In December 2002, UltraGuard entered an additional business segment, the manufacturing and marketing of a primary, alternative and emergency power generating magnesium air power cell. In 2002, the Company discontinued manufacturing wastewater products and entered into various agreements to change it business focus.
The wastewater business was licensed to Clearwater Industries Ltd. The emphasis of UltraGuard's business remained in ultraviolet disinfection, although it now targets drinking water with systems developed for low-flow drinking water application. The products developed and under development are used to disinfect and filter water. The systems identified are point-of-entry (POE) purification systems and point-of-use (POU) purification systems.
In late December 2002, the Company obtained an option to manufacture and market a magnesium air fuel cell to power the POU and POE purifications systems and for ancillary uses such as lighting, radio and other low-energy electrical needs. UltraGuard also acquired Innovative Fuel Cell Technologies Inc, the holder of an option to purchase a worldwide license from MagPower Systems Inc (MagPower) for their air magnesium fuel cell technology.
Subsequent to December 31, 2002, the Company exercised the license for the fuel cell. On March 14, 2003, the license agreement was signed between MagPower and the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Innovative Fuel Cell Technologies Inc.
UltraGuard Water Systems GmbH has been set up to manufacture the POU UltraFlo UV products in Germany and market it in the European Union (EU) to exploit the EU's and other European markets' potential. In areas where electrical power is unavailable, the Magnesium-Air Power Cell (UltraCell) aims to provide a source of power to the population of the world's most remote areas. In combination with the UltraCell, the UltraFlo POU purification systems can provide safe and clean drinking water.
UltraGuard's POU and POE ultraviolet purification systems, with or without filtration, are used for drinking water and water for human contact. The POE is attached to the water supply line at its entry point into a building. The POU is attached under a sink directly in advance of the faucet. These products aim to meet the needs and requirements of the population of the North American marketplace.
Magnesium Air Fuel Cells
The simple magnesium anode and natural electrolyte make magnesium air fuel cells less combustible than a hydrogen fuel cell, resulting in greater safety. Unlike hydrogen fuel cells that use pure hydrogen, no safety sealed fuel storage is required with magnesium-based fuel cells. The cells' fuel can be magnesium or magnesium-alloy. There are also no special safety permits required for transportation by airplane. The magnesium-based fuel cell has an indefinite shelf life because the electrolyte can be removed before storage. When power is needed, the electrolyte is poured back into the cell. Electrolyte in a non-magnesium fuel cell. The power generator or battery cannot be removed, stored or reused by the consumer. This sustainability provides a reliable source of power for emergency situations.
The magnesium air fuel cells are easily recycled, clean, consume no fossil fuels and produce no toxic emissions, thus reducing harmful greenhouse effects. To recharge the cell, the user removes the spent magnesium core, replaces it with a new core and adds salt or seawater electrolyte. The magnesium air fuel cell will be packaged with ultraviolet POU and POE purification systems to provide a permanent or portable purification system for temporary service application, emergency stand-by or remote dwellings or villages where electrical power is unavailable.
Wastewater Systems
The UV disinfection system is sold under its registered trademark, UltraGuard SLR UltraFlow System. The UltraGuard system incorporates low-pressure, high-intensity, high-efficiency ultra-violet lamps; infinitely variable ultraviolet lamp controllers; a high-performance reactor module; flow-balanced weirs, and an automatic quartz sheath cleaning system. This product is primarily sold for municipal wastewater disinfection.
Früher nur in der Abwasseraufarbeitung tätig - seit letztem Jahr komplett das Tätigkeitsgebiet umgekrempelt.
Jetzt soll es eine Brennstoffzelle auf Magnesiumbasis in Verbindung mit Trinkwasseraufarbeitungsanlagen sein.
Anscheinend bietet diese Brennstoffzelle einige Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Brennstoffzellen. Hier fehlt mir aber das Wissen, um das beurteilen zu können.
For the six months ended 6/30/03, revenues totaled $23 thousand, up from $0. Net loss from continuing operations rose 5% to $331 thousand Revenues reflect the sale of UV system components. Higher loss reflects a $57 thousand stock based compensation expense and higher general and administrative costs.
Auf jeden Fall sind sie wohl noch ziemlich am Anfang mit der Entwicklung - der Umsatz von 23.000$ spricht für sich...
Die zweite Frage - wie siehts mit den Patenten aus - wenn das wirklich Zukunft hat, werden sich die großen Player nicht die Butter vom Brot nehmen lassen. Die haben ganz andere Möglichkeiten(Personal/Budget) um sowas zur Marktreife zu bringen.