Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit!

Beiträge: 29
Zugriffe: 4.009 / Heute: 1

Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit!

15.12.04 16:45
Doktor Greenspan bereitet Finanzmärkte auf Zinsoperation vor
Kerninflationsrate steil angestiegen - Unternehmen erwirtschaften Gewinne wie seit 20 Jahren nicht mehr - Kritiker: Fed reagiert zu spät
von Peter Herkenhoff

New York -  Der Chef der amerikanischen Notenbank, Alan Greenspan, hat so deutlich wie seit mehreren Jahren nicht mehr von einer zunehmenden Gefahr für die Preisstabilität gewarnt. Während einer Konferenz in London, zu der Greenspan via Satellit zugeschaltet wurde, versicherte der 78-Jährige zugleich, dass die Notenbank in angemessener Weise auf die Inflationsgefahr reagieren werde. Sorge bereitet ihm die zuletzt gestiegene Kerninflationsrate, eine Kennziffer, die verzerrende Faktoren wie den Ölpreis von vornherein ausklammert. Lag sie im Dezember noch bei beruhigenden 1,1 Prozent, so ist sie im Juni auf 1,8 Prozent gestiegen. Dieser Wert ist zwar immer noch sehr niedrig, doch nun besteht die Gefahr, dass die Marktteilnehmer mit weiter steigenden Preisen rechnen. Im ungünstigsten Fall kann es auf einzelnen Märkten zu einem Ungleichgewicht kommen. Gewerkschaften könnten zum Beispiel versuchen, höhere Löhne durchzusetzen und damit die von Ökonomen gefürchtete Lohn-Preis-Spirale in Gang setzen.

Tatsächlich passt das aktuelle Zinsniveau von einem Prozent nicht zur wirtschaftlichen Lage in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Wirtschaft hat längst wieder an Fahrt gewonnen, die Unternehmen erwirtschaften so hohe Gewinne wie zuletzt vor 20 Jahren und seit Anfang des Jahres sind bereits 1,2 Mio. neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen worden. Der geldpolitische Ausschuss der Federal Reserve tagt das nächste Mal am 29./30. Juni. Es gilt als sicher, dass die Fed die Tagesgeldzinsen ("Fed Funds") um einen Viertelprozentpunkt auf dann immer noch rekordniedrige 1,25 Prozent anheben wird.

Zugleich deutete Greenspan in typisch verklausulierter Form an, dass die Notenbank nicht davor zurückschrecken werde, die Schraube notfalls auch kräftiger anzuziehen. Die Terminmärkte hätten höhere Zinsen bereits eingepreist, sagte Greenspan und versicherte zugleich, dass die Fed aus Fehlern der Vergangenheit gelernt habe. Ohne die Märkte ausreichend vorzubereiten, hatte die Notenbank die Zinsen 1994 innerhalb von zwölf Monaten um drei Prozentpunkte angehoben und den damaligen Aufschwung abgewürgt. Damals wie heute war es die längst totgeglaubte Inflation, die sich nach einer längeren Phase niedriger Zinsen wieder mit Macht zurückmeldete. "Im Gegensatz zu 1994 sind die Kapitalmarktzinsen in Erwartung einer restriktiven Geldpolitik bereits angestiegen", sagte "Mr. Greenspeak", konnte sich dabei aber einen Seitenhieb an die Finanzmärkte nicht verkneifen. "Die Geschichte lehrt, dass die Erwartungen der Investoren an die Wirkungen der Geldpolitik nicht gerade perfekt sind." Im Übrigen unterstreiche das zuletzt deutlich gestiegene Geldangebot, dass die Fed die Kapitalmärkte mit ausreichend "Liquidität" versorgt habe. Bei zahlreichen Investoren dürfte sein Abschluss-Satz für Hektik und Aufregung gesorgt haben. "Sollte sich unsere Einschätzung als falsch herausstellen, ist der geldpolitische Ausschuss jederzeit bereit, seinen Auftrag zu erfüllen und Preisstabilität bei gleichzeitig nachhaltigem Wirtschaftswachstum sicherzustellen". Im Klartext: Zinsschritte von 0,5 Prozentpunkten sind nicht ausgeschlossen.

Experten waren dennoch nicht überrascht. Citigroup-Volkswirt Robert DiClemente sagte, die Fed bereite die Märkte auf eine aggressivere Geldpolitik vor, akuten Handlungsbedarf gebe es zur Zeit aber nicht. Ausgewiesene Fed-Kritiker wie Morgan-Stanley-Chefvolkswirt Stephen Roach werfen Greenspan seit langem vor, die Notenbank habe zu zögerlich auf den Aufschwung reagiert und hinke der "Inflationskurve" deutlich hinterher.

Ruhe vorm sturm?


"Bullen - in Optimismus gefangen?"

15.12.04 19:00
von Klaus Singer

Keine Frage - der gestrige Tag war wiederum bullisch einzuschätzen. Neue Jahres-, bzw. zyklische Hochs waren die Folge.

Das US-Handelsdefizit ist im Oktober um 8,9 Prozent auf 55,5 Mrd. Dollar gestiegen. Beobachter hatten mit einem moderateren Anstieg auf 52,8 Mrd. Dollar gerechnet. Das ist neuer Negativ-Rekord nach minus 55,02 Mrd. Dollar im Juni. Den Dollar tangierte diese Meldung zunächst nicht.

