Nasdaq100: 10,62%!! Nennt man das Kaufrausch???

Beiträge: 2
Zugriffe: 1.845 / Heute: 1
Cisco Systems In. 63,40 $ -0,88%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +302,54%
NASDAQ 100 20.057,39 -2,76%
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1517,00%

Nasdaq100: 10,62%!! Nennt man das Kaufrausch???

09.05.02 02:43
Die Frühschicht ruft:Guten Morgen,Leute! Ganz schön verrückt,oder???
Ich sag mal zu früher Stunde:Prooouust!!!

It was a long time coming but tech stock investors finally had something to crow about. While all the major averages put together very impressive performances, the large cap tech dominated Nasdaq 100 topped them all with a gain of 10.6%. The Nasdaq Composite tacked on 7.7%. This was better than any of the post 9/11 recovery rallies and was the largest since April 18, 2001 when an advance of 8.1% was seen in the wake of a 50 bp ease by the Fed. The catalyst for the move was the better than expected earnings report from Cisco Systems (CSCO +24.3%) last night. The company beat the consensus estimate by $0.02 and while revenue was slightly below expectations, it came in with better than expected gross margins. The company is increasing its market share as its revenue growth rate was 2% while competitors revenue growth rate fell roughly 40%. This latter detail had little impact as strong gains today were seen in those stocks favorably impacted by an improvement in CSCO business as well as the competition. How much of an improvement is still open to debate, however, as Cisco's CEO said there are some tentative signs the tech economy is beginning to stir, but that it was too early to call a turnaround. The exceptionally strong reaction indicates that the deeply oversold technical condition (Nasdaq off 15% over last 3 weeks and down 25% off the Jan high) and short covering played an important role in the advance as did the fear of missing out on the spectacular rally. Volume was very strong as was the up volume/down volume ratio. While the A/D line for the NYSE was firmly bullish at 2 to 1, given the exceptionally strong percentage move, this is at least somewhat disconcerting. The Nasdaq A/D was only slightly better at 11 to 5. The Treasury market was hurt by out flows and heavy supply.DJTA +2.5%, DJUA +0.6%, DOT +11.3%, Nasdaq 100 +10.6%, Russell 2000 +2.1%, SOX +11.1%, S&P Midcap 400 +2.7%, XOI +1.7%, NYSE Adv/Dec 2021/1177, Nasdaq Adv/Dec 2465/1085

Ich finde es immer wieder lustig,

09.05.02 08:12
was die Zahlen eines einzelnen Unternehmens so alles bewirken können an der Börse. Die Frage ist wie es weiter geht. Wir hatten in den letzten 2 Wochen eine sehr schlechte Marktstimmung. Gestern kam dann die Gegenreaktion. Von langer dauer wird es nicht sein. Jedoch bin ich der Meinung das sich die Shorties noch eindecken müssen und wir daher in den nächsten Handelstagen noch weiter steigende Kurse sehen werden. Ein Zeichen dafür ist das der Future im nachbörslichen Handel kaum abgegeben und zunächst sogar noch zugelegt hat. Aber warten wir mal ab.

Gruß slash
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