ORACLE ENERGY Jetzt einsteigen

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Zugriffe: 4.387 / Heute: 2
Oracle Energy 0,036 € +0,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -100,00%

ORACLE ENERGY Jetzt einsteigen

09.12.06 18:02
Oracle Energy Corp. ist ein internationals Öl- und Gasunternehmen mit Beteiligungen in Jemen, Rumänien, Italien und Peru. Das Management akquiriert aktiv weitere Öl- und Gasprojekte weltweit, um diese dem breitgefächerten Portfolio von Oracle zuzufügen. Oracle Energy ist finanziell gut ausgestattet und verfügt über etwa CAD 2,4 Mio. um diese in potenziell neue Akquisitionen zu investieren.

Share Structure:
Authorized                  -      Unlimited
Issued and outstanding      -     36,193,330
@ $0.60 per share until
 October 14, 2007          -      2,365,000
@ $0.10 per share until              535,000
January 18, 2010
@ $0.12 per share until              472,000
July 11, 2007
@ $0.60 per share until
November 17, 2007                    450,000
@ $0.22 per share until
January 10, 2008                   1,145,000
@ $0.63 until April 4. 2008     200,000
@ $0.27 until July 13, 2008          500,000
Fully diluted                     41,860,330


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Gute Chance KZ 17$

09.12.06 18:05
Wegen einer "Missglückten" Bohrung ist der Einstieg jetzt besonders gut/günstig!

18. November, Oracle Energy Corp. (the 'Company'), (O2E-Frankfurt; OCL-TSX.V) wurde vom Projektbetreiber Yemen Mayfiar Petroleum Corp. darüber informiert, dass die Fatima-1 Quelle, Block 22 in Jemen bis auf eine totale Tiefe von 2359 Metern gebohrt wurde. Nach Testläufen wurde die Quelle am 18. November 2006 versiegelt und aufgegeben.

Und so sieht Block 22 aus:
ORACLE ENERGY Jetzt einsteigen 70744


09.12.06 18:07
Der Chart sagt mehr als tausend Worte:
(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
ORACLE ENERGY Jetzt einsteigen 70746

Alle Projekte im Überblick

09.12.06 18:23
Large reserve potential

Principals of Mayfair Petroleum (project operator) instrumental in billion-barrel Hunt discovery, Marib basin. First giant oil field discovery in Yemen

Over US$20 million spent on Block 22 by Mayfair and its partners.

Initial tests on first workover well in the Nadlac field indicated gas and fluid produced at the following rates: 27/64-inch choke: 1,230 mcfd and 23 bcd (barrels of condensate per day) and 15/64-inch choke: 673 mcfd and 10 bcd. Hook-up to pipeline pending.

Also at Nadlac, a 70 foot thick oil zone has been identified. Geological data indicates the oil zone may be field wide encompassing 860 acres and could contain significant recoverable commercial oil reserves.

Next workover at Nadlac will include running a Schlumberger RST Log to further evaluate the oil and gas zones behind pipe in the wellbore.

Trailer-mounted 3500 Wilson drilling rig (capable of drilling 5000 feet) purchased by operator Carpathian Energy scheduled to land in Romania and to be mobilized first to the Cozieni field to drill 2 new gas wells and then to the Bordei Verde Vest oil field to drill 14 new wells in 2007.

The 358 km² onshore Fiume Arrone Permit, is along the coast of Italy to the west of Rome. It contains the Roma 1 and Roma 2 wells drilled in 1955 the latter of which was reported to have had shows of gas. The first well, planned to be 950m deep, will target a gas prospect identified from seismic.

Drilling to commence shortly.

Oracle acquired a 15% interest in the Evaluation and Promotional Agreement [ EAP ] for Area XIII in Peru. It comprises 500,000 hectares within the Maranon Basin. Fugro Robertson International Ltd, one of the worlds largest and most reputable upstream oil and gas consultancies, calculated that the volume of oil capable of being generated in the Maronon Basin from its three main source rocks totals 137 billion barrels

Oracle Energy

10.12.06 20:38
Was anfangs als kleiner Zock begonnen hat, entwickelt sich als ernsthaftes Invest! je mehr ich über ORACLE ENERGY lese desto besser gefällt mir das Teil! Ab morgen sind die 0,18€ Geschichte und es geht in die Gewinnzone! ABER ich bleibe hier mal länger dabei..


