- Domino has demonstrated continuity in both thickness and base metal enrichment over a 280 meter strike length. Domino is interpreted to be expanding in thickness and also in vertical extent to the east. Domino remains open to the east and to the west. These holes increase the potential of Domino to host a significant mineral resource, which is in addition to the adjacent Boomerang massive sulphide mineralization currently the subject of a mineral resource estimate being prepared by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc.
The drill program is testing for thickening of Domino zinc-lead-copper-silver-gold enriched massive sulphides observed previously in holes GA06-96 (10.58 m interval) and GA06-197 (23.65 m interval). Two new holes, GA07-206 and GA07-207, have intersected extended intervals of massive sulphides. These intersections confirm the continuity of a thickened part of Domino zinc-lead-copper-silver-gold mineralization over a strike length of 280 meters from 3650E to 3930E (see assay table below). This thickened subzone remains open to the east, has a flat or very shallow plunge, and is untested east of GA06-197 on section 3930E. The data also suggests that the thickened portion of Domino is expanding in vertical height to the east. Refer to the attached map "Boomerang-Domino Long Section - Diamond Drill Intersections also available on the Company's website at
www.messinaminerals.com/s/Boomerang.asp under the heading "Maps".
GA07-207 intersected 19.0 meters of massive sulphides assaying 9.1% zinc, 4.2% lead, 0.5% copper, 106 g/t silver, and 0.8 g/t gold. The intersection is located 40 m east of and 40 m below GA06-96 at -105 meter elevation ASL. The intersection is approximately 13 meters true thickness. A 3.2 meter subinterval from 570.0 to 573.2 meters assays 27.7% zinc, 12.4% lead, 1.0% copper, 308 g/t silver, and 1.4 g/t gold (41.1% combined base metals).
GA07-206 intersected 25.95 meters of massive sulphides assaying 6.2% zinc, 2.6% lead, 0.4% copper, 74 g/t silver, and 0.7 g/t gold. The intersection is approximately 18 meters true thickness. A 16.35 meter subinterval assays 8.7% zinc, 3.6% lead, 0.5% copper, 94 g/t silver and 0.9 g/t gold. The intersection is located 10 m west and 10 m above GA06-197 and 65 meters east from GA07-207 at -95 meter elevation ASL.
A summary of all Domino drill intercepts from 3650E (the western extent of thicker mineralization) to 3930E (the current eastern extent of thicker mineralization) is tabulated below.
Hole Section From (m) To (m) Interval Cu %
GA06-100 3650E 514.02 517.55 3.53 1.0
GA06-193 3700E 543.70 548.85 5.15 0.4
GA06-96 3725E 536.50 547.08 10.58 0.5
GA07-207 3760E 555.20 574.20 19.00 0.5
including 570.00 573.20 3.20 1.0
GA06-109 3800E 550.29 568.12 17.83 nsa
GA07-206 3815E 545.15 571.10 25.95 0.4
including 553.75 571.10 16.35 0.5
GA97-05 3820E 555.50 559.10 3.60 0.5
GA06-197 3825E 549.40 573.65 23.65 0.4
GA06-119 3930E 622.50 634.19 11.69 0.4
GA06-128 4025E 656.30 666.00 9.70 0.2
Pb % Zn % Ag g/t Au g/t ASL
Surface 410
GA06-100 8.7 23.8 267 1.3 -62
GA06-193 3.7 7.1 104 0.6 -65
GA06-96 5.5 7.3 128 1.0 -65
GA07-207 4.2 9.1 106 0.8 -105
including 12.4 27.7 308 1.4
GA06-109 nsa 1.6 8 nsa -75
GA07-206 2.6 6.2 74 0.7 -95
including 3.6 8.7 94 0.9
GA97-05 2.5 7.0 73 0.6 -115
GA06-197 3.0 6.6 82 0.7 -105
GA06-119 3.5 4.7 121 0.5 -136
GA06-128 1.0 1.8 57 0.3 -161
Specific gravity testing, rock quality determinations and photographic logging of all massive sulphide intersections are performed systematically by Messina staff prior to assaying. Assays are performed by Eastern Analytical Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland. Check assays and other lithogeochemical analyses are performed by Chemex Labs of North Vancouver, British Columbia. The Company is and will continue to use methodical and geoscientifically accepted procedures for assaying including quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC) including the use of duplicates and standards for all analytical testing.
Kerry Sparkes, Vice President Exploration of Messina Minerals Inc. is the Qualified Person responsible for exploration on the Company's properties in central Newfoundland and the person responsible for the technical data contained within this news release.
On behalf of the Board of Messina Minerals Inc.
Peter Tallman, President
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.
Peter Tallman
(604) 688-1508
(604) 601-8253 (FAX)
Email: info@messinaminerals.com
Website: www.messinaminerals.com