Die Industrieproduktion ist im November um 0,3 Prozent gewachsen. Hier waren 0,2 Prozent erwartet worden. Die Kapazitätsauslastung liegt bei 77,6 Prozent. Erwartet wurde eine Auslastung von 77,7 bis 77,8 nach zuvor 77,5 Prozent. Wenig überraschend hat die Fed die Leitzinsen um 0,25 auf 2,25 Prozent erhöht. Das ist der höchste Wert seit Oktober 2001. Zur Begründung hieß es, dass die Wirtschaft weiter mit mäßiger Geschwindigkeit wachse. Die Bedingungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verbesserten sich nach und nach. Keine Warnung vor Inflationsrisiken - die Fed hält Chancen und Risiken für Wachstum und Preisstabilität für ausgeglichen. Das sei die Voraussetzung dafür, dass die Politik der maßvollen geldpolitischen Straffung fortgesetzt werden könne. Was Wunder, dass die TBonds in der Folge der Bekanntgabe des Sitzungsergebnisses deutlich zulegten. Aber auch die Aktienkurse bekamen einen Schub, nachdem sie sich zuvor in einer Warteschleife gedreht hatten.

Von Unternehmensseite beflügelten ein weiteres Mal die beliebten Nachrichten von geplanten Mergern. Der Chip-Sektor sah sich im Aufwind, nachdem Forrester Research meldete, man sehe bis zum Ende der Dekade eine Verdoppelung der PC-Verkäufe. Dann sollen etwa 1,3 Milliarden PC in Gebrauch sein. RBC Capital Markets sprang herbei und hob die Gewinnschätzungen für den weltgrößten Chip-Hersteller Intel an.

Nachdem das Nova/Ursa-Verhältnis wieder in oberen Gefilden angelangt ist, haben gemäß Investors Intelligence auch die Börsenbriefe wieder eine stark bullische Haltung eingenommen. Zum ersten Mal seit Februar liegt die Quote der bullisch eingestellten Publikationen wieder über 60 Prozent. Das ist das siebte Mal seit 1987. Wie auch im Februar, so hat der S&P 500 in den fünf Vorkommnissen davor stets eine schnelle Korrektur hingelegt, wie die FAZ unter Berufung auf eine Untersuchung von Walter Murphy von Merrill Lynch berichtet. Deren Ausmaß war dabei vom jeweiligen Umfeld abhängig. Murphy rechnet im aktuellen Fall damit, dass der Index entweder in den nächsten acht Wochen auf der Stelle tritt oder aber bis zu höchstens 10 Prozent korrigiert.

Und was macht der VIX? Nachdem er gestern zwischen 12,20 und 13 pendelte, schloss er leicht höher als am Vortag. Ist das die Einleitung einer nicht-normalen Korrelation zwischen S&P 500 und dem Angstmesser, die wir in diesem Jahr Anfang Januar, ganz kurzfristig Mitte September und in der ersten Novemberhälfte sahen? Für eine klare Antwort ist es noch zu früh, aber ich denke nach wie vor, dass eine solche Konstellation bei dem niedrigen VIX-Niveau eine Voraussetzung für eine gewisse Nachhaltigkeit eines möglichen Bullenschubs ist.

Wenn der Optimismus in den USA, dem Schrittmacher der globalen Finanzindustrie, so hoch ist wie gegenwärtig - sind dann noch genügend Akteure da, die mit ihrem Kapital an der Seitenlinie stehen? Wenn ja, wie bringt man sie zur Aufgabe ihrer abwartenden haltung? Entweder die Aktienmärkte steigen die "wall of worry" hoch, wobei VIX und Kurse zusammen nach oben wackeln. Oder der VIX schnellt im Rahmen einer Blitzkorrektur kurz hoch, was die Außenstehenden mit dem Argument kurzfristiger Kaufgelegenheiten anlockt. Dann kann sich der folgende Run im Rahmen einer normalen Korrelation zwischen VIX und Kursen abspielen.

Aktien: S&P 500 und NDX haben auf Schlusskurs-Niveau neue Jahreshochs produziert. Bei der Technologie ist der Abstand zum letzten noch ziemlich knapp. Der Dow hat ein weiteres zyklisches Hoch erklommen - kein neues Jahreshoch, wie gestern fälschlicherweise geschrieben. Der SOX notiert jetzt knapp über seiner EMA200 und auch über den kurzfristigen Durchschnitten (10 und 20 Tage), schaffte aber die Rückkehr in den kurzfristigen Aufwärtskanal gestern nicht. Immerhin konnte er in die obere Hälfte seines Bollingerbandes vordringen. Der HGX konsolidiert bei gut 450. Der DJT schaffte ein neues Jahreshoch und stieg bis an die Unterkante seine jüngsten Aufwärtskanals heran. Der BTK setzte auf die solide Tageskerze vom Vortag noch etwas drauf.

Die Preisaktion ist nach wie vor bullisch. Die Technologie performte lediglich im Rahmen der breiten Märkte.

Inter-Market (09:30): Der Rohöl-Future steigt deutlich auf jetzt 42,25. Öl Brent legt seit dem gestrigen Tief stark auf 39,50 Dollar zu. Der TBond-Future notiert im Aufwind bei 114,30. Die Renditedifferenz am langen Ende stagniert. Der Zins für amerikanisches Drei-Monats-Geld hält sich bei 2,18 Prozent. Gold notiert bei über 437, nachdem es gestern nochmals etwas "durchhing". Der Dollar liegt bei 1,3315 gegenüber dem Euro und steht damit im Bereich des gestrigen Schlusskurses. Gestern hatte er zeitweise das Terrain bis zu 1,3270 ausgelotet, und das auch noch nach Bekanntgabe des US-Außenhandelsdefizits.

Markt-Interna: (Charts auf der Web-Seite der TimePattern unter "Markt") Das Handelsvolumen im S&P 500 stieg gestern auf 2,09 Milliarden Aktien an. Das ist höher als am Vortag und klar überdurchschnittlich, und zwar sowohl im kurz-, wie mittelfristigen Zeithorizont. Das Rad, das die Akteure drehen, wird immer größer. Der bärischen Preis-Entwicklungen zuzuordnende Volumenanteil geht weiter zurück, die Dynamik dieser Bewegung nimmt jedoch weiter ab. Leicht bullisch.