10.12.06 20:40
Siehe hier:

hallo petruss

10.12.06 20:56
warst du heute nicht auf einem seminar, oder ist das erst nächste woche??
hat limi es verpennt   *ggg

0,30$ +9,1%

14.12.06 22:36
Es geht aufwärts!

3 Threads petruss, da muss dat ja endlich...

14.12.06 23:30
seit 20. November zwischen .24 und .31, weniger als 2/3 vom 3m-Durchschnittsvolumen, jede Menge Papiere out of Space... Jetzt wirds aber wirklich Zeit !!


15.12.06 12:32
Über 100K im Bid in Can mache mir GAR keine Gedanken... Bin jetzt jedenfalls schon im Plus... Wie kommste auf 3 Threads?  

RT 0,197 Na endlich! o. T.

18.12.06 11:38

0,20€ Positive Entwicklung,

19.12.06 10:54
das freud mich!

2006-12-19 21:24 ET - News Release

20.12.06 11:06

Oracle picks up 12.5% of Texan oil and gas lease

2006-12-19 21:24 ET - News Release

Mr. Nasim Tyab reports


Oracle Energy Corp. has acquired from Pan American Production Ltd. a 12.5-per-cent interest in a 640-acre oil and gas lease situated in Zapata county, Texas. Pan American is the operating partner and now holds a 25-per-cent interest. There are three other partners holding the remaining interests. Re-entry operations are now under way on the Jonnell Zamora No. 1 well. Principal target zones are specifically the first and second Hinnant sand sections. Oracle has contributed $284,000 (U.S.), which will cover its portion of costs to well hookup.

The Jonnell Gas Company Zamora No. 1 was drilled in April, 1961, and was completed as a gas well from the first Hinnant sand. The top 10 feet of the first Hinnant sand was perforated, and flowed at rates up to four million cubic feet per day. The well was never commercially produced due to being a dry gas discovery, and no market existed in 1961 to transport dry gas. Pan American has leased the drill site and associated 640 acres and has re-entered the Zamora No. 1 well, with the objective of recompleting the well in the first and second Hinnant sand reservoirs. A finder's fee is payable on this transaction.

Fiume Arrone permit, Italy

The drilling of the Arrone-1 well in the Fiume Arrone exploration permit (Oracle 20 per cent) has been postponed and now may be drilled, contingent upon access to the drilling location, when the rig contracted by Ascent Resources (40 per cent) completes other work and returns to Italy from Spain.

We seek Safe Harbor.


20.12.06 14:24
Mal gucken ob Canada heute die Post abgeht.

2006-12-29 18:34 ET - News Release

30.12.06 14:45
Oracle walks away from 13 losing years on block 22

2006-12-29 18:34 ET - News Release

Mr. Nasim Tyab reports


Oracle Energy Corp. has been advised by Yemen Mayfair Petroleum Corp. (YMPC) that exploration activity on block 22, Yemen, shall cease effective Dec. 31, 2006, the expiry date of the production sharing agreement, in which Oracle holds a 15-per-cent participating interest.

Block 22 was awarded to YMPC in 1993. YMPC and its partners have spent in excess of $23-million (U.S.) on exploration programs to date, having drilled a total of five exploration wells, the last one of which was plugged and abandoned in November, 2006.  

petruss, kannst du noch kurz

30.12.06 15:16
die Quelle nennen, ich finde das nirgens.

Danke und Gruss




30.12.06 16:55


02.01.07 11:43
Habe mal paar Stk. auf den Markt geschmissen! :)


03.01.07 09:21
seit gestern komplett raus! Das dicke ASK in Canada gefällt mir gerade überhaupt nicht.
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