine konkreten Zahlen vermeldet. Noch nicht! Aber das kann sich sehr bald ändern...
$$ Park City unmittelbar vor Neubewertung ? $$ 48983
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Kurs USA USD3.15

11.08.06 17:46

Woher ist der kurs wie ist der neue Name

11.08.06 17:49
wieviel Prozent plus sind das Danke im voraus Carpman

mfg gs


11.08.06 17:50
Ist unverändert: USD0.063x 50 = USD3.15.

Park City Group Announced New Ticker Symbol - PCYG.OB

PARK CITY, Utah, Aug 10, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Park City Group, Inc. (OTCBB: PKCY) today announced that effective Friday, August 11, 2006, the Company will begin trading under the new ticker symbol (OTCBB: PCYG) This ticker symbol was changed by Nasdaq due to the required change of the Company's common stock CUSIP number following the recently announced reverse split, also effective August 11, 2006.

The new CUSIP number for Park City Group's common stock will be 700215304. Shareholders, if they so desire, may exchange their current stock certificates for newly issued shares reflecting the symbol change, new CUSIP number and the post-split adjusted number of shares, but are not required or obligated to do so. Shareholders wishing to exchange their shares should contact the transfer agent who may be reached at: Liberty Transfer Co., 274B New York Ave., Huntington, NY 11743, 631-385-1616.

Commenting on the split, Randall K. Fields, CEO of Park City Group said, "We believe this change in our capitalization makes us significantly more attractive to new retail and institutional investors and is one additional step towards a national exchange listing. As we continue to execute our business plan, we expect that the Park City Group investment case will continue to offer investors a compelling way to participate in the growth of our company."

About Park City Group

Park City Group, Inc. develops and markets patented computer software that helps its retail customers to increase their sales while reducing their inventory and labor costs: the two largest, controllable expenses in the retail industry. The technology has its genesis in the operations of Mrs. Fields Cookies, co-founded by Randy Fields, CEO of Park City Group, Inc. Industry leading customers such as The Home Depot, Victoria's Secret, The Limited, Anheuser Busch Entertainment and Tesco Lotus benefit from our software. To find out more about Park City Group (OTCBB: PKCY) visit our website at www.parkcitygroup.com.

Statements in this press release that relate to Park City Group's future plans, objectives, expectations, performance, events and the like are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Future events, risks and uncertainties, individually or in the aggregate, could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these statements. Those factors could include changes in economic conditions that may change demand for the Company's products and services and other factors discussed in the "forward-looking information" section and the "risk factor" section of the management's discussion and analysis included in the Company's report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2003 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This release is comprised of interrelated information that must be interpreted in the context of all of the information provided and care should be exercised not to consider portions of this release out of context. Park City Group uses paid services of investor relations organizations to promote the Company to the investment community. Investments in any company should be considered speculative and prior to acquisition, should be thoroughly researched. Park City Group does not intend to update these forward-looking statements prior to announcement of quarterly or annual results.

SOURCE: Park City Group, Inc.

Cameron Associates John McNamara, 212-245-8800 Ext. 205 john@cameronassoc.com

Copyright Business Wire 2006


wooooooooooooooooooooooow schaut mal

11.08.06 17:59
Letzter Kurs:5,00 $
Veränderung:Up #008800">4,94 (7.836,48%)
Letzt. Schlußk:0,06

gaaanz ruhig...

11.08.06 18:00
der Startkurs sind 3,15 und nicht 0,06!

ok ok aber von 3,15 auf 5 Eus ist doch auch nicht

11.08.06 18:04

100 gehandelte Aktien!*lach*

11.08.06 18:05
man wird sehen, ob das besonders aussagekräftig ist...tendenziell eher nicht!;-)

RT USD3.00.

11.08.06 18:07

RT USD3.90

11.08.06 18:56
aber kaum Umsatz.

Also ich glaube das ist der erste Split vor dem

12.08.06 10:54
ich keine Angst habe.

Schaut mal die Insiderkäufe an. Die wären schön blöd ihr eigenes Geld kaputtzumachen



12.08.06 11:01
Die großen Pakete sind aber alles "planned sales" (=geplante Verkäufe).

Na gut.

12.08.06 11:04
Ein guter Herr hat zwischendurch mal eben etwas mehr als 66.000.000 Aktien gekauft!*lach*

@ Calibra

12.08.06 19:55
In welche Regionen könnte es denn gehen, was ist so deine persönliche (unverbindliche)EInschätzung?

Je nachdem wie die Zahlen ausfallen

12.08.06 20:04
Nun ist mein persönliches KZ 10 Dollar.

Mal gespannt wo es heute hingeht...

14.08.06 08:30
Wann kommen die Zahlen?

Wird die Aktien in Deutschland nicht mehr...

14.08.06 09:52
gehandelt? Kein Umsatz und bisher auch keine Kursumstellung in Deutschland... Kommt das noch? Weis jemand mehr?

Weis niemand näheres? o. T.

14.08.06 11:25

Was ist hier los?