Der VIX stieg um 1,5 Prozent auf 12,73, der S&P 500 legte 0,4 Prozent zu. Die VIX-Stochastik möchte weiter "Aktien kaufen", der MACD bestätigt das (noch immer) nicht. Die Kontra-Indikation ist "bärisch". Das Verhältnis zwischen VIX und S&P 500 tendiert weiter mit geringer Dynamik leicht aufwärts. Die Korrelation zwischen VIX und Kursen steigt im Normalbereich hauchzart. Bärisch.

Das Put/Call-Verhältnis (total PCR) stieg um 0,05 auf 0,77. Die Index-Derivateumsätze steigen weiter deutlich an und sind jetzt kurz-, wie mittelfristig überdurchschnittlich. Die Kontra-Indikation ist "neutral". Die Positionierung "pro Call" steigt auf überdurchschnittlichem Niveau leicht an. Neutral.

Der TRIN notiert bei 0,87 auf neutralem Boden. Der kurzfristige Durchschnitt liegt weiter am unteren Rand des Bollingerbandes, das sich in den vergangenen Tagen nach unten aufgeweitet hat. Dem an sich negativen Muster steht keine entsprechende Preisaktion gegenüber. Leicht bullisch.

Bis hierher: Die Bullen machen weiter Boden gut. Die Interna zeigen insgesamt ein ausgeglichenes Ergebnis. Aus Inter-Market-Sicht spricht leicht für die Bullen, dass der Dollar sich gestern wieder abschwächte. Öl könnte auf die Stimmung drücken.

TimePatternAnalysis: (Einige Charts gestern waren leider fehlerhaft, weil das Prognosemodell wegen der Erweiterung des Darstellbereichs im Test-Modus geschaltet war). Die Prognosemodelle bei Aktien gehen reihum in Extension, die Linearität der Preisentwicklung steigt, die Zyklizität fällt. Im großen und ganzen werden über den Tag hinaus abgesehen von kurzfristigen Abwärtspotenzial aufwärts gerichtete Kursverläufe angezeigt. Die Plausibilitätsmasse der Prognosen sind wegen der Überdehntheit des Zyklusmodells relativ niedrig.

Der Nikkei zeigt weiter ein verhalten positives Bild. Der avisierte untere Dreher ist erfolgt, das Potenzial hält sich in Grenzen.

Beim Gold steht aus Sicht der TimePattern eine Stabilisierung an, der eine neue Aufwärtsbewegung folgen könnte. Beim Oil Brent wirkte sich das eingangs erwähnte Versehen gestern besonders deutlich aus. Hier sehen die TimePattern zwar kurzfristig noch etwas Potenzial für die Ölbullen, mittelfristig ist aber "die Luft raus". Bei der Rendite der 10-jährigen TBonds wird zunächst eine Stabilisierung an 4,1 Prozent gesehen.

Gesamteindruck: Die Bullen liegen weiter vorne. Ansonsten wie gehabt: Bei solch niedrigem VIX erscheint mir die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines nachhaltigen Bull-Runs gering. Der Ölmarktbericht dürfte ebenso für neue Impulse sorgen wie vorher die Neuigkeiten zu den US-Kapitalströmen.

Heute: 14:30 MEZ - Empire State Index für Dezember (E: 18,0 bis 20,0 nach zuvor 19,76) 15:00 - Internationalen Kapitalströmen für Oktober (E: Nettokapitalflüsse in die USA zuletzt bei 63,4 Mrd. Dollar).

MfG bauwi

13% wieder im PLUS

09.05.06 10:45
nach eine weile stabilisierung gehts gewinnt navi wieder an schwung?!


4,65 USD

08.05.06  21:59

Diff. Vortag
+13,14 %


Gehandelte Stück



08.05.06  23:24


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.


22% im Plus, es geht weiter?

11.05.06 10:23

5,45 USD

10.05.06  21:59

Diff. Vortag
+22,34 %

1,17 Mio.

Gehandelte Stück



10.05.06  00:04


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.

Schluss Vortag




52W Hoch

52W Tief

Split (08.01.03)

Split (06.04.00)


wer ist denn noch drin? o. T.

12.05.06 11:22

hält die Grenze? o. T.

30.05.06 21:49

Grenze hält o. T.

30.05.06 22:17

Wir sind nah dran,

01.06.06 17:34
dass beim S&P die Post abgeht ( über 1280 )

Wem fällt was auf? o. T.

03.06.06 18:17

Wem fällt noch was auf? o. T.

03.06.06 18:35

@ pfeifenlümmel

03.06.06 18:47
Es geht immer noch darum, ob es für den gesamten Aktienmarkt rauf oder runter geht und weniger um Ereignisse auf Unternehmensebene", sagte Lars Kreckel

zu #11

03.06.06 18:49
30y Treasury bonds
Anti Lemming:

Was sagt uns der Chart aus P. 11?

04.06.06 15:22
IMO sagt uns der Chart aus P. 11 (Kurs der 30-jährigen US-Staatsanleihen), dass der US-Anleihemarkt mit zunehmender Inflation (in USA) rechnet und diese einpreist: Die Kurse der 30-jährigen Anleihen sinken, was ihre Zinserträge erhöht. Diese höheren Zinserträge spiegeln die höhere Inflationserwartung wider.

Die Fed kann nur die kurzfristigen Zinsen festlegen, die langfristigen Zinsen bestimmt der Markt - über die Anleihekurse. Geht "der Markt" von steigender Inflation aus, kann die Fed das auch nicht auf Dauer über Tricks wie "niedrige Kern-Inflation" schönrechnen. Manche Zyniker in den USA sagen bereits: "Inflationsbereinigt gibt es keine Inflation."

Auch aktuelle US-Wirtschaftsdaten (Kern-CPI) belegen einen Anstieg der Inflation. Ich gehe daher davon aus, dass die Fed wegen der zunehmenden Inflationsgefahr weiter die Zinsen erhöhen MUSS, weil sonst eine Mega-Inflation (wie in den 1980-er Jahren) droht. Die wäre immer noch schädlicher für die US-Wirtschaft als temporäre Rückgänge - auch im Immobilien- und Aktienmarkt.

