Vielleicht fällt dem ein oder anderen Techniker was dazu ein? Fundamental kann ich nicht viel zu sagen, ausser das die "Branche" den Umsatz jedes Jahr steigert... Und ihr ja offensichtlich die Entscheidungsgewalt im Formatestreit um die neue DVD-Technik zugeschrieben wird.
"Just as in the 1980s, when the Betamax and VHS video formats were battling it out for supremacy, the pornography industry will likely play a big role in determining which of the two blue-laser DVD formats — Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD — will be the winner in the battle to replace DVDs for high-definition content." (...)
"Just as in the 1980s, when the Betamax and VHS video formats were battling it out for supremacy, the pornography industry will likely play a big role in determining which of the two blue-laser DVD formats — Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD — will be the winner in the battle to replace DVDs for high-definition content." (...)