15.08.06 09:36
Wieso kein Handel in den USA? Wieso ist in Deutschland der Kurs noch nicht umgestellt?
Gibt es ne neue WKN?

Die neuen Aktien bekommen wir erst noch

15.08.06 09:37
Das kann bis zu 2 Wochen dauern.  


15.08.06 19:18
warum wird es nicht in USA gehandeltoder seche ich das FALSCH

doch, es wird gehandelt!

15.08.06 19:31
momentan bei 3$....us kürzel ist pcyg!


15.08.06 21:48
CORRECTING and REPLACING Park City Group Signs New Software and Services Agreements with Tesco Lotus

PARK CITY, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 15, 2006--

Reissuing release to correct ticker symbol for searching purposes.


Park City Group, Inc. (OTCBB: PCYG) today announced that it has expanded its already robust relationship with Tesco Lotus, the leading consumer goods retailer in Thailand. Built off the success of its Production Planning project, this new agreement adds expanded consulting services through Park City Group's Professional Services Division and broadens the use of Park City Group's technology to include Labor Scheduler, Category Management, Profit Optimization, and Computer Assisted Ordering tools.

These new tools will allow Tesco Lotus to improve field ownership of their production plans and expand their assortment plan execution on a store-by-store basis. Additionally, Computer Assisted Ordering will help Tesco Lotus manage the availability of raw materials in support of their merchandising plans. For store managers, Park City Group's Labor Scheduling tools will optimize the allocation of labor resources thereby improving customer service and sales opportunities.

Tesco Lotus also contracted with Park City Group for Professional Services which includes category management and labor utilization analysis, operational performance analysis, and profit optimization recommendations. This contract will extend over the coming year.

Tesco Lotus is a division of the British company Tesco Stores plc. Tesco Lotus has 219 stores trading across four formats, including 139 Express stores, 14 Value stores and ten new supermarkets in Thailand.

Speaking of the agreement, Randall K. Fields, Park City Group's Chairman and Chief Executive, said, "Our rapid expansion with top-tier retailers like Tesco Lotus validates our service and technology offerings. We are experiencing widespread acceptance of our technology by innovative retailers who see the need to stay ahead of increasing competition. Our technology is unparalleled in its capacity to drive true retail profitability, and Tesco Lotus is one of the best known names in the retail business. We are proud to be associated with them and their commitment to freshness, quality, and service for their customers."

About Tesco

Tesco is the UK's largest retailer and one of the world's leading international retailers. The Tesco group had a turnover of GBP 41.8bn with pre-tax profits of GBP 2.2bn in the year to February 2006. Tesco operates over 2,670 stores employing over 370,000 people. Outside the UK, the Tesco group operates in 11 countries across Europe and Asia. In Europe Tesco operates 363 stores and has over 68,000 employees in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Poland, Slovakia and Turkey.

In Asia Tesco operates 444 stores and employs over 56,000 people in China, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand.

Wherever Tesco operates it has one Core Purpose - to "Create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty."

About Park City Group

Park City Group, Inc. develops and markets patented computer software that helps its retail customers to increase their sales while reducing their inventory and labor costs: the two largest controllable expenses in the retail industry. The technology has its genesis in the operations of Mrs. Fields Cookies, co-founded by Randy Fields, CEO of Park City Group, Inc. Industry leading customers such as The Home Depot, Victoria's Secret, The Limited, Anheuser Busch Entertainment and Tesco Lotus benefit from our software. To find out more about Park City Group (OTCBB: PCYG) visit our website at www.parkcitygroup.com.

Statements in this press release that relate to Park City Group's future plans, objectives, expectations, performance, events and the like are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Future events, risks and uncertainties, individually or in the aggregate, could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these statements. Those factors could include changes in economic conditions that may change demand for the Company's products and services and other factors discussed in the "forward-looking information" section and the "risk factor" section of the management's discussion and analysis included in the Company's report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2003 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This release is comprised of interrelated information that must be interpreted in the context of all of the information provided and care should be exercised not to consider portions of this release out of context. Park City Group uses paid services of investor relations organizations to promote the Company to the investment community. Investments in any company should be considered speculative and prior to acquisition, should be thoroughly researched. Park City Group does not intend to update these forward-looking statements prior to announcement of quarterly or annual results.

Source: Park City Group


29.09.06 14:04
Netter kleiner Aufwärtstrend die letzten zwei Tage...

weiß jemand was näheres?


Einfach Klasse wie sich die Zahlen entwickeln:

30.09.06 08:08

Revenues Increase 95% Net Income Reaches $1.4 Million

...täglich ein netter kleiner Anstieg! o. T.

17.10.06 18:26
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4 73 $$ Park City unmittelbar vor Neubewertung ? $$ Calibra21 shallow 17.10.06 18:26
3 59 $$ Park City startet $$ Calibra21 Calibra21 18.06.06 09:19
    Park City Group - lt. Swiss Financial 170% Börsenfan   22.04.04 14:45