Außerdem muss die Fed den Außenwert des Dollars durch höhere Zinsen stabil halten. Würde der Dollar zu stark abwerten, könnte eine Kapitalflucht aus den USA einsetzen, was die auf "Pump aus dem Ausland" basierende Wirtschaft wie ein Kartenhaus zusammenbrechen ließe. Denn dann könnten auch Chinesen und Japaner in eine Verkaufspanik ihre US-Staatsanleihen (jeweils für rund 850 Mrd. Dollar) auf den Markt werfen, was einen Kollaps der Weltwirtschaft auslösen würde. Den will natürlich niemand.

Die weiteren Zinserhöhungen der Fed - mit denen IMO bislang noch zu wenige rechnen!, der Konsens tönt zurzeit, die USA wären "am Ende ihres Zinserhöhungszyklus angelangt" - werden zur Folge haben, dass die US-Börsen nachgeben, während der Dollar durch Zunahme des Zinsgefälles zum Euro steigen sollte. Die europäischen und asiatischen Börsen werden sich erfahrungsgemäß nicht von den US-Börsen abkoppeln können - und daher ebenfalls (weiter) fallen.


bonds-SP 500, hier speziell SP 500

04.06.06 19:08
In den folgenden wöchentlichen Charts sieht man deutlich, wie der Bondmarkt nahezu zeitgleich mit dem SP 500 seine Tiefpunkte erreicht. April 2005/Okt 2005/Mai 2006
Zunächst der SP 500 weekly:
(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit! 42652

und nun die bonds weekly o. T.

04.06.06 19:09
(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit! 42653

langfristig bonds-SP500, speziell SP500

04.06.06 19:15
Von Ende 98 ( von 131 ) bis Ende 99 (auf 112 ) filen die bonds stark ab, während der SP 500 in diesem Zeitraum von 1000 auf 1450 stieg! Der Crash beim SP 500 kam erst, als die bonds bis auf 93 fielen. Obwohle die bonds danach bis auf 112 stiegen ( Ende 2002 ), fiel der SP500 trotzdem auf 800 runter. Langfristig verhält sich der SP 500 ziemlich zähflüssig bei den großen Schwankungen.
Hier der SP500 langfristig:( monthly)

(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit! 42654

und nun die bonds langfristig ( monthly ) o. T.

04.06.06 19:16
(Verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern
Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit! 42656

und wieder sind wir an der

06.06.06 21:00
unteren Grenze. Hält sie?
Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit! 42843

Grenz nach unten durchbrochen,

08.06.06 17:18
gute Nacht! Bernanke hat durch sein Gesabbel über die zu hohe Inflation, die hauptsächlich durch die hohen Ölpreise verursacht wird, tatsächlich die Aktienmärkte in milliardenschwere Verluste treiben können. Congratulations!
Es ist bald Mega-Ständerzeit! 43055

und weiter down o. T.

08.06.06 17:39

und so weiter... o. T.

08.06.06 18:05

Die Hose spannt bald wieder! Break Even?

23.10.06 18:37
Navisite Inc.

October 20, 2006 - 8:00 AM EST          

NAVI 3.68   0.00  

NaviSite Achieves Oracle(R) Certified Advantage Partner Status
Oracle OpenWorld Booth #614 - Moscone South

NaviSite (NASDAQ: NAVI), a leading provider of application management, professional services and secure content delivery services, today announced it has achieved Certified Advantage Partner status, the highest level in the Oracle® PartnerNetwork, demonstrating NaviSite's superior product knowledge, technical expertise and commitment to Oracle products (including Oracle® E-Business Suite, Oracle's PeopleSoft, and Oracle's Siebel applications). This recognition demonstrates NaviSite's continued support and creation of unique solutions for its customers across the broad spectrum of Oracle platforms and applications.

"This upgrade highlights our strength in the market," said Nasir Cochinwala, SVP of Professional Services for NaviSite. "As a proven leader in delivering application management and professional services for the complete Oracle Application Lifecycle, NaviSite has consistently demonstrated the highest level of competency in Oracle solutions. We recognize the importance of working closely with Oracle to help strengthen our customers' Oracle investments and grow their businesses, and we are pleased to be recognized at this level by the Oracle PartnerNetwork."

NaviSite offers end-to-end solutions for Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft Enterprise and Siebel. NaviSite has engaged with more than 75 public and private organizations ranging from emerging companies to Fortune 500 to deliver solutions for Oracle applications that drive real business impact. The Company's end-to-end solutions for Oracle applications include both professional services and application outsourcing services, spanning the entire application lifecycle of Oracle applications, including strategy, implementation, outsourcing and optimization. NaviSite has the unique capability to provide customers with multiple deployment options, whether onsite, remotely managed or fully hosted at one of NaviSite's state-of-the-art data centers.

For more information on NaviSite's partnership with Oracle, visit NaviSite's booth (#614, Moscone South) at Oracle OpenWorld 2006 from Oct. 22-26 in San Francisco, or visit the Company's "Strategic Partners" page for more information.

About the Oracle PartnerNetwork

Oracle PartnerNetwork is a global business network of 17,700 companies who deliver innovative software solutions based on Oracle software. Through access to Oracle's premier products, education, technical services, marketing and sales support, the Oracle PartnerNetwork program provides partners with the resources they need to be successful in today's global economy. Oracle partners are able to offer to their customers leading-edge solutions backed by Oracle's position as the world's largest enterprise software company. Partners who are able to demonstrate superior product knowledge, technical expertise and a commitment to doing business with Oracle can qualify for the Oracle Certified Partner levels.

About NaviSite

NaviSite is a leading provider of application and technology services for companies who seek to accelerate their business IT performance. With over 950 customers in 14 data centers; offices in the US, UK and India; NaviSite is the partner of choice for many of the fastest growing companies for outsourcing enterprise application and related IT services to drive their IT Efficiency and Effectiveness. NaviSite delivers a unique combination of application implementation, management, and content delivery services to provide full lifecycle support for today's industry leaders. For more information, please visit

Source: Market Wire (October 20, 2006 - 8:00 AM EST)

News by QuoteMedia

Wer ist noch investiert?

24.10.06 15:04
Ich denke ende des jahres bzw anfang des neuen jahres könnte es mal wieder eine rally an den börsen geben...(Zinssatz USA relativ hoch, Quartalszahlen kommen-Weihnachtsgeschäft-Unternehmensnachrichten werden immer besser-IPOs werden mehr wird bald dynamischer, auch bei NAVI hoffe ich dann! Die wollen ja dann endlich den break Even geschafft haben? dann wären kurse über 10USD sicherlich möglich, bei lediglich 28mio aktien am markt...


3,74 USD

23.10.06  21:56

Diff. Vortag
+1,63 %


Gehandelte Stück



23.10.06  14:09


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.


warten und warten usw

25.10.06 19:59

3,71 USD

25.10.06  17:22

Diff. Vortag
+0,27 %


Gehandelte Stück



25.10.06  19:29


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.
October 17, 2006 - 8:00 AM EST          

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NAVI 3.71   0.01  

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

NaviSite Announces Continued Free National Labor Exchange Services
NaviSite Will Continue to Provide Uninterrupted Services to America's Job Bank's Public and Private Users
NaviSite, Inc. (NASDAQ: NAVI), a leading provider of application management, professional services, and secure content delivery solutions for enterprises in the middle market, today announced that the Company will continue to operate America's Job Bank (AJB). NaviSite will continue to offer services to its clients, constituents, employers and job seekers without any interruption in service and at no charge when the funding for the AJB program ends in July 2007.

NaviSite has operated America's Job Bank since 1995 with funding provided by the US Department of Labor. Since then, NaviSite has been building and supporting this service and managing the wealth of data that currently resides in the system, including more than 7,000,000 job seekers, 475,000 employers, over 600,000 resumes and over 2,000,000 jobs.

With a deep understanding of this space, including the extensive compliance and reporting requirements, NaviSite will continue to provide all of the current AJB services at no charge to the user at as of July 2007. NaviSite will increase the functionality of this site and leverage its deep expertise and years of experience in employment services and job matching.

"NaviSite has designed, developed and operated America's Job Bank's website for more than 10 years -- we know the system inside and out. We have the unique combination of infrastructure resources and expertise to enhance the current system and effectively grow the employment services component of NaviSite's business," stated Denis Martin, CTO and Managing Director of the AJB Program, NaviSite, Inc. "NaviSite understands the specific needs of State government, including specific data exchange, compliance and reporting requirements that we've worked hand-in-hand with these organizations to define and build. We plan to offer States and other organizations the ability to customize and integrate this platform with their own systems -- an approach that was previously difficult to accomplish within the constraints of the public government's processes and procedures."

NaviSite has begun an outreach to AJB users to inform them of the continued service at no charge and is working with the National Association of State Work Force Agencies (NASWA) to include their membership in the program. The Company is finalizing plans to ensure a seamless transition, while defining a roadmap for new functionality and features that will be released as part of the continued service.

Concluded Martin, "NaviSite will continue to provide the America's Job Bank user community with value-added services -- based upon a flexible, scaleable solution and deep knowledge of the data and needs of end users. Our goal in the coming months is to assure current users that they can plan for business as usual, while continuing to receive the high levels of service and increased features and functions in the near future."

About NaviSite, Inc.

NaviSite is a leading provider of application and technology services for companies who seek to accelerate their business IT performance. With over 950 customers in 14 data centers and offices in the US, UK and India, NaviSite is the partner of choice for many of the fastest growing companies for outsourcing enterprise application and related IT services to drive their IT Efficiency and Effectiveness. NaviSite delivers a unique combination of application implementation, management, and content delivery services to provide full lifecycle support for today's industry leaders. For more information, please visit

Source: Market Wire (October 17, 2006 - 8:00 AM EST)

News by QuoteMedia  

orders werden größer

27.10.06 21:22
hier sind nicht nur kleinanleger interessiert meiner meinung...

Zeit Kurs Volumen
20:54:04  3,6700 12000
20:53:28  3,7000 12000
18:04:49  3,6900 100
17:50:58  3,6850 400
16:01:48  3,7000 500
15:52:01  3,6510 1000
15:50:49  3,6510 0
15:50:49  3,6510 3000

viele news

01.11.06 22:48
NaviSite Ushers in the Next-Generation of Content Delivery and AccelerationDesigned for Today\'s Content and Business Requirements, NaviSite\'s Content Delivery & Acceleration Services Deliver the Complete End-User Experience Sought by Market-Moving Enterprises
NaviSite (NASDAQ: NAVI), a leading provider of application management, professional services, and secure content delivery solutions for enterprises, today announced its vision for the next-generation of content delivery and the advancement of its Content Delivery and Acceleration Services (CDN). Optimized for today\'s dynamic content and business requirements, NaviSite\'s CDN extends beyond the network to drive rich media and application content into the hands of customers, partners and other end users for maximum business value.

Today\'s business context for content delivery is very different from five or 10 years ago, driven by increased sophistication in the types of content that need to be delivered and the devices on which that content is viewed. First-generation content delivery networks were designed primarily to ease network congestion caused by the delivery of static web pages through congested public peering points. With advancements in broadband technology, the proliferation of private optical peering, and high-speed fiber optic networks, these legacy networks are now burdened with supporting an unnecessary technology infrastructure not designed for the more proactive delivery capabilities demanded by today\'s dynamic data and global audiences.

NaviSite\'s Content Delivery & Acceleration: The Next-Generation Content Delivery Solution

NaviSite\'s CDN is the first, next-generation content delivery solution designed specifically to meet the content and business requirements driven by "virtual" collaboration amongst end-users (remote, mobile, fixed, etc.); new and highly competitive global markets; the need for 24x7 "anytime/anywhere" access to all content types; and the ability to move content across the entire delivery chain (from the disk on which it sits to the device on which it is viewed). NaviSite uses advancements in the Internet backbone, the Company\'s unique intelligent delivery technologies, and its extensive expertise in critical supporting services -- hosting, Ecommerce site development, application management, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and infrastructure management -- to deliver a holistic solution for getting content into the hands of end users rapidly, efficiently, and flexibly.

"Our experience and vision place us at a unique point within this new content delivery landscape," said Doug Mow, VP of Marketing, NaviSite. "As we began to envision what a next-generation CDN would look like, we drew upon our customer experiences and the technology and expertise from everything NaviSite has built and acquired in the past 10 years, from hosting to application management to SaaS. In doing so, we were able to develop a next-generation content delivery framework from the customer point of view; one designed for today\'s business context that puts NaviSite in the market leadership position as the only company offering a holistic CDN solution for today and the future."

Much more than just an optimized delivery pipe, the CDNs of today must be multifaceted service delivery platforms, created to provide users with the best experience possible and designed to handle dynamic content beyond just cached static files. These solutions need to combine a number of key components beyond basic delivery to include business decision support, an open and flexible platform, end-to-end delivery perspective, and a choice in services -- such as a shared or dedicated network -- to ensure content is available and accessible with the required control, integration capability, and flexibility needed to drive a company\'s business.

NaviSite\'s CDN offers other advantages that existing first-generation networks cannot, including:

-- Better Price for Performance -- Using a next-generation architecture,
NaviSite\'s CDN offers a flexible, cost-effective solution for all companies
that optimizes the delivery path, facilitates dynamic content distribution;
and charges customers only for what they use (and not for maintaining the
infrastructure) to meet this key business metric;

-- Open Systems -- Built on an open systems platform, NaviSite\'s CDN
eliminates the "force-fitting" typically required by first-generation
networks and easily operates within the context of a company\'s back-end

-- Choice -- NaviSite can cost-effectively offer a shared or dedicated
network infrastructure, giving companies more options and more control over
how to address their business needs;

-- Complete Business Support -- NaviSite supports the complete spectrum
of business operations -- not just the "network" component -- to tie in the
CDN to whatever application, security software, or program necessary to
support the business, regardless of location; and

-- Proprietary Delivery Technologies -- NaviSite utilizes its own
advanced network-level delivery technologies, including HotRoute® for
intelligent network routing; DeltaEdge(SM) for efficient delivery of
dynamic content based in content "deltas" or changes; and InSync(SM) for
the proactive "push" of content to end users at a defined time.

Clear Evolution Path

By focusing on the complete solution required for the networked economy and customers\' current and long-term business needs, NaviSite\'s CDN is built to grow toward a new compute and delivery fabric that does not have an application bias, CDN bias, or infrastructure bias. In the future, grid computing, content delivery, and application delivery will converge, creating tomorrow\'s intelligent networks that will facilitate "Whenever/Wherever/Whatever" access to both content and computing resources for the ultimate efficiency in delivery and utilization of electronic assets, whatever they may be. Further, as these three technology categories become one, service providers will be required to provide expertise and capabilities across the complete technology value chain -- infrastructure, applications, and network -- to enable clients to fully leverage the benefits that this vision has to offer.

For a demonstration of NaviSite\'s Content Delivery & Acceleration Services, please visit NaviSite\'s booths (#518 & #520) at Streaming Media West in San Jose, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, or visit for more information.

About NaviSite

NaviSite, a leading provider of application and technology services for companies who seek to accelerate their business IT performance, provides support for the complete continuum in the digital domain. NaviSite\'s Content Delivery and Acceleration Services include Electronic File Delivery (EFD), Content Streaming, Website Acceleration, and Application Acceleration services. With over 950 customers in 14 data centers and offices in the US, UK and India, NaviSite is the partner of choice for many of the fastest growing companies for outsourcing enterprise application and related IT services to drive their IT Efficiency and Effectiveness. NaviSite delivers a unique combination of application implementation, management, and content delivery services to provide full lifecycle support for today\'s industry leaders. For more information, please visit

This release contains forward-looking statements that address a variety of subjects, including the success and performance of NaviSite\'s service offerings. All statements other than statements of historical fact, including without limitation, those with respect to NaviSite\'s goals, plans and strategies set forth herein, are forward-looking statements. The following important factors and uncertainties, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements: NaviSite\'s success is dependent on its ability to achieve and maintain profitability; NaviSite\'s success is dependent upon its ability to integrate the companies and assets it recently acquired; NaviSite\'s recent acquisitions may not produce expected cost savings, operational efficiencies or revenues; NaviSite\'s products, technologies and resources may not successfully interoperate with the technology, resources and/or applications of third parties; NaviSite\'s success, including its ability to decrease its cash burn rate, improve its cash position, and grow its business and revenues to reach profitability, depends on its ability to execute on its business strategy and the continued and increased demand for NaviSite\'s services and the Internet in general; NaviSite\'s business may be adversely affected by further slow down in general economic conditions; the loss of customers due to the shutdown of their businesses; decreased or delayed purchase patterns of prospective or current customers or loss of current customers and market consolidation; the decreased renewal rate of our customers; increased competition and technological changes in the markets in which NaviSite competes; the effects of recent combinations involving affiliated entities of ClearBlue Technologies, Inc. and the effects of the recent acquisition of Surebridge; the effects of any future acquisitions of businesses or technologies; changes in the uses of the Internet; and possible failure of systems or internal infrastructure. For a detailed discussion of these and other cautionary statements, please refer to the filings made by NaviSite with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K of NaviSite. We do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us.

All logos, company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Source: Market Wire (October 30, 2006 - 8:30 AM EST)

October 30, 2006 - 9:00 AM EST

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NAVI 3.58 -0.01

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

Scientific Research Society Enters Internet Age With NaviSite\'s Complete CDN Solution for Content Streaming
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Can Now Provide Worldwide Member Base Access to Important Meeting Presentations in Real-TimeNaviSite, Inc. (NASDAQ: NAVI), a leading provider of application management, professional services, and secure content delivery solutions for enterprises in the middle market, today announced that The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) has selected NaviSite\'s Content Delivery Network (CDN) Services (See related release: "NaviSite Ushers In The Next-Generation of Content Delivery and Acceleration") to help build a content delivery solution and optimize its existing content library for its worldwide member base of research scientists.

ASBMB: Taking research into the 21st century

Established in 1907, The American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a non-profit scientific and educational organization with over 11,900 members, came to NaviSite needing to build a delivery system for a library of content from its regular meetings and presentations. ASBMB\'s mission is to advance the science of biochemistry and molecular biology, and it carries out this mission through publication education and the organization of scientific meetings. These scientific presentations were often videotaped and placed on DVDs that were then mailed out to members. This process was not very cost-effective for ASBMB, and often left its members waiting to gain access to critical research findings presented at ASBMB meetings.

Leveraging NaviSite\'s Managed Messaging for Lotus Notes solution, NaviSite helped ASBMB build a content delivery system that would allow it to stream proceedings from meetings and conferences online in real-time to its members to provide better access to these research materials. Working on a limited budget, NaviSite and ASBMB designed a cost-effective CDN solution that allowed ASBMB to optimize its existing content library for streaming for availability over a NaviSite-hosted network. NaviSite assisted ASBMB in the re-coding of its existing DVD content library of interviews with top scientists into media files for streaming, and then architected a delivery network that would allow its scientific member base to quickly and easily access, view and/or download this content via ASBMB\'s site.

Additionally, NaviSite and ASBMB also created an automated system to make live content from ASBMB\'s regular meetings available for streaming to its members around the world. The network, launched at the beginning of September 2006, has enabled ASBMB to provide its members with access to cutting edge research and important scientific findings in real-time, helping to advance the science of biochemistry and molecular biology.

"When we made the decision to build a content delivery system, we knew we would need to find a provider who could take a \'hands-on\' role in managing the project," said Hector Martinez, Director of Information Technology for ASBMB. "We had a clear operational mandate to effectively reach our members with information and research through a variety of content: Videos, PowerPoint presentations, web casts, etc. We found that NaviSite was able to offer us the cost-effective solution we needed while providing us with the level of partnership we required. Other companies just couldn\'t match the breadth of technology offered and the depth of service NaviSite gave us."

"Our work with ASBMB is a great example of how we can partner with a customer to be their complete single-source provider for their content delivery needs," said Doug Mow, Vice President of Marketing at NaviSite. "By working closely with ASBMB, NaviSite was able to develop a clear strategy for taking their content library into the Internet age, providing them with the tools and network required to deliver their research in a more efficient and accessible way for its members. Through the successful optimization of its content library, ASBMB is now better able to further its mission of advancing the science of biochemistry and molecular biology for their member base, and we are excited to play a major role in this important initiative for them."

To learn more about ASBMB\'s CDN solution, visit NaviSite at the Streaming Media West conference (booth #\'2 518 & 520), October 31st to November 2nd, 2006, in San Jose, CA, or visit NaviSite\'s website at


The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ( is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization with more than 11,000 member biochemists and molecular biologists working in industry, government, and academia. Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, ASBMB publishes three journals, including the Journal of Biological Chemistry, one of the preeminent peer-reviewed journals in the life sciences. ASBMB was founded in 1907.

About NaviSite

NaviSite is a leading provider of application and technology services for companies who seek to accelerate their business IT performance. With over 900 customers in 14 data centers; offices in the US, UK and India; NaviSite is the partner of choice for many of the fastest growing companies for outsourcing enterprise application and related IT services to drive their IT Efficiency and Effectiveness. NaviSite delivers a unique combination of application implementation, management, and content delivery services to provide full lifecycle support for today\'s industry leaders. For more information, please visit

All logos, company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

October 30, 2006 - 9:00 AM EST

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NAVI 3.58 -0.01

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

NaviSite\'s CDN Helps Nayio Media Launch a New Online Music Personalization CommunitySubscribers Will Be Able to Create and Share New Music Experiences Through the NaviSite-Designed Content Delivery Network
NaviSite, Inc. (NASDAQ: NAVI), a leading provider of application management, professional services, and secure content delivery solutions for enterprises in the middle market, today announced that Nayio Media Inc. (, a consumer media company, has selected NaviSite\'s managed services and Content Delivery Network (CDN) (See related release: "NaviSite Ushers In The Next-Generation of Content Delivery and Acceleration") to deliver a new interactive music service to music consumers. Leveraging the power of NaviSite\'s flexible, scalable and reliable CDN Services, Nayio will be able to provide consumers with new ways to interact with music: sing and learn their favorite songs, share their musical creations with friends and other music lovers, and compete for recognition with other members of the Nayio online community.

Nayio Media: Be Heard, Be Seen, Become a Star

Nayio Media is bringing to market a new interactive music experience that allows users to search, sing, save and share music, personalizing it for self-expression and sharing with friends and online music community members. Nayio\'s Visual Media Player (VMP) technology and services enable users to not only listen to the song, but also to sing along with it using a PC microphone, visualizing lyrics and melody lines, as well as their own voice with the original music. This feature allows them to interact and learn the song, and, when ready, to save their voice over the original music track. Users can even add their own video or one of the videos available on the Nayio website for further personalization. This new personalized music video can then be shared with friends and other music lovers, and can be posted onto nLounge, the Nayio online community, and can be voted on by nLounge members and compete for recognition in the community, transforming the consumer\'s relationship with music from a passive one into an opportunity for self-expression in a dynamic, music-centric community.

With a service launch date of October 2006, Nayio approached NaviSite initially as a managed hosting partner for their service infrastructure; however, after learning that NaviSite\'s breadth of services also includes CDN, Nayio quickly expanded the scope of their engagement with NaviSite to include a comprehensive content delivery system. As a sophisticated media company, however, Nayio required NaviSite to provide more than just a simple delivery system. Nayio\'s vision is to transform its user-generated content personalization service into a gateway for its nLounge online music community, built for the sharing, rating and even competitive live performances of user-created music and videos, all available via streaming media.

To meet this requirement, NaviSite designed a managed delivery system that included platforms to support an online payment system, content licensing, and digital rights management. This delivery network also has the ability to expand through the CDN to multiple locations from its initial hosted deployment in San Jose. Flexible enough to handle rich media downloads, this NaviSite-designed and hosted delivery network is also scalable enough to grow at the same rapid rate as Nayio\'s subscriber base, while providing "always on" reliability to prevent subscriber dissatisfaction and loss from service outages.

"Nayio is \'American Idol meets YouTube,\' with an online community of music lovers and creators that are changing the functional orientation of music," said Jay Bose, COO and GM at Nayio. "In changing the way our customers access, use and share musical content, we had to find a content delivery system able to handle the massive spikes in traffic inherent in such an interactive community. We chose NaviSite as our service provider because its managed services and CDN were a perfect fit for our needs, able to handle the complexity of our core site and the unique scalability and reliability needs of our community in an affordable and secure way. NaviSite understands the direction of our company. We believe that as Nayio expands its innovative products and music-based services to meet our customers\' needs on a global scale, NaviSite will have the technology to support it."

"Nayio Media is exactly the kind of exciting and innovative company and service that can leverage content delivery and streaming media to push the envelope of the online music community," said Doug Mow, Vice President of Marketing at NaviSite. "Our work with Nayio is a testament to the flexibility, reliability and scalability of our managed services in supporting this new wave of social networking-based communities. NaviSite\'s content delivery services are the perfect complement to Nayio\'s innovative approach to music sharing, and, as a trusted partner to Nayio, we believe our excellent customer service, strong technical capabilities, and reliable, fast and scalable network will help Nayio to transform the online music community."

To experience Nayio Media\'s interactive music service -- powered by NaviSite\'s CDN -- visit NaviSite at the Streaming Media West conference (booth #\'2 518 & 520), October 31st to November 2nd, 2006, in San Jose, CA, or visit NaviSite\'s website at

About Nayio Media Inc.

Nayio Media is a consumer media company dedicated to changing the way that consumers interact with music. Nayio\'s technology and services enable users to sing their favorite songs, share their creations with friends and other music lovers and compete for recognition with other members of the Nayio online community. Nayio transforms the consumer\'s relationship with music from a passive listening experience into an opportunity for self-expression, recognition and participation in a dynamic, music-centric community. Nayio Media, a Delaware corp., is based in San Mateo, CA and has offices in Seoul, Korea. For more information, visit

About NaviSite

NaviSite is a leading provider of application and technology services for companies who seek to accelerate their business IT performance. With over 900 customers in 14 data centers; offices in the US, UK and India; NaviSite is the partner of choice for many of the fastest growing companies for outsourcing enterprise application and related IT services to drive their IT Efficiency and Effectiveness. NaviSite delivers a unique combination of application implementation, management, and content delivery services to provide full lifecycle support for today\'s industry leaders. For more information, please visit

All logos, company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

November 6, 2006 - 9:00 AM EST

07.11.06 19:18
November 6, 2006 - 9:00 AM EST          

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NAVI 3.77   0.17  

Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

Sling Media Looks to NaviSite for Oracle eBusiness Suite Implementation and Application Management Support
NaviSite's Services Support Sling Media's Efforts to Deliver Anytime, Anywhere Access of Their Products
NaviSite, Inc. (NASDAQ: NAVI), a leading provider of application management, professional services, and secure content delivery solutions for enterprises in the middle market, today announced that Sling Media has selected NaviSite to provide consulting and application management services.

Founded in 2004, Sling Media, Inc. is a digital lifestyle products company creating a family of consumer electronics solutions that are a natural extension of today's digital way of life. Sling Media's award-winning Slingbox is a device that allows consumers to access their living room television experience at any time, from any location, using a variety of different displays including laptops and desktop PCs, PDAs and smartphones.

Sling Media wanted to establish standardized processes based on leading best practices, as well as set a foundation for future SOX compliance objectives. Through their review of various solutions, Sling Media decided to procure the Oracle eBusiness Suite application to fulfill these needs. However, they were not interested in hosting the application in-house, as they wanted to remain focused on their core competency. As a result, they were in need of a partner who could both implement and host their preferred solution.

"We chose NaviSite to meet our business objectives based on their expertise and solid skill sets," said Ravindra Sunku, Director of IT, Sling Media. "NaviSite made the process extremely easy for us, and the challenge of a rapid deployment was met. This implementation has set the foundation for our global expansion and is enabling the integration of our Global Customer and Supply Chain network."

"Leading-edge companies like Sling Media are turning to NaviSite to ensure they are fully leveraging their technology investments," states Doug Mow, NaviSite's VP of Marketing. "Our goal is to be a partner that can support Sling Media's needs across the entire delivery continuum and provide solutions that are flexible enough to adapt and grow as Sling Media's needs change."

NaviSite's Application Management Services elevate IT to the next level, combining application consulting services, development services, and ongoing management services to deliver a flexible, 24x7 operational model that easily adapts to your evolving business strategy. NaviSite's Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management and Oracle Technology Products consulting services help organizations maximize their Oracle application and technology investments. For a predictable monthly fee, NaviSite also provides end-to-end management of applications, including Microsoft, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel and custom applications, and the infrastructure that supports them. NaviSite hosts these applications in their SAS70 Type II certified data centers, or via remote management, depending on our client's needs.